Books by "Susan Laine" (55)


L'amour à portée de main

Sens et Sensations
$3.99 $2.00

Sens et Sensations, numéro hors série

À quoi ressemble l'amour ? Si vous le voyiez, lui donneriez-vous l'attention qu'il mérite ?

L'officier de police volontaire Sebastian Sumner est peut-être sourd, mais il est surtout fort et doué. Ça fait maintenant un an qu'il est en couple avec le Détective Jordan Waters. Leur relation n'a pas toujours coulé de source, mais leur amour est ancré sur des bases solides. Malheureusement, ils ne peuvent pas en dire autant de leur travail. Jordan doit, en compagnie de son partenaire, enquêter sur Aldous Henley, un marchand d'art louche suspecté de falsification et de contrebande. Mais prouver l'existence réelle de ces crimes et traîner l'homme en justice s'avère beaucoup plus difficile que ce à quoi Jordan s'attendait. De plus, Henley n'est pas seulement un problème au travail. L'affaire accapare toute l'attention de Jordan et celui-ci se bat pour établir un équilibre entre sa vie professionnelle occupée et sa vie personnelle tout aussi importante. Surtout avec la date d'un anniversaire significatif approchant à grands pas... L'amour peut être en pleine vue, mais cela ne signifie pas qu'il doit être pris pour acquis.


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Yellow Streak

Heroes at Heart | Book Two
$3.99 $2.00

Sequel to Yellowbelly Hero
Heroes at Heart: Book Two

Yancy Bell, a book geek with a bladder problem, saved the life of suicidal gay jock Curt Donovan. But when Curt returns to college after the Christmas holidays pretending he doesn’t know Yancy, warning bells go off.

Has a frightened Curt decided the safety of the closet is preferable to coming out? A remorseful Curt comes knocking on Yancy’s door in the dead of the night. Yancy wants to help Curt find the courage to proudly be himself and pursue his dreams, but first Curt needs to come to terms with his past acts. Yancy can only hope their reunion ends in light, not darkness.


$3.99 $2.00

Sonidos de amor

Sentidos y sensaciones
$6.99 $3.49

Un libro de la saga "Sentidos y sensaciones"

¿Cómo suena el amor? Si lo oyes, ¿harás caso de su llamada?

El agente de policía Jordan Waters se recupera de un disparo mudándose a un nuevo apartamento en una nueva ciudad y con un nuevo empleo. En otras palabras: está solo. Su primer instinto es aliviar su ansiedad con sexo sin complicaciones, hasta que conoce a un hombre tan distinto a su experiencia que le hace tambalearse por primera vez.

El policía voluntario Sebastian Sumner puede que esté sordo, pero su espíritu, su carácter abierto y su sentido del humor le proporcionan la fuerza para superar todo, incluso las defensas emocionales de Jordan Waters. Pero es su propia historia familiar lo que le supone el mayor de los desafíos. ¿Podrá aprender a confiar en Jordan con su corazón o le ensordecerá su educación a los sonidos del amor?


$6.99 $3.49

La luna del cacciatore

Serie Sollevando il Velo | Libro 3
$5.99 $2.99

Seguito di Il desiderio del genio
Serie Sollevando il Velo. Libro 3

Dieci anni fa, la Grande Rivelazione ha mostrato la presenza sulla Terra di creature sovrannaturali, ma non sono in tanti a sapere molto su di loro o a dare loro molta importanza, a parte quando si tratta di ricevere uno stipendio.

Kieran Knight è un mercenario che dà la caccia alle creature mitologiche per denaro. La sua missione è rapire un certo Gabriel King per portarlo dal suo cliente. Ma il suo obiettivo non è un semplice cowboy: è un potente licantropo e il beta del suo branco e, come scopriranno presto, Gabriel e Kieran sono compagni.

Kieran non sa praticamente nulla di come funzioni un accoppiamento, e non è neppure gay, ma ciò non vuol dire che non senta l’attrazione bollente che c’è tra lui e l’altro uomo. Per salvare Gabriel, mette in atto un piano di fuga, ma i suoi clienti non lasceranno andare il loro licantropo senza lottare.


$5.99 $2.99

Yellowbelly Hero

Heroes at Heart | Book One
$3.99 $2.00

Heroes at Heart: Book One

Yancy Bell was bullied in high school for being a yellowbelly, not because of any cowardice, but because of his nervous bladder condition. It’s Yancy’s first year in college, and he’s hoping to make a fresh start.

