Erotic Romance books


Learning to Love: Michael & Sean

Learning to Love | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Learning to Love: Book One

Sean and Michael are best friends from the minute they meet and become roommates. But after supporting Sean in the wake of his brother’s death, Michael finds himself questioning his sexuality and thinking about his roommate in a totally unexpected light. After all, he and Sean are straight—or so he thought. Suddenly Michael’s not so sure any more. He turns to their gay housemate, Evan, for advice. Little does he know he’s not the only one seeking Evan’s help.

Michael and Sean are both thrilled to explore their newly discovered feelings for each other, but not everyone shares their enthusiasm. When the reality of homophobia intrudes on their academic and personal lives and threatens their happiness, the adversity should draw them closer. Instead, it drives a dangerous wedge between them and puts their relationship, their futures, and their health at risk.


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Angel Elegy

Wings of Faith
Bittersweet Dreams
$4.99 $3.74

A Wings of Faith Novella

Twin Angels Jophiel and Ariel are servants of Heaven bound to help the humans of a world headed for ruin. But for them to become the independent Angels they need to be, their bond must first be broken.

Jophiel takes his duties seriously, answering a call from an artist struggling with his dominant, sadistic nature. But Ariel, embittered after being tortured and killed by human captors and returning to Heaven in shame, hesitates. The choice is taken from his hands when he is sent to Earth, wingless and without any memory of who or what he is. Until he regains the faith in the humans he’s meant to help, he’ll never reach his full potential and be readmitted into Heaven. From somewhere within himself, Jophiel must find the courage to let go of his twin and trust Ariel to be strong enough to Rise again… or they will never be together.

A Bittersweet Dreams title: It's an unfortunate truth: love doesn't always conquer all. Regardless of its strength, sometimes fate intervenes, tragedy strikes, or forces conspire against it. These stories of romance do not offer a traditional happy ending, but the strong and enduring love will still touch your heart and maybe move you to tears.


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

Years ago, Chase Richards and Mathias Tobler fell in love while training for the US Olympic fencing team. Afterward, they even attended the same business school so they could be together. Then Chase left Mathias alone and heartbroken in Italy. But all of that is ancient history by the time Chase thunders back into Mathias’s safe, settled life with a business deal.

There’s no way Mathias is going to do business with Chase. He spent nine years picking up the pieces and has moved on in life—and love. But Chase won’t give up without a fight: he concocts a scheme to manipulate the market and take over the Tobler family business. If Mathias wants to save it, he’ll have to face off against Chase over crossed sabers.

Chase has a reputation as an unscrupulous corporate raider, but the Tobler business holds little interest for him. In reality, he wants Mathias. Chase must win him back—by any means necessary—before Mathias gives his heart to someone else. But how does a cold-blooded corporate raider convince the man he loves that his heart really isn’t made of stone?


$6.99 $5.24

Bound: Forget Me Knot

2013 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

Jason Kennly needs to get a closer look when he spots a gray leather collar from across the dealers’ room at a science fiction convention, even if there’s no way he can afford it on his college student budget. After all, looking is free. But then he spots something he wants even more than the collar: leather booth owner Henry Durand, who insists Jason try it on. When Henry asks Jason to be his model at a bondage demo, Jason agrees despite his lack of experience as a sub and ends up spending a no-strings-attached weekend exploring his kinky side with a virtual stranger.

Then the con is over, Jason and Henry go their separate ways, and it’s back to real life. Coming to terms with his identity as a submissive and masochist isn’t easy for Jason. Suddenly he has to face fear, doubt, and a best friend who’ll do anything to get him away from “that creep” and back together with the ex-boyfriend who ignored him. All Jason wants is to be with Henry, but what if that means becoming his slave?


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

When a volcano erupts in Iceland and leaves globetrotting headhunter Jez Robinson stranded in Barcelona, he isn’t sure what to do. He has a hard time sitting still, so deciding to make the best of his situation, he pays a visit to his old friend Nick Stone, a retired porn star he shares a history with. Only the visit doesn’t go anything like Jez expected.

First Nick introduces Jamie, his much younger lover, a man so painfully shy he can’t even bring himself to talk to strangers. The love he and Nick share is plain to Jez, but also puzzling, because Nick was never the monogamous type. Then Nick tells Jez he’s dying and wants Jez to look after Jamie.

