
$6.99 $5.24

When Jeff Pine rents a cabin in the hometown he’s been avoiding for fifteen years, he just wants some time away from his rock 'n roll world to figure out his life. Instead he runs into his former BFF—and the inspiration for dozens of love songs—on the first day.


Park naturalist Carter Rhodes is a cinnamon roll dressed like a lumberjack. Fame and fortune don’t turn his head, but the snarky little nerd who followed him around as a kid? The guy who makes him laugh when he’s grieving and relax when he overextends himself? Not the rock star, but Jeff? That guy has a chance.

Jeff has always known Carter is it for him, but he’s facing a tour with increasingly hostile bandmates, a looming album deadline, and the suspicion that their label is up to no good. Can he find the courage—and the time—to write a true love song with Carter?


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Hollywood, the mid-1960s. President Kennedy has been assassinated, the country’s civil rights movement is in full swing, and teenager Nate Berrigan is a television sitcom star.

But Nate’s onscreen life looks nothing like the real thing, which stars abusive, addicted parents instead of swooning teenage girls. On top of that, Nate’s questioning his sexuality, and his boss is a demanding monster.

The pressure would get to anyone. Fortunately Nate has Tai Atua, his costar… and maybe the love of his life. As the boys slowly fall for each other, Nate tries to believe in the possibility of his own happiness. Tai could be his savior, pulling Nate away from the precarious knife-edge he’s balancing on.

Of course, he could also be his undoing. Because if anyone finds out about their relationship, Nate’s whole life will come crashing down around him. If that happened, Nate couldn’t live with himself….


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Apart from his drug addiction, his homophobic father, and his denial of his sexuality, Ben O’Connor lives a charmed life. He has a wonderful son, a lucrative job as a Realtor, and a supportive mother and siblings. Then his boss promotes someone else over him and his life disintegrates. In his anger, he breaks the eleventh commandment—thou shalt not get caught.

Kicking his ice habit while incarcerated, Ben realizes he has lost his ability to enjoy life. But he gets another chance at Thailand’s Resort Jomtien, where he takes part in an experimental program aimed at preventing relapses among recovering addicts. There he meets Matt Wilson, a gay man from Sydney who’s facing the same struggle. Ben and Matt form a strong bond as they rediscover joy and learn strategies to cope with the lure of their addictions.

Ben invites the adrift Matt home with him after treatment and finds he fits perfectly into Ben’s family. But will Ben recognize that his feelings for Matt go beyond the platonic before Matt’s doubts—and a worldwide pandemic—separate them forever?


$6.99 $5.24

New Leaf

New Leaf Romances
$6.99 $5.24

When Dex Grippon’s mother dies, he takes it as a sign—it’s time to give up acting and return to his hometown. If he can find a way to save his mother’s bookstore, he can preserve the one link he still has to his parents. But keeping an independent bookstore afloat turns out to be more difficult than he anticipated, and Dex isn’t the only one who wonders what else his mom might have been selling.

Former cop Les Gable might be off the job, but he has to know what was going on at the bookstore, and he’ll do anything to satisfy his curiosity—including befriend the new owner with an offer to help sort out his new business. Something about the bookstore doesn’t smell right, and Les is going to find out what.

The problem is that his curiosity about Dex soon far outstrips his interest in what happened at the store. But as curiosity matures into love, the store’s past threatens their future. Can Les and Dex untangle the mystery of the bookshop and escape with their relationship—and their lives—intact, or will the whole thing go up in smoke?


$6.99 $5.24

Off-Map Hearts

Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $3.74

When efficiency consultant Graden Baxter gets stranded at the Las Vegas airport, of course he starts to book another flight… until curt demands and disappointing news from his boss finally best his practical nature. If tireless dedication to the job only leads to being taken for granted, maybe he should reevaluate his life.

A cross-country drive to New York City with fellow stranded traveler Cole Carmichael presents the perfect opportunity. He can have a little adventure but still make it home in a long weekend.

