Western Romance books

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Nuages et Pluie, numéro hors série

Flynn Tomlinson s’est laissé pousser par le vent pendant des années, faisant des petits boulots quand il a besoin d’argent avant de reprendre la route. Son style de vie libre, sans attaches ni responsabilités envers quelqu’un d’autre lui convient parfaitement. Puis il tombe sur une affiche d’offre d’emploi dans un bureau de poste dans l’Idaho et rencontre Gabe Sutton. Gabe ne pourra payer Flynn qu’après avoir vendu ses chevaux, mais les séquelles d’un grave accident l’empêchent de faire tourner le ranch tout seul.

Travailler avec des chevaux l’intéresse plus que de remplir des rayons dans un supermarché, aussi Flynn accepte-t-il les termes de Gabe. Il ne s’attendait pas à être captivé par cet homme doux et solitaire qui capture son cœur et le pousse à s’atteler à une très lourde tâche : sauver le ranch de Gabe.


$6.99 $3.49

The Fight Within

The Good Fight
$6.99 $3.49

A Book in the Good Fight Series

Bryce Morton needs a change of scenery. Since his partner’s death a year ago, he’s become withdrawn and quiet, so his friends, Jerry Lincoln and Akecheta (John) Black Raven, convince him to go camping with them on a Sioux reservation. Though he’s not immediately sure he’s done the right thing, Bryce becomes more interested when he meets Paytah, the man who owns the reservation's trading post.

Paytah Stillwater's life is filled with hurt, and sometimes the only thing he has left is pride. After being abused as a child and disbelieved when he spoke up, he has withdrawn into himself—but he can never truly put his past behind him, because the source of his pain still lives on the reservation. Paytah is proud of his heritage and careful with his heart, but when Bryce commits a selfless act of kindness for one of the reservation’s children, the walls around Paytah’s heart begin to melt.

Bryce and Paytah each fight the pain within them. When Paytah's abuser sets his sights on one of the reservation youngsters, Bryce and Paytah must set their individual fights aside. Finding a way to stop the abuser unites them to fight their way forward—together.


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$6.99 $3.49

William Drake tiene un trabajo, un perro y una casa cerca del lago Superior. Vive una vida ordinaria hasta que una desesperada llamada pidiendo ayuda de su interesada hermana, Katrina, añade a su rutina un problema en forma de fornido ranchero. Demostrando el dicho de que el que se mete a redentor sale crucificado, la llegada de Will al rancho de Montana donde está Martin, el prometido de su hermana, viene marcada por un pinchazo y la inesperada ayuda de un alto, moreno y guapo buen samaritano que resulta ser Elijah Hunter, el hermano de Martin, y el hombre más inquietante que Will haya conocido.

La furia de Elijah por las fechorías de Katrina cae sobre Will. Exige que permanezca en el rancho hasta que el asunto quede resuelto y aunque se queda en lugar de su hermana, Elijah no se lo pone nada fácil sometiéndole a duras pruebas a cada momento. Pero la inflexible moral de Will sobrepasa incluso a los rigurosos principios de Eli. La creciente atracción entre ellos se ve complicada por el ultimátum de Eli, que amenaza con hacer cumplir a Katrina el contrato que firmó antes de la boda si Will no accede a casarse con él.


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A Volatile Range

Stories from the Range | Book Six
$6.99 $3.49

Stories from the Range: Book Six

Since mustering out of the Marines, Gordon Fisher has been off the grid and out of money, so when a group of ecoterrorists promises him big bucks to set some mistreated animals free, Gordon agrees. Unfortunately, the animals are Wally Schumacher’s large cats, and one of them decides to take a chunk out of Gordon.

Still hurting from a breakup, Mario Laria finds Gordon and escorts him back to Dakota's ranch at gunpoint, only to have his heartstrings tugged on when he discovers Gordon is living out of his truck.

With Dakota doctoring, Wally wanting Gordon gone for good, and Mario falling in love, Gordon hangs on for the ride. But what looms on his horizon threatens to tear apart what little hope he’s found. No one knows Gordon’s past keeps him up at night, and the military wants answers he just can’t give.


$6.99 $3.49

À la poursuite de Seth

Véritables compagnons
$6.99 $3.49

Véritables compagnons, numéro hors série

Le vétérinaire, Seth Davies arrive à Senaka, Wyoming, en quête de paix et d’anonymat pour échapper à son passé. Depuis toujours, il n’est qu’une cible pour les problèmes et la douleur et Seth en a déjà eu plus que sa part. Kasey Whitedove, après un coup d’œil à Seth en déduit le pire. Aucun homme blanc ne peut aimer les animaux de la manière dont s’attend la population Cheyenne et Kasey rend le premier jour de Seth à Senaka plus que pénible.

