Erotic Romance books


Fire Horse

Polo Series | Book One
2013 Award Winners

Preston Fawkes is ten the first time he meets fifteen-year-old Konrad Schnell at the San Antonio Polo Club. Captivated by the mystique surrounding the sport of kings, Pres vows to learn the game at the hands of his newly acquired friend and mentor. The hero worship soon grows into something deeper, but the friends are separated when Preston goes off to boarding school in England.

The relationship that follows is riddled with challenges―their age gap, physical distance, and parental pressure taking precedence over feelings yet to be explored. Although their bond goes deep, they deal with the reality of their situation differently: Preston is open and fearless while Konrad is reticent and all too aware of the social implications of making a public stand.

Their paths intersect and twine, binding them as tightly as a cowboy’s lasso, but fate may alter their plans. How will love overcome the divots in the turf as they gallop toward the future—one where obstacles no longer stand in their way?


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Il n’y a pas de fumée sans feu...

Depuis le 11 septembre, Griff Muir, pompier à Brooklyn lutte contre ses sentiments impossibles envers son ami et co-équipier de l’unité 181, Dante Anastagio. Malheureusement, Dante est un parfait homme à femmes et le Corps des Pompiers de New York ne voit pas exactement l’homosexualité d’un bon œil. Pendant dix ans, Griff a caché son cœur dans un semblant de vie faite d’exploits publics et d’angoisses privées.

La prudence de Griff et l’effronterie de Dante font d’eux une équipe imbattable. Pour protéger son ami, Griff serait prêt à tout… jusqu’à ce qu’un Dante criblé de dettes lui propose le pire plan qui soit :, un site porno gay où des beaux gosses en uniforme se déshabillent et se donnent en spectacle. Et Dante veut qu’ils apparaissent là… ensemble. Griff devra protéger son cœur et vivre ses fantasmes les plus sombres devant la caméra. Peut-il sauver l’homme qu’il aime sans ruiner leurs carrières, leurs familles ou leur amitié ?


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A Bond of Three

Sensual Bonds
$6.99 $3.49

In the kingdom of Teruna, the red-cloaked Seruani teach the Terunans the art of love. Taken from their homes at seventeen to be trained, they are shunned as outcasts by society and considered the lowest of the low. So when Prince Tanish falls in love with the Seruan Feyar, the man who took his virginity and the only one to share his bed, he is not about to declare that love. No one can ever know, because the consequences would be too painful to consider for both of them.

When the king of Vancor visits Teruna, he promises that his son, Prince Sorran, will marry Prince Tanish to solidify the alliance between the two kingdoms, with the proviso that the virginal Sorran is instructed in the art of pleasing his husband-to-be. When Tanish’s father chooses Feyar to be this instructor, the lovers decide Prince Sorran must be taught that this is to be a marriage in name only….

A resentful prince, unwilling to share his lover.

A resentful Seruan, unwilling to share his prince.

And the shy prince whose very nature sparks changes in the lives of all those around them.

Teruna is about to change forever.


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Dirty Dining

2015 Award Winners
$6.99 $3.49

Jeremy Linden’s a PhD student researching an HIV vaccine. He’s always short of money, and when biotech startup PharmaTek reduces funding for his fellowship, he’s tempted to take a job at a men’s dining club as a serving boy. The uniforms are skimpy, and he’s expected to remove an item of clothing after each course.  He can handle that, but he soon discovers there’s more on the menu here than fine cuisine. How far will he go to pay his tuition, and will money get in the way when he realizes he’s interested in more from one of his gentlemen?

Brice Martin is an attorney for a Silicon Valley venture capital firm. When he’s asked to take a client to the infamous Dinner Club, he finds himself unexpectedly turned on by the atmosphere and especially by his server, Remy. He senses there’s more to the sexy young man than meets the eye. The paradox fascinates him, and he can’t get enough of Remy.

Their relationship quickly extends beyond the club and sex. But the trust and affection they’ve worked to achieve may crumble when Jeremy discovers Brice’s VC firm is the one that pulled the plug on PharmaTek—and Jeremy’s research grant.


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$4.99 $2.49

Carrick Masters e Edward Boyd hanno già trovato il vero amore: è con il “… e vissero felici e contenti” che hanno qualche problema. Tra il lavoro di Carrick come chirurgo ortopedico e la carriera di Ed come avvocato difensore, hanno pochissimo tempo da trascorrere insieme, e quel poco che hanno sembra sempre essere avvelenato dal risentimento. Carrick e Ed sanno di doversi rimettere in gioco per fare funzionare il loro matrimonio, ma hanno bisogno di più di una notte piccante a settimana per ritrovare il loro legame.


