Fantasy Romance books



Ennek Trilogy | Book Two
$6.99 $3.49

Ennek Trilogy: Book Two

Ennek, the son of Praesidium’s Chief, has rescued Miner from a terrible fate: suspension in a dreamless frozen state called Stasis, the punishment for traitors. As the two men flee Praesidium by sea, their adventures are only beginning. Although they may be free from the tyranny of their homeland, new difficulties await them as Miner faces the continuing consequences of his slavery and Ennek struggles with controlling his newfound powers as a wizard.

Now fugitives, Ennek and Miner encounter challenges both human and magical as they explore new lands and their deepening relationship with each other.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by CreateSpace, 2011.


$6.99 $3.49
$9.99 $4.99

Enjoy J.S. Cook’s best mysteries, with a side of lust and romance, in this collection. In But Not for Me, gangster boss Nino Moretti rescues beautiful mob accountant Stanley Zadwadzki from a rival, but the consequences may cost them any chance at a relationship. In A Little Night Murder, insurance investigator Frank Boyle may have escaped from danger once with help from detective Sam Lipinski, but a new investigation is turning up trouble once again. In Come to Dust, Inspector Philemon Raft is set adrift among the deceitful ton of turn-of-the-century London, trying to locate the kidnapped Miriam Dewberry. In The Lovely Beast, Jacob van Willingen is on a mission to exterminate the evil Caleb Donnithorn, but things aren’t quite what they seem to be at this Romanian castle. In Skid Row Serenade, novelist and war hero Tony Leonard visits his estranged wife only to find her beaten to death. On the run, he decides to fake his own death, with a little help from private investigator Edwin Malloy.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.

But Not for Me previously published by Dreamspinner Press, March 2013 Cover Art by Aaron Anderson A Little Night Murder previously published by Dreamspinner Press, September 2013 Cover Art by Catt Ford Come to Dust previously published by Dreamspinner Press, November 2013 Cover Art by Maria Fanning The Lovely Beast previously published by Dreamspinner Press, July 2014 Cover Art by L.C. Chase Skid Row Serenade previously published by Dreamspinner Press, August 2015 Cover Art by Aaron Anderson


$9.99 $4.99

Faery royalty have always married for duty rather than love. Prince Chrysanths should be no different—except with a human for a father, the prince known as Puck already is different. When he is betrothed against his will to Prince Sky, Puck flees to his father in the human world, only to have Sky follow.

Prince Sky Song of the Clouds isn’t thrilled with the prospect of marriage either, but is bound by duty to follow through. If he can’t win Puck over, the faery realm might very well dissolve into utter chaos. Too busy arguing, Puck and Sky are unaware there are others with a vested interest in seeing the betrothal fail. In a bid for Puck’s crown, they’ll seek to keep them apart, even as Puck and Sky realize that duty and love don’t always have to be mutually exclusive.


Driven Snow

Pennymaker Tales
2015 Award Winners

A Pennymaker Tale

Young Snowden “Snow” Reynaldi is brilliant, beautiful, and alone. Though he’s shy, weird, and tolerated by the NorCal University students because he’s a renowned whiz at chess and helps put the school on the map, that doesn’t keep him from dreaming of the object of his desires: Riley Prince, championship quarterback.

When Riley needs a physics tutor, Snow jumps at the chance, and their relationship heats up—but Riley has to come out of the jock closet to get anywhere. Meanwhile, Snow’s one true friend and mentor, Professor Kingsley, marries a woman who secretly wants the chess tournament glory and money for herself. Soon after, the professor collapses and Snow finds himself underwater—literally. In a car!

Seven frat brothers from Grimm College rescue Snow just in time for his life to get even worse, and Snow discovers the one relationship he always wanted slipping away. With evil looming at every turn, Snow must survive if only to prove he’s the fairest of them all and regain the trust of his handsome prince.


Compensación de sangre

Coalición de Sangre
$6.99 $3.49

La secuela de Conflicto de sangre
Volumen 4 de la serie Coalición de Sangre

La guerra se encuentra en su punto más álgido, con ambos bandos luchando al límite, cuando los rebeldes consiguen un triunfo sobrecogedor al capturar a Orlando St. Clair. Consumido por la preocupación y el dolor al ser separado de su amante, Alain teme que, incluso si lo encuentran, el corazón y la mente del vampiro puedan estar demasiado quebrados para poder ser salvados.

