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Bryan fantasme sur les cow-boys depuis toujours. Il porte même un costume que son colocataire surnomme son « piège à cow-boy » quand il va à son club préféré, dans l’espoir d’attirer l’attention d’un véritable rancher. Le jour où Curtis lui offre une bière, Bryan n’a aucun doute que ça y est, c’est le bon. Mais pourront-ils aller plus loin qu’une simple nuit de sexe incroyable une fois que Bryan aura avoué à Curtis que la seule fois où il est monté à cheval, c’était un poney à une fête d’anniversaire, quand il était gosse ?


$3.99 $2.99

De simples desserts

Contes d'un étrange livre de cuisine
$4.99 $3.74

Contes d'un étrange livre de cuisine, numéro hors série

Boone Walton a fait de son mieux pour mettre de la distance entre son passé et lui. Il s’est investi dans sa nouvelle vie, sa galerie d’art à La Nouvelle-Orléans et son amitié avec Scott Wren. Les choses semblent enfin normales, et Boone ne pourrait pas être plus heureux.

Scott Wren, chef cuisinier, veut plus qu’une vie normale avec Boone. Il veut une vraie relation, mais Boone est terrifié – et pas à cause du fantôme qui hante l’appartement de Scott, ni même ses parents. Non, le passé de Boone s’apprête à lui rendre visite, et la seule chose qui pourrait se mettre entre Boone, Scott et la recette douteuse d’une mousse au chocolat trouvée dans un curieux livre de cuisine, serait la rivière de douleur que Boone a dû traverser pour arriver où il en est. Il y a cependant un secret derrière les ingrédients, un secret qui pourrait révéler l’amour et la confiance qui ont manqué dans la vie de Boone.


$4.99 $3.74
$3.99 $2.99

After two years of internet chats and crappy video calls, Nathan and Leonardo will finally meet face-to-face, and the anticipation is killing them both. Their slow-simmering desire to be together soon boils over as Nathan shows Leo around his hometown of Boise, Idaho. Witty conversation fills their days, passion fills their nights, and both young men know they belong in each other’s lives. But how can a romance, let alone a relationship, work when Nathan’s career is in Boise and Leo must soon return to his home in Italy? Since neither is ready to say goodbye to the budding love affair, they’re determined to find a solution before the end of Leo’s holiday.

States of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the United States.


$3.99 $2.99
$3.99 $2.99

Bryan hat schon sein ganzes Leben lang heiße Fantasien von Cowboys. Er zieht sich sogar, wie sein Mitbewohner es nennt, ein „Cowboykostüm“ an, wenn er in seinen Lieblingsclub geht, in der Hoffnung, die Aufmerksamkeit eines echten Cowboys auf sich zu ziehen. Dann lädt ihn Curtis auf ein Bier ein, und Bryan zweifelt keinen Augenblick daran, dass er ein richtiges Original ist. Doch können sie mehr aus einer Nacht voll unglaublichem Sex machen, sobald Bryan Curtis gegenüber zugibt, dass das einzige Pferd, auf dem er je geritten ist, ein Pony auf einer Geburtstagsfeier war?


$3.99 $2.99


States of Love
$4.99 $3.74

What happens when you need something but don’t know what it is? Why not look in a place you never heard of?

Out and proud elementary school teacher Cal Hamilton thought he was happy in Philadelphia, but after a breakup, he steps back to reassess his life and discovers something is missing. He gets in his car and drives south with no idea what he hopes to find. The flip of a coin leads him to a small town in Mississippi—practically a different world from the city where he grew up.

Police officer Billy Labarre keeps his sexuality mostly to himself, but he knows just what he needs to fill the hole in his quiet small-town life: the right man. Unfortunately attitudes toward gay men still leave a lot to be desired in the rural South, and it’s hard to meet someone. It’s not likely his perfect match is just going to show up out of the blue….

States of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the United States.


$4.99 $3.74
$4.99 $3.74

While most pirates sail in search of riches, Captain Devon Hall, the infamous Phantom of the Caribbean, is driven by vengeance. Devon has sworn to put an end to the corrupt governor of Jamaica and break the ruthless man’s stranglehold in the Caribbean.

When Devon is wounded and stranded on land, an unlikely rescuer comes to his aid. Brett Campbell is nothing like his uncle, the governor, and his goals are not so different from Devon’s. Brett longs for freedom, but his obligations to protect those under his uncle’s control keep him from fleeing. Throwing in with Devon might increase both their chances of success—and survival.