Professional nomad Cole has other ideas for getting there, but the tension building between them isn’t all down to Graden’s overplanning and Cole’s inconsiderate spontaneity. As they navigate the Southwest, exploring parks and endless starry skies, they begin to see themselves less as opposite and more as complementary.

Unfortunately, adventures have to end—and theirs ends with Graden back at a thankless job, Cole solitary and rootless.

Except that peculiar road-trip alchemy means they aren’t the same men who embarked on the trip. Can they find their way together, even if it means going off the map?


$4.99 $3.74

Hidden Heart

Dreamspun Desires
Search and Rescue | Book Four
$4.99 $3.74

Search and Rescue: Book Four

Search-and-rescue worker Spencer Helmsley has everything he needs: a job he loves, a flight partner he’d die for, and an amazing dog.

Then he flings himself out of a helicopter to rescue Theo Wainscott.

Stuck on a raft in the middle of a flood with the most stubborn, argumentative man in the world, Spencer soon finds himself asking not how they’ll survive but what’ll kill them first—the water, each other… or the sexual tension.

While Theo and Spencer are trying to beat the odds, Theo is also trying to beat some sense into his rescuer. Spencer seems to have no regard for his own safety, and that’s a problem for Theo. Maybe he’s never seen another gay man in the wild, but it doesn’t take him long to recognize that he’d like to get to know this one better.

If they make it out alive, Theo will have his work cut out for him convincing Spencer to risk his heart instead of his life….


$4.99 $3.74

Dirty Laundry (Deutsch)

Ein Cole-McGinnis-Krimi
$6.99 $5.24

Fortsetzung zu Dirty Secret
Ein Cole-McGinnis-Krimi

Für den zum Privatdetektiv gewordenen ehemaligen Polizisten Cole McGinnis bringt jeder Tag eine neue Herausforderung mit sich. Leider sind die meisten davon mit Schmerz und Tod verbunden. Seine Büroleiterin und Ersatzmutter Claudia erholt sich noch von einer Schussverletzung, als sein heimlich schwuler Freund Kim Jae-Min sich plötzlich um seine jüngere Schwester kümmern muss. Währenddessen hat Cole eigene Geschwisterprobleme – vor allem einen geheimnisvollen Halbbruder aus Japan, den sein älterer Bruder Mike unbedingt mit offenen Armen willkommen heißen möchte.

Als wäre sein Privatleben nicht dramatisch genug, taucht Madame Sun in seinem Büro auf – eine Wahrsagerin, deren Kunden besorgniserregend häufig ums Leben kommen. Da die Polizei ihre Vermutung, dass es jemand auf ihre Kunden abgesehen hat, nicht ernst nimmt, möchte sie Cole beauftragen. Nachdem er ursprünglich nur zustimmt, um sie zu beruhigen, findet sich Cole bald in einem gordischen Knoten aus Lug und Trug wieder, in dem nichts ist wie vermutet und Madame Suns einzige Karte der Tod zu sein scheint.


$6.99 $5.24

Sortir des ombres

Dreamspun Desires (Français)
$6.99 $5.24

Peut-on sortir de l’obscurité pour une lueur de tendresse ?

Il y a huit ans, Christian Hernandez déménage à Jamaica Plain, côté sud de Boston, et trouve refuge dans son nouvel appartement en se coupant complètement du reste du monde. C’est dans cette solitude qu’il voit l’avenir.

Josh Wendell a entendu à maintes reprises ses collègues parler de l’occupant de l’appartement n° 1. Personne ne voit jamais le mystérieux étranger, et Josh est bien le dernier à savoir résister à ce genre d’énigme. Lorsqu’il est engagé pour remettre à neuf la cuisine et les sanitaires de l’appartement en question, Josh n’a qu’une hâte : découvrir ce qui se cache derrière toutes ces rumeurs.