Christophe Lombard, el vampiro más viejo y poderoso de París, consciente de que la Alianza se encuentra al límite, abandona su retiro voluntario para unirse a la lucha. El antiguo amigo de Alain, Eric Simonet, quien lo había traicionado para unirse a los magos oscuros, debe decidir entre venganza y redención. Y Jean, enfurecido por la captura de Orlando, se enfrenta a la decisión más angustiosa de su existencia justo cuando se avecina la batalla final. ¿Las acciones de estos hombres conducirán a la destrucción de la Coalición o a la salvación del mundo?


$6.99 $3.49

Cœur et honneur

Le Clan des Panthères | Tome 3
$6.99 $3.49

Suite de Cœur confiant
Le Clan des Panthères, tome 3

Les  nouveaux pouvoirs effrayants de Jin Rayne en tant que nekhene continuent de s'accroître ainsi que sa place en tant Reah de la tribu de Logan Church, lorsqu'il apprend qu'un sepat, un défi d'honneur, a été lancé. Logan, qui n'a jamais voulu faire autre chose que diriger sa tribu dans sa petite ville, doit voyager au bout du monde jusqu'en Mongolie et se battre pour devenir le leader le plus puissant dans le monde des panthères.

Logan ne sera pas le seul à faire ce voyage. En tant que compagnon, Jin doit se battre avec lui pour honorer son engagement envers Logan, sa culture et sa tribu. Mais le processus est long, impliquant une séparation prolongée entre les deux hommes, et l'humanité de Logan est en jeu. Afin de réussir à traverser ce sepat cauchemardesque, Jin et Logan doivent accepter leur sort, se faire confiance, et honorer les vœux qu'ils se sont fait, peu importe le coût.


$6.99 $3.49


2016 Daily Dose | A Walk on the Wildside
$1.99 $1.00

When Gray Fox sets out by canoe to visit Elk Horn, his childhood friend and secret crush, mysterious forces strand him on a terrifying hunk of ebony rock known as Black Island. During the dark, cold night, a strangely androgynous being seduces the young virgin. In the midst of his passion, the creature shifts into a comely youth, shocking the naïve young man. He can hardly wait to tell Elk Horn about the experience. But does he dare?


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2016 Daily Dose package "A Walk on the Wild Side."


$1.99 $1.00


Ennek Trilogy | Book One
$6.99 $3.49

Ennek Trilogy: Book One

Praesidium is the most prosperous city-state in the world, due not only to its location at the mouth of a great bay but also to its strict laws, stringently enforced. Ordinary criminals become bond-slaves, but the worst punishment—to be suspended in a dreamless frozen state known as Stasis—is doled out by the wizard and reserved for only the most serious of traitors. 

Ennek is the youngest son of Praesidium’s strict Chief. Though now a successful portmaster, Ennek grew up without much of a purpose, unable to fulfill his true desires and always skating on the edge of the law. But he is also haunted by the plight of one man, Miner, a prisoner for whom Stasis appears to be a truly horrible fate. If Ennek is to save Miner, he must explore Praesidium’s deepest secrets as well as his own.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by CreateSpace, 2009.


$6.99 $3.49
$4.99 $2.49

PhD candidate William Yderis comes to Efeldon University to teach and finish his degree in charmcrafting. For methodical, sedate, and scholarly William, the school defies his expectations—and not in a good way. The biggest surprise comes when William meets his boss, absent-minded Archmage Taliesin Karsus, a man as infuriating as he is sexy.

As William struggles to carve out his place at the university, he is drawn in to Tal’s chaotic experiments… and drawn to Tal despite his logical mind’s protests. And if Tal’s wavering affection isn’t enough to complicate William’s studies, he uncovers a plot involving an ambitious staff member, brainwashed students, sexual assault, and a threat to the lives of everyone on campus. When it comes time to face the danger, William is on his own. For the first time in his life, he’ll have to trust in his heart instead of his head.


$4.99 $2.49

Réparation de sang

Partenariat de Sang
$6.99 $3.49

Suite de Conflit de sang
Partenariat de Sang, tome 4

La guerre est à son paroxysme et les deux camps sont sur les nerfs, quand les sorciers rebelles obtiennent une victoire étonnante et capturent Orlando Saint Clair. Accablé par l’inquiétude et le chagrin, Alain, son amant, craint que, même s’ils retrouvent Orlando, le cœur et l’esprit du vampire soient beaucoup trop abîmés pour pouvoir être sauvés.