When the governor’s attempts to destroy Devon escalate and place Brett in danger and in the hands of the ruthless and depraved pirate Captain Blackburn, Devon must risk everything to save the man he loves and repay his enemies.

All Devon’s ever wanted is his ship, his freedom, friends who stand by his side through thick and thin, and someone to love. But facing dangers at sea and on land, Devon wonders if they will live to enjoy it all.


$4.99 $3.74
$3.99 $2.99

Quando, in una calda notte d’estate, Mason James si ferma per prestare soccorso, non sa ancora quali cambiamenti porterà quel semplice atto di gentilezza. Dopo aver dato un passaggio a casa a un uomo anziano, Mason scopre un mondo nuovo, magico e a tratti pericoloso, un mondo che non riesce a capire. Ma incontra anche Luc Toussaint, ed è passione a prima vista. Nemmeno il segreto che Luc custodisce potrà tenere Mason lontano dalla verità circa il suo passato e il loro amore.


$3.99 $2.99

Wheat Kings and Pretty Things

World of Love | Canada - Saskatchewan
$3.99 $2.99

As soon as he graduated high school, Paul Thompson fled the tiny, heavily Ukrainian town of Liddon, Saskatchewan, for bigger and better things. Now in his late thirties, Paul owns a struggling art gallery in Toronto. His grandmother’s one-hundredth birthday is approaching, and Paul will return to place where he grew up for the first time since he left.

The town—and the province—don’t match Paul’s memories. Have they changed? Or has he? He reconnects with Dylan Shevchenko, an old friend who now teaches phys. ed. in Regina. When Paul learns his grandmother had an Aboriginal son he never knew about, he wonders what else he missed while he was away. Did he make the right choice all those years ago? He receives the rare opportunity to start over when he discovers a gallery for sale in Regina. He’s faced with a choice between his youthful dreams in the big city and making a life with Dylan in a place that somehow finally feels like home.

World of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the globe.


$3.99 $2.99

Klar wie Kloßbrühe

Geschichten aus dem Kuriosen Kochbuch
$3.99 $2.99

Eine Geschichte aus dem Kuriosen Kochbuch

Emmett Gant   hatte sich fest vorgenommen, seinem Vater eines Sonntags etwas sehr Wichtiges zu erzählen – doch sein Vater war gestorben, ehe er dazu kam. Jetzt, drei Jahre später, kann Emmett sich einfach nicht darüber klar werden, mit wem er zusammen sein soll – mit dem Mädchen mit den Apfelbäckchen und der wunderbaren Familie? Oder mit Keegan, seinem scharfzüngigen Nachbarn, der seine Familie nie besucht, aber Emmett sehr glücklich macht, wenn er nur auf einen Schwatz rüberkommt?

Emmett braucht Klarheit. 

Zu Emmetts Glück hat die Mutter seines besten Freundes ein Kochbuch, das ihm Erkenntnis und gutes Essen verspricht. Emmett ist fasziniert. Und als ihm das Kochbuch nach Hause folgt, beschließen Emmett und Keegan, das Rezept „Für Klarheit“ nachzukochen. Was sich daraus ergibt, ist einerseits völlig klar, aber andererseits auch ein bisschen überraschend – vor allem für Emmetts Freundin. Emmett wird ganz scharf über seine Vergangenheit und die wichtigen Dinge, die er seinem Vater zu sagen versäumt hat, nachdenken müssen, wenn er das Rezept für Liebe jemals richtig hinkriegen will. 


$3.99 $2.99
$4.99 $3.74

Huxley carries invisible scars from a near-fatal car accident. He sleepwalks through a job at his father’s company, marking time until he can quit and pursue his own dreams. 

Everything changes the moment he makes eye contact with a stranger while riding to work. It’s as if he’s been shaken out of his stupor, and Huxley vows to find the man.

Thanks to a thieving ex-lover, Paul’s florist shop is on the brink of closing down. He needs to milk Valentine’s Day for all it’s worth—and the irony that a day dedicated to love might help undo the damage of a failed relationship is not lost on him.

When Huxley finds Paul at his shop, both men feel an instant attraction. Before long, they’re falling hard, but Huxley holds back. If Paul knew all the baggage he’s carrying, he might run.

Paul’s gut tells him Huxley is hiding something. Huxley looks like a keeper, but Paul can’t go through another disastrous romance.

When Valentine’s Day arrives, will they have anything to celebrate?