Une fois face à Christian, Josh comprend finalement pourquoi l’homme évite les regards indiscrets. Les deux hommes se rapprochent peu à peu, et Josh commence à voir par-delà le masque de cet homme qu’il n’apprécie que davantage. Mais Christian trouvera-t-il le courage d’émerger de l’ombre de son existence solitaire pour l’homme qui a ravi son cœur ?


$6.99 $5.24

La renaissance de Michael

Delta Restauration | Tome 2
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Le réveil de David
Delta Restauration: Novel Two

Michael, hipster mignon et designer d’intérieur, ne fait plus dans l’amour, plus depuis que son ex l’a planté. Le sexe est une autre histoire, cependant, et le gentil géant qui fait les peintures dans le vieux manoir qu’ils restaurent pourrait être un parfait coup d’un soir. Gil est juste le type de Michael avec ses muscles solides, son sens de l’humour malicieux et ses yeux noisette qui semblent voir dans l’âme du jeune designer.

Le problème, c’est que Gil adore la romance. Il veut l’amour pour toujours, et il vise Michael. Mais on n’y reprendra pas celui-ci.

Pourtant, lorsque le jeune homme est la victime d’un vandale qui harcèle les hommes qui travaillent pour Delta Restauration, Rénovation et Design, Gil est la première personne vers qui il se tourne. Peu importe combien il se bat, il est de plus en plus difficile de nier qu’il est fou de cet homme, même si cette pensée se terrifie.

Mais Michael prend véritablement peur lorsque le comportement criminel de leur harceleur s’intensifie, et qu’il se rend compte qu’il a peut-être perdu à jamais la chance de dire à Gil ce qu’il ressent.


$6.99 $5.24
$4.99 $3.74

Session drummer Sage Nakamura puts his trust fund where his heart is and starts his own band in Japan—Kashi-sei, Japanese for “visibility.” Tired of his favorite J-pop bands imploding over even a hint of same-sex attraction, Sage decides to take sponsorship out of the equation. He hopes his band will become a safe haven that validates diversity in gender identity and orientation. But he’ll need some help to make his endeavor successful.

Mangaka Ikeda Daiki lives a comfortable, if lonely, life in Tokyo. When he gets the opportunity to work with a band as it is forming, developing the products from the beginning—starting with a manga—he leverages his platform for more creative freedom.

At Sage’s insistence, Daiki helps him choose band members and navigate the finer points of Japanese culture. But the two have more than business goals in common. Mutual admiration develops into friendship, attraction, and a relationship full of firsts for both of them.

But as the band prepares for their debut, Sage, who has never played before a live audience, gets debilitating stage fright. How can Daiki and the band help him through it and keep his dream alive?


$4.99 $3.74

Le manny décroche un homme

Dreamspun Desires (Français)
Les mannies
$6.99 $5.24

Les Mannies

La sœur de Tino Robbins, Nica, et son mari, Jacob, attendent leur cinquième enfant. Heureusement, le meilleur ami de Nica, Taylor Cochran, est de retour en ville, sortant de rééducation et ayant besoin d’un travail.

Après des années de service et se remettant d’une grave blessure, Taylor a beaucoup grandi par rapport au fauteur de trouble inexpérimenté qu’il avait été au lycée. Maintenant, il espère un nouveau départ avec Nica et sa famille.

Le cousin de Jacob, Brandon, vit au-dessus du garage et pense que « Taylor, la nounou » est une mauvaise idée. Taylor pourrait être génial pour protéger des civils d’une apocalypse zombie, mais est-il bon avec les enfants ?

Il s’avère que Taylor a un talent naturel. Tandis qu’il essaie de s’intégrer, utilisant du bon sens et un humour pince-sans-rire, Brandon réalise que Taylor n’aime pas simplement leur famille – il crève d’envie d’en faire partie. Et d’un coup, Brandon veut que Taylor fasse partie de son futur.


$6.99 $5.24

Peau et os

Déterrer des os
$6.99 $5.24

Déterrer des os : Tome deux

Cloister Witte et Bourneville, sa partenaire K-9, retrouvent les disparus et les ramènent chez eux.

