Books by "Andrew Grey" (285)



Heartward | Book One
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He doesn’t know that home is where his heart will be….

Firefighter Tyler Banik has seen his share of adventure while working disaster relief with the Red Cross. But now that  he’s adopted Abey, he’s ready to leave the danger behind and put down roots. That means returning to his hometown—where the last thing he anticipates is falling for his high school nemesis.

Alan Pettaprin isn’t the boy he used to be.  As a business owner and council member, he’s working hard to improve life in Scottville for everyone. Nobody is more surprised than Alan when Tyler returns, but he’s glad. For him, it’s a chance to set things right. Little does he guess he and Tyler will  find the missing pieces of themselves in each other. Old rivalries are left in the ashes, passion burns bright, and the possibility for a future together stretches in front of them….

But not everyone in town is glad to see Tyler return….


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$6.99 $3.49

When the pickiest eater in America is tapped to judge a cooking competition along with his chef ex-boyfriend, will it be a recipe for a second chance… or disaster?

Luke Walker’s humor about foods he can’t stand made him an internet celebrity and his blog, The Pickiest Eater in America, a huge hit. He plans to bring that same lighthearted comedy to the show—but he won’t be the only host.

Meyer Thibodeaux might be a famous chef, but he’s solemn, uptight, and closeted. He’s also  Luke's ex. As different as they are, the sparks between Luke and Meyer never really went out, and as they work together, each begins to see the other in a new light, and the passion between them reignites, hot as ever. But secrets, gossip, and rumors on the set could sour their reunion.


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$6.99 $3.49

Robin sait bien qu’il ne peut pas donner son nouveau cœur à n’importe qui…

D’une greffe cardiaque à une rupture brutale, Robin a vécu bien des coups durs récemment, mais il sait désormais que la vie est courte et qu’il doit mordre dedans à pleines dents en profitant de chaque bouchée. Un poste au sein des Euro Pride Tours est pile le genre d’aventure qu’il recherche : il a la chance de voir le monde et de vivre un peu, mais l’amour ne l’intéresse pas. Il ne pense pas que son cœur puisse en prendre encore. 

Johan a peut-être déçu sa famille en voulant voler de ses propres ailes, mais quand il rencontre Robin, il n’a pas l’intention de le laisser tomber. Chaque homme est exactement ce dont l’autre a besoin pour se sentir entier à nouveau et, bien que Johan ne soit pas celui qu’imaginait Robin au départ, il est exactement ce que le médecin lui a prescrit pour faire battre son cœur. Comme leur voyage se poursuit en Allemagne, les deux hommes se rapprochent, mais l’arrivée de l’ancien partenaire de Robin pourrait bien prendre une mauvaise tournure.


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$6.99 $3.49

Se hai ricevuto un cuore nuovo di zecca non puoi donarlo a chiunque…

Negli ultimi anni Robin ne ha passate tante, dal trapianto di cuore a una crudele separazione. Ma queste esperienze gli hanno insegnato che la vita è breve, e ora è pronto a cogliere l’attimo e ricominciare da capo. Il lavoro alla Euro Pride Tours è proprio il tipo di avventura che cercava: finalmente può conoscere il mondo e godersi un po’ la vita. L’amore, però, è sparito dal suo schermo radar: Robin non crede che il suo cuore potrebbe sopportare di soffrire di nuovo.

Johan ha deciso di costruirsi un futuro con le proprie mani, tradendo le aspettative della sua famiglia. Quando incontra Robin, però, non ha intenzione di deludere anche lui. Ciascuno dei due è ciò di cui l’altro ha bisogno per tornare a sentirsi completo. Forse Johan è diverso da come Robin lo immaginava, ma riesce a far battere il suo cuore in prestito più forte di qualsiasi medicina. Il viaggio attraverso la Germania ha inizio, e tappa dopo tappa il rapporto tra i due si fa più intenso. Ma quando l’ex fidanzato di Robin si unisce alla comitiva, il loro amore appena sbocciato potrebbe arrivare a una drammatica conclusione.


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$6.99 $3.49

A high-stakes case of industrial espionage ties them together, but before they can pursue their attraction, they must find out who’s pulling the strings. 

Devon Donaldson doesn’t know how a folio of stolen corporate secrets found its way into his bag, and certainly can’t think of anyone who’d want to frame him. The trouble is, he has to convince Powers McPherson. 