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$6.99 $3.49

Kaden Thorn, a dental surgeon who lives a quiet life, has no hope of finding the love he craves. A vicious gay bashing cost him the use of his legs and confined him to a wheelchair. He has given up hope of finding a Dom or even a nonkink partner to love him. When his best friend practically forces him to attend a dinner party, the last thing he expects is a strong Dom who can see beyond his wheels.

Deacon James is an architect and a demanding Dom, but he has spent the past couple of years without a sub or partner. When an employee invites him to a dinner party to meet his girlfriend, Deacon smells a setup but agrees anyway. He prides himself on being an excellent judge of character, and when he meets the younger dentist, he sees past the chair and finds a sweet submissive man who more than piques his interest.

Kade's fears and demons continue to haunt him, challenging Deacon to use everything he's learned as a Dom to earn Kade’s trust and submission. Deacon's determined, though, willing to battle all of it to have Kade by his side and at his feet.


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Chase en las sombras

Johnnies (Español)
$6.99 $3.49

Volumen 1 de la serie Johnnies

Chase Summers. La suerte le sonríe. Tiene una hermosa novia, buenos amigos y un futuro prometedor.

Nadie conoce al verdadero Chase.

Chase Summers tiene una hoja de afeitar apoyada en la muñeca y el olor del adiós de su amante aún en su piel. Hay una puerta en su corazón que se abre a algo tan aterrador que prefiere morir a abrirla, y las mentiras que ha utilizado para mantenerla cerrada están debilitándose con cada caricia prohibida. Ha pasado toda su vida intentando aclararse, y su decisión de liberar su sexualidad en secreto sólo ha servido para que su mente se destruya más deprisa…

Chase tiene una oportunidad de conseguir el amor verdadero y la salvación. Aunque haya conocido a Tommy Halloran en el mundo del porno gay, donde el número de amantes no importa mientras que la toma de la eyaculación sea buena, si quiere la curación que el amor de Tommy le brinda, necesitará tener el valor de pasar de las sombras a la luz del sol. Eso puede ser pedir demasiado a un hombre que se ha pasado la vida escondiendo su verdadero yo. Chase sabe muy bien que las únicas cosas que prosperan en la oscuridad del corazón son los implacables demonios personales a los que tanto les gusta vernos sangrar.


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$6.99 $3.49

Basta una sola notte con Ash Gallagher perché Eli Hollister si convinca di aver finalmente trovato l’uomo giusto al momento giusto; fortuna che non ci ha scommesso sopra, perché Ash si rivela uno studente della sua classe al college locale. Eli non può negare la sua attrazione, ma adesso le cose si complicano; inoltre ha già abbastanza problemi col preside del suo dipartimento, un uomo gretto e meschino che aspetta solo l’occasione propizia per poterlo licenziare.

Dal canto suo, Ash non vede l’ora di dare una svolta alla sua vita. Dopo aver prestato servizio nel corpo dei Marines e successivamente nella Riserva, è pronto a lasciarsi la vita militare alle spalle. L’ultima cosa che aveva programmato però era intrecciare una relazione col suo professore di letteratura inglese e più Eli resiste, più Ash è determinato ad averlo. Poi scopre che Eli ha intenzioni serie, mentre lui cerca solo un’avventura… oppure no? Su questi due, che si tratti di vita o di amore, non si possono fare scommesse.


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$6.99 $3.49

After Randy Camster failed at marriage, his life centered around work, TV sports, and listening to his friend Jake complain about how Randy’s lack of a sex life will be the downfall of mankind. Not true! Well, not totally. Randy has just never understood the fascination with sex… until ladyboy performer Lalana Dulyarat shimmies into his world via an Internet ad for Thailand tourism. After that, it doesn’t take much for Jake to convince Randy to take a Bang Cock vacation. 

Finding an adorable little imp named Boon-nam wasn’t on Jake O’Neil’s itinerary. Gay, straight, and undecided, Jake has had ’em all, but never a virgin aching to explore her new body after successful affirmation surgery. Talk about pressure. And what’s with everyone warning him not to break Boon-nam’s heart? His is the one in danger.

Jake's openness about sexuality has always made Randy wonder if he is too focused on gender. Lalana is even more beautiful in real life than he’d hoped, but she’s keeping her "male parts" and has no intention of ever having surgery. Does it really matter? A return ticket to reality awaits. The clock is ticking on the two couples’ hopes for love, unless they can find a way to span gender, culture, and half a world.


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Père et Fils

Perspectives | Tome 3
$6.99 $3.49

Suite de Le Goût du risque
Perspectives, tome 3

Six mois après leur première rencontre au Festival du Goût de Chicago, Lil Lampert et Grier Dilorio vivent ensemble. Leur relation est plus forte que jamais, mais le couple réalise très vite qu’il faut plus que du sexe et trois mots magiques pour réussir une vie à deux.