Mais le travail ne s’arrête pas toujours là.

Une jeune femme, Janet Morrow, est tombée dans le coma après s’être éloignée de sa voiture lors d’un orage violent. Mais ce n’est pas parce que Cloister l’a retrouvée qu’elle est rentrée chez elle. Qu’est-ce qui l’a amenée à Plenty, en Californie ? Et qui n’avait pas envie qu’elle en reparte ?

Avec l’aide de l’agent spécial Javi Merlo, qui continue de nier ses sentiments grandissants pour l’adjoint au caractère entier, Cloister met à jour une conspiration du silence vieille de dix ans, appartenant à l’histoire de corruption régnant à Plenty.

Les vieux secrets de Janet Morrow ne sont pas les seuls à éclater au grand jour. Javi a essayé de laisser son passé derrière lui, malheureusement, certaines personnes semblent déterminées à sortir les squelettes de son placard. Sa sombre histoire avec un agent, son supérieur à Phoenix, complique non seulement l’enquête, mais aussi ses relations avec Cloister. Et depuis quand est-ce qu’il s’en soucie ?


$6.99 $5.24

The Muscle

Long Con Adventures
The Long Con
$6.99 $5.24

A Long Con Adventure

A true protector will guard your heart before his own.

Hunter Rutledge saw one too many people die in his life as mercenary muscle to go back to the job, so he was conveniently at loose ends when Josh Salinger offered him a place in his altruistic den of thieves.

Hunter is almost content having found a home with a group of people who want justice badly enough to steal it. If only one of them didn’t keep stealing his attention from the task at hand….

Superlative dancer and transcendent thief Dylan “Grace” Li lives in the moment. But when mobsters blackmail the people who gave him dance—and the means to save his own soul—Grace turns to Josh for help.

Unfortunately, working with Josh’s crew means working with Hunter Rutledge, and for Grace, that’s more dangerous than any heist.

Grace’s childhood left him thinking he was too difficult to love—so he’s better off not risking his love on anyone else. Avoiding commitment keeps him safe. But somehow Hunter’s solid, grounding presence makes him feel safer.  Can Grace trust that letting down his guard to a former mercenary doesn’t mean he’ll get shot in the heart?


$6.99 $5.24

Flux et reflux

Love's Charter (Français)
Love’s Charter (Français)
$6.99 $5.24

Suite de Ferrer le poisson
Série Love’s Charter Tome 2

Pour atteindre le bonheur, ils devront trouver le courage d’être des hommes.

Second du capitaine d’un bateau de pêche, Billy Ray rencontre beaucoup de gens, mais personne ne l’a jamais mis aussi mal à l’aise que Skippy – parce qu’il est attiré par cet homme autant que la lune crée les marées, et il est presque aussi impuissant à lui résister. Billy Ray a passé sa vie à nier qui il était vraiment afin d’éviter les foudres de son religieux de père, et il ne peut permettre à personne de voir au travers de cette façade soigneusement construite.

Skippy n’est en ville que pour affaires et devra rentrer à Boston dès qu’il aura fini. Après tout, son père a certaines attentes le concernant, et son séjour en Floride n’en fait pas partie. Mais il n’avait pas compté sur le fait que Billy Ray puisse retenir son attention et toucher son cœur.

Billy Ray ne réalise pas tout ce que Skippy et lui ont en commun. Ils vivent tous les deux pour plaire à leurs pères au lieu de suivre leurs propres rêves – un fait qui devient douloureusement évident quand ils apprennent à se connaître et se rendent compte à quel point ils se sont privés des joies de la vie. Même s’ils ne peuvent pas changer le passé, ils peuvent se tourner vers un avenir ensemble et rattraper le temps perdu – à condition d’être prêts à faire face aux conséquences de choisir leurs propres voies.


