Books by "Ariel Tachna" (111)

$9.99 $4.99

Return to Tachna’s world of vampires and wizards in the second volume of Partnership in Blood.

With the war over, the wizards and vampires of l’ANS are faced with a series of new challenges as they explore everything their partnerships have come to signify. While the depth of individual partnerships varies, one thing is certain: there is more to their partnerships—and the Aveu de sang—than meets the eye.

See excerpt for individual blurbs.


$9.99 $4.99

L'étalon sauvage

Dreamspun Desires (Français)
$4.99 $2.49

Les amants de Lexington

Les chevaux étaient sa passion… jusqu’à ce qu’il pose les yeux sur son patron.

Il y a un an et demi, une tragédie s’est abattue sur Bywater Farm, lorsque l’amant de Clay Hunter a perdu la vie à la suite d’une chute de cheval et que son meilleur étalon, King of Hearts, en a été traumatisé. Clay et King avaient mis leur vie entre parenthèses, essayant davantage de survivre que de vivre, jusqu’à ce qu’une bouffée d’air frais les réveille tous deux : Luke Davis, un nouveau palefrenier dans l’écurie des étalons.

Lorsque Luke est envoyé aux urgences après être tombé de King, Clay regarde les fondations fragiles de leur relation naissante s’effondrer. Clay peut-il vraiment aimer à nouveau un jockey ? Ou bien sa peur de perdre à nouveau l’homme qu’il aime va-t-elle les séparer pour de bon ? 


$4.99 $2.49


Talking in Code
$2.99 $1.50

Prequel to Talking in Code

Spanning the six years before the events of Talking in Code, this collection of short stories recounts highlights of how Richard, Tim, and Eric fell in love—and into bed. These seven tales reveal the early adventures of the two former Navy SEALs, an expert sniper, and their paramilitary organization, Strike Force Omega. Between dangerous missions and their aftermath, the three men find time to explore the limits of their relationship and what it might become, whether it’s blistering physical passion or something with the potential to run much deeper—something that will see them through their most difficult battles.


$2.99 $1.50

Stage Two

Lexington Lovers
Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $2.49

Lexington Lovers

Love has a steep learning curve.

Assistant high school principal Blake Barnes has everything he wants—a chance to help troubled students and an outlet for his passion for theater. Well, almost everything—he still goes home to an empty apartment. Then his high school crush explodes back into his life, the unexpected guardian of two boys in Blake’s care.

Thane Dalton has always been a bad boy through and through. Not much has changed, including his mistrust of authority figures, and no amount of institutional bureaucracy will keep him from protecting his nephews from the bullies terrorizing them. If that means butting heads with Blake, so be it.

Blake and Thane have lessons to learn: that they both have the boys’ best interests at heart, that the tension between them isn’t just confrontational, and that sparks can fly when opposites come together.


$4.99 $2.49

Avec le sourire

Service compris
$6.99 $3.49

Service compris, numéro hors série

Pascal Larocque, serveur dans un restaurant réputé de Montréal, sait ce que signifie « aimer » – et il connaît aussi le sentiment de perte. Quelques années plus tôt, il a enterré l’homme avec lequel il pensait passer sa vie. Il est parfaitement heureux de sa vie en solitaire, du moins c’est ce qu’il dit à ses amis. Mais une rencontre inattendue dans un bar du coin suivie d’une autre à l’entrée de son immeuble mettent son monde sens dessus dessous.

Mathias Perras est un homme de vingt-quatre ans, fraîchement installé à Montréal, qui jongle entre deux postes pour pouvoir vivre dans la rue Sainte-Catherine située au cœur du quartier gay. La journée, il travaille à la Banque de Montréal où il souhaite rapidement accéder à un poste de cadre. La nuit, il est serveur dans un bar gay au bas de sa rue. Il n’a pas le temps de respirer, mais son implication au travail portera un jour ses fruits quand sa carrière décollera et qu’il aura la vie dont il a toujours rêvé. Lorsqu’il fait la rencontre de Pascal, une pièce supplémentaire de ce rêve se met en place. Pascal représente tout ce qu’il recherche chez un amant : plus âgé, plein d’assurance, avec un train de vie et un emploi stables. Mais Pascal ne le remarque même pas. Que doit-il faire pour obtenir les faveurs de cet homme ?