Comme tout néophyte, Grier doit apprendre à gérer sa nouvelle vie. Il pensait ses problèmes résolus après avoir obtenu la signature de Jillian lui reconnaissant enfin ses droits de père biologique de Luca et l’opportunité de poursuivre une carrière d’architecte d’intérieur. Il réalise au contraire être toujours hanté par d’anciennes terreurs et mauvaises habitudes.

Quant à Lil, il trouve difficile de devoir s’ajuster à l’étroitesse de son nouvel appartement, au terrible hiver de Chicago, et à la compagnie d’un jeune particulièrement entêté. Sa position de ‘beau-père’ de Luca est délicate : Lil doit trouver le juste équilibre entre agir selon ses convictions et se soumettre aux huit ans d’expérience de Grier en tant que père.

Alors que leur vie est déjà stressante, Lil et Grier font face à une nouvelle complication : l’intolérance d’une institution aussi puissante que tentaculaire. Luca est en danger. Aussi bien sa sécurité que le bonheur de la petite famille nouvellement constituée dépendront de la parfaite compréhension qu’a Lil de la nature humaine et du désir d’apprendre de Grier.


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Beneath the Stain

2015 Award Winners
Beneath the Stain
$6.99 $3.49

A Beneath the Stain Novel

In a town as small as Tyson, CA, everybody knew the four brothers with the four different fathers—and their penchant for making good music when they weren't getting into trouble. For Mackey Sanders, playing in Outbreak Monkey with his brothers and their friends—especially Grant Adams—made Tyson bearable. But Grant has plans for getting Mackey and the Sanders boys out of Tyson, even if that means staying behind.

Between the heartbreak of leaving Grant and the terrifying, glamorous life of rock stardom, Mackey is adrift and sinking fast. When he's hit rock bottom, Trav Ford shows up, courtesy of their record company and a producer who wants to see what Mackey can do if he doesn't flame out first. But cleaning up his act means coming clean about Grant, and that's not easy to do or say. Mackey might make it with Trav's help—but Trav's not sure he's going to survive falling in love with Mackey.

Mackey James Sanders comes with a whole lot of messy, painful baggage, and law-and-order Trav doesn't do messy or painful. And just when Trav thinks they may have mastered every demon in Mackey's past, the biggest, baddest demon of all comes knocking.

1st edition


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$6.99 $3.49

Sono le nove del mattino dopo il funerale di suo padre ed Ezra Jones sa già che sarà una brutta giornata. Si sveglia con i postumi di una sbronza, dolorante e coperto di sangue. Poi la giornata peggiora: l’attraente e ammaliante Callum Dawson si presenta alla sua porta, sostenendo che Ezra è stato trasformato in un lupo mannaro. Ezra cerca di essere scettico, ma le prove sono troppo schiaccianti per essere ignorate.

Ezra non ha molto tempo per abituarsi alle regole imposte dall’Alfa Callum – o al modo in cui il suo corpo risponde alla dominanza di Callum Dawson – perché è impegnato a lavorare per il CDC per aiutare a scoprire le cause di un’epidemia fra i lupi mannari. Quando la tensione sessuale finalmente si risolve, Ezra ha appena il tempo di goderselo, perché una nuova minaccia incombe. Qualcuno vuole arrivare a lui per i suoi scopi senza scrupoli, e farà qualunque cosa per catturarlo.


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$6.99 $3.49

After one very long tour of duty in Afghanistan and an honorable discharge from the USMC, Elijah Preston comes home to nothing. He barely scrapes up enough money for a cheap motel in Quantico, Virginia, with no money-making opportunities in sight. A chance encounter in a local Walmart finally gives Eli hope for employment. Elijah is ready to sign on with Royce Mackey's proposition... until he hears what’s required. Royce operates a gay military porn site and wants Eli as his next star, never mind that Eli isn’t gay. Desperate and broke, Eli grudgingly accepts Royce’s offer and soon finds himself immersed in a strange new world.

Hamish Turner’s been there before. Taking Eli under his wing, he teaches him everything he can about Royce’s operation. The two quickly become friends, easing the way for their first scene together. Awkward at first, they both ease into it and find there is more of a connection between them than either expected. Curious to see where their mutual attraction takes them, they begin a relationship off-screen. But life gets complicated when a crazed fan of Hamish’s starts sending threatening letters demanding the scenes between the two men stop. Or else….


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Temptations of Desire

Desires Entwined | Book Three
$6.99 $1.00

Desires Entwined: Book Three

Alexander James Noble is a gender fluid gay man who gave up on finding Mister Right a long time ago. He’s not asking for much, though. He just wants a guy who loves all of him and appreciates his feminine form too.