$6.99 $5.24

Rescue Me

Must Love Dogs | Book 1
$6.99 $5.24

Everybody needs to be rescued sometime.

Veterinarian Mitchell Brannigan gets off to a rocky start with his new neighbor when someone calls the town to complain about the noise. Mitchell runs a shelter for rescue dogs, and dogs bark. But when he goes to make peace, he meets Beau Pfister and his fussy baby daughter, Jessica… and starts to fall in love.

Beau moved out to the country to get away from his abusive ex-husband, but raising an infant alone, with no support network, is lonely and exhausting. The last thing he expects is a helping hand from the neighbor whose dogs he complained about.

Mitchell understands what it’s like to live in fear of your ex, and he’s determined to help Beau move on. But when an unseen menace threatens the shelter and Beau, it becomes apparent that he hasn’t dealt with his own demons.

With each other and a protective Chihuahua for support, Mitchell, Beau, and Jessica could make a perfect family. Mitchell won’t let anything happen to them.

But who’s going to rescue him?


$6.99 $5.24

Were-Geeks Save the Middle of Nowhere

Were-Geeks Save the World | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Were-Geeks Save the World: Book Three

Into every generation is born a really scary relative. In this case, it’s Walter Chen’s aunt, who puts the spirit of a Chinese chaos god into his body. At first he doesn’t notice because he’s focused on shooting his indie film in Nowhere, Wisconsin, but pretty soon he’s doing amazing kung fu. Cool!

Bing Zhi Hao was Walter’s lead actor and best friend until he disappeared to become a werewolf and save the world. Now he’s back and trying to make amends… except his shy roommate isn’t quiet anymore. In fact, he’s downright scary.

Bing figures out the demigod is taking over Walter—body, mind, and soul. Soon the man Bing loves will be gone and chaos incarnate will be born on earth. He has to convince Walter to fight off the possession and return to the man he was. But what can he offer a god to convince him to remain a man?


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Ce que font les cowboys, numéro hors série

Le cow-boy Danny Boone – un nom qu’il a inventé une nuit d’ivresse et a regretté depuis – a un lourd passé et désire ardemment un futur léger. Une courte et brillante carrière en tant que champion monteur de taureau se termine lorsqu’il frôle la mort quand son père homophobe découvre qu’il est gay. Maintenant, Danny a très envie d’un lopin de terre où pouvoir construire un ranch, assez d’argent pour compenser une partie des études qu’il a manquées... et, secrètement, un mec efféminé magnifique qui aime dominer –une combinaison aussi rare qu’une licorne.

Puis le ranch pour hôtes où travaille Danny attire le décorateur de San Francisco Laurie Belmont, un jeune homme si beau qu’il coupe le souffle des chevaux et si courageux qu’il tue presque l’agresseur de Danny. Laurie essaie de sortir de sous la coupe d’une mère autoritaire, d’un père impuissant et d’un riche petit ami privilégié. Mais peu importe l’attirance, leurs vies sont totalement différentes et les cow-boys ne chevauchent pas de licornes.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

One of the most anticipated books of summer 2021.
                                                             —Apple Books

For Jax Hall, all-but-dissertation in mathematics, slinging drinks and serenading patrons at a piano bar is the perfect remedy for months of pandemic anxiety. He doesn’t expect to end up improvising on stage with pop violinist Aria Darvish, but the attraction that sparks between them? That’s a mathematical certainty. If he can get Ari to act on it, even better.

Ari hasn’t written a note, and his album deadline is looming. Then he meets Jax, and suddenly he can’t stop the music. But Ari doesn’t know how to interpret Jax’s flirting—is making him a drink called Sex with the Bartender a serious overture?

Jax jumps in with both feet, the only way he knows how. Ari is wonderful, and Jax loves having a partner who’s on the same page. But Ari’s struggles with his parents’ expectations, and Jax’s with the wounds of his past, threaten to unbalance an otherwise perfect equation. Can they prove their double act has merit, or does it only work in theory?


$6.99 $5.24