All titles releases July 1-27, 2016 are 25% off. Merry Christmas in July!

Little Earthquakes: Book Two
It’s been six months since Tim and Jae got together, and they’re giving Domestic Discipline an honest try. But when conflicting events conspire to interrupt their life, Tim starts to fray at the edges. He’s doing his best to handle everything, but he still struggles with unaddressed issues, both past and present. And seeing Tim trying to hold it together is breaking Jae’s heart.
There has to be a breaking point, and when it arrives, it’s Jae’s turn to take the reins, to provide them both with what they truly need.
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Il quarantacinquenne professore d’inglese Nathan Qells sa come far sentire importanti tutti quelli che lo incontrano. Gli riesce meno bene, però, rimanere nei paraggi dopo. È una brava persona, ma non percepisce le cose come fanno gli altri. Ha passato molto tempo a prendersi cura di Michael, il ragazzo che abita alla porta accanto, senza rendersi conto che il mafioso e muscoloso zio e tutore di Michael, Andreo Fiore, si è lentamente innamorato di lui.
Fare in modo che Nate lo veda come un potenziale partner è forse il problema minore di Dreo. Sta crescendo il nipote e sta cercando di lasciare il suo losco lavoro e aprire un’attività in proprio, un progetto che si complica infinitamente quando dei sicari eliminano alcuni personaggi chiave della malavita. Eppure, Dreo è determinato a costruire una vita di cui andare fiero, una vita con Nate come fondamento, una vita che sta cominciando ad assomigliare esattamente a ciò che Nate sta cercando. Sfortunatamente per Dreo – e per Nate – i recenti omicidi fanno parte di una profonda riorganizzazione, e l’amore di Dreo ha trasformato Nate in un bersaglio.
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Série Sinners, tome 1
Il y a un homme mort dans la Pontiac GTO Vintage de Miki St John et ce dernier n’a aucune idée de la manière dont il a pu arriver là.
Après avoir survécu au tragique accident qui a tué son meilleur ami et les autres membres de leur groupe Sinner’s Gin, tout ce que Miki veut, c’est se cacher du monde dans l’entrepôt rénové qu’il a acheté avant leur dernière tournée. Mais quand l’homme qui l’a agressé sexuellement dans son enfance est tué, et que son corps est retrouvé dans sa voiture, il redoute que la mort n’en ait pas encore fini avec lui.
Kane Morgan, un inspecteur de la police départementale de San Francisco qui loue un atelier à la coopérative d’art à côté, suspecte tout d’abord Miki d’être impliqué dans l’assassinat, mais il se rend vite compte que ce dernier est autant une victime que l’homme écorché vif à l’intérieur de la GTO. Alors que le nombre de corps imputable à l’assassin augmente, l’attirance entre Miki et Kane s’enflamme. Aucun d’eux ne sait si une relation entre eux a la moindre chance de réussir, mais en dépit des traumatismes émotionnels de Miki, Kane est déterminé à lui apprendre à aimer et à être aimé… à condition, bien sûr, que Kane puisse attraper le tueur avant que Miki ne devienne sa prochaine victime.
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All for Love: Book One
When sword-for-hire Teodoro Ciéza de Vivar accepts a commission to “rescue” Lord Christian Blackwood from unsuitable influences, he has no idea he’s landed himself in the middle of a plot to assassinate King Philip IV of Spain and blame the English ambassador for the deed. Nor does he expect the spoiled child he’s sent to retrieve to be a handsome, engaging young man.
As Teodoro and Christian face down enemies at every turn, they fall more and more in love, an emotion they can’t safely indulge with the threat of the Inquisition looming over them. It will take all their combined guile and influence to outmaneuver the powerful men who would see them separated… or even killed.
2nd Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, 2009.
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Postgraduate student Andrew Chin arrives in London not only to study, but to explore life away from his traditional family in Singapore. His adventure begins at the airport, where he finds the diary of a wealthy British businessman and endeavors to return it.
James Howard is twice Andrew’s age, and he’s not used to selfless youngsters. Despite a rocky first meeting, the two develop an unlikely friendship as James introduces Andrew to the city. James is looking forward to the festivities leading up to Christmas in London and maybe a celebration with Andrew. But will a nasty bout of the flu ruin their romantic holiday?
