Books by "Ariel Tachna" (111)


Alliance in Blood

Partnership in Blood
$6.99 $3.49

Partnership in Blood: Volume One

Can a desperate wizard and a bitter, disillusioned vampire find a way to build the partnership that could save their world?

In a world rocked by magical war, vampires are seen by many as less than human, as the stereotypical creatures of the night who prey on others. But as the war intensifies, the wizards know they need an advantage to turn the tide in their favor: the strength and edge the vampires can give them in the battle against the dark wizards who seek to destroy life as they know it.

In a dangerous move and show of good will, the wizards ask the leader of the vampires to meet with them, so that they might plead their cause. One desperate man, Alain Magnier, and one bitter, disillusioned vampire, Orlando St. Clair, meet in Paris, and the fate of the world hangs in the balance of their decision: Will the vampires join the cause and form a partnership with the wizards to win the war?

Second Edition
This second edition received minor revision and proofing for re-release in honor of the publication of Partnership Reborn, the final book in the series.


$6.99 $3.49

Conflict in Blood

Partnership in Blood
$6.99 $3.49

Sequel to Covenant in Blood
Partnership in Blood: Volume Three

As the Alliance wizard-vampire partnerships grow stronger, the dark wizards feel the effects and become increasingly desperate to find enough information to counter them, unaware of the growing strain of the blood-magic bonds on the wizards and vampires alike.

The conflict is spreading. The strife of uncomfortable relationships, both personal and professional, is threatening to tear up the Alliance from the inside, despite the efforts of Alain Magnier and Orlando St. Clair, Thierry Dumont and Sebastien Noyer, and even Raymond Payet and Jean Bellaiche, leader of the Paris vampires, who is fighting to establish a stable covenant with his own partner so he might lead by example.

As the war rages on and heartbreaking casualties mount on both sides, the dark wizards keep searching for clues to understand and counter the strength of the Alliance, while the blood-bound Alliance partners hunt through ancient prejudices and forgotten lore to find an edge that can turn the tide of the war once and for all..

With new strength behind it, the Alliance’s leaders move to announce its existence to the whole world, hoping to rally support against the dark wizards who threaten to destroy life as they know it. Struggling to find its way in the expanding war, the Alliance discovers that despite its advantages, the partnerships are affecting the balance of magical power in the world, which may be an even bigger threat than the war itself.

Second Edition
This second edition received minor revision and proofing for re-release in honor of the publication of Partnership Reborn, the final book in the series.


$6.99 $3.49

Covenant in Blood

Partnership in Blood
$6.99 $3.49

Sequel to Alliance in Blood
Partnership in Blood: Volume Two

The wizards and the vampires have forged an alliance based on blood and magic, hoping to turn the tide of the war against the dark wizards. A few wizard-vampire bonds are as successful as Alain Magnier’s and Orlando St. Clair’s, but some are much less so, leading to arguments, resentment, and outright fights between the allies despite their mutual goals.

Following his best friend Alain’s example, Thierry Dumont determinedly forms a partnership with vampire Sebastien Noyer, despite the wizard’s discomfort with being so close to a vampire—a man—so soon after his wife’s death. But they find that desperation may be the key to forming a covenant that works: Thierry and Sebastien are almost immediately devoted to one another’s safety.

With new strength behind it, the Alliance’s leaders move to announce its existence to the whole world, hoping to rally support against the dark wizards who threaten to destroy life as they know it. Struggling to find its way in the expanding war, the Alliance discovers that despite its advantages, the partnerships are affecting the balance of magical power in the world, which may be an even bigger threat than the war itself.

Second Edition
This second edition received minor revision and proofing for re-release in honor of the publication of Partnership Reborn, the final book in the series.


$6.99 $3.49

Lycan Partnership

Partnership in Blood
$6.99 $3.49

A Partnership in Blood novel

By the time the alpha of the Morvan werewolf pack approaches l’Institut Marcel Chavinier for help solving his people’s fertility problems, pack numbers have dwindled and the remaining members are desperate. Though the wizards at l’Institut have no experience with werewolves, their lore, or their brand of magic, Raymond agrees to help.