In his whole life, Jez has never committed to so much as a house plant, so at first he refuses. But Nick and Jamie are insistent, and soon Jamie worms his way into Jez’s graces and his bed, determined to do the convincing Jez’s heart needs.


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$6.99 $5.24

Wo Rauch ist, da ist auch Feuer...

Seit den Anschlägen vom 11. September, schlägt sich Feuerwehrmann Griff Muir nun schon mit seinen verbotenen Gefühlen für seinen besten Freund und Partner bei der Ladder 181 herum. Dante Anastagio. Unglücklicherweise ist Dante ausschließlich an Frauen interessiert und das FDNY nicht gerade schwulenfreundlich. Zehn Jahre lang hat Griff nun schon sein Herz hinter einem halbgaren Leben aus öffentlichen Heldentaten und privaten Seelenqualen versteckt.

Griffs Umsicht und Dantes Großspurigkeit machen sie zu einem unschlagbaren Team. Es gibt nichts, das Griff nicht täte, um seinen Kumpel zu beschützen... bis ein vor dem finanziellen Ruin stehender Dante ihm den schlimmstmöglichen Lösungsvorschlag macht: Eine Website mit Schwulenpornos, auf der uniformierte Muskelmänner hemmungslos zur Sache kommen. Und Dante möchte, dass sie dort ihren Auftritt haben – gemeinsam. Griff würde sein Herz schützen müssen, könnte aber seine dunkelsten Fantasien vor der Kamera ausleben. Kann er den Mann, den er liebt retten, ohne ihre Karrieren, ihre Familien oder ihre Freundschaft dabei zu zerstören?


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Nicholas Sayers necesita dinero para la universidad, así que acepta trabajar como el asistente del infame fotógrafo Damian Wolfe. Solo le tomarán fotografías, ¿correcto? Incorrecto. Aunque Nick nunca se preguntó qué clase de hombre es o lo que desea de la vida, trabajar para Damian durante una sesión fotográfica de bondage y sadomasoquismo (BSDM)le abre los ojos a todo tipo de posibilidades sexuales y muchas de ellas incluyen al atractivo Sr. Wolfe.

Damian tiene serias dudas de involucrarse con el joven que desconoce por completo el estilo de vida BDSM, pero el enfoque divertido y aventurero de Nick ante las nuevas experiencias es demasiado atrayente como para resistirse. Aunque sabe que podría cometer un error, Damian acepta a Nick en su vida.

Coquetear con el control, la sumisión y el dolor excita a Nick más de lo que imaginó posible. Con Damian, Nick aprende a descubrir sus deseos ocultos y descubre que ceder el control no lo hace débil… darle a alguien más el control de su placer sexual simplemente lo incrementa. Cuestión que es similar para Damian. El control lo excita. Así que comienzan a explorar juntos estas experiencias sensuales y ninguno de ellos espera encontrar el amor de esa forma.


$6.99 $5.24

Genie's Wish

Lifting the Veil | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

A Lifting the Veil Story

Ten years ago, the Great Unveiling revealed the presence of supernatural beings living on Earth. But the residents of the ruined city discovered in Majlis al-Jinn are long dead—or so junior archaeologist Pip Butler thought until he accidentally unleashed a very naked genie named Jinn.

Even though he’s been shyly pining for his charismatic supervisor, Val Velde, Pip has a hard time refusing Jinn’s flirtatious advances. He barely has time to even consider the fact that he has an all-powerful genie and three glorious wishes at his fingertips when ruthless mercenaries sweep down on the dig to collect the most valuable artifact of all—Jinn’s lamp.

So Pip, Val, and Jinn have to work together in a race against the clock to discover the secrets of the ancient city, free their captive colleagues, and keep Jinn from the mercenaries’ clutches—all while trying to sort out their romantic tangle.


$6.99 $5.24
$3.99 $2.99

When college senior Nathan Webster is roped into doing a favor for his twin sister, he doesn’t expect his karma to pay off so quickly. His good deed brings him face to face with Charles Griffin, owner of a private holdings group.

Nate’s attraction sparks right away, and when he realizes his interest is returned, the two begin a cycle of risqué encounters behind the locked door of Griff’s palatial office. Nate has never experienced a lover like Griff, and he feels himself changing, wanting more after every encounter. But can desire that flashes hot and hurried last, or will the attraction burn itself out before anything deeper catches fire?