Comprenant que l’Alliance risque de chanceler, Christophe Lombard, le vampire le plus vieux et le plus puissant de Paris, quitte sa réclusion volontaire pour rejoindre la lutte. L’ancien ami d’Alain, Éric Simonet, celui qui l’a trahi en rejoignant les sorciers rebelles, est confronté à un choix : la vengeance ou la rédemption.

De son côté, Jean, rendu furieux par la capture d’Orlando, fait face à la plus déchirante des décisions de sa non-vie alors que la bataille finale se profile : leurs actions vont-elles conduire à l’écroulement de l’Alliance ou au salut du monde ?


$6.99 $3.49

Feather Fall

Spell Slave | Book Two
$6.99 $3.49

Spell Slave: Book Two

Hero and criminal. Brute force and subtle charm. Jonathan White and Crow Belcane are polar opposites, but if they want to rescue the man they both love, they’ll have to work together.

After visiting his former lover, Crow knows only one thing: he loves Regis and he will do anything to reclaim him. But before his very eyes, Regis is abducted. Kidnapped by high-end slavers. Only Regis’s infuriating partner, Jonathan—a dangerous vigilante—is willing to help.

To infiltrate the slave ring, Jonathan and Crow disguise themselves as master and pet. As a slave, Crow is pushed to his limit. He’s chained, branded, whipped, and forced to obey Jonathan’s every order. But the longer he spends at Jonathan’s feet, the more natural his disguise begins to feel—and the more he likes it. As much as he hates Jonathan, they make a good team.

Both of them are devoted to Regis. Despite the overwhelming attraction between them, Jonathan is unwilling to betray his partner, and Crow is unwilling to come between them. But once the three of them are together again, all bets are off. With the world against them, they have only each other to cling to.


$6.99 $3.49
$3.99 $2.00

Culinary school is hard enough for Aimes Cully without mixing in an utterly underwhelming physical appearance—too small, too delicate, too red-haired, too freckled, too human—added with the inability to magically improve the food—still too human—and facing the too beautiful, too fae-looking Aleksi’s teases and taunts. When rumors surface that Aimes’s older brother’s success is a lie, Aimes is determined to prove them wrong and show that pure-blooded humans are the equal of anyone with mixed blood.

But things get worse after Aimes is caught in a faerie ring and transported to the fae hollow of Lord Keanewyeth Ordioral. As the attraction heats up, it becomes obvious that there’s something wrong in the magical home. A cursed creature appears, and everything becomes jumbled as the secrets of their lives collide into a painful concoction of Aimes’s past and Keanewyeth’s present. But if they can meld their talents, they might be able to save each other.


$3.99 $2.00

Versöhnung des Blutes

Partnership in Blood
$6.99 $3.49

Fortsetzung zu Konflikt des Blutes
Buch 4 in der Serie - Blutspartnerschaft

Der Krieg nähert sich seiner entscheidenden Phase und beide Seiten sind bis an ihre Grenzen gefordert. Da gelingt den dunklen Magiern ein vernichtender Schlag, denn sie nehmen Orlando St. Clair gefangen. Am Boden zerstört vor Sorge um seinen entführten Partner, muss Alain befürchten, dass auch Orlandos Befreiung aus den Klauen der dunklen Magier den Vampir nicht mehr retten kann, weil sein Herz und sein Verstand unheilbaren Schaden genommen haben.

Christophe Lombard, der älteste und mächtigste Vampir von Paris, weiß, dass die Allianz an der Schwelle zur Niederlage steht. Er gibt seine selbstgewählte Isolation auf und schließt sich dem Kampf an. Alains abtrünniger Freund Eric Simonet, der zu den dunklen Magiern übergelaufen war, wird vor die Wahl gestellt zwischen Rache und Erlösung. Und Jean, durch Orlandos Schicksal in Wut und Zorn versetzt, muss sich der schwierigsten Entscheidung seiner Existenz stellen, während um ihn herum der alles entscheidende Kampf tobt. Werden sie mit ihren Entscheidungen die Allianz endgültig zerschlagen oder schaffen sie es doch noch, ihre Welt vor dem Untergang zu bewahren?