At l’ANS headquarters, Raymond finds Marc Gourlin, a young wizard fascinated with werewolves. Marc agrees to visit the werewolves’ home to study their rituals for the source of the problem. But when he arrives, he finds himself distracted by Adenet Silaire, the pack shaman. The attraction between them is powerful, but though Marc suspects he might be Adenet’s mate, Adenet rebuffs him. Marc is a man, and Adenet’s sense of responsibility will not let him take a male mate when the pack so desperately needs children.

Meanwhile, Jean and Raymond discover the Aveu de Sang allows a vampire’s Avoué to calm his inner beast. For Jean and Orlando, this is wonderful news—but it only convinces Thierry how much Sebastien is missing out on because they cannot form an Aveu de Sang. Determined to give his partner everything he can, Thierry sets out to recreate the bond denied them by Sebastien’s past.

2nd Edition
This second edition received minor revision and proofing for re-release in honor of the publication of Partnership Reborn, the final book in the series.


$6.99 $3.49

Partnership Reborn

Partnership in Blood
$6.99 $3.49

A Partnership in Blood novel

All his life, wizard Raphael Tarayaud has dreamed of a vampire—first as a friend, then as a lover. His search for his missing soul mate brings him to the attention of Sebastien Noyer, one of his childhood heroes. While Sebastien isn't his soul mate, he could be the perfect partner for Raphael's best friend Kylian Raffier.

As strange coincidences mount up, Raphael offers his research expertise to try and help Kylian and Sebastien understand what is happening to them, though the more he learns, the less he likes it. But it won’t keep him from fighting with everything he has to secure Kylian’s future.

When he finally meets Jean Bellaiche, former chef de la Cour and grieving widower, the meeting is disastrous, but Raphael can't let it go. He doesn’t stand a chance with Jean—who could compete with the ghost of Raymond Payet?—but nothing can stop him from dreaming.


$6.99 $3.49

Perilous Partnership

Partnership in Blood
$6.99 $3.49

A Partnership in Blood novel

A year after the end of the war that brought them together, Raymond Payet and Jean Bellaiche have found a balance in their relationship: Jean drinks only Raymond’s blood; Raymond sleeps only in Jean’s bed. The demands of their public roles as president of l’Association Nationale de Sorcellerie and chef de la Cour of the Parisian vampires keep them busy dealing with fallout from the war and the alliance, particularly the not-always-successful partnerships between vampires and wizards.

The foundation of an institute to research and educate wizards and vampires about the implications of the partnership bonds only adds to those responsibilities. When political factions, both vampire and mortal, oppose their leaders’ decisions, the stress begins to affect Raymond and Jean’s deepening relationship. And when political opposition turns to vandalism and then to violence, they’ll have to find a way to reconcile their personal and professional lives before external and internal forces pull them apart.

Second Edition
This second edition received minor revision and proofing for re-release in honor of the publication of Partnership Reborn, the final book in the series.


$6.99 $3.49

Reluctant Partnerships

Partnership in Blood
$6.99 $3.49

A Partnership in Blood novel

Thanks to the efforts of Raymond Payet and l’ANS, vampires now have the same legal rights as mortals, and research at l’Institut Marcel Chavinier is focusing on the mysterious partnership bonds between wizards and vampires. But the battle for public opinion rages on. When Detective Adèle Rougier encounters Pascale Auboussu, a shy young woman turned into a vampire against her will, Raymond and Denis Langlois, chef de la Cour nearest the crime, fear a public relations nightmare.

The vampire responsible for Pascale’s turning must be brought to justice, but Denis is distracted by an unlikely potential partner—Canadian researcher Martin Delacroix, who is spending a year’s sabbatical at l’Institut—and Denis’s lingering feelings for his deceased lover prompt him to reject the bond. There’s no denying the attraction between them, though, and the allure of companionship is nearly as strong as Denis’s grief.