$3.99 $2.99


SubSurdity Series
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Suburbilicious
SubSurdity: Book Three

On Jasper Lane, Cassie Bloom is gearing up for Halloween; Becky is expecting, and her father is overbearing and paranoid; Rick and James are their usual happy selves, though James has developed a porn obsession; Terrence is putting together an all drag cheer squad; and David is helping Cliff transition from adult film star to bodybuilder. Of course, that’s just what’s going on at the surface. This is suburbia, and its underbelly is teeming with secrets.

Like what’s up with that rather odd family that moved in down the street—the family with the big cross in the front yard who look nothing alike. Like where Cassie’s son, Jason, has disappeared to and why he hasn’t called. Like what on Earth Nanna Hench is doing with a scooter, a megaphone, and a clown car full of religious zealots.

When Cliff suddenly disappears, Jasper Lane goes on high alert. Terrence posts fliers, and Rick and James scour the gym. David is determined to get his husband back, but when he goes missing too—and with Cassie and Melinda on a road trip to find Jason—it’s up to Terrence to solve the mystery and save the day.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Twenty-two-year-old foster care survivor Luke Kearsey got out of his abusive relationship and then got out of the country. Now he lives in England, where he works at a burger bar. Maybe his life is directionless, but at least he’s safe.

When thirty-six-year-old schoolteacher Paul Blackwell meets Luke at a club, neither man expects anything more than some no-strings-attached sex. Paul is still grieving the death of his partner of five years, and he’s not looking for anything serious. Not when it means he could get hurt again.

But despite all their differences, something clicks between them. Though Luke lacks confidence and finds it difficult to believe he can offer Paul much in a relationship, and though Paul is wary about starting a relationship with someone so different, they begin to explore the possibilities that could help them heal. With the love and support they provide each other, Luke and Paul begin to put their pasts behind them—but then Luke’s past shows up in England, and it wants him back. Is Luke really ready to move on?


$6.99 $5.24


2012 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

The year is 1987. The boys wear pink Izod shirts, the girls wear big hair, everyone has a stash box, and AIDS is just an ugly rumor rumbling like a thunderstorm from the cities. A teenage runaway wanders the side of the road, a heartbeat away from despair, and is rescued by a long-haired angel on a Harley.

But that's just the beginning of their story.

Josiah Daniels wanted peace and quiet and a simple life, and he had it until he rescued Casey from hunger, cold, and exhaustion. Then Joe's life is anything but simple as he and his new charge navigate a world that is changing more rapidly than the people in it. Joe wants to raise Casey to a happy and productive adulthood, and he does. But even as an adult, Casey can't conceive of a happy life without Joe. The trouble is getting Joe to accept that the boy he nurtured is suddenly the man who wants him.

Their relationship can either die or change with the world around them. As they make a home, negotiate the new rules of growing up, and swerve around the pitfalls of modern life, Casey learns that adulthood is more than sex, Joe learns that there is no compromise in happy ever after, and they’re both forced to realize that the one thing a man shouldn’t be is alone.


$6.99 $5.24

The King's Tale

The King's Tale
Timeless Dreams
$6.99 $5.24

Though Dafydd is the fourth son of Welsh nobility, when he leaves his home he becomes a humble woodsman in small kingdom of Lysnowydh on the sea. During a fierce storm, a stranger seeks shelter in Dafydd's remote cottage. He is no ordinary traveler—he is Christopher, King of Lysnowydh. The wild passion that flares between them rivals the storm, and love moves King Christopher's heart to name Dafydd Marshal of his troops to keep him close.

However, love is never simple or safe when it must endure the pressures of political life. Though Dafydd proves himself in battle, Lysnowydh's nobles protest his rise in position and power. Forces will conspire against Dafydd and Christopher, and they must endure treason, treachery, and the demands of a kingdom requiring an heir to secure their happiness together.

A Timeless Dreams title: While reaction to same-sex relationships throughout time and across cultures has not always been positive, these stories celebrate M/M love in a manner that may address, minimize, or ignore historical stigma.