Devon’s firm hired Powers to investigate the theft of a new banking system, and so far Devon is his only lead. While Powers’s gut tells him Devon is innocent, he has no intention of letting Devon out of his sight… for more than one reason. Working together to get Devon’s life back leads to feelings far beyond cooperation. But before they can act on them, they need to find the group of thieves intent on ruining Devon’s reputation.


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Heart Unbroken

Hearts Entwined
$6.99 $3.49

A Hearts Entwined Novel

Car restorer Dean Milford knows how to make damaged things beautiful again. Only, after a bad breakup, he loses sight of who he is, playing the field and distracting himself with any man he comes across. But now there’s only one guy who really matters to him. And maybe with his latest restoration job—a vintage Cobra—he’ll get the chance to let him know.

Losing his sight wasn’t the worst thing to happen to Lee Studer—losing his independence was. It’s taken a while, but he’s finally found his place in the world—in a garage. Funny enough, his acute hearing allows him to pinpoint engine problems just by listening. And even better, he’s going to have a chance to help his long-time crush, Dean, rebuild his fantasy car.

As the restoration comes together, so do Lee and Dean, building a friendship that quickly turns into so much more. But before they can think about a future together, they have to deal with the past. Only that turns out to be more dangerous than either one ever dreamed….


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$6.99 $3.49

Geschäfte kann man planen, Liebe passiert ... 

Thomas Stepford hat über Jahre eine sehr erfolgreiche Firma aufgebaut. Jetzt, mit neununddreißig, wünscht er sich ein ruhigeres Leben. Als seine Eltern Hilfe brauchen, kehrt er zurück nach Hause. Weil er seine Geschäfte nicht einfach so an den Nagel hängen kann, wird ein Assistent für ihn eingestellt. Brandon macht sein Leben leichter, aber auch erst richtig kompliziert ...

Brandon Wilson kommt frisch vom College und braucht einen Job. Seine Mutter besorgt ihm eine Stelle – als Assistent bei Mr Stepford. Thomas scheint sich nicht daran zu erinnern, aber Brandon hat schon einmal für den umwerfend attraktiven, älteren Mann gearbeitet: Vor Jahren hat er bei Thomas den Rasen gemäht. Thomas war Brandons Jugendschwarm. Und jetzt ist er Brandons Boss.

Thomas und Brandon sind beide entschlossen, ihre Beziehung rein geschäftlich zu halten. Sie lernen, miteinander zu arbeiten, selbst als das Knistern zwischen ihnen immer stärker wird. Als ihre Leidenschaft füreinander schließlich zum Siedepunkt kommt und sie gerade soweit sind, ihren Gefühlen nachzugeben, wird Thomas von seinem alten Leben eingeholt. Er muss zurück nach New York. Und dann erfüllt sich für Brandon ein Traum: Er bekommt ein Angebot aus Hollywood.

Hat ihre neugefundene Liebe noch eine Chance?


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$6.99 $3.49

Newton DeSantis was on the ground when the towers collapsed on 9/11. Though he still carries the scars on his body and his heart, he’s determined to ease some of the world’s suffering. Now a social worker and father to two children with special needs, he’s doing his best. But when one of his cases needs a good lawyer, Newton turns to Chase for help. 

Family law attorney Chase Matthews is a rising star, and he’s in high demand. Still, Newton is very persuasive, and Chase takes his case pro bono. Everything about the other man appeals to Chase, but he’s determined to keep the relationship professional—even though, after meeting Newton’s kids, he wants to be a part of their lives.

Chase’s job doesn’t always allow him to pick his clients, though, and a case that could make him partner will put him on the opposite side of the courtroom from Newton—along with everything he believes in and the future they could build together.


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$3.99 $2.00

Martin Graham built his business from the ground up with hard work and intuition. Due to a degenerative eye disease, he’s learned to rely on his other senses to feel out the competition. To realize his dream, he just needs to broker one last deal… and finally secure an assistant.

Brock Littleton is desperate for money—desperate enough take the job no one else wants: assistant to demanding, fussy, intensely private Mr. Graham.

Everything about Brock gets under Martin’s skin in ways he never expected, making him realize a successful business isn’t the only component to a happy future. But as Martin’s deal comes together, one of the prices could be the relationship with Brock that Martin is just starting to believe could be real.

Previously published in Boundless Love Anthology by Andrew Grey, 2018.


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$6.99 $3.49

Nelle questioni di cuore non esiste l’ordinaria amministrazione.