Growing familiarity and yearning for a true mate may induce Adèle and Denis to soften their stances against new partnerships, but Adèle will have to accept a deeper intimacy with Pascale when she has never considered a relationship with a woman, and it will take a near-deadly attack to make Denis admit his most hidden desires. Now he has to hope Martin will be willing to stay.

2nd Edition
This second edition received minor revision and proofing for re-release in honor of the publication of Partnership Reborn, the final book in the series.


$6.99 $3.49

Reparation in Blood

Partnership in Blood
$6.99 $3.49

Sequel to Conflict in Blood
Partnership in Blood: Volume Four

The war is at a fever pitch with both sides stretched to the limit, when the dark wizards score a shocking victory and capture Orlando St. Clair. Haggard with worry and grief at the separation from his lover, Alain fears that even if they find Orlando, the vampire’s heart and mind may be far too broken to save.

Knowing the Alliance teeters on the brink, Christophe Lombard, the oldest, most powerful vampire in Paris leaves his self-imposed seclusion to join the fight. Alain’s lost friend Eric Simonet, who betrayed him to join the dark wizards, is faced with a choice between revenge and redemption. And Jean, enraged by Orlando’s capture, faces the most agonizing decision in his unlife as the final battle looms: Will their actions lead to the shattering of the Alliance or the salvation of the world?

Second Edition
This second edition received minor revision and proofing for re-release in honor of the publication of Partnership Reborn, the final book in the series.


$6.99 $3.49

Partnership Reforged

Partnership in Blood

A Companion to the Partnership in Blood series

For two years, Thierry has wanted the one thing Sebastien's past denies him: an Aveu de Sang. With the help of friends new and old, he has finally assembled a ritual that will give him a close approximation of the ultimate bond between vampire and mortal... if it succeeds.


$6.99 $3.49

All his life Benicio Quispe has dreamed of being a guide on the Inca Trail. He gets his chance when the top travel agency in Cusco, Peru hires him. Alberto Salazar, his assigned mentor, fits Benicio's idea of a perfect guide, but he's also everything Benicio never dared to dream of in a boyfriend.

Alberto learned a long time ago to be discreet about his sexuality. It's a necessary sacrifice to keep the respect of the guides and porters whose help is critical in a successful hike. So he pushes aside his attraction to his new junior guide and goes on as usual. But when a group of old friends arrives to hike the trail again, they convince him a relationship with Benicio is worth pursuing. His newfound resolve is enough to get them on a first date, but no amount of courage can change the attitudes of their family and friends. The risks on the trail are easy compared to finding a path through the challenges keeping them apart.


$6.99 $3.49
$6.99 $3.49

La secuela de Heredar el cielo
Volumen 2 de la serie Lang Downs

Chris Simms, un joven de veinte años, apenas logra salir adelante. Después de perder a su madre y su hogar, lucha para ganar a duras penas lo suficiente para sobrevivir con su hermano menor. Cuando un grupo de homófobos le ataca, piensa que su vida ha acabado, pero es rescatado por unos empleados de un rancho de ovejas de la zona. Se queda muy sorprendido de que le ofrezcan un trabajo y aún más al enterarse de que el dueño y el capataz son gais.

Para Chris, Lang Downs es un sueño hecho realidad, que no hace más que mejorar cuando descubre que el hombre que le gusta, Jesse Harris, es gay y está abierto a tener una aventura. Todo va bien hasta que Chris se da cuenta de que se está enamorando de Jesse más profundamente de lo que su acuerdo permite.

Jesse va de rancho en rancho y no busca nunca nada permanente. Convencido de que Chris es demasiado joven y frágil para una relación, pone las normas para tener una interacción sin compromiso. Ver juntos al dueño del rancho y al capataz le hace pensar en los posibles beneficios de echar raíces, pero cuando se da cuenta de los sentimientos de Chris le entra pánico. Chris y él tendrán que decidir si vale la pena intentar alcanzar juntos la felicidad antes de que el final de la temporada los separe.