Puis, un accident met Kasey dans la position inconfortable de devoir revoir ses croyances – tout en désirant ardemment Seth – en dépit du danger de se révéler en tant que loup-garou et des sombres secrets de la vie de Seth. Poursuivre Seth et le tenir à l’abri de son passé va devenir le rôle le plus important de la vie de Kasey.


$6.99 $3.49

An Isolated Range

Stories from the Range | Book Five
2012 Award Winners
$6.99 $3.49

Stories from the Range: Book Five

Marty Green has two loves in life: horses and basketball. But suffering a stroke during his first college game throws a wrench in his plans. After months spent in the hospital, recuperating under the zealous care of his overprotective parents, Marty realizes he needs to be on his own, so when he’s offered a job at a ranch owned by his doctor's good friend, he takes it.

When veterinary assistant Quinn Knepper sees Marty for the first time, his heart nearly stops. He's smitten, and Marty appears interested though shy. There are just two problems: Quinn's father wants him to hide his sexuality from the world, and Marty’s Wyoming Senator father is a homophobe with no idea his son is gay—which Quinn learns when the senator proposes an amendment banning gay marriage.

Dealing with two unsupportive families is a heavy burden, but Quinn vows to make it work. Unfortunately, that may mean putting his life on hold while Marty overcomes his emotional isolation—unless, of course, Marty sacrifices his happiness to his father’s political ambition and ends the relationship before it gets started.


$6.99 $3.49

Guai nella prateria

Storie della prateria
$6.99 $3.49

Storie della prateria: Libro 2

Fra i ranch confinanti degli Holden e dei Jessup, i rapporti sono tutto fuorché amichevoli – Jefferson Holden e Kent Jessup si detestano. Ma nonostante il rancore pluriennale fra i loro genitori, Haven Jessup non riesce proprio a provare odio, soprattutto dopo che Dakota Holden lo accoglie in seguito a un violento temporale e Haven incontra il suo amico Phillip Reardon.

Phillip accetta Haven per com’è, vedendo attraverso la maschera che questi indossa per celare la sua attrazione nei confronti degli uomini, ma la loro relazione delicata e segreta verrà messa a dura prova. Recinzioni sabotate, animali feriti, piani deplorevoli e i segreti della famiglia Jessup minacceranno la neonata felicità di Haven e le sue speranze di un futuro con Phillip.


$6.99 $3.49
$6.99 $3.49

Cachant toujours son passé torturé et son corps traumatisé, Kaden James a du mal à garder un emploi. La chance tourne enfin en sa faveur lorsqu’il trouve du travail comme cuisinier dans un ranch du Montana, où il rencontre l’effroyablement beau Logan Michaels. Logan est différent de tous les autres hommes que Kaden a rencontrés et, en peu de temps, il se retrouve amoureux du grand cow-boy.

Mais les cauchemars de Kaden ne le lâchent pas si facilement et il ne s'agit pas simplement d’éloigner des ombres. Il traîne derrière lui une longue vie d’abus, des souvenirs horribles et une dépendance à la douleur qu'il lui faudra vaincre. La douceur de Logan pourra-t-elle aider Kaden à guérir de l'intérieur ?


$6.99 $3.49
$6.99 $3.49

William Drake vive una vita ordinaria – ha un lavoro, un cane, e una casa vicino al Lago Superiore – quando la disperata chiamata d'aiuto della sua irresponsabile sorella, Katrina, lo precipita nelle spire di un complicato complotto che coinvolge un ranchero. Dimostrando che nessuna buona intenzione rimane impunita, l'arrivo di Will al ranch del Montana di proprietà del fidanzato di Katrina, Martin, è segnato da una ruota a terra e dall'inaspettato soccorso di un alto, moro e bellissimo buon samaritano. Si rivelerà essere Elijah Hunter, il fratello di Martin, e l'uomo più sconvolgente che Will abbia mai conosciuto.

La furia di Eli contro le malefatte di Katrina si sfoga su Will, ed egli pretende che Will rimanga al ranch finché tutta la questione non sarà stata risolta. E benché Will possa prendere il posto di Katrina, Eli non gli renderà il lavoro facile, mettendolo alla prova ogni momento; ma l'etica ferrea di Will supererà anche gli esigenti standard di Eli. Ma la crescente attrazione tra i due è ulteriormente complicata dall'ultimatum di Eli: Katrina è ancora legata a lui dal contratto prematrimoniale che ha firmato... a meno che Will non accetti di sposare Eli.