Second Edition
First Edition published July 27, 2009 by Dreamspinner Press


$6.99 $5.24

Blood in the Sand

Sanguis Noctis | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Blood Howl
Sanguis Noctis: Book Two

When David, an old contact and sometimes friend, hires Jed Walker to look into a series of seemingly unrelated disappearances in Cairo, Jed jumps at the chance to show his partner, Redford Reed, more of the world he’s been missing. David’s boyfriend, supernatural expert and resident stuffy professor Victor Rathbone, joins them in their journey to Egypt, which holds many more dangers and mysteries than Jed ever expected. Hidden natures resurface, relationships collide, and instincts are stretched to their breaking point. What seems to be a simple case turns out to be anything but.

David may have called for help, but he has his own suspicions about who’s behind the kidnappings—suspicions that, along with clashing personalities, make getting to the bottom of the mystery difficult. While Jed and Redford grow more intimate and trusting with each new obstacle in their path, David and Victor struggle not to lose their trust in each other in the face of their differences. As the four close in on the kidnappers, David is forced to face the one thing more dangerous than the mastermind behind the disappearances: himself.


$6.99 $5.24

Chasing Seth

2012 Award Winners
True Mates

A True Mates Novel

Veterinarian Seth Davies comes to Senaka, Wyoming, looking for peace and anonymity, trying to escape his past. He’s always been a target for trouble and pain, and Seth has had more than his share of both. Kasey Whitedove takes one look at Seth and assumes the worst. No white man could love animals the way the mostly Cheyenne population expects, and Kasey makes Seth’s first days in Senaka more than unpleasant.

Then an accident puts Kasey in the uncomfortable position of eating crow—and helplessly desiring Seth—despite the danger of Kasey’s life as a werewolf and Seth’s stressful secrets. Chasing Seth down and keeping him safe from his past has just become Kasey's most important job.


Gambling Men

2012 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

Quent Jackson has followed Jason Spade's every move in business and in poker since their first day as college freshmen.  Eight years later, when Jace finally decides Quent is the one man he can't live without, he sees no reason for that to change.

But as much as Jace believes that poker is life, no one gave Quent the same playbook. After their first passionate night, the real game of love and trust begins, and Jace has been playing alone too long to make teaching the rules easy.  Jace only speaks two languages: one of them is sex, and the other one is poker. Between the two, he needs to find a way to convince himself to take a chance on love—and Quent to take a chance on him.  It's a lucky thing they’re good at reading the odds, because they’re playing for keeps, and this is one high-stakes relationship that's definitely worth the gamble.


$6.99 $5.24

Chase in Shadow

Johnnies | Book One
2012 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

Johnnies: Book One

Chase Summers: Golden boy. Beautiful girlfriend, good friends, and a promising future.

Nobody knows the real Chase.

Chase Summers has a razor blade to his wrist and the smell of his lover’s goodbye clinging to his skin. He has a door in his heart so frightening he’d rather die than open it, and the lies he’s used to block it shut are thinning with every forbidden touch. Chase has spent his entire life unraveling, and his decision to set his sexuality free in secret has only torn his mind apart faster.

Chase has one chance for true love and salvation. He may have met Tommy Halloran in the world of gay-for-pay—where the number of lovers doesn’t matter as long as the come-shot’s good—but if he wants the healing that Tommy’s love has to offer, he’ll need the courage to leave the shadows for the sunlight. That may be too much to ask from a man who’s spent his entire life hiding his true self. Chase knows all too well that the only things thriving in a heart’s darkness are the bitter personal demons that love to watch us bleed.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Por el humo se sabe dónde está el fuego...

Desde el 11-S el bombero de Brooklyn Griff Muir lucha contra lo que siente por su mejor amigo y compañero de trabajo en la Escala 181, Dante Anastagio. Desgraciadamente, a Dante sólo le interesan las mujeres, y el cuerpo de bomberos de Nueva York no es precisamente un colectivo que vea a los gays con buenos ojos. Griff lleva diez años escondiendo su corazón en una vida mediocre repleta de heroicidades públicas y de angustia personal.

La prudencia de Griff y la chulería de Dante les convierten en un equipo inmejorable. Para proteger a su compañero, Griff haría lo que fuera… hasta que un día, ante la quiebra económica total, Dante le propone la peor solución posible:, una página web porno para gays en la que tíos buenos con uniforme se tocan y hacen guarradas. Y Dante quiere que ellos aparezcan allí—juntos. Griff tendrá que proteger su corazón y vivir sus fantasías más oscuras ante la cámara. ¿Será capaz de rescatar al hombre que ama sin echar por tierra sus carreras, sus familias, o su amistad?


$6.99 $5.24