Not if Andrew has anything to say about it.
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Life is full of surprises and, with luck, second chances.
After his father’s death, Lowell leaves the big city to help his sick mother in the conservative small town where he grew up. He’s shocked to find himself living next to none other than his childhood friend Jase. Lowell always had a crush on Jase, and the man has only gotten more attractive with age. Unfortunately Jase is straight, now divorced, and raising his six-year-old daughter. It’s nice to reconnect, but Lowell doesn’t see a chance for anything beyond friendship.
Until a night out together changes everything.
Jase can’t fight his growing feelings for Lowell, and he doesn’t want to give up the happy future they could have. But his ex-wife issues an ultimatum: he must keep his homosexuality secret or she’ll revoke his custody of their daughter, Layla. Now Jase faces an impossible choice: Lowell and the love he’s always wanted, or his daughter.
2nd Edition
First Edition published by Loose Id LLC, 2011.
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“Town man” Josh Douglass meets “country man” Ben Bauer at a mutual friend’s wedding, and passion kindles immediately. As urbanite wedding planner Josh and closeted contractor Ben spend more time together, they develop a deep, comfortable romance despite the fifty miles between their homes—and despite the drastic differences in their lifestyles. But as they grow closer, it becomes apparent that Josh and Ben have been enjoying the first flush of love without giving much thought to longer-term logistics.
A crisis leads Josh to ask himself serious questions about how his relationship with Ben can realistically work. But just as Josh is feeling ready to talk about the next step with Ben, a misunderstanding threatens their love affair. Compromise is the key to any relationship, but it isn’t always easy to balance careers, friendships, and family expectations. Josh and Ben just need to see that bringing together the best of both their worlds is well worth the sacrifices they’ll have to make to remain in each other’s life.
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Seguito di Dentro o fuori
Storie di Toronto, Libro 2
Il detective Ivan Bekker sta toccando il fondo. Non solo deve ancora riprendersi dalla rottura col fidanzato fedifrago, ma è stato anche coinvolto in una brutta retata durante la quale ha dovuto uccidere un uomo, e il suo migliore amico ora lotta fra la vita e la morte. Pur essendo sotto indagine per il ruolo giocato nella sparatoria, il suo capo lo spedisce in una missione ufficiosa sotto copertura che dovrebbe aiutarli a risolvere il caso. Il tempismo è fondamentale: solo intervenendo subito hanno qualche speranza di stanare la talpa che si nasconde al dipartimento.
Privato del sostegno dei colleghi e della propria lucidità, Ivan si ritrova a recitare la parte di un divorziato per avvicinare Parker Wakefield, il ragazzo che gli affitta una stanza. Peccato che Parker – il dolce, ingenuo Parker – non abbia tanto l’aria di un criminale, specie non uno coinvolto nello spaccio di droga per conto della mafia russa. Ivan finisce così per abbassare la guardia; sa che quello che prova non è professionale, ma non riesce a resistere a Parker.
Per questo, quando si imbatte nelle prove che il giovane è coinvolto in un’operazione illecita, deve fare una scelta: proteggere il loro rapporto, a prescindere dalle conseguenze, o salvare la propria carriera e mandare dietro le sbarre l’uomo che ama.
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Collars and Cuffs: Book Eight
In all his relationships, Darren Fielding never found the level of intimacy he witnessed between Thomas Williams and his sub, Peter, the day of Peter’s “rebirth.” Not only that, he never realized such intimacy was possible. For two years, Thomas’s business card has been burning a hole in his wallet. When Darren’s lover moves on, maybe it’s finally time to see where that card takes him.
Collars & Cuffs’ new barman, JJ Taylor, is really conflicted right now. He went to the club with a very specific purpose, already convinced of what he’d find there. Except it’s not what he expected at all. He certainly didn’t anticipate finding himself drawn to the new wannabe Dom. Nor could he have guessed the direction that attraction would lead him.
Old love, new love, vows, pain, rage, moving in, moving on…. The members of Collars & Cuffs face an event that touches some of them deeply, but it will only reinforce what they already know: together they are stronger, and some bonds cannot be broken.