$6.99 $3.49

Terra e cielo

serie Nuvole e pioggia
$6.49 $3.24

Un libro della serie Nuvole e pioggia

Hunter Krause sa meglio di chiunque altro che gestire un ranch è un lavoro duro. I lavoratori sono difficili da trovare e, anche con l'aiuto del suo caposquadra e di tutta la famiglia, il ranch è costantemente a corto di braccia. Quindi, quando i cavalli cominciano a scomparire, il cognato di Hunter assume un uomo che lui non avrebbe mai considerato: Grant Jarreau, un uomo che Hunter non può perdonare per aver abbandonato il suo migliore amico dopo un grave incidente.

Grant si ambienta in fretta, diventando amico della sorella di Hunter e rivelandosi insostituibile. Nonostante i dubbi, Hunter non riesce a controllare le reazioni che gli provoca Grant e non sa cosa fare. Quindi, Grant salva il nipote di Hunter dall'annegamento e un bacio di ringraziamento aprirà a Hunter porte di cui non aveva mai sospettato l'esistenza.

Mentre Hunter e Grant cercano di cominciare una relazione, la famiglia attraversa un momento di tumulto, il ranch ha dei problemi, non riescono a capire il perché della scomparsa dei cavalli e, come se non bastasse, Grant sta nascondendo qualcosa. Hunter riuscirà a fidarsi di Grant o il putiferio familiare richiederà un'altra vittima?


$6.49 $3.24

Worth the Coming Home

Love's Value | Book One
$6.99 $3.49

Love's Value: Book One

For Josh Brooks, it’s a summer of wishes come true. First he gets his dream horse from a rival trainer. Then his brother’s Army Ranger buddy, Dane Keller, comes to work on the ranch and Josh meets his dream lover too. Dane is hot, competent, and fresh out of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Everything would be perfect—except nobody knows Josh and Dane are gay.

All Dane wants is a quiet life in a less claustrophobic closet and a ranch job where he can earn a living. But when his best friend’s little brother, the one who wrote the letters that kept their spirits up in Afghanistan, turns out to have grown up in all the right ways, Dane can’t help wanting more despite his fear of commitment.

While Dane and Josh are busy trying—and failing—to keep their hands to themselves, someone else is watching, biding his time. Then he strikes, first at Josh and then at the prized horse. When all of their secrets and fears are exposed, Dane is determined to protect Josh, even if it means leaving him behind.


$6.99 $3.49
$6.99 $3.49

Sequel to Inherit the Sky
Lang Downs: Book Two

Twenty-year-old Chris Simms is barely keeping his head above water. After losing his mother and his home, he struggles to provide for himself and his brother. When homophobes attack him, he thinks his life is over, but then he’s rescued by jackaroos from a nearby sheep station. He's as stunned to be offered a job there as he is to discover both the station owner and foreman are gay.

For Chris, Lang Downs is a dream—one that only gets better when Chris realizes the jackaroo he's crushing on, Jesse Harris, is gay and amenable to a fling. Everything goes well until Chris realizes he’s falling for Jesse a lot harder than allowed by their deal.

Jesse is a drifter who moves from station to station, never looking for anything permanent. Convinced Chris is too young and fragile for a real relationship, he sets rules to keep things casual. Watching the station owner and his foreman together makes Jesse wonder if there are benefits to settling down, but when he realizes how Chris feels about him, he panics. He and Chris will have to decide if a try for happiness is worth the risk before the end of the season tears them apart.


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$4.99 $2.49

English prof-slash-cowboy Raine Magrath knows Johnny Bravo is an airhead. A beautiful young Apache film-making genius airhead, but still. They meet in a hot tub during Johnny's first film festival, but he bolts before his work is even shown. When Johnny drifts back to Taos a year later, they slide into a slow cowboy two-step so easily Raine starts to think Johnny might be the one. When Johnny's young cousin Weasel joins them, Raine's life seems complete, a ready-made family to love and protect.

Raine is sure that with his gentle guidance, Johnny can achieve the sort of worldly success Raine turned his back on years before. But Johnny has his own idea about what he wants his life to become. Too late Raine remembers that Johnny runs when he feels a chain tightening around his neck. Raine's quest for the perfect family might be the very thing that tears them apart.


$4.99 $2.49

Tierra y Cielo

Nubes y lluvia
$6.99 $3.49

Un libro de la saga Nubes y lluvia

Hunter Krause sabe mejor que nadie que llevar un rancho significa trabajar duro, aunque el capataz y toda su familia echen una mano. Los vaqueros son difíciles de encontrar y el rancho tiene mucho trabajo, por lo que siempre se necesita personal. Así que cuando los caballos comienzan a desaparecer, el capataz contrata al último hombre al que él consideraría apto, Grant Jarreu, un hombre a quien Hunter no puede perdonar haber abandonado a su mejor amigo, Gable, después de tener un accidente que lo incapacitó de por vida.