$6.99 $3.49

Patto di sangue

Legami di sangue
$6.99 $3.49

Seguito di Alleanza di Sangue
Serie Legami di sangue, Libro 2

I maghi e i vampiri hanno stretto un’alleanza basata sul sangue e sulla magia, sperando di dare una svolta alla guerra contro i maghi oscuri. Alcuni legami mago/vampiro hanno lo stesso successo di quello di Alain Magnier e Orlando St. Clair, ma altri molto meno e, nonostante i fini comuni, sono fonte di discussioni, risentimenti e litigi tra alleati.

Seguendo l’esempio del suo migliore amico Alain, Thierry Dumont stringe un legame col vampiro Sebastien Noyer, nonostante si senta a disagio a essere così vicino a un vampiro – un uomo – poco tempo dopo la morte della moglie. Tuttavia, essi si rendono conto che la disperazione può essere la chiave per un’unione di successo e i due si trovano subito dediti alla sicurezza l’uno dell’altro.

Supportati dalle nuove forze, i capi dell’Alleanza ne annunciano l’esistenza al mondo intero, sperando così di raccogliere altri alleati contro i maghi oscuri, che minacciano di distruggere la vita sul pianeta. Mentre cerca di farsi strada all’interno del conflitto, l’Alleanza scopre che, nonostante i loro vantaggi, le collaborazioni mago/vampiro stanno alterando l’equilibrio dei poteri magici nel mondo, cosa, questa, che potrebbe costituire una minaccia addirittura maggiore della guerra stessa.


$6.99 $3.49
$3.99 $2.00

Another mission to rescue yet another lost soul—Emmanuel isn’t sure how much more of the same old routine he can withstand. Get the fallen’s attention, save them from themselves, usher them back to grace, and return, simply to receive another assignment. But there’s something different about the troubled painter, Cameron Anderson, that grabs Emmanuel and won’t let him go.

Falling in love was never the plan. Committing the unpardonable sin is not an option for Emmanuel. He must choose: return home to stay and hope Cameron survives alone, or face the consequences of what he’s done in the hope of securing a life with Cameron.

Second Edition
First edition published as a short story of the same title in October 2007 by Dreamspinner Press.


$3.99 $2.00
$6.99 $3.49

Volumen 1 de la serie Lang Downs

Caine Neiheisel está atrapado en un trabajo sin salida y una relación sin futuro cuando una oportunidad única cae en sus manos. Su madre hereda el rancho de ovejas de su tío en Nueva Gales del Sur, en Australia. Caine lo ve como una ocasión de empezar una nueva vida en el campo donde su tartamudeo no será un lastre y su buena disposición para el trabajo seguramente compensará su falta de conocimientos.

Por desgracia, Macklin Armstrong, el capataz de Lang Downs, que debería ser el mayor aliado de Caine, tan pronto se comporta de manera fría como se muestra displicente, y los otros empleados están más entretenidos por su acento americano que conmovidos por la difícil situación en la que se ha metido… Hasta que se enteran de que es gay y su simpatía se convierte en desdén. Hará falta toda la determinación de Caine y un acto de cruel sabotaje por parte de un vecino hostil para unir a los hombres de Lang Downs, y que Caine y Macklin tengan una oportunidad en el amor.


$6.99 $3.49
$6.99 $3.49

Srikkanth Bhattacharya est le célibataire gay par excellence et parfaitement heureux de l’être, jusqu’à ce qu’il reçoive un appel de l’hôpital local lui annonçant que sa meilleure amie est morte en couches. Sri avait accepté de donner son sperme afin que le rêve de maternité de Jill se réalise, mais il ne s’était pas attendu à être responsable d’une petite fille. Il décide de la placer dans une famille adoptive, mais une fois qu’il la voit, Sri ne peut se résoudre à le faire, et se débat maintenant pour apprendre à s’occuper d’un nouveau-né.

Son colocataire et ami, Jaime Frias, propose de l’aider, ne se doutant pas qu’il allait tomber amoureux du bébé et de Sri. Tout semble parfait jusqu’à ce qu’une visite des Services Sociaux plonge Sri dans le désarroi, lui donnant l’impression qu’il doit choisir entre sa fille et une relation avec l’homme qu’il était venu à aimer.