At the local LGBTQ center where Alex regularly volunteers, he meets Dal Sayer, an officer of the Milwaukee PD. Because he’s been rejected one too many times, Alex doesn’t trust the huge cop and the interest he shows in him, but once Dal sets his mind on something, he goes all out. Pushing aside his preconceived notions, Alex opens up just a little and soon caves.

From their first date—while dealing with his father’s failing health and his parents’ demands for him to settle down and have children—Dal never takes his eyes off his goal of making Alex his. But proving to Alex he isn’t like all the men who couldn’t see him for who he truly was and only wanted to hide him away is harder than he thought.


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$4.99 $1.00

Carrick Masters et Edward Boyd ont déjà trouvé le véritable amour – c’est le 'ils vécurent heureux jusqu’à la fin de leurs jours' qui leur échappe. Entre le travail de Carrick comme chirurgien orthopédiste et la carrière d’Ed comme avocat de la défense, ils n’ont guère de temps à passer ensemble, et le peu d’heures qu’ils partagent semblent être empoisonnées par le ressentiment. Carrick et Ed savent qu’ils ont besoin de se recentrer pour faire fonctionner leur mariage, mais ils ont sérieusement besoin de plus qu’une nuit de rendez-vous épicé une fois par semaine pour les remettre sur la bonne voie.


$4.99 $1.00

Il desiderio del genio

Serie Sollevando il Velo | Libro 2
$6.99 $3.49

Seguito di La via dei lupi
Serie Sollevando il Velo. Libro 2

Dieci anni fa, la Grande Rivelazione manifestò la presenza di esseri sovrannaturali che vivono sulla Terra. I residenti della città in rovina scoperta a Majlis al-Jinn sono però scomparsi da molto tempo; o così pensa il giovane archeologo Pip Butler, almeno fino a quando non libera accidentalmente un genio molto nudo chiamato Jinn.

Anche se da tempo ha una timida cotta per il suo carismatico supervisore, Val Velde, Pip fa fatica a rifiutare le continue e provocanti attenzioni di Jinn. Ha a malapena il tempo di considerare che ha un potentissimo genio e tre gloriosi desideri a portata di mano, quando spietati mercenari fanno irruzione nello scavo per appropriarsi del reperto più prezioso: la lampada di Jinn.

Così Pip, Val e Jinn devono lavorare insieme in una corsa contro il tempo per scoprire i segreti dell’antica città, liberare i loro colleghi tenuti prigionieri e tenere Jinn fuori dalle grinfie dei mercenari, il tutto mentre cercano di risolvere il loro groviglio amoroso.


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$6.99 $3.49

A las nueve de la mañana del día posterior al entierro de su padre, Ezra Jones ya sabía que ese iba a ser un mal día. Se levantó con resaca, dolorido y cubierto de sangre. Y entonces las cosas empeoran: el atractivo y despótico Callum Dawson se presenta en su puerta asegurando que Ezra ha sido mordido por un hombre lobo, y que por lo tanto, ahora es uno de ellos. Ezra intenta mostrarse escéptico, pero la evidencia es difícil de ignorar.

Ezra no dispone de demasiado tiempo para acostumbrarse a las normas que Callum le impone como alfa, o a la reacción de su cuerpo ante la actitud dominante de este, mientras trabaja afanosamente para el Centro de Control de Enfermedades en un intento de encontrar el origen de la epidemia que afecta a la comunidad de licántropos. Cuando la tensión sexual entre ambos termina por explotar, Ezra apenas tiene tiempo de disfrutarlo, porque una nueva amenaza se cierne sobre ellos. Alguien quiere utilizar a Ezra para sus propios fines oscuros y hará cualquier cosa para conseguirlo.


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$6.99 $3.49

Quent Jackson ha seguito ogni mossa di Jason Spade negli affari e nel poker fin da quando si sono conosciuti il primo giorno di college. Otto anni dopo, quando Jace decide che Quent è l’unico uomo di cui non può fare a meno, non vede come questo debba cambiare.

Ma se Jace crede che il poker sia la vita, nessuno ha dato a Quent gli stessi insegnamenti. Dopo la loro prima notte di passione, inizia il vero gioco dell’amore e della fiducia, ma Jace ha giocato da solo troppo a lungo per poter insegnare le regole facilmente. Jace parla solo due lingue: una è quella del sesso, l’altra quella del poker. Fra le due, deve trovare il modo di convincersi a dare una possibilità all’amore, e convincere Quent a dare una possibilità a lui. È un bene che entrambi sappiano correre il rischio, perché stanno giocando seriamente, e l’alta posta in gioco è la loro relazione, che senza dubbio vale l’azzardo.


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