

Sin and Tonic (Français)

Sinners (Français) | Tome 6
Série Sinners (Français)
$6.99 $5.24

Suite d'Absinthe of Malice
Série Sinners Tome 6

Miki St John croyait que les fins heureuses n’existaient que dans les contes de fées jusqu’à ce que sa vie prenne quelques virages inattendus… et désormais il a trouvé la sienne.

Son meilleur ami, Damien, est de retour d’entre les morts, et leur nouveau groupe, Crossroads Gin, grimpe en flèche dans les charts. Miki peut compter sur un compagnon solide et affectueux nommé Kane Morgan – un inspecteur de la police de San Francisco, doté d’une grande famille irlandaise qui le considère comme l’un des leurs – et son chien Mec se tient à ses côtés.

Hélas, quelqu’un essaye de le tuer.

De vieilles loyautés et d’anciennes rancunes émergent du sombre et mystérieux passé de Chinatown. Miki lutte pour faire face à l’abandon de sa mère décédée, aux secrets et au meurtre brutal de cette dernière, alors qu’il est traqué par un meurtrier énigmatique qui pourrait avoir des liens avec elle.

L’affaire atterrit entre les mains de Kane. Miki et lui sont entraînés dans un jeu mortel du chat et de la souris. Quand Miki est forcé d’affronter ses démons personnels et les horreurs de son enfance, une seule chose est certaine : la rock star et son flic sont déterminés à se battre pour leur avenir et à survivre aux démons menaçants du passé de Miki.


$6.99 $5.24

Bang On Trend

Moda Nostra
$6.99 $5.24

Twenty-three-year-old Milo McLaren didn’t expect to find a romantic gesture waiting for him the morning after a drunken one-night stand. Still, he convinces himself that his night with businessman Kazuhiko Yukifumi was a fluke. Kaz is powerful, rich, hot, and… intense. He can’t really be serious about wanting Milo, an executive assistant at fashion magazine Rebel.

But their paths keep crossing, and Milo can’t deny his attraction or his desire to submit to what Kaz wants… until Kaz’s best friend issues an ultimatum that puts Milo’s job in danger.

Milo has dreams he’s not ready to sacrifice, even for Kaz. Unfortunately, the fashion world is small, and even after he breaks things off, Kaz seems to go everywhere he does. Being so close to what he can’t have torments him. Can he find a way to pair his wants and needs in a way that really pops?


$6.99 $5.24

Toronto Tales: Die komplette Serie

Toronto Tales (Deutsch)
$9.99 $7.49

KC Burn präsentiert die Toronto Tales Serie, bestehend aus drei Romanzen, in denen Männer ihren Lebensunterhalt - und ihre Leben - für die Liebe riskieren.


Küss mich, Bulle (Toronto Tales: Buch 1): Detective Kurt O'Donnell steht vor der Entscheidung, sich zu outen, fürchtet jedoch um seine katholische Familie und seinen Job. Kann er das alles wirklich riskieren, um sich auf eine unsichere Zukunft mit einem noch trauernden Mann einzulassen?

Vertrau mir, Bulle (Toronto Tales: Buch 2): Als Ivan Bekker auf Beweise stößt, dass sein Freund in ein Verbrechen verwickelt ist, muss er sich entscheiden: Soll er seine Beziehung ohne Rücksicht auf Konsequenzen beschützen oder seine Karriere retten, indem er den Mann verhaftet, den er liebt?

Ausgestoßen (Toronto Tales: Buch 3): Rick und Ian fühlen sich augenblicklich heftig zueinander hingezogen. Ian überzeugt Rick davon, seine Regeln immer häufiger zu missachten und Ian sein wahres Ich zu zeigen. Als Ians Job droht, Ricks Geheimnisse aufzudecken, geraten neben ihrem Lebensunterhalt auch ihre Herzen in Gefahr.


$9.99 $7.49

151 Days

Foster High
Foster High series
Tales from Foster High | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Tales from Foster High: Book Three

With just 151 days left until the school year ends, Kyle Stilleno is running out of time to fulfill the promise he made and change Foster, Texas, for the better. But he and his boyfriend, Brad Graymark, have more than just intolerance to deal with. Life, college, love, and sex have a way of distracting them, and they’re realizing Foster is a bigger place than they thought. When someone from their past returns at the worst possible moment, graduation becomes the least of their worries.

Second Edition
Previously published by Harmony Ink Press, March 2014.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Even a wolf shifter can’t defeat fate.