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Kaden Pace, a soldier injured while on a mission, hides the extent of his damage by wearing his high-tech armor, desperate to prove his worth to his administrators and make himself useful in order to hold on to his independence. But during a simple assignment to escort two cadets across the country to retrieve the armor of a dead warrior, things start to fall apart.
They meet Shun, a young man with a secret, who steals the armor they were supposed to recover. Chasing Shun brings them to an abandoned town, where they encounter even more trouble. Stranded in the deserted city, Kaden finds himself relying more and more on Shun, the person he’d come to capture, while fighting off an invasion from the neighboring country.
But even when he returns to camp, Kaden’s problems are not over. Now he has to find a way to save Shun, whom he’s growing to care for, and keep his team alive as they make one last-ditch attempt to get back the armor Shun stole. Armor that is now in enemy hands, on an island in the middle of the sea, at Ground Zero where it all began.
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Entwined Dreams: Book One
Rejected. Heartbroken. Devastated.
Zack Davis wanted to serve only one man, Andrew Nikeman. He was denied because Andrew thought he was too young and because their brothers were together. So Zack crushed his submissive tendencies and focused on being the perfect Dom, giving every sub he played with something he couldn’t have.
After years of denying his submissive side, Entwined’s charity auction “Are you Dom Enough to be a sub?” gives Zack an excuse to get a little of what he’s always craved.
Andrew doesn’t know when his infatuation turned into more, but it kills him to see Zack with a constant parade of submissives. He’d refused to jeopardize his brother’s relationship or become Zack’s regret; however, Zack isn’t a kid anymore, and his brother’s relationship is unbreakable. Now Zack’s popularity and success as a Dom might ruin Andrew’s dreams of collaring him, but he can’t wait any longer to confess his feelings or he risks losing the man he loves forever.
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Marriage gets less convenient when love is involved.
It started simple: Ondrej Kovac marries Archie Katsaros so Ondrej can stay in the US, away from his judgmental family in eastern Europe. Archie marries Ondrej in exchange for the money to bail out his failing company. It’s a fraud neither man is convinced he can pull off.
But as Archie introduces Ondrej to New York society and Ondrej proves his skill in the office, they start to discover a connection between them. Can they overcome the rocky foundation their relationship was built on, meddling immigration agents, gossip columnists determined to out their deception, and an aggressive executive set on selling Archie’s company out from under him? Only if they can prove to each other their love is worth fighting for.
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A Harmony Ink Press Title
One year ago a car accident killed Victoria Dinham’s father, and now all that keeps her going is the hope of getting into the Manhattan Dance Conservatory. That is, until an ethereal girl named Ashlinn visits her in her sleep claiming to be the creator of good dreams and carrying a message from her comatose brother. They meet in Victoria’s subconscious, and over time they come to care for each other. Ashlinn is secure in her asexuality, but Victoria has never heard of it. Soon, however, she realizes she too must be asexual.
On the day of Victoria’s big dance audition, her mother is unable to drive her to town so Ashlinn must turn human to help Victoria chase her dreams. While in New York City, Victoria and Ashlinn explore their affections for each other and try to understand what it means to be asexual teenagers. Unfortunately for the couple, Ashlinn cannot stay human forever, and humanity begins to suffer from not having her around to create pleasant fantasies each night.
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Histoires de cœur, tome 3
La dernière chose à laquelle Liam Southard s’attendait en fuyant son père abusif, c’était d’être recueilli par un couple de ranchers gays. En un rien de temps, il se remet sur pied, trouve un travail et accepte enfin son homosexualité. Et puis un beau matin, il se retrouve menacé d’une arme.
Pour la défense de Troy Gardener, il sait qu’il n’aurait pas dû pointer son fusil sur le jeune homme aux incroyables yeux bleus. Entre son mariage qui vient de s’effondrer et la solitude qui le rend fou, perdu dans cette vieille cabane au fin fond du Wyoming, il a des circonstances atténuantes. Il s’excuse auprès de Liam et découvre très vite qu’ils ont plus d’une chose en commun.
Mais avec le père de Liam qui débarque à l’improviste et une société minière qui menace la survie du ranch, difficile de commencer une histoire d’amour. Une chose est sûre, ils n’auront pas le temps de s’ennuyer.