$6.99 $3.49

Onorare la terra

Lang Downs (Italiano)
$6.49 $3.24

Seguito di Domare le fiamme
Serie Lang Downs, Libro 5

Il sogno di Seth Simms non è mai stato di diventare un jackaroo, e in effetti, stando a quanto dice il suo miglior amico Jason Thompson, non lo è. Ha solo avuto la fortuna, dieci anni prima, di trasferirsi a Lang Downs insieme al fratello. La vita nella stazione gli ha dato la stabilità necessaria a finire la scuola e frequentare l’università, ma il giovane non ha mai pensato che Lang Downs potesse diventare per lui il porto sicuro che sembra essere per tanti altri. Sa di essere troppo incasinato e crede che nessuno sarebbe disposto a prendersi in casa qualcuno con tutti i suoi problemi.

Sin da piccolo, Jason ha avuto un solo scopo nella vita: lavorare a Lang Downs come veterinario al bisogno e come jackaroo il resto del tempo. Può così approfittare delle sporadiche visite di Seth per stare con lui, anche se il sogno di passare da amici ad amanti sembra destinato a non avverarsi mai, visto che il ragazzo è etero.

Quando Seth torna a casa all’improvviso con l’intenzione di rimanere, Jason accoglie la notizia con la gioia che merita, ma destreggiarsi tra la relazione con un altro jackaroo e l’amicizia con il giovane meccanico non si rivela facile, soprattutto quando scopre quanto profondi siano i problemi di Seth e con quali mezzi il ragazzo cerchi di tenerli a bada.


$6.49 $3.24

Talking in Code

Talking in Code
$6.99 $3.49

Some things crumble under pressure. Others are tempered by it instead. For three former soldiers, a tragedy might be the catalyst that binds them together—stronger than ever.

Richard Horn and Timothy Davenport met in the SEALs twenty years ago and have been lovers ever since. Now running their own paramilitary organization, Strike Force Omega, they work in the shadows to protect their country and its people. When Tim falls for Eric Newton, a deadly sniper and strategist on their team, Richard accepts that Tim’s heart is big enough for two men. He respects, admires, and even desires Eric enough to accept him into their relationship—and their bed—but he’s never been fully a part of what Eric and Tim share.

Then Eric is captured by terrorists and Tim is gravely injured in an op gone wrong, bringing Richard’s world crashing down around his ears. Even if he gets his men out alive, Eric must face the aftermath of months of physical and psychological torture—and without Tim to lean on, Eric’s PTSD is tearing him apart. Richard has to figure out the third leg of their triangle fast, or Tim won’t have a life to come back to.


$6.99 $3.49

Hol Dir einen Stern

Lang Downs (Deutsch)
$6.99 $3.49

Buch 2 in der Serie - Lang Downs

Der zwanzigjährige Chris Simms kann kaum den Kopf über Wasser halten. Nachdem er seine Mutter und sein Zuhause verloren hat, kämpft er darum, sich und seinen Bruder zu versorgen. Als er einem homophoben Angriff zum Opfer fällt, denkt er, dass sein Leben zu Ende ist. Aber er wird von den Jackaroos einer nahegelegenen Schafsstation gerettet. Er ist über das darauffolgende Jobangebot genauso erstaunt wie über die Tatsache, dass der Stationsbesitzer und der Vorarbeiter schwul sind.

Für Chris ist Lang Downs ein Traum – einer, der noch besser wird, als er begreift, dass sein heimlicher Schwarm, der Jackaroo Jesse Harris, ebenfalls schwul und für einen Flirt zu haben ist. Alles geht gut, bis Chris klar wird, dass er mehr für Jesse empfindet, als ihr Deal erlaubt.

Jesse ist ein Herumtreiber, der von Station zu Station zieht. Er sucht nicht nach etwas Dauerhaftem und da er überzeugt ist, dass Chris zu jung und zerbrechlich für eine richtige Beziehung ist, legt er Regeln fest, um die Dinge unverbindlich zu halten. Den Stationsbesitzer und seinen Vorarbeiter zusammen zu sehen, lässt Jesse darüber nachdenken, ob es nicht doch Vorteile hat, sich niederzulassen. Aber als er begreift, was Chris für ihn fühlt, gerät er in Panik. Er und Chris werden sich entscheiden müssen, ob die Möglichkeit zusammen glücklich zu werden, es wert ist, ein Risiko einzugehen, ehe das Ende der Saison sie trennt.


$6.99 $3.49

Service with a Smirk

At Your Service
$6.99 $3.49

An At Your Service Novel

Pascal Larocque, a waiter at a high-end Montréal restaurant, knows what it means to love—and he knows what it means to lose. He buried the man he expected to spend his life with years ago. He’s perfectly happy with his solitude, or so he tells his friends. But a chance encounter in a neighborhood bar followed by a run-in at his apartment building turns his world upside down.

