99-Cent eBooks Published in 2013 and 2014

$6.99 $5.24

By day, Weston Davies designs mascots for Sanderson Designs and avoids the new productivity consultant, Sidney Romero, who has been hired to ensure maximum efficiency. In the evenings, Weston writes. Fantasy, detective stories, science fiction—he’s tried it all, and he isn't very good. All his attempts are riddled with clichés, and his characters become mouthpieces for scathing commentary on overused literary stereotypes. Though fantastical dreams that inspire his stories haunt his nights, Weston can’t put words to paper without cringing.

Worse, Weston’s work has begun to invade his sleep. Everybody in the office thinks Sidney is strange, quiet, and out to destroy the company. But in Weston’s dreams, Sidney is a mysterious dragon, a street-smart law enforcer, and a rebellious agent of the future government. While Weston reluctantly gets to know Sidney better in the real world, he struggles to reconcile him with the Sidney of his subconscious.

What are his dreams telling him? Is Sidney being wrongly vilified? And what if Sidney recommends Weston’s boss fire him? Weston must learn to pick through the clues his dreams are giving him, or he will never understand Sidney’s role in his life—professional or otherwise.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

After nine years, Bradley Moore and Dr. Matt Sharp are a little too secure in their relationship. In fact, they’re in a rut. But when the founder of Bradley’s law firm asks him to establish a branch office in Los Angeles, their predictable lives take a sharp left turn. Matt can’t just pick up and follow—there’s seniority and tenure to think about. If Matt stays in New York, they need a way to keep the spark alive. After racking his brain for a way to save their marriage, Matt finally suggests they cheat—with each other.

Before Bradley leaves, he and Matt take on New York City. They meet in unusual locations, play dress-up, and pretend to be strangers, all in the interest of spicing up their sex life. Their senses of humor and vivid imaginations lead to some interesting “cheating”—and occasionally get them into trouble.

Then Bradley moves to LA and becomes distracted by the lights of Hollywood. With him gone, the opportunity is ripe for Matt’s stalker to step in. Matt thought he and Bradley were doing well, but now Bradley’s gone when Matt needs him most.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Soon-to-be high school junior David Harper hates his family’s move to the country. There’s nothing to do, and he misses his friends in the city. But he doesn’t have a choice. His mother’s job is in Mason County now, so David and his mom are too, and he has to make the best of it.

At first, the only redeeming feature of David’s new home is the swimming hole across the field from his house. Then David meets Benjamin Killinger, and suddenly life stops being so dull.

Benjamin is Amish, and cooling off in the swimming hole is one of the few liberties he and his brothers enjoy. A friendship with an English boy is not—but that doesn’t stop him and David from getting to know each other, as long as it's on the neutral ground by the creek. After David risks his life to save Benjamin’s father, the boys’ friendship is tolerated, then accepted. But before long, Benjamin’s feelings for David grow beyond the platonic. Benjamin's family and the rest of the community will never allow a love like that, and a secret this big can’t stay secret forever….


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

A Beneath the Palisade Book

Theodore Engdahl’s sexual identity crisis clashes with his faith. Raised to believe homosexuality is a sin, Theo finds himself on the ropes with his girlfriend as well as his straight coworker, whom he can’t stop staring at. Luckily, before he can panic too much, Theo discovers the support system provided by the Men’s Center.

At the center, he meets Alex, and the two hit it off. Unlike Theo, Alex wears his sexuality like a favorite shirt. Alex is also easy on the eyes, but for Theo, following his example is anything but uncomplicated.

With a little help from Alex and his mentors, Ian and Harper, Theo realizes that living well requires courage. While he struggles to take the next step with Alex and to come out to his conservative parents, life beneath the palisade goes on. But when Alex and his boat disappear during a terrible storm, Theo must find the strength to hope.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

After twenty years with Nathan, pro baseball player Bobby Lane doesn’t know how to be single. His husband’s death hits him hard. Bobby thinks his life is over—so the cryptic postcards from his dead husband come as something of a surprise.

The postcards lead Bobby on a quest into the heart of Texas and to the doorstep of Odis Vorleik, a sculptor who hasn't stepped foot inside his studio in nearly a year. But as Odis and Bobby grow closer, it becomes clear that Bobby didn’t know Nathan as well as he thought—and that Nathan foresaw some of Bobby's future.

After a trip back home to sort out legal business, Bobby returns to Texas only to be confronted by Tuck Krickson, a local sheriff. Apparently Bobby isn’t the only one carrying a torch for Odis, and Odis isn’t the only one who makes Bobby feel alive again. This can’t be what Nathan intended….


$6.99 $5.24
$4.99 $3.74

Quinn Donovan needs a change to get over a broken heart, so when he finds out his father wants some new horses from Ireland, he jumps at the opportunity. He has always dreamed of going abroad. But when he gets there, his first meeting with breeder Cian O’Reilly is a disaster—on both sides.

Ever since his parents abandoned him, Cian has lived with his grandfather, raising horses. He has no expectation of ever being happy and believes family has to come first. Then his second meeting with Quinn turns his first impression on its head, and they discover they have a lot in common. But their time together has an expiry date: they live on different continents, and Cian can’t leave any more than Quinn can stay.


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

Sikkanth Bhattacharya es el típico hombre gay soltero y está perfectamente feliz de serlo… hasta que recibe una llamada del hospital local que le informa que su mejor amiga murió en el parto. Sri acordó proveer su esperma para que el sueño materno de Jill se hiciera realidad, pero jamás esperó tener que tomar decisiones sobre una niña recién nacida. Intenta darla en adopción, pero una vez la ve, Sri no puede hacerlo, así que ahora lucha por aprender a cuidar de su hija.

