The God Hunters: A Gathering of Flowers

By Mark Reed

The God Hunters: A Gathering of Flowers
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  • Release Date
  • Type Novels
  • Pages 286
  • ISBN-13 978-1-63476-738-5
  • SKU 7438
  • File Formats epub, pdf
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The God Hunters: Book Four

A powerful evil still lurks within the Expanse, and there is only one way to protect its citizens.

The Masters of Science and Technology are hell-bent on eliminating any advanced civilizations that threaten their authority. However, the truth behind their aggressive behavior is becoming widespread thanks to David, who masquerades as the Being of Light whenever he rushes in to save any worlds on the brink of destruction. Because of this, a considerable number of MST troops have broken away from their organization and are now acting as rogue agents to uphold their so-called good names.

One of the most dangerous weapons the MST has is Ahzoul—a powerful elemental. His corrosive spells have destroyed stars and poisoned entire worlds. But with the help of a distant galactic remnant, David and his companions have finally found a way to defeat Ahzoul.

David’s role as Keeper of the Citadel is synonymous with protecting the innocent, and that’s exactly what he means to do—no matter what the cost.

Cover Artist: Brooke Albrecht


Genres Fantasy / Fantasy Romance / Gay / Paranormal Romance / Sci-Fi Romance