Three days before Christmas, the campus is empty. Having to pee on a midwinter night leads Yancy to meet Curt Donovan huddled in a dark shower stall. Curt’s a troubled jock whose coming out went badly, so he plans to end it all.

But Yancy adamantly refuses to let Curt go through with his irrevocable plan. With just one dark night to talk Curt around, Yancy has to win the trust of a stranger who only sees one way out.


$3.99 $2.00

Fireworks & Wild Cards

The Wheel Mysteries | Book Three
$6.99 $3.49

Sequel to Devil's Own
The Wheel Mysteries: Book Three

When Gus Goodwin’s friend and mentor, Juliette Hayes, asks him to find out who’s stealing small sums from the cashbox of her Moonlight Haven Coven, Gus agrees. What’s the worst that could happen? They catch a small-time thief and, with any luck, retrieve a few bucks. Gus enlists the help of his boyfriend, PI Niall Valentine, and Niall’s retired police officer father, Owain, to go undercover and solve the mystery.

On the night of the next full moon ritual, however, the coven is struck with a fatal blow.

Now Gus and Niall face more than a murder mystery. The coven is torn apart, and along comes an eccentric psychic and Tarot master—plus a familiar face both Gus and Niall had hoped was long gone. As fireworks ignite and wild cards are spread, Gus and Niall have their work cut out for them.


$6.99 $3.49

The Wheel Mysteries

The Wheel Mysteries | Books One & Two

The Wheel Mysteries

Books 1 & 2


Sparks & Drops

Magic is in the air when Gus Goodwin, a pagan shopkeeper, meets a Niall Valentine, a mysterious PI investigating the disappearance of a local witch. What starts out as harmless flirting and information gathering soon turns into a partnership, with both men determined to solve the case.

Bodies pile up as someone uses fire and water to kill witches, and it is up to Niall and Gus to find out what’s going on. But when their friendship blossoms into something else, the unknown dangers ahead become even more frightening. If they can’t solve the murders soon, they’re going to get themselves killed.


Devil’s Own

PI Niall Valentine and his occult shopkeeper boyfriend, Gus Goodwin, are thrown into another murder mystery.

Niall’s client, Angelina Talbot, believes her husband attempted to kill her. Terrified, Angelina hit him with a lamp and ran. Florian Talbot lies dead in their bedroom, his head smashed in—but the door is locked from the inside. Is Angelina an unwitting murderer, or are more sinister forces at play?

With a family of eccentrics, borderline criminals, and Satanists, the killer could be any number of people wandering the mansion that night. The Talbot clan thrives in secrecy, and Niall and Gus must shed some light on the shadowy case.


Il suono dell’amore

Serie Sensi e Sentimenti
$6.99 $3.49

Un libro della Serie Sensi e Sentimenti

Qual è il suono dell’amore? E chi può sentirlo risponderà al suo richiamo?

Per riprendersi da una ferita ricevuta in seguito a una sparatoria, l’agente di polizia Jordan Waters ha cambiato città e lavoro. In altre parole, è solo. Il suo primo istinto è quello di alleviare l’ansia tramite il sesso senza impegno – fino a quando non conosce un uomo così diverso da lui e dagli altri che ha incontrato da farlo vacillare per la prima volta.

Il poliziotto volontario Sebastian Sumner sarà anche sordo, ma la sua forza d’animo, la sua sincerità e il suo senso dell’umorismo gli danno la forza per superare ogni difficoltà – persino le barriere che Jordan Waters ha eretto attorno al proprio cuore. Ma la sfida più grande viene dalla sua famiglia. Riuscirà a fidarsi di Jordan e dargli il suo cuore, oppure il modo in cui è stato cresciuto gli impedirà di sentire il suono dell’amore?


$6.99 $3.49

La voix de l'amour

Sens et Sensations
$6.99 $3.49

Sens et Sensations, numéro hors série

Quelle est la voix de l’amour ? Si vous l’entendez, saurez-vous répondre à son appel ?

L’inspecteur de police Jordan Waters tente de se remettre d’une blessure durant son service en changeant d’appartement, de boulot et de ville. En bref, il se sent seul. Son premier réflexe est de soulager son angoisse en faisant des rencontres sans suite… Jusqu’à ce qu’il rencontre un homme tellement à l’opposé de ses proies habituelles que pour la première fois, Jordan est déstabilisé.

L’agent civil Sebastian Sumner a beau être malentendant, il a assez de force intérieure et d’humour pour pouvoir affronter tous les obstacles, y compris les défenses émotionnelles de Jordan Waters. Mais c’est son histoire familiale qui représente le plus grand des défis. Parviendra-t-il à accorder sa confiance à Jordan, ou son éducation le rendra-t-il sourd aussi à la voix de l’amour ?