Su compañero de casa y amigo, Jaime Frias, se ofrece a ayudar, pero no se podía imaginar que terminaría enamorándose tanto del bebé como de Sri. Todo parece perfecto hasta que una visita de Servicios Sociales provoca que Sri entre en pánico, haciéndole sentir que tiene que escoger entre su hija y una relación con el hombre que ha comenzado a amar.


$6.99 $5.24

Cardio Conditioning

Work Out Series
$3.99 $2.99

A Work Out Story

In the battle to regulate his blood sugar, Jerry March joins a new gym, but while working out his insecurity, he overdoes it on the treadmill. His insulin drops and so does Jerry. Fellow gym member Gianni Lappatura rushes to his rescue with a glass of juice and a helping hand.

A few days later, Jerry gets to return the favor. After watching Gianni’s opera-singing strip act, Jerry finds him stuck in the rain with a dead battery and saves the day. As thanks and because he thinks Jerry is cute, Gianni asks him on a date. It’s too good to be true, and Jerry soon learns his Mr. Perfect needs a bit of help of own. But Gianni’s imperfections open Jerry’s eyes to the beauty of limitations.


$3.99 $2.99
$3.99 $2.99

After being attacked for standing up for equality, Travis “Rook” Rookford falls into a coma. At his bedside sits fellow student Leon Capper, there to keep his new hero company. Instead he finds a boyfriend in nurse Warrick Kwok.

When Rook wakes with amnesia, he thinks Leon is his boyfriend—which surprises everyone, given Rook's prior dating pattern. With everything that's going on, Leon has a hard time telling Rook the truth—and Warrick's possessiveness grates on him enough that he isn't sure he wants to. Between the stresses of studies, Rook's upcoming court appearance, and the pitfalls of new love, Leon has to work out how to set Rook straight. Maybe after that he can finally tackle his Christmas shopping.


$3.99 $2.99
$6.99 $5.24

El encantador granuja Tristan Northwood parece tenerlo todo: un nombre con solera, una herencia noble, una encantadora mujer y un hijo al que adora. Las mujeres le aman y parece que no hay nada que no pueda hacer, tanto si es seducir a una mujer de la alta sociedad como si se trata de ganar una carrera de carruajes. Poco se imaginan los que le conocen que el nombre no significa nada para él, que la fortuna está en las firmes manos de su padre y que no siente pasión por su esposa, a la que sólo le une una cordial amistad. La sociedad le aburre y acepta desafíos porque sólo se siente vivo cuando vive al límite... Hasta que el hermano de su mujer vuelve a casa desde el campo de batalla.

El comandante Charles Mountjoy, héroe condecorado de la guerra, saca a Tristan de su desesperación inspirando en él sentimientos de pasión que nunca sospechó que fuera capaz de tener. Casi tan terroríficos como esos sentimientos por Charles, son los indicios de que su cuñado puede que corresponda a su afecto... O incluso peor, que Charles ve al hombre que Tristan ha intentado tan valientemente esconder del mundo.


$6.99 $5.24

The Battle for Jericho

2013 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

A battle is brewing in the conservative little town of Webster’s Glen. Gay activist Dylan Cussler stirs up the establishment when he moves in with his boyfriend and sues the state over its gay adoption ban. Sixteen-year-old Jericho Jiles and his best friend, Mac Travis, decide to do their bit to convince Dylan and his boyfriend to leave town. But when Dylan turns up before they can finish trashing his house, Jericho panics, leaving Dylan unconscious and wounded.

Drowning in guilt, Jericho returns to Dylan’s home to make amends. He is surprised when Dylan forgives him and opens his eyes to the world around him. Soon Jericho comes to a life-changing realization: he is attracted to boys as well as girls. That’s a problem, considering Jericho has a girlfriend and very strict, very religious parents. Accepting his sexuality means he must question not only his identity and his place in the world but his relationship with his girlfriend, his parents, and with God.

And so begins the battle for Jericho’s soul.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Nicholas Sayers ha bisogno di denaro per poter frequentare gli studi e si fa assumere come assistente da un famoso fotografo, Damian Wolfe. Deve solo aiutarlo a fare fotografie, giusto? Sbagliato. Nick non si è mai fatto domande su se stesso, su che tipo di uomo possa essere e cosa voglia veramente nella sua vita, ma lavorare per Damian durante scatti di foto BDSM gli apre gli occhi su ogni sorta di possibili esperienze sessuali e molte di queste includono il bellissimo Damian Wolfe.

Damian ha dei seri dubbi nel lasciarsi coinvolgere in una storia con un giovane che non conosce niente di ciò che riguarda lo stile di vita BDSM, ma lo spirito di avventura di Nick e il suo umorismo nell’approccio con questa nuova esperienza sono troppo affascinanti per poter resistere. Nonostante si renda conto della possibilità che possa essere un errore enorme, Damian coinvolge Nick in quella vita.

Destreggiarsi al limite del proprio controllo, la sottomissione e il dolore eccitano Nick più di quanto avrebbe mai pensato fosse possibile. Grazie a Damian, impara a conoscere i propri desideri più nascosti e scopre che cedere il controllo di se stesso non lo rende debole. Concedere il controllo del proprio piacere sessuale a qualcun altro aumenta il suo piacere. Il contrario è vero per Damian: il controllo lo eccita. Così cominciano a esplorare insieme i loro confini verso la sensualità, non aspettandosi di trovare l’amore lungo la strada.


$6.99 $5.24