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Ecco a voi Patrick Cleary: festaiolo, perdente e schizzato. Patrick cerca disperatamente di trasformare se stesso e i risultati sono così straordinari che per poco non ne rimane ucciso. Ora ecco a voi Wes ‘Whiskey’ Keenan: biologo da campo che si chiede quando arriverà il momento giusto per sistemarsi e mettere radici. Quando il giorno peggiore della vita di Patrick si conclude col salvataggio da parte di Whiskey, i due si trovano a condividere un frammento di vita e una minuscola cuccetta sulla casa galleggiante più kitsch del mondo.
Patrick ha bisogno di dare una svolta alla sua vita e Whiskey decide di aiutarlo, ma il ragazzo non è del tutto convinto di riuscirci. Anzi, è abbastanza sicuro di essere uno scherzo della natura. Ma Whiskey, che lavora con veri e propri scherzi della natura, pensa che l’unica cosa di cui Patrick ha davvero bisogno è riconoscere la bellezza dentro quel guscio strambo, e non si è mai tirato indietro di fronte a una missione. Tra rane anomale, un ex ragazzo delinquente e i complessi di Patrick, Whiskey dovrà armarsi di tutta la pazienza possibile prima che Patrick scopra il meglio di sé. Solo allora si troveranno a nuotare finalmente nell’acqua pulita.
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Volumen 4 de la serie Manteniendo la Roca Promesaa
Crick lleva en casa cinco años desde Iraq, Jeff y Collin están finalmente casados, y Shane y Mikhail están mejorando silenciosamente las vidas de adolescentes sin hogar que se cruzan en su camino. Todo está bien en el mundo de Deacon, pero nada nunca permanece igual.
Cuando sus mejores amigos, Jon y Amy, responden a la llamada de una oportunidad en Washington, DC, Deacon imagina que así es la vida. Amas a gente, y ellos te dejan, y sobrevives. Incluso Benny, la hermana pequeña de Crick, está casi lista para ser una adulta y empezar su propio futuro. Pero Benny quiere a Deacon, y se lo debe todo... Puede que un día deje atrás El Púlpito y Levee Oaks, pero no sin dejar algo de sí misma tras de sí. Así que le ofrece a Crick y a Deacon un regalo sorprendente... y una decisión aterradora.
Su oferta fuerza a Deacon y a Crick a desenterrar cada error del pasado y cada promesa de redención. Y no solo ellos dos; todo el mundo se ve obligado a examinar las oportunidades que se les han dado y las promesas que han hecho. En una familia real, un niño es una promesa, y para los hombres y mujeres de Roca Promesa, mantener esa promesa cambiará sus vidas para siempre.
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Born with a silver spoon in his mouth, Brian Paulson has lived a life of luxury and ease. If he’s been left lonely because of his family’s pursuit of wealth and their own happiness, he figures it’s a small price to pay for what he sees as most important: money.
Cade McAllister has never had it easy. He works two jobs to support himself, his mother, and his special-needs brother. They don’t have much, but to Cade, love and taking care of the people who are important to him mean more than material possessions. When Cade is mugged in the park, he can’t afford to lose what little he has, and he’s grateful for Brian’s intervention.
Cade is given a chance to return the favor when Brian’s grandfather passes away and Brian’s assets are frozen. Cade offers Brian a place to stay and helps him find work, and the two men grow closer as they learn the good and the bad of the very different worlds they come from. Just as Brian is starting to see there’s more to life than what money can buy, a clause in his grandfather’s will could send their relationship up in smoke.
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Forbes Mates: Book Three
Dr. Miles Grant acknowledges that his destined mate could be either gender even though his bisexuality cost him his family and his pack. Luckily he found the Forbes Pack, who happily accepts him just as he is. What he never counted on was finding his mate in Pittsburgh or for his mate to be another species entirely—a cat!
Quincy Archer isn’t just any jaguar shifter. He is the heir to the leadership of his pride. Destined mates are nothing but legend to the nearly extinct and generally solitary jaguars, and Quincy certainly never expected to find one for himself, much less a male… or a wolf.