Vladimir Corelia is the second son of the pack alpha. He’s happy with his role in the pack, but it seems the fates have other ideas. When the man he finds living in a cave, caring for a shifter baby and a litter of wolf pups, turns out to be his mate, it begins a chain of events that puts the whole pack in jeopardy.

Frankie Bowers can’t remember anything except a powerful sense of danger.  He only knows he can’t go home. With no way to defend himself, he has to rely on Vladimir, a perfect stranger who happens to be his mate, to protect him and the young he’s looking after.

While Vladimir and Frankie’s attraction as mates grows stronger every day, so does the threat to their relationship—and to the pack. As Frankie regains his memory, the threat grows more and more ominous. Vladimir and Frankie must rise to the challenge if they hope to have any chance at the future the fates might have in store.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

When nerdy art student Noah Andrews turned his love of wine into a way to make money during grad school, he didn’t anticipate it would lead to a summer gig cataloguing the cellars at an aging Tuscan estate.

He definitely didn’t expect to be rooming with the hunky contractor fixing up the villa.

Ostensibly, Christian Caravalli is in Italy helping his grandfather run his restoration business. In reality, he’s avoiding his parents’ divorce and the fact that he has no direction in life. When Noah lands in his lap, his summer gets a lot more interesting.

Noah’s attracted to Christian, but the man tests his boundaries. He can’t cook, he walks around half-dressed, and Noah’s bathroom, which was supposed to be ready when he arrived, is still a shambles. But what Christian lacks in direction, he makes up for in heart, and when they start capitalizing on each other’s strengths instead of focusing on their differences, the attraction blooms into more.

Unfortunately, this summer fling has an expiration date. Neither Christian nor Noah can afford to stay in the villa forever. Will their love grow into something lasting, or is it destined to be only a sweet memory?


$6.99 $5.24

The Cutie-Pie Murders

BJ Vinson Mysteries
$6.99 $5.24

A BJ Vinson Mystery

When BJ Vinson agrees to investigate the murder of young Mateo Zapata, he knows it will be a tough case. Not only is the victim’s uncle Zancon the mob underboss BJ took down six years earlier, but Matt seems to be the third victim of a depraved serial killer who debauches his victims before strangling them.

BJ and his team—including his lover, journalist Paul Barton—start down a long and tangled road while the killer strikes again and again with seeming impunity. His sterile semen offers no DNA for identification, nor is it clear how he finds his victims.

Park House, a new near-downtown apartment high-rise, could be the key to the mystery, but BJ can’t find the lock it fits. However, his search stirs up old resentments and new dangers. At any moment Zancon, impatiently waiting in the New Mexico State Penitentiary to exact his revenge, could decide to take matters into his own hands. And poking around in the case has excited the killer’s lust for Paul, whose eagerness to help stop the killings puts him in the path of certain death—unless BJ can reach him in time….


$6.99 $5.24

The Mastermind

Long Con Adventures
The Long Con
$6.99 $5.24

A Long Con Adventure

Once upon a time in Rome, Felix Salinger got caught picking his first pocket and Danny Mitchell saved his bacon. The two of them were inseparable… until they weren’t.

Twenty years after that first meeting, Danny returns to Chicago, the city he shared with Felix and their perfect, secret family, to save him again. Felix’s news network—the business that broke them apart—is under fire from an unscrupulous employee pointing the finger at Felix. An official investigation could topple their house of cards. The only way to prove Felix is innocent is to pull off their biggest con yet.

But though Felix still has the gift of grift, his reunion with Danny is bittersweet. Their ten-year separation left holes in their hearts that no amount of stolen property can fill. A green crew of young thieves looks to them for guidance as they negotiate old jewels and new threats to pull off the perfect heist—but the hardest job is proving that love is the only thing of value they’ve ever had.


$6.99 $5.24

Dark Mire

Kildevil Cove Murder Mysteries | Book Two
$0.99 $0.74

A Kildevil Cove Murder Mystery

You never know what trouble will rise from the bog.

When the body of an unidentified woman is found in a Newfoundland bog, Inspector Danny Quirke must scramble his team of investigators to find her killer. But what initially seems like a straightforward case soon becomes mired in a tangled web of lies and deliberate obfuscation.

With the strange mutilation of the body—one eye gouged out completely—evidence seems to lead to a fringe religious group with bizarre beliefs. But while the pathologist indicates mushroom poisoning as the cause of death, Danny thinks circumstances point to something more sinister—especially when he begins to receive anonymous messages with links to horrific pictures of damaged human eyes.