Thomas Stepford ha impiegato anni per costruire un’azienda di successo e adesso, arrivato alla soglia dei quaranta, desidera una vita più tranquilla e, dato che i suoi genitori hanno bisogno di aiuto, decide di tornare a casa. Non potendo staccarsi del tutto dagli affari, ha bisogno di un assistente, ma la persona che assume non è esattamente il genere di impiegato che aveva in mente…

Brandon Wilson, fresco di laurea, ha bisogno di un lavoro. Grazie all’aiuto della nonna viene assunto come assistente del signor Stepford. Thomas sembra non ricordarlo ma, anni fa, Brandon ha già lavorato per lui: era il ragazzo che gli falciava il prato. L’uomo che era il protagonista delle sue fantasie adolescenziali, così attraente e tanto più grande di lui, adesso è il suo capo.

Entrambi sono decisi a mantenere il loro rapporto su un piano strettamente professionale, ma la vecchia fiamma è ancora viva. Imparano tuttavia a lavorare insieme, anche quando la tensione sessuale raggiunge il punto di ebollizione. Appena decidono di arrendervisi però, Thomas viene richiamato a New York dalla sua vecchia vita. Forse Thomas saprà resistere alla tentazione di tornare indietro, ma riusciranno i due uomini a far sopravvivere la loro neonata storia d’amore quando Brandon riceve la chiamata dei suoi sogni… da Hollywood?


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Fire and Obsidian

Carlisle Deputies | Book 4
$6.99 $3.49

A Carlisle Deputies Novel

Can a couple be more opposite than a thief and a cop? Or do they have more in common than they think?

Mattias Dumont stole to survive. He was damn good at it. But there’s no such thing as a victimless crime, and when he saw how his theft hurt people, he resolved to change. Now he works as a consultant, and while helping to investigate a rash of burglaries, he crosses paths with James.

Police Officer James Levinson doesn’t trust thieves, and that includes Mattias. James’s father stole to support himself, and James knows firsthand how that can destroy lives—it inspired him to go into law enforcement. Mattias is no different, from what he can tell… at first. 

As they work together, Mattias and James realize there’s something deeper between them than just the physical attraction neither can deny. Given time, they might even grow to trust each other—unless the case they’re working on dredges up pasts both would rather forget. 


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Le secret de Poppy

Dreamspun Desires (Français)
$6.99 $3.49

Une deuxième chance née de l’amour.

Pat Corrigan et Edgerton « Edge » Winters étaient prêts à fonder une famille – du moins, c’est ce que pensait Pat. À la dernière minute, Edge a pris peur et s’est enfui. Pat n’a pas pris la peine de lui dire que la conception avait déjà eu lieu et que la petite Emma était en route. Il ne voulait pas d’une relation basée sur une obligation. Il préférait encore élever sa fille seul.

Neuf ans plus tard, Emma et son Poppy se portent bien. Ce n’est pas de cas d’Edge. Il réalise ce qu’il a rejeté en partant et il est de retour pour changer sa vie et reconquérir sa famille. Il devra déployer des efforts considérables afin de prouver à Pat qu’il est un autre homme, et même s’il y parvient, le secret que Pat a gardé pendant des années pourrait bien briser à nouveau leurs rêves.


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Over and Back

Bronco's Boys | Book Seven
$6.99 $3.49

Sequel to Round and Round
Bronco's Boys: Book Five

Opposites attract on an overseas holiday, but trouble has hitched a ride.

While Bronco’s nightclub is closed for renovations, the owners invite the staff on a trip to Italy. Bartender Hank needs a roommate, and he’s had his eye on waiter Grant for a while, even if he’s had to keep his distance. But sharing such close proximity means sparks are sure to fly….

Grant has a problem saying no, and it’s led him into some less-than-healthy relationships. While he’s determined not to repeat his mistakes, it’s clear Hank is different.

They’re both willing to take it slow and explore the feelings building between them, but even in a foreign country, their pasts are catching up, and that could hurt more than just their budding romance.


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$6.99 $3.49

Robin, the recipient of a brand-new heart, knows he can’t give it to just anyone….

Robin’s been through his share of upsets recently, from heart transplant surgery to a brutal breakup. But his experiences have taught him life is short, and he’s ready to seize the day and start anew. A job at Euro Pride Tours is just the kind of adventure he’s looking for. He gets to see the world and live a little, but love isn’t on his radar screen. He isn’t sure his heart can endure that again.