Mathias Perras is twenty-four, newly arrived in Montréal, and works two jobs so he can live on rue Sainte-Catherine in the heart of the gay district. During the day, he’s on a fast track to management at the Banque de Montréal. At night, he waits tables at a gay bar down the street. He’s burning the candle at both ends, but it will be worth it when his career takes off and he has the life he’s always dreamed of. When he meets Pascal, one more piece of that dream slots into place. Pascal is everything he wants in a lover: older, self-assured, established in his life and his career. But Pascal doesn’t look at him twice. What’s a boy have to do to get a little action?


$6.99 $3.49

Popcorn Garlands

2016 Advent Calendar | Bah Humbug
$1.99 $1.00

Carlos Mendez spends all year working hard at his Houston-based landscaping business, and he sends every spare penny he earns back to his family in Mexico. By the time the holidays roll around, he doesn’t have much patience for the unadulterated greed and consumerism paraded past him. But a chance meeting with his neighbor, Ned Williams, and Ned’s cancer-stricken daughter, might help to remind him of the real meaning of the season—something beyond the gaudy lights and extravagant displays—something he wants to be a part of.


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2016 Advent Calendar "Bah Humbug."


$1.99 $1.00


All for Love | Book Three
$6.99 $3.49

All for Love: Book Three

“Are you surprised that strength is drawn to strength?”

For the last six years, the gypsy healer Raúl has lived a life he never dreamed possible. Gerrard Hawkins has stood at his side, his love a source of silent strength like nothing Raúl has ever known.

When a letter from Gerrard’s estranged father forces them in separate directions—Gerrard back to England to make peace with his family and Raúl to Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer for his annual pilgrimage—Raúl expects to suffer for their parting, but he holds on to their plans to meet again in France when Gerrard has satisfied his father’s demands.

Gerrard left England never expecting to return, especially after he pledged his life and love to Raúl. Yet he cannot dismiss his father’s offer of peace without some acknowledgment. When he arrives in England to find tragedy, his sense of duty toward his family’s tenants wars with his promises to Raúl.

As tensions mount and illness spreads in France, Raúl stands as a bastion of hope, but his strength is not limitless. Gerrard is the rock he leans on, and without that strength, Gerrard’s arrival in France may come too late.


$6.99 $3.49

Domare le fiamme

Lang Downs (Italiano)
$6.49 $3.24

Seguito di Superare la notte
Serie Lang Downs, Libro 4

Thorne Lachlan sa un paio di cose riguardo allo sfuggire al fuoco. Per anni ha combattuto insieme al suo reparto di Commando nei conflitti più caldi del pianeta. E ora che si è congedato combatte un altro tipo di fuoco insieme al Servizio Protezione Incendi. Quando una questione di servizio lo porta a Lang Downs, una stazione in pericolo di essere divorata dalle fiamme, conosce Ian Duncan, e la scintilla fra loro è immediata. Entrambi gli uomini sono però perseguitati dai ricordi del loro passato e ciò impedisce loro di dare libero sfogo all’attrazione che li unisce.

Se da una parte Thorne desidera intensamente ricostruirsi una vita insieme a Ian in un luogo da poter finalmente chiamare casa, dall’altra teme che la propria instabilità possa rappresentare un pericolo per le altre persone che abitano nella stazione. Ian, dal canto suo, ha sempre pensato che l’incubo da cui è fuggito quando era ancora solo un adolescente gli avrebbe reso impossibile intrattenere qualsiasi tipo di rapporto sentimentale. La fiducia sembra qualcosa di impossibile per entrambi, finché le conseguenze dell’incendio non li costringeranno a guardare al di là delle cicatrici che sembrano impedire loro di guarire.


$6.49 $3.24

A Matchless Man

Dreamspun Desires
Lexington Lovers
$4.99 $2.49

Lexington Lovers

None of the matches caught his eye as much as the matchmaker himself.

Growing up poorer than poor didn’t leave Navashen Bhattathiri many options for life outside of school. All of his concentration was on keeping his scholarships. Sixteen years later, he’s fulfilled his dream and become a doctor. Now he’s returning home to Lexington and is ready to prove himself to the world. In doing so, he reconnects with Brent Carpenter—high school classmate, real estate agent, all-around great guy… and closet matchmaker.

Brent makes it his mission to help Navashen develop a social life and meet available, interesting men. Unfortunately Navashen’s schedule is unpredictable, and few of those available, interesting men value his dedication like Brent does. Brent’s unfailing friendship and support convince Navashen he’s the one, but can he capture Brent’s heart when the matchmaker is focused on finding Navashen another man?