Three more bodies join the first, with seemingly nothing to link them but a little girl in a yellow party dress who flits in and out of the mystery like a creature from the old legends. Then an old friend from his childhood reappears, and Danny is forced to confront uncomfortable truths about his own nearest and dearest.

On an island, everyone is a suspect…


$0.99 $0.74

Dark Water

Kildevil Cove Murder Mysteries | Book One
$0.99 $0.74

A Kildevil Cove Murder Mystery

They say trouble comes in threes. Detective Danny Quirke is already mourning his wife and mired in an internal investigation that will likely spell the end of his career. Now he must return to the Newfoundland fishing village of his youth to bury his abusive grandfather. At least his three are up. Right?

Then the bones of local boy Llewellyn Single, drowned thirty years before, wash up on the beach, and secrets Danny thought were buried forever rise violently to the surface. Only two people know what really happened: Danny Quirke and his former best friend, millionaire Tadhg Heaney.

Danny and Tadhg have been bitter enemies for years. But when Danny is accused of Llewellyn’s murder, he needs Tadhg’s help exposing the truth—before those who believe he is responsible get their revenge.

After all, on an island, nothing stays secret forever….


Previously published by Dreamspinner Press as Wind and Dark Water, March 2020.


$0.99 $0.74

The Seer

Chronicles of the Riftlands | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Chronicles of the Riftlands: Book Three

For the past ten years, smuggling magic users safely out of Brotherhood-controlled Rassa has been the only thing keeping Dakso Kavalyan going. But with his funding cut and rumors of impending civil war, his orders from the Mage’s High Council are clear: his final mission is information gathering only. No rescuing even one more hunted soul.

Daks has never been great at following orders. When he stumbles upon a Seer spouting prophecy in front of one of the hated brothers, he can’t just walk away.

Ravi never asked to be rescued, nor did he ask for the Visions plaguing his life and endangering everyone he’s ever cared about. The last thing he needs is a reckless brute crashing into his carefully laid plans. Seems the gods have other ideas.

As Daks and Ravi flee the city together, their reluctant alliance blooms into something more, but trials, bad luck, and Daks’s infuriating penchant for finding trouble dog their every move. Will trusting this reckless rogue with his heart and his life be the worst decision Ravi’s ever made… or the best?


$6.99 $5.24

Bad to be Worthy

Bad to Be Good | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Bad to Be Good
Bad to Be Good: Book Two

When a former mobster’s past catches up with him, will it end the quiet life he’s been struggling with, or transform it into something he couldn’t have imagined?

Sometimes Gerome Meadows longs for the excitement of the life he left behind for Witness Protection. But when he stands up to a bully in a bar to protect a homeless man, his past comes very close to home—and it’s no longer what he wants.

Tucker Wells has been living in a tent, surviving with the aid of his friend Cheryl and helping her watch over her son. When he winds up on the wrong side of an argument with some dangerous people, his already difficult life is thrown into turmoil. Gerome steps in to find them a temporary apartment, and Tucker is grateful and relieved.

Gerome never meant to open the door to trouble. His life and Tucker’s depend on keeping his past a mystery. But as his desire to protect develops into something deeper, he and Tucker will have to evaluate what family means—and hope that their growing feelings pass unimaginable tests.


$6.99 $5.24

Over the Top

Black Dragons Inc.
$6.99 $5.24

A Black Dragons Inc. Novel

Former best friends put their differences aside to rescue a child—but the baby isn’t the only thing that needs saving.

A preventable training accident that forced him out of the SEALs has left Gunner Vance bitter and angry. But all that changes when his childhood friend and onetime lover asks for his help.

When a gunfight lands a baby on lonely teacher Chasten Reed’s front porch, he knows Gunner is their best chance for survival—assuming they don’t end up killing each other while on the run.

Chas and Gunner have a simple mission: identify the baby and get her safely back to her real family. But with jeopardy around every corner of the desperate cross-country journey from New England to Hawaii, simple doesn’t mean easy. The attraction between them might be bulletproof, but their bodies are not. Will Chas and Gunner find what they’ve been craving? Or will the past, and the danger, push them over the top before they can fall in love?


$6.99 $5.24

Who Knows the Moonlight

The Vigilante | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

The Vigilante: Book Three

Vigilante Nox Boyet won’t rest until he brings down the man who has destroyed his beloved New York City and now threatens the people he loves. But once he’s taken prisoner by the monster behind the carnage, Nox needs help.