Grant se integra rápidamente, haciéndose amigo de la hermana de Hunter y consiguiendo ser indispensable. A pesar del recelo inicial, no puede controlar las reacciones de su cuerpo hacia Grant, y no está seguro de qué hacer al respecto. Pero no será hasta que Grant salve a su joven sobrino de ahogarse, que un beso de agradecimiento abrirá unas puertas que Hunter nunca supo que existían.

Mientras Hunter y Grant comienzan una relación con recelos, la familia de Hunter entra en caos, el rancho comienza a tener pérdidas, no pueden averiguar qué ocurre con los caballos y además de todo eso, Grant esconde algo. ¿Podrá Hunter aprender a confiar en él, o el caos que está separando a su familia reclamará otra víctima?


$6.99 $3.49

Love Means... Renewal

Love Means... Series
$3.99 $2.00

A Love Means... Story

Eli Henninger is stretched a little thin. He teaches riding classes, conducts therapy sessions, takes care of his son, and helps manage the family farm. He’s tired and overworked, especially because lately, no one else seems to do anything right. He and his partner, Geoff, haven’t have time together in so long, he’s beginning to forget what his longtime love feels like.

Geoff is just as busy with the farm, the business, and working through a complicated land purchase. He and Eli labor from sunup to sundown and then some. He knows taking care of their responsibilities is preventing them from taking care of each other, but he doesn’t see anything he can do about it. To make matters worse, they’re accused of behaving improperly toward some of the children in their riding programs.

Then Eli becomes ill and the investigators suspect foul play, forcing Geoff to reevaluate his priorities and hope fate will give them another chance.


$3.99 $2.00

A Foreign Range

Stories from the Range | Book Four
$6.99 $3.49

Stories from the Range: Book Four

Country singer Willie Meadows is a fake. He’s never ridden a horse, and his “Western” gear comes from a boutique shop in LA. No wonder Wilson Edwards, the real man in those fake boots, is suffering creative block. Determined to connect with the music, Wilson buys a ranch in Wyoming to learn the country way of life, even if he has no intention of running the business. Then Steve Peterson shows up desperate, destitute, and hungry, having just escaped a gay deprogramming hospital run by his father’s cult.

Steve was supposed to train horses for the ranch’s former owner, but the job is gone along with his would-be employer. Luckily Wilson has a temporary solution: Steve can ranch-sit while Wilson does business in LA. But when he comes back, Wilson barely recognizes the place. There are trained horses in the paddock, and the ranch is in great shape. Suddenly he finds himself inspired not by the cowboy lifestyle but by Steve himself.

But the cult is still after Steve, and Wilson’s fear of scandal means he’s still in the closet. Coming out could kill Willie’s career—but denying his feelings for Steve could kill the only part of him that’s real.


$6.99 $3.49
$6.99 $3.49

Kaden James siempre está escondiendo su atormentado pasado junto con su cuerpo cicatrizado y se le hace difícil mantener un trabajo. La suerte finalmente le encuentra, cuando le contratan de cocinero en un rancho en Montana, donde se encuentra al extremadamente atractivo Logan Michaels. Logan es distinto de todos los hombres a los que Kaden ha conocido y no pasa mucho tiempo, antes de que se enamore del enorme vaquero.

Sin embargo, las pesadillas de Kaden no le dejarán en paz tan fácilmente y no son sólo exageraciones. Ha sufrido casi una vida entera de abusos, recuerdos horripilantes y una adicción al dolor que debe superar. ¿Podrán las suaves caricias de Logan ayudar a curar su interior?


$6.99 $3.49

Nubes y Lluvia

Nubes y lluvia
$6.99 $3.49

Un libro de la saga Nubes y lluvia

Flynn Tomlinson ha ido a la deriva durante los últimos años, aceptando todo tipo de empleos cuando necesitaba dinero y marchándose a otro lugar en cuanto lo obtenía. Está contento con su estilo de vida sin tener que echar raíces ni ser responsable de nada más que de sí mismo. Un día encuentra un cartel que reza "se necesita ayuda" en una oficina de correos de Idaho, y conoce a Gable Sutton, que no puede trabajar solo en el rancho porque un serio accidente lo ha dejado impedido.

Como su sueño es volver a trabajar con caballos acepta los términos del contrato que Gable le ofrece. Sin embargo, lo que no negoció fue enamorarse de ese hombre amable y solitario, que capturará su corazón y hará que tome sobre sus hombros una carga increíble: salvar su rancho.


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