$6.99 $3.49

Inseguire le stelle

Lang Downs (Italiano)
$6.99 $3.49

Serie Lang Downs, Libro 2

Il ventenne Chris Simms riesce a malapena a mantenersi a galla. Dopo aver perso la madre e la casa, si trova a dover provvedere da solo a se stesso e al fratello minore. Quando è attaccato da un branco di teppisti omofobi, Chris pensa che la sua vita sia ormai giunta alla fine, ma viene salvato da alcuni uomini che lavorano in un allevamento di pecore della regione. La sorpresa di sentirsi offrire un lavoro è superata solo dallo scoprire che il proprietario e il sovrintendente della stazione formano una coppia gay.

Per Chris la stazione di Lang Downs è un sogno, che migliora ancora quando scopre che il ragazzo per il quale ha un debole è non solo gay, ma anche disposto a spassarsela un po’. Tutto sembra procedere al meglio, fino a che Chris non si rende conto che i suoi sentimenti per Jesse sono molto più profondi di quanto previsto dal loro accordo.

Jesse ama la vita randagia e passa di stazione in stazione, senza mai cercare qualcosa di stabile. Convinto che Chris sia troppo giovane e fragile per una relazione seria, decide di fare in modo che la loro rimanga una relazione occasionale. Tuttavia, posto di fronte al tipo di rapporto che lega il proprietario della stazione al suo sovrintendente, comincia a valutare la possibilità di fermarsi anche lui a Lang Downs; almeno finché non si accorge dei sentimenti che Chris nutre per lui e piomba nel panico. I due ragazzi dovranno quindi decidere se darsi un’occasione, possibilmente prima che la fine dell’estate li separi.


$6.99 $3.49

Pacto de sangre

CoaliciĆ³n de Sangre
$6.99 $3.49

Volumen 2 de la serie Coalición de Sangre

Los magos y los vampiros han forjado una alianza basada en sangre y magia con la esperanza de inclinar la balanza de la guerra contra los magos oscuros. Algunos de los emparejamientos formados resultan tan exitosos como el de Alain Magnier y Orlando St. Claire, pero otros lo son mucho menos, conduciendo a discusiones, resentimientos y verdaderas peleas a pesar de los objetivos comunes.

Siguiendo el ejemplo de su mejor amigo, Thierry Dumont se empareja resueltamente con Sébastien Noyer, a pesar de lo incómodo que le resulta estar tan cerca de un vampiro, un hombre además, tan pronto tras la muerte de su esposa. Pero ambos descubren que la desesperación puede ser la clave para formar un pacto que funcione y cada uno de ellos se consagra casi de inmediato a mantener a salvo a su compañero.

Respaldados por una nueva fuerza, los líderes de la coalición se disponen a anunciar su existencia al mundo entero con la esperanza de conseguir apoyo contra los magos rebeldes que amenazan con destruir la vida tal y como se la conoce. En su lucha por encontrar su lugar en la cada vez más intensa guerra, la alianza descubre que a pesar de sus beneficios, los emparejamientos están afectando al equilibrio del poder mágico en el planeta, lo cual puede incluso llegar a ser una amenaza mayor que la guerra misma.


$6.99 $3.49
$6.99 $3.49

Sequel to Outlast the Night
Lang Downs: Book Four

Thorne Lachlan knows a thing or two about getting himself safely out of a blaze. For years he fought in the world’s hot spots, a Commando with the Australian Army. Now, retired, he fights flames for the Royal Fire Service. When a grassfire brings him to Lang Downs, the next sheep station in danger, Thorne meets Ian Duncan and sparks fly that neither man can put out. But both men have ghosts from the past that stand in the way of moving beyond mutual attraction.

While Thorne longs for the home he could share with Ian at Lang Downs, he fears his own instability might make him a danger to others. And Ian’s always believed that the foster care nightmare he escaped before coming to Lang Downs would make any relationship impossible. Trust doesn’t come easily to Thorne or Ian until the fire’s aftermath forces them to see past the scars keeping them both from healing.


$6.99 $3.49