Cade Creel has come a long way from his days as a high-priced rent boy, but he never expected to join the Vigilante on a high-stakes quest, never mind fall in love with him. Now it’s time to step up.

Separated and desperate, Nox and Cade have their work cut out for them. With the help of new friends and old enemies, they must identify the man who has turned New York City into a dystopian nightmare and get the hell out before a raid by the Feds turns the city into a warzone. But first they must find their way back to each other.


$6.99 $5.24

Portals and Puppy Dogs

Hedge Witches Lonely Hearts Club | Book Two
Dreamspun Beyond
$4.99 $3.74

Hedge Witches Lonely Hearts Club: Book Two

Sometimes love is flashier than magic.

On the surface, Alex Kennedy is unremarkable: average looks, boring accounting job, predictable crush on his handsome playboy boss, Simon Reddick.

But he’s also a witch.

Business powerhouse Simon goes for flash and glamour… most of the time. But something about Alex makes Simon wonder what’s underneath that sweet, gentle exterior.

Alex could probably dance around their attraction forever… if not for the spell gone wrong tearing apart his haunted cul-de-sac. When a portal through time and space swallows the dog he’s petsitting, only for the pampered pooch to appear in the next instant on Simon’s doorstep, Alex and Simon must confront not only the rogue magic trying to take over Alex’s coven, but the long-buried passion they’ve been harboring for each other.


$4.99 $3.74

Domestic Do-over

Restoration Channel | Book 1
$3.00 $2.25

A Restoration Channel Novel

Can a prickly carpenter build a reality TV host a way out of the closet?

Real estate guru Brandon Chase knows what “family friendly” means in the biz, and it’s not being open about his sexuality.

The end of Brandon’s marriage is still making headlines when the Restoration Channel makes him an offer: helm a show about flipping houses in New York City’s risky market. Still smarting from the bad press, Brandon is reluctant to get involved—until he falls in love with an old Victorian.

Except the house isn’t the only thing that catches his eye.

It’s contractor Travis Rogers’s job to enumerate every way a renovation could go wrong, which leads to a lot of on-set sparring and mutual frustration between him and Brandon. But when the simmering attraction underneath boils over, the show and their relationship hang in the balance.

Travis hates the media attention that follows Brandon, and the network has a history of firing LGBTQ personalities. Like the houses Brandon makes over, this relationship has potential. But if Brandon can’t convince Travis to take a chance, their chemistry might stay on-screen only.


$3.00 $2.25

Next to Me

Inevitable Duets | Book One
Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $3.74

Inevitable Duets: Book One

Can an awkward student and a closeted rock star make beautiful music together?

Music composition student Chase Collins has always worn his heart on his sleeve. That’s why it was so quick to break in high school when Chase lost Carter West, his best friend and first love, to an ill-fated kiss.

Imagine Chase’s surprise five years later when Carter, now a rising rock star, admits to the world that Chase inspired his band’s award-winning song—and that Carter was in love with him all along.

Frontman Carter West has been closeted his whole life. Now that he’s out in the most public way possible, he can finally indulge in the romantic impulses he’s always had to keep stifled. Reconnecting with Chase gives him the opportunity to explore a whole new side of himself.

But the next tour draws inevitably closer, and Chase is wary. Carter left Chase once before. Can two gifted musicians write themselves a love song that will last a lifetime?


$4.99 $3.74

The Bookseller's Boyfriend

Copper Point: Main Street
$6.99 $5.24

A Copper Point: Main Street Novel

Bookshop owner Jacob Moore can’t believe his longtime celebrity crush, author Rasul Youssef, is moving to Copper Point. For many, the chance to meet the playboy novelist would be a dream come true, but Jacob dreads it. You should never meet your heroes.

You definitely shouldn’t pretend to be their boyfriend.

Rasul came to this backwater town for an academic residency—a necessary evil, since he’s burned through his advance without finishing the book that goes with it. But he’s also getting distance from a toxic relationship. Quiet, reserved Jacob isn’t his type, but their charade gives Rasul a respite from the social media circus surrounding his breakup, and Jacob’s charming apartment proves the perfect setting to write.

Of course, prolonged exposure reveals that Jacob’s reserved exterior hides a thoughtful, intelligent man who sets Rasul’s imagination—and heart—alight.

Every day Rasul reveals himself to be more than Jacob ever dreamed he could. Jacob tries to be content with friendship and the professional overlap between author and bookseller, knowing a shooting star like Rasul could never make a home with Jacob in a small town like Copper Point.

Could he?


$6.99 $5.24