However, finding each other and coming to terms with their species is the least of their worries. Quincy is expected to select a proper female mate, father a cub, and take his place as heir to the pride. Except Quincy refuses, having no interest in women or leadership and knowing he isn’t right for it. But his father will stop at nothing—not even attempting to kill Miles—to get his way. Quincy and Miles must overcome many obstacles to stay together as the destined mates they’re meant to be.
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Sequel to Catch a Tiger by the Tail
THIRDS: Book Seven
Life for Dexter J. Daley has never been easy, but he’s always found a way to pick himself back up with a smile on his face. Taken from his home and the arms of Sloane Brodie, his boyfriend and THIRDS partner, Dex finds himself in a situation as mysterious and lethal as the Therian interrogating him. Dex learns what he’s secretly believed all along: his parents’ death wasn’t an accident.
Discovering the whole truth about John and Gina Daley’s homicide sets off a series of events that will change Dex and Sloane’s life forever. As buried secrets rise to the surface and new truths are revealed, Dex and Sloane’s love for each other is put to the test, with more than their relationship on the line. If traversing the waters of murder and secret government agencies wasn’t enough, something inexplicable has been happening to Dex—and nothing will ever be the same.
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Sequel to Code Yellow
Heroes at Heart: Book Four
It’s been two and a half years since aspiring writer Yancy Bell met troubled jock Curt Donovan. Yancy works at the NY Public Library, and Curt is studying dance at Juilliard. It’s summer in New York City, and the devoted couple couldn’t be happier together.
Yancy’s book is the story of Curt’s survival of depression and attempted suicide. When his former English professor, Hume, encourages him, Yancy is surprised and pleased—only to be devastated when Hume commits an unethical act. This adversity leads Yancy to a new understanding of depression as he spirals down to his lowest point ever.
It’s Curt’s turn to step up to the plate and become Yancy’s hero.
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Robert Johnny just turned thirty, and his life is pretty much in the toilet. His writing career is on the skids. His love life is nonexistent. A stalker is driving him crazy. And his cat is a pain in the ass.
Then Robert orders a chimichanga platter at a neighborhood restaurant, and his life changes—just like that.
Dario Martinez isn’t having such a great existence either. He needs money for college. His shoes are falling apart. His boyfriend’s a dick. And he has a crap job as a busboy.
Then a stranger orders a chimichanga platter, and suddenly life isn’t quite as depressing.
But it’s the book in the busboy’s back pocket that really gets the ball rolling. For both our heroes. That and the black eye and the forgotten bowl of guacamole. Who knew true love could be so easily ignited or that the flames would spread so quickly?
But when Robert’s stalker gets dangerous, our two heroes find a lot more to occupy their time than falling in love. Staying alive might become the new game plan.
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A Men of Lancaster County Novel
David Fisher has lived by the rules all his life. Born to a Mennonite family, he obeyed his father and took over the family farm, married, and had two children. Now with both his kids in college and his wife deceased, he runs his farm alone and without joy, counting off the days of a life half-lived.
Christie Landon, graphic designer, Manhattanite, and fierce gay party boy, needs a change. Now thirty, he figures it’s time to grow up and think about his future. When his best friend overdoses, Christie resolves to take a break from the city. He heads to a small house in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, to rest, recoup, and reflect.
But life in the country is boring despite glimpses of the hunky silver fox next door. When Christie’s creativity latches on to cooking, he decides to approach his widower neighbor with a plan to share meals and grocery expenses. David agrees, and soon the odd couple finds they really enjoy spending time together.
Christie challenges the boundaries of David’s closed world and brings out feelings he buried long ago. If he can break free of the past, he might find a second chance at happiness.
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A Wild Cards Novel
Surveillance, seduction, and extra-dirty politics.
Christian Chatsworth-Brandeis has a problem. A huge one. The US senator he works for has run away with his latest mistress on the eve of a make-or-break fund-raising event, and it’s up to him to cover his boss’s irresponsible tracks.
Stone Jackson, the senator’s new bodyguard, looks enough like the senator that, with some extensive grooming, he might pass for Senator Lacey. Christian and Stone hatch a plan to fool everyone by substituting Stone for the senator, but Miami madness and the incendiary heat between them are throwing obstacles in their way. It’s a race to find the senator and pull off the con of the century before the attraction between them spins completely out of control.