$4.99 $3.74


Les Gardiens des Abysses
$4.99 $3.74

Les Gardiens des Abysses, numéro hors série

En tant que gardien, Jackson Tybalt est un homme bon, jusqu’à ce qu’il découvre l’homme qu’il aime embrassant quelqu’un d’autre. Trahi et en colère, Jackson flirte avec le danger et la mort, ignorant les appels à la prudence des autres gardiens. C’est un état d’esprit exécrable pour commencer une nouvelle relation, mais cela n’arrête pas le kyrie Raphaël qui veut, plus que tout, que Jackson lui appartienne. 

Jackson ne veut pas d’un foyer, ne veut pas d’un amant… il veut juste de la noirceur et de la douleur, alors Raphaël lui donnera ce qu’il veut. Mais parfois, les péchés de la chair sont exactement ce dont un corps a besoin pour panser les plaies du cœur, donc Raphaël cachera la tendresse qu’il éprouve pour Jackson tant que le gardien portera l’apparence d’un pécheur.


$4.99 $3.74

Ricette per chiarire

Il curioso ricettario di Nonna B
$3.99 $2.99

Un libro della serie Il curioso ricettario di Nonna B

Una domenica mattina, Emmett Gant esce di casa deciso a confessare al padre una cosa importante, ma scopre che l’uomo è venuto a mancare. Ora, a quasi tre anni di distanza, il giovane non riesce a capire con chi stare: la ragazza dalle guanciotte da criceto e la famiglia numerosa, o Keegan, il vicino di casa che, pur non avendo una famiglia, lo rende felice con la sua sola presenza? 

Ci vuole qualcosa per schiarirsi le idee. 

Per fortuna, la mamma del suo migliore amico possiede un libro di ricette capaci di snebbiare le menti più confuse, e Emmett ne viene subito conquistato. Quando il libro lo segue fino a casa, lui e il vicino decidono di preparare un piatto “per chiarire”, e quello che segue è davvero chiarissimo – e forse anche un po’ sorprendente, soprattutto per la sua ragazza. Emmett dovrà quindi riflettere sul passato e sulla cosa importante che voleva confessare al padre, se non vuole rischiare di rovinare la ricetta per l’amore perfetto.


$3.99 $2.99
$4.99 $3.74

Ein Titel der Timing Serie

Glenn  Holloways berechenbares Leben endete an jenem Tag, als er seiner Familie gestand, dass er schwul ist. Dass er kurz darauf die Ranch, auf der er aufwuchs, verließ, um das Restaurant zu eröffnen, von dem er immer geträumt hatte, streute nur noch Salz in die Wunde. Ohne die Unterstützung seines Vaters und seines Bruders und zu stolz, um Hilfe von anderen zu akzeptieren, musste er ganz von vorne anfangen. Doch im Lauf der Zeit wendete sich das Blatt: Glenn führte sein Restaurant zum Erfolg, schuf sich ein neues Zuhause und ein Leben, auf das er stolz sein kann. 

Doch trotz seines Erfolges ist die Entfremdung von den Holloways eine Wunde, die nicht richtig heilen will, und als er sich gezwungen sieht, einen erwiesenen Gefallen zurückzuzahlen, findet er sich in seinem schlimmsten Albtraum wieder. Gefangen in seinem einst gegebenen Versprechen kehrt Glenn zu seinen Wurzeln zurück, um seinem Halbbruder zu helfen, Rand Holloway, und wird mit Mac Gentry konfrontiert, einem Mann, der viel zu verlockend für Glenns Seelenfrieden ist. Es könnte alles in einer Katastrophe enden – einer Katastrophe für die zarten Annäherungen an eine Wiederversöhnung mit seiner Familie und für das Verlangen, von dem Glenn nicht einmal wusste, dass es in seinem Herzen ruht.


$4.99 $3.74

An American in Venice

World of Love | Italy
$3.99 $2.99

Tom has always been steady and predictable—a formula he’s sure will lead him to success in his career. When his method fails him and he loses his job, he throws caution to the wind for the first time in his life and books a European holiday. 

Maybe Tom shouldn’t be surprised that Cupid’s arrow finds him in one of the most romantic cities in the world: Venice, Italy. When he encounters Giovanni working in the family pizzeria, it’s lust at first sight. Their time together touring the city is so magical it feels like a dream. But Tom is shy while Giovanni is charming and flirtatious. Tom has a newfound freedom with his unemployment, while family burdens weigh heavily on Giovanni. Add culture differences and miscommunication into the mix, and their brief romance might fade as quickly as the beautiful dream it resembles.

World of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the globe.