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$4.99 $2.49

Kitchen servant Yoli is one of only three men who know a carefully guarded secret about High Commander Koehen, the brilliant general who united their lands against a common invader. The enemy wants that secret, and they are willing to use either kindness or cruelty to obtain it.

Yoli must decide if his loyalties lie with the commander, who has shown him more affection than anyone in Yoli’s life, or with his own best interests. High Commander Koehen’s attention is capricious at best—he summons Yoli only when it is convenient for him, and Yoli knows there’s little hope of a future together. Is a glimmer of a hope for love worth sacrificing a chance for prosperity beyond his wildest dreams?

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Silver Publishing, 2013.


$4.99 $2.49

Crisol del destino

Cambio de actitud
$6.99 $3.49

Un libro de la saga Cambio de actitud

En la ciudad secreta de Sobek, Domin Thorne se está abriendo paso como el recién elegido semel-aten, el líder del mundo de los hombres pantera. Aspira a realizar cambios de gran alcance, ha establecido metas para él y para las personas que eligió llevar consigo y lidera su reinado según el ejemplo de su amigo, Logan Church. Pero quizá Domin se ha propuesto una meta idealista, ya que su estilo de liderazgo normal no está funcionando.

Mientras hace malabarismos con la nostalgia de Crane, el temperamento de Mikhail, el recurrente uso de látigos de Taj, sirvientes con intenciones asesinas, la visita de un ex, y una alma gemela en una peligrosa misión de buena voluntad, Domin tiene que descifrar solo su nuevo papel. Además, debe decidir cómo lidiar con una conspiración mientras cada día se enamora más de un hombre que, por primera vez en la vida de Domin, corresponde a ese amor. Esté Domin listo o no, el destino ha intervenido para enseñarle una lección: las amenazas internas son tan peligrosas como las externas.


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$3.99 $2.00

Nate Pederowski is about as far down as he can go when he’s tipped to a job as a singer in a speakeasy. Dishonorably discharged for being queer, broke and homeless during the Great Depression, Nate is embittered and lonely. The club’s handsome owner, Rick Bellevue, and his sister Corinna are wowed by Nate’s voice and offer him the job.

But the Starlight Lounge is much more than an ordinary supper club, and Rick and his sister much more than just the owners. It’s not ’til Nate gets caught up in a gangster’s plot that he discovers just what secrets they’re hiding. Nate’s life is going to change in ways he can scarcely imagine, let alone believe.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, 2010, in the Myths and Magic: Legends of Love anthology.


$3.99 $2.00
$6.99 $3.49

A Lifting the Veil Story

Notorious master thief Finn Grayson is hired to break into a high-class skyscraper in New Shanghai and steal a priceless artifact known as the Shard. But someone’s gotten to the Shard first—and the penthouse suite turns out to be a dragon’s lair.

Cameron Feilong, Guardian of the Earth Shard, is ancient enough to realize that he and his unbidden guest are being used like puppets on a string. Forming a shaky alliance is the only way for them to survive and to stop their ruthless foes.

Unfortunately, Finn and Cam seem to be forever one step behind. To learn more about their clandestine enemy, they travel together from walled Asian cities, barren tundras, and underwater temples to secret paranormal clubs and legendary elvish cities rising high in the trees or buried deep under glaciers. Finn and Cam must learn to trust each other before it’s too late, for bringing together the five Elemental Shards will spell the end of the world.


$6.99 $3.49

Sinders and Ash

Pennymaker Tales
2015 Award Winners

Housekeeper Mark Sintorella (Sinders) works diligently at a resort hotel while designing clothes anonymously, hoping to get into fashion school. Then his carefully planned life is upended with the arrival of Ashton Armitage, son of the fifth richest man in America—and the most beautiful guy Mark has ever seen. Ash must find a wife or he’ll lose his grandfather’s inheritance, and he settles on Bitsy Fanderel. But secretly Ash is gay, and the guy who cleans the fireplaces sets his heart ablaze.

Further stirring the pot is the little elf of a man, Carstairs Pennymaker, who has Mark wearing his own designs and masquerading as a girl to impress the fashion investors in the hotel. When the clock strikes twelve, two beautiful princesses line up for the wedding—but one isn’t a woman. Will the slipper fit? Only Mr. Pennymaker knows for sure.