Top 5 Benefits of Growing Up Before Easy Accessibility of Technology & Social Media by Nic Starr

Top 5 Benefits of Growing Up Before Easy Accessibility of Technology & Social Media by Nic Starr
Thursday April 13, 2017

  1. Very few of the embarrassing things I did were caught on camera, and none were shared for the world to see!
  2. We only had a handful of TV channels so very limited viewing options. This meant we actually wanted to go outside to play – fresh air and exercise were easy to come by.
  3. Books were the best form of entertainment and reading habits were encouraged. Reading – yay!
  4. Conversation was normal. We chatted over dinner, sharing details of our day, and developing social skills. We could make a phone call instead of relying on texting. I’m still amazed that my teen struggles to make phone calls to people she doesn’t know and prefers to send a text message!
  5. Life wasn’t focused on impressing people. We could eat a meal without having to wait to photograph it for Instagram and enjoy a moment without stopping to update our status to let the world know what we were doing.

Do you agree? What did you do differently before technology and social media became an everyday part of your life?