$6.99 $3.49
$3.99 $2.00

When Shawn Wells learns a planned development project threatens the quaint gay neighborhood of Trickstown, he jumps into action. This is his home turf. Plus, his favorite hangout, bathhouse Hot Haven, is the heart of the community--along with its owner, Toby Macintyre, who has been a sort-of friend to Shawn for years.

Surprisingly, Toby seems opposed to Shawn’s community-wide campaign to save the uniqueness and unity of the area. Even so, an unexpected attraction sparks between them, further fanning the flames of change.

Shawn has to fight for the future of his community, his beloved bathhouse, and for Toby. The sauna lover quickly finds himself in some real hot water.


$3.99 $2.00
$6.99 $3.49

Being over thirty is not an issue for Corey Paige. Being frigid and a virgin, however, is a huge problem for the only son of a newspaper magnate. No matter the risk, Corey’s intent on resolving both problems in one go.

Enter Lucian Allard, a wealthy hedonist with a notorious reputation at club Boudoir—and an unconventional sexual mentoring program for those who suffer from dysfunctions. As the two men begin a sensual journey to awaken Corey’s libido, Corey’s frigid body isn't all that begins to melt. His untouched feelings also spark to life.

Though a family emergency puts a halt to awakening Corey’s senses and desires, Corey and Lucian grow closer as friends. Then an unexpected kiss from Lucian in Corey’s most desperate hour changes everything. Now Corey must decide if the program is still an aid or an obstacle to two lonely men trying to maintain a professional detachment but falling hopelessly in love.


$6.99 $3.49

Wishing Wings

Isleshire Chronicles | Book Two
$3.99 $2.00

Sequel to Lofty Dreams of Earthbound Men
Isleshire Chronicles: Book Two

Two weeks after their encounter with a ripper, engineering sage Jules Sterling and Earth mage Obadai Bashim are surprised to learn Aelfric Fairburn, a bureaucrat from the Divine Theocracy, has arrived in County Isleshire to reward Jules for his courageous defeat of the ripper.

Fairburn’s visit couldn’t come at a worse time, as Jules is in the field-testing phase of his dream project—flying. But the Virtuist Church of the Spirit Gods views man’s pursuit of flight as heresy and a contemptuous abomination of the ultimate ambition of the faithful—ascension.

But Fairburn’s judgment is the least of Jules’s problems. While he struggles to work out the kinks of his flying apparatus, a mysterious figure operates behind the scenes toward an unknown end. Once again, Jules and Obadai face a lethal foe.


$3.99 $2.00

Il desiderio del genio

Serie Sollevando il Velo | Libro 2
$6.99 $3.49

Seguito di La via dei lupi
Serie Sollevando il Velo. Libro 2

Dieci anni fa, la Grande Rivelazione manifestò la presenza di esseri sovrannaturali che vivono sulla Terra. I residenti della città in rovina scoperta a Majlis al-Jinn sono però scomparsi da molto tempo; o così pensa il giovane archeologo Pip Butler, almeno fino a quando non libera accidentalmente un genio molto nudo chiamato Jinn.

Anche se da tempo ha una timida cotta per il suo carismatico supervisore, Val Velde, Pip fa fatica a rifiutare le continue e provocanti attenzioni di Jinn. Ha a malapena il tempo di considerare che ha un potentissimo genio e tre gloriosi desideri a portata di mano, quando spietati mercenari fanno irruzione nello scavo per appropriarsi del reperto più prezioso: la lampada di Jinn.

Così Pip, Val e Jinn devono lavorare insieme in una corsa contro il tempo per scoprire i segreti dell’antica città, liberare i loro colleghi tenuti prigionieri e tenere Jinn fuori dalle grinfie dei mercenari, il tutto mentre cercano di risolvere il loro groviglio amoroso.


$6.99 $3.49

Devil's Own

The Wheel Mysteries | Book Two
$5.99 $2.99

Sequel to Sparks & Drops
The Wheel Mysteries: Book Two

A month and a half into their relationship, PI Niall Valentine and his occult shopkeeper boyfriend, Gus Goodwin, are hoping for a little time alone, but they’re thrown into another murder mystery.

Niall’s client, Angelina Talbot, is certain her new husband attempted to kill her, ambushing her in their bedroom, half-naked and covered in blood. Scared out of her mind, Angelina hit him with a lamp and ran away. Florian Talbