Books by "Andrew Grey" (284)


Senses Vol.1

Senses Series
$9.99 $7.49

Sometimes the heart is the most important sense. Caring for a young daughter with cancer is almost enough to make Ken Brighton give up, in Love Comes Silently, but former singer and next-door neighbor Patrick Flaherty brings hope for both of them—if he can manage to break his silence. In Love Comes in Darkness, Howard Justinian has always had to fight for his independence, in spite of his blindness, but when tragedy strikes, he may have to accept help in the form of unassuming Gordy Jarrett. In Love Comes Home, Greg Hampton’s son Davey is losing his eyesight, but Tom Spangler isn’t going to let that stop a boy from playing his favorite game.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


$9.99 $7.49
$6.99 $5.24

Malcolm Webber is still grieving the loss of his partner of twenty years to cancer. He’s buried his mind and feelings in his legal work and isn’t looking for another relationship. He isn’t expecting to feel such a strong attraction when he meets Hans Erickson—especially since the man is quite a bit younger than him. 

Hans is an adventure writer with an exciting lifestyle to match. When he needs a tax attorney to straighten out an error with the IRS, he ends up on the other side of the handsome Malcolm’s desk. The heat between them is undeniable, but business has to come first. When it’s concluded, Hans leaps on the chance to make his move. 

Malcolm isn’t sure he’s ready for the next chapter in his life. Hans is so young and active that Malcolm worries he won’t be able to hold his interest for long. Just when he’s convinced himself to take the risk and turn the page, problems at the law office threaten to end their love story before it can really begin.


$6.99 $5.24

Per una causa comune

Una buona causa
$6.99 $5.24

Una storia della serie Una buona causa

Bryce Morton ha bisogno di cambiare aria: dalla morte del suo compagno, avvenuta un anno prima, è diventato distante e taciturno. I suoi amici, Jerry Lincoln e Akecheta (John) Black Raven, lo convincono ad andare in campeggio con loro in una riserva Sioux. Anche se l’idea lo lascia perplesso, l’interesse di Bryce aumenta quando conosce Paytah, il proprietario dell’emporio del posto.

La vita di Paytah Stillwater è colma di sofferenza e l’unica cosa che gli rimane è l’orgoglio. Dopo essere stato abusato da bambino e aver visto la propria denuncia accolta con incredulità, si è chiuso in se stesso, ma non riesce a mettere una pietra sul passato, perché la causa del suo dolore sta ancora nella riserva. Paytah è orgoglioso delle tradizioni del suo popolo e custode attento del proprio cuore, ma quando Bryce compie un gesto di altruismo nei confronti di un bambino nativo, le mura che ha costruito attorno a sé cominciano a crollare.

Bryce e Paytah devono affrontare entrambi il dolore che si portano dentro. Quando colui che ha fatto del male a Paytah posa gli occhi su uno dei ragazzini della riserva, i due devono mettere da parte la propria lotta interiore. La ricerca di un modo per fermare quell’uomo li unisce in una causa comune e nel cammino verso un futuro insieme.


$6.99 $5.24

À cœur ouvert

Histoires de cœur
$6.99 $5.24

Histoires de cœur, tome 3

La dernière chose à laquelle Liam Southard s’attendait en fuyant son père abusif, c’était d’être recueilli par un couple de ranchers gays. En un rien de temps, il se remet sur pied, trouve un travail et accepte enfin son homosexualité. Et puis un beau matin, il se retrouve menacé d’une arme.

Pour la défense de Troy Gardener, il sait qu’il n’aurait pas dû pointer son fusil sur le jeune homme aux incroyables yeux bleus. Entre son mariage qui vient de s’effondrer et la solitude qui le rend fou, perdu dans cette vieille cabane au fin fond du Wyoming, il a des circonstances atténuantes. Il s’excuse auprès de Liam et découvre très vite qu’ils ont plus d’une chose en commun.

Mais avec le père de Liam qui débarque à l’improviste et une société minière qui menace la survie du ranch, difficile de commencer une histoire d’amour. Une chose est sûre, ils n’auront pas le temps de s’ennuyer.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Born with a silver spoon in his mouth, Brian Paulson has lived a life of luxury and ease. If he’s been left lonely because of his family’s pursuit of wealth and their own happiness, he figures it’s a small price to pay for what he sees as most important: money.

Cade McAllister has never had it easy. He works two jobs to support himself, his mother, and his special-needs brother. They don’t have much, but to Cade, love and taking care of the people who are important to him mean more than material possessions. When Cade is mugged in the park, he can’t afford to lose what little he has, and he’s grateful for Brian’s intervention.

Cade is given a chance to return the favor when Brian’s grandfather passes away and Brian’s assets are frozen. Cade offers Brian a place to stay and helps him find work, and the two men grow closer as they learn the good and the bad of the very different worlds they come from. Just as Brian is starting to see there’s more to life than what money can buy, a clause in his grandfather’s will could send their relationship up in smoke.


$6.99 $5.24

Amore significa… guarigione

Serie Amore Significa…
$3.99 $2.99

Un libro della serie Amore Significa…

Sono passati sette mesi da quando Len Parker ha perso Cliff, il suo compagno da più di vent’anni, e non sa come comportarsi di fronte alla crescente attrazione che prova nei confronti di Chris, uno dei suoi braccianti. Esitante e ancora ferito, Len rimane freddo e distaccato fino a quando non viene convinto a dare a Chris delle lezioni di equitazione.

Appena uscito da una carriera trentennale nei Marines, Chris può esplorare per la prima volta in modo aperto la propria sessualità, ma ciò di cui ha bisogno più di ogni altra cosa è un po’ di pace. È convinto di non piacere a Len, almeno fino a quando non scava un po’ più a fondo; allora, armato di speranza, decide di dimostrargli che dall’amore può scaturire quella guarigione di cui sia lui che Len hanno un disperato bisogno.


$3.99 $2.99

Rekindled Flame

Rekindled Flame | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Rekindled Flame: Book One

Firefighter Morgan has worked hard to build a home for himself after a nomadic childhood. When Morgan is called to a fire, he finds the family out front, but their tenant still inside. He rescues Richard Smalley, who turns out to be an old friend he hasn’t seen in years and the one person he regretted leaving behind.

Richard has had a hard life. He served in the military, where he lost the use of his legs, and has been struggling to make his way since coming home. Now that he no longer has a place to live, Morgan takes him in, but when someone attempts to set fire to Morgan’s house, they both become suspicious and wonder what’s going on.

Years ago Morgan was gutted when he moved away, leaving Richard behind, so he’s happy to pick things up where they left off. But now that Richard seems to be the target of an arsonist, he may not be the safest person to be around.


$6.99 $5.24

Fire and Snow

Carlisle Cops | Book Four
$6.99 $5.24

Carlisle Cops: Book Four

Fisher Moreland has been cast out of his family because they can no longer deal with his issues. Fisher is bipolar and living day to day, trying to manage his condition, but he hasn’t always had much control over his life and has self-medicated with whatever he could find.

JD Burnside has been cut off from his family because of a scandal back home. He moved to Carlisle but brought his Southern charm and warmth along with him. When he sees Fisher on a park bench on a winter’s night, he invites Fisher to join him and his friends for a late-night meal.

At first Fisher doesn’t know what to make of JD, but he slowly comes out of his shell. And when Fisher’s job is threatened because of a fire, JD’s support and care is more than Fisher ever thought he could expect. But when people from Fisher’s past turn up in town at the center of a resurgent drug epidemic, Fisher knows they could very well sabotage his budding relationship with JD.


$6.99 $5.24

Amore incondizionato

Serie Sette giorni
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro della Serie Sette giorni

La vita di una persona può cambiare in un solo giorno? E in sette?

Donald Pottier e Jason Greene sono poco più che ragazzi quando si conoscono a Chincoteague Island, in Virginia. Dopo un giorno passato a pescare granchi, i due estranei diventano prima amici, poi qualcosa di più. Il tempo a loro disposizione è però limitato: alla fine dell’estate, Jay dovrà lasciare l’isola e Donald.

Il destino ha però in serbo per Don e Jay molto più di una notte carica di speranze. In dodici anni di amicizia, dolore, amore, perdite, malattie e sfortune, spiccano sette giorni. Sette giorni definiscono e formano le persone che sono e la loro relazione. Nei sette giorni di incontri e separazioni, incidenti e fortune inattese, rifiuti e accettazioni, delusioni e speranze, viene gettata la base su cui posa ogni storia romantica: l’amore incondizionato.


$6.99 $5.24

Planting His Dream

Planting Dreams | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Planting Dreams: Book One

Foster dreams of getting away, but after his father’s death, he has to take over the family dairy farm. It soon becomes clear his father hasn’t been doing the best job of running it, so not only does Foster need to take over the day-to-day operations, he also needs to find new ways of bringing in revenue.

Javi has no time to dream. He and his family are migrant workers, and daily survival is a struggle, so they travel to anywhere they can get work. When they arrive in their old van, Foster arranges for Javi to help him on the farm.

To Javi’s surprise, Foster listens to his ideas and actually puts them into action. Over days that turn into weeks, they grow to like and then care for each other, but they come from two very different worlds, and they both have responsibilities to their families that neither can walk away from. Is it possible for them to discover a dream they can share? Perhaps they can plant their own and nurture it together to see it grow, if their different backgrounds don’t separate them forever.


$6.99 $5.24

Feuer und Wasser

Carlisle Cops (Deutsch) | Buch 1
$6.99 $5.24

Buch 1 in der Serie - Carlisle Cops

Officer Red Markham kennt die Schattenseiten des Lebens. Von einem Autounfall, der seinen Eltern das Leben kostete, hat er hässliche Narben davongetragen, die ihm den Umgang mit anderen Menschen schwer machen. Sein Job als Polizist auf den Straßen von Carlisle, Pennsylvania, trägt ebenso dazu bei, da sich in letzter Zeit Drogenmissbrauch mit tödlichem Ausgang häuft. Eines Nachmittags wird Red wegen eines Kindes, das bei einem Unfall fast ertrunken wäre, zum örtlichen Schwimmbad gerufen. Am Unfallort stellt er fest, dass das Kind von dem Rettungsschwimmer Terry Baumgartner gerettet wurde. Red ist nicht überrascht, als der gut aussehende Terry ihn und sein hässliches Gesicht keines Blickes würdigt.

Mit anzuhören, dass einer der Rettungskräfte ihn für oberflächlich hält, öffnet Terry die Augen. Vielleicht ist er doch nicht so nett, wie er immer gedacht hat. Seine Freundin Julie schlägt vor, dass er Menschen unterstützt, denen es nicht so gut geht, indem er Essen an ältere Leute liefert. Auf seiner Tour trifft er die offenherzige Margie, eine Frau, die sagt, was sie denkt. Es stellt sich heraus, dass sie die Tante von Officer Red Markham ist.

Reds und Terrys Welten prallen aufeinander, als Red versucht, den Ursprung der Drogenwelle zu finden und Terry vor seinem Exfreund zu beschützen, der ein Nein nicht akzeptieren kann. Zusammen finden sie vielleicht mehr, als sie erwartet hatten – wenn sie es schaffen, hinter die Fassade des anderen zu blicken.


$6.99 $5.24

Love Comes to Light

Senses Series
$6.99 $5.24

A Senses Series Story

Artist Arik Bosler is terrified he might have lost his creative gift in the accident that left his hand badly burned. When he’s offered the chance to work with renowned artist Ken Brighton, Arik fears his injury will be too much to overcome.

He travels to Pleasanton to meet Ken, where he runs into the intimidating Reg Thompson. Reg, a biker who customizes motorcycles, is a big man with a heart of gold who was rejected by most of his family. Arik is initially afraid of Reg because of his size. However it’s Reg’s heart that warms Arik’s interest and gets him to look past the exterior to let down his guard.

But Arik soon realizes that certain members of Reg’s motorcycle club are into things he can’t have any part of. Reg can’t understand why Arik disappears until he learns Arik’s injury was the result of his father’s drug activity. Though neither Reg nor Arik wants anything to do with drugs, the new leadership of Reg’s club might have other ideas.


$6.99 $5.24

Una prateria pericolosa

Storie della prateria
$6.99 $5.24

Storie della prateria: Libro 6

Dopo aver lasciato il corpo dei Marines, Gordon Fisher vive in solitudine e senza soldi. Quando un gruppo di ecoterroristi gli promette una grossa somma di denaro in cambio della liberazione di alcuni animali maltrattati, lui acconsente. Purtroppo gli animali in questione sono i grandi felini di Wally Schumacher e uno di loro aggredisce Gordon, ferendolo.

Ancora sofferente per la fine della sua relazione, Mario Laria trova l’ex marine e lo riporta al ranch di Dakota sotto la minaccia di un’arma, solo per ritrovarsi il cuore colmo di angoscia quando scopre che l’uomo vive in auto.

Fra le cure di Dakota, il desiderio di Wally di liberarsi di lui e l’interesse di Mario, Gordon decide di rimanere. Ma nuvole nere all’orizzonte minacciano di spazzare via la sua nuova speranza. Nessuno sa che il passato di Gordon lo tiene sveglio la notte, e i militari vogliono delle risposte che lui non è in grado di dare.


$6.99 $5.24

The Lone Rancher

Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $3.74

He'll do anything to save the ranch, including baring it all.

Aubrey Klein is in real trouble—he needs some fast money to save the family ranch. His solution? A weekend job as a stripper at a club in Dallas. For two shows each Saturday, he is the star as The Lone Rancher.

It leads to at least one unexpected revelation: after a show, Garrett Lamston, an old friend from school, approaches the still-masked Aubrey to see about some extra fun… and Aubrey had no idea Garrett was gay. As the two men dodge their mothers’ attempts to set them up with girls, their friendship deepens, and one thing leads to another.

Aubrey knows his life stretching between the ranch and the club is a house of cards. He just hopes he can keep it standing long enough to save the ranch and launch the life—and the love—he really hopes he can have.


$4.99 $3.74

Fire and Rain

Carlisle Cops | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Carlisle Cops: Book Three

Since the death of their mother, Josten Applewhite has done what he’s had to do to take care of his little brother and keep their small family together. But in an instant, a stroke of bad luck tears down what little home he’s managed to build, and Jos and Isaac end up on the streets.

That’s were Officer Kip Rogers finds them, and even though he knows he should let the proper authorities handle things, he cannot find it in his heart to turn them away, going so far as to invite them to stay in his home until they get back on their feet. With the help of Kip and his friends, Jos starts to rebuild his life. But experience has taught him nothing comes for free, and the generosity seems too good to be true—just like everything about Kip.

Kip’s falling hard for Jos, and he likes the way Jos and Isaac make his big house feel like a home. But their arrangement can’t be permanent, not with Jos set on making his own way. Then a distant relative emerges, determined to destroy Jos’s family, and Kip knows Jos needs him—even if he’s not ready to admit it.


$6.99 $5.24

Love Means…

Love Means... Series
$9.99 $7.49

Don't miss this exclusive bundle of stories in the best-selling Love Means... series by Andrew Grey: Love Means... Courage: Working side by side, Len and Cliff grow ever closer, but loving another man takes a lot of courage; Simple Gifts: Eli's reconciled himself to a Christmas without his loved ones, until Geoff gives him a gift that changes the way Eli defines family; Love Means... No Boundaries: Joey can only hope Robbie will take a chance on love and escape the boundaries that have shaped his sightless life; Love Means... No Fear: Jonah and Raine’s mutual attraction draws them together, but they may not have a chance to explore it. Jonah’s father is making ultimatums, and the police believe that the attack on Raine may not have been as random as it initially appeared; Love Means... Healing: Armed with hope, Chris sets out to prove that love can provide the healing he and Len so desperately need; and Love Means... Family: Duane’s and Arie’s families are pulling them in opposite directions. Trying to build a connection to support their mutual attraction may prove to be more than difficult… it may be impossible.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


$9.99 $7.49

Cœur à prendre

Histoires de cœur
$6.99 $5.24

Histoires de cœur, tome 2

Le ranch des Holden et le ranch des Jessup sont voisins, mais ils n’entretiennent pas ce qu’on pourrait appeler des relations cordiales ; Jefferson Holden et Kent Jessup se détestent.

En dépit des vieilles rancunes qui brûlent entre leurs pères, le jeune Haven Jessup ne peut se résoudre à cette haine, surtout après que Dakota Holden est venu à son secours lors d’une violente tempête.

Dans la cohue, Haven fait la connaissance de Phillip Reardon, un ami de Dakota. Phillip est un homme tolérant et ouvert d’esprit, et il accepte Haven tel qu’il est, dès le début. Il ne tarde pas à découvrir le secret d’Haven, son attirance pour les hommes, et très vite, ils entament une relation secrète.

Mais leurs sentiments les dépassent, et l’angoisse d’être découverts pèse sur leur couple. Des clôtures sabotées, des animaux blessés, des histoires mystérieuses et les secrets de la famille Jessup vont menacer le bonheur naissant d’Haven qui rêve d’un avenir avec Phillip.


$6.99 $5.24

Round and Round

Bronco's Boys | Book Four
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Backward
Bronco's Boys: Book Four

When it comes to love, Kevin Foster can’t seem to win. Some consider him a hero, but dousing an arsonist’s attempt to burn Bronco’s to the ground puts Kevin on the vengeful criminal’s radar. Afterward, the arsonist fixates on Kevin, determined to burn away every part of Kevin’s life.

Coming to Kevin’s rescue more than once, and in more ways than one, is “MacDreamy Hotness”—firefighter Angus MacTavish. Not only is Angus smitten at first sight, he learns Kevin’s nickname for him, intriguing him further.

When Angus discovers Kevin is the arsonist’s target, he takes it upon himself to protect him at any cost. Soon Kevin works his way into a heart Angus thought he’d closed off for good. Things heat up between them, but the arsonist has no intention of letting Kevin finally find happiness. Hopefully Angus and Kevin can stop him before he reduces everything Kevin values to ash—including the love igniting between him and Angus.


$6.99 $5.24