Johan might’ve disappointed his family by striking out on his own, but when he meets Robin, he has no intention of letting him down. Each man is just what the other needs to feel whole again, and while Johan might not be the man Robin originally thought he was, he’s exactly what the doctor ordered to make Robin’s borrowed heart beat faster. As the tour through Germany progresses, they grow closer, but when Robin’s ex joins the tour, he could bring their blossoming love to a dramatic halt. 


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$6.99 $3.49

Robin, der Empfänger eines neuen Herzens, weiß, dass er es nicht einfach an den Erstbesten verschenken darf …

Robin hat in letzter Zeit viel erlebt, von einer Herztransplantation bis hin zu einer sehr schmerzhaften Trennung. Doch seine Erfahrungen haben ihn gelehrt, dass das Leben kurz ist, und er ist bereit, jeden Tag zu nutzen und einen Neuanfang zu machen. Ein Job bei Euro Pride Tours ist genau die Art von Abenteuer, die er sucht. Dabei lernt er die Welt kennen und kann sein Leben genießen, aber an Liebe denkt er überhaupt nicht. Er ist sich nicht sicher, dass sein Herz das ein weiteres Mal verkraften könnte.

Johan mag seine Familie enttäuscht haben, indem er seinen eigenen Weg geht, aber als er Robin kennenlernt, hat er nicht vor, ihn im Stich zu lassen. Die beiden Männer sind für den anderen genau das, was ihm gefehlt hat, um sich wieder vollständig zu fühlen. Auch ist Johan nicht der Mann, für den Robin ihn ursprünglich gehalten hat, sondern er ist der Richtige, um Robins geborgtes Herz schneller schlagen zu lassen. Während einer Rundreise durch Süddeutschland kommen sie sich näher, aber als Robins Ex sich der Reisegruppe anschließt, könnte er ihrer aufkeimenden Liebe ein jähes Ende bereiten.


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Feu et glace

Les flics de Carlisle | Tome 2
$6.99 $3.49

Les flics de Carlisle, tome 2

Carter Schunk est un agent de police dévoué avec un passé difficile et un grand cœur. Lorsqu’il est appelé pour une dispute conjugale, il trouve une femme mortellement blessée et un enfant, Alex, qui a désespérément besoin de soin. Les services sociaux sont appelés, et le dernier homme sur terre que Carter voulait voir passe la porte. Carter avait eu une aventure avec Donald un an auparavant et l’avait découvert aussi froid que la glace depuis que c’était fini.

Donald (le Glaçon) Ickle a eu une vie difficile qu’il ne partage avec personne, et il a fermé son cœur à tout le monde. C’est en partie pour se préserver lui-même d’être blessé et en partie la manière dont il gère son travail auquel il excelle, parce qu’il fait ce qui doit être fait sans être émotionnellement impliqué. Lorsqu’il rencontre à nouveau Carter, il maintient son habituelle distance, mais Carter arrive à se frayer un chemin sous sa peau, et contre son meilleur jugement, Donald laisse Carter le convaincre de prendre Alex quand il n’y a pas d’autre foyer d’accueil disponible. Carter propose même son aide pour s’occuper de l’enfant.

Donald a un passé dont il ne veut parler avec personne, surtout pas avec Carter qui a également le sien et qu’il garde aussi pour lui. Mais c’est le secret d’Alex qui pourrait les attirer ensemble ou les séparer, des secrets que le garçon n’est pas capable de leur dire et qui pourtant pourraient être la clé de leur bonheur à tous.


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$1.99 $1.00

Back in high school, nobody noticed quiet nerd Kevin Howard.

But everybody noticed handsome, athletic, and ultrapopular jock Clay Northrup.

They had nothing in common and lived in different worlds.

But a lot can change in fifteen years, and when they meet again at their high school reunion, Clay is no longer the big man on campus, and Kevin isn’t hiding in a corner anymore.

Can they put aside who they were? Can one night really lead to forever?


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$6.99 $3.49

Professional basketball player Bri Early needs a physical therapist after an injury, and he’s heard that Obie is the best. Bri takes an immediate liking to the out-and-proud man with the magic touch, and even though Bri isn’t openly gay himself, he’d never let anything stand in the way of something he wants.

Obie can’t deny that the sexy athlete presses all his buttons, but he’s a professional and has no intention of getting involved with a client. While they’re working together, it’s hands off, no matter how great the temptation.

But being a pro athlete isn’t easy. Bri has enemies, and one of them is making his life hell. When his house is set ablaze, Bri can no longer pretend the threatening messages he’s receiving are jokes. He needs a safe place to stay, and Obie can’t turn his back. But the two of them in the same house is a recipe for combustion that could burn them both….


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