$4.99 $2.49

All for One

All for Love | Book Two
$6.99 $3.49

All for Love: Book Two

Aristide, Léandre, and Perrin pledge only three loyalties in life: their king, their captain, and their passion for each other. So when the musketeers discover a plan to accuse M. de Tréville of treason, the initial impulse to kill the messenger, Benoît, is tempered by their need to unmask the plotter. But their first two suspects, the English ambassador and Cardinal Richelieu, prove to be innocent, forcing the musketeers to delve deeper into the inner machinations of the French court.

Meanwhile, Aristide finds himself falling in love with the ill-fated messenger, a blacksmith without a home who rouses all of his protective, possessive instincts. Benoît, however, has no interest in any man. Torn between desire and duty, Aristide must find a way to protect the king and clear his captain’s name—all while heeding the demands of his heart.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, 2010.


$6.99 $3.49

Lang Downs

Lang Downs
$9.99 $4.99

Welcome to Lang Downs, a safe haven for the lost and hurting. In Inherit the Sky, Caine Neiheisel comes to Lang Downs hoping for a fresh start, if foreman Macklin Armstrong is willing to help. Chris Simms is barely managing to keep himself and his brother safe in Chase the Stars, when the men of Lang Downs offer him the chance he’s needed… and maybe a chance at romance as well. In Outlast the Night, Sam Emery is out of a job and a marriage and looking for a refuge when he contacts his brother Neil at Lang Downs; Jeremy Taylor is looking for refuge, too, but can he find it at a rival station? In Conquer the Flames, firefighter Thorne Lachlan comes to Lang Downs to defend it against a raging grassfire and meets Ian Duncan, but their own flames might fizzle if they can’t find a way to trust each other. In Cherish the Land, Seth Simms and Jason Thompson have been best friends for years, but when Seth comes back to Lang Downs to stay, his dangerous secrets might drive them apart.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


$9.99 $4.99

Checkmate 2nd Edition

All for Love | Book One
$6.99 $3.49

All for Love: Book One

When sword-for-hire Teodoro Ciéza de Vivar accepts a commission to “rescue” Lord Christian Blackwood from unsuitable influences, he has no idea he’s landed himself in the middle of a plot to assassinate King Philip IV of Spain and blame the English ambassador for the deed. Nor does he expect the spoiled child he’s sent to retrieve to be a handsome, engaging young man.

As Teodoro and Christian face down enemies at every turn, they fall more and more in love, an emotion they can’t safely indulge with the threat of the Inquisition looming over them. It will take all their combined guile and influence to outmaneuver the powerful men who would see them separated… or even killed.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, 2009.


$6.99 $3.49

Compensación de sangre

Coalición de Sangre
$6.99 $3.49

La secuela de Conflicto de sangre
Volumen 4 de la serie Coalición de Sangre

La guerra se encuentra en su punto más álgido, con ambos bandos luchando al límite, cuando los rebeldes consiguen un triunfo sobrecogedor al capturar a Orlando St. Clair. Consumido por la preocupación y el dolor al ser separado de su amante, Alain teme que, incluso si lo encuentran, el corazón y la mente del vampiro puedan estar demasiado quebrados para poder ser salvados.

Christophe Lombard, el vampiro más viejo y poderoso de París, consciente de que la Alianza se encuentra al límite, abandona su retiro voluntario para unirse a la lucha. El antiguo amigo de Alain, Eric Simonet, quien lo había traicionado para unirse a los magos oscuros, debe decidir entre venganza y redención. Y Jean, enfurecido por la captura de Orlando, se enfrenta a la decisión más angustiosa de su existencia justo cuando se avecina la batalla final. ¿Las acciones de estos hombres conducirán a la destrucción de la Coalición o a la salvación del mundo?


$6.99 $3.49

Réparation de sang

Partenariat de Sang
$6.99 $3.49

Suite de Conflit de sang
Partenariat de Sang, tome 4

La guerre est à son paroxysme et les deux camps sont sur les nerfs, quand les sorciers rebelles obtiennent une victoire étonnante et capturent Orlando Saint Clair. Accablé par l’inquiétude et le chagrin, Alain, son amant, craint que, même s’ils retrouvent Orlando, le cœur et l’esprit du vampire soient beaucoup trop abîmés pour pouvoir être sauvés.

Comprenant que l’Alliance risque de chanceler, Christophe Lombard, le vampire le plus vieux et le plus puissant de Paris, quitte sa réclusion volontaire pour rejoindre la lutte. L’ancien ami d’Alain, Éric Simonet, celui qui l’a trahi en rejoignant les sorciers rebelles, est confronté à un choix : la vengeance ou la rédemption.

De son côté, Jean, rendu furieux par la capture d’Orlando, fait face à la plus déchirante des décisions de sa non-vie alors que la bataille finale se profile : leurs actions vont-elles conduire à l’écroulement de l’Alliance ou au salut du monde ?


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