$3.99 $2.99
$4.99 $3.74

Gavin Goode was a star athlete and a good student until one catastrophic decision destroyed his future. As a member of the savage street gang the Cold Bloods, Gavin ran afoul of the leader, Apache, a bigot determined to punish Gavin for his sexuality. After being framed for a crime he didn’t commit, Gavin faces a prison sentence—and the promise of relentless rape and torment. With his spirit almost broken, Gavin learns his beloved father has suffered a near-fatal assault. But a friend appears when Gavin needs him most. Cato has been masquerading as a prison guard when in reality he is a time traveler—one with the ability to wipe the slate clean for Gavin… and his father. 

But changing the past will threaten the future for many innocent people. Gavin finds himself trapped between saving his father and himself or accepting the steep price of preserving the time stream.


$4.99 $3.74

Perdu en chemin

Contes d'un étrange livre de cuisine
$4.99 $3.74

Contes d'un étrange livre de cuisine, numéro hors série

Trois mois après avoir perdu ses parents dans un accident de voiture, Daniel Whitaker, météorologue à Denver, retourne à Laramie dans le Wyoming. Il lui est déjà suffisamment difficile de faire face à la mort de ses parents et à sa relation de quinze ans qui ne cesse de se dégrader, mais lorsqu’il retrouve sa maison d’enfance sens dessus dessous, il se voit complètement désemparé. Il se tourne alors vers Landon, le voisin séduisant de ses parents, et lui demande son aide afin de ranger tout le désordre. Landon Kushner est une contradiction humaine. Il fabrique des sculptures époustouflantes à partir de débris de métal et adore le plein air, mais il conduit également une Vespa vert menthe et possède un faible pour le tricot et le voyeurisme. Il a été l’ami des parents de Daniel durant de nombreuses années et est ravi de pouvoir lui prêter main-forte.

Leur plan est simple : ranger et nettoyer la maison afin que Daniel puisse la vendre et reprendre le cours de sa vie à Denver. Mais lorsqu’un étrange livre de recettes de cuisine atterrit en la possession de Landon, Daniel se met à réaliser que l’univers – et Grand-Mère B – lui a peut-être réservé un autre destin.


$4.99 $3.74
$4.99 $3.74

Un libro della serie Tempo al tempo

Quando Glenn Holloway dichiara la propria omosessualità alla famiglia, la sua vita viene sconvolta. Per aggiungere al danno la beffa, se ne è andato via dal ranch in cui è nato e cresciuto per aprire il ristorante che ha sempre desiderato. Senza alcun aiuto da parte del padre e del fratello, e troppo orgoglioso per accettare una mano da chiunque altro, ha dovuto ricominciare da zero. Col tempo le cose hanno iniziato a funzionare: Glenn ha avviato un’attività di successo, si è costruito una nuova casa e ha creato una vita di cui essere orgoglioso.

Nonostante i successi, però, il suo allontanamento dalla famiglia, gli Holloway, è ancora una ferita che non riesce a guarire. Rendere un favore si trasforma nel suo peggiore incubo. Per mantenere la parola data, infatti, Glenn ritorna alle sue radici, dove è costretto ad avere a che fare con il fratellastro Rand Holloway e si ritrova faccia a faccia con Mac Gentry, un uomo che lo affascina fin troppo. Tutto potrebbe finire in un disastro: sia i tenui legami familiari, sia quel desiderio che non sapeva di avere nel cuore.


$4.99 $3.74

Smuovere le acque

Wrench Wars – Gli assi dei motori
$3.99 $2.99

Un libro della serie Wrench Wars - Gli assi dei motori

Ward Kent e Dean Zimmerman sono migliori amici sin dai tempi delle medie. Ora lavorano fianco a fianco nell’officina di Reggie, dove viene girato il reality show **Wrench Wars – Gli assi dei motori**. Fuori dall’orario di lavoro, Dean è un noto seduttore e l’amico gli fa da spalla. Non sospetta, però, che l’interesse di Ward è rivolto più alla fauna maschile che a quella femminile.

Tutto cambia quando Ash, il fratello minore di Dean, viene assunto all’officina. Ash sarà anche più giovane di loro di ben sette anni, ma ha una cotta per Ward da sempre e non si fa problemi a rendere note le proprie intenzioni.

Per Dean prendere atto che sia il fratello che l’amico sono gay è un conto, ma vederli insieme è più di quanto possa affrontare. Ward ne prende atto, ma viene messo alle strette: dovrà decidere se rinunciare alla loro amicizia – e anche al lavoro – oppure dire addio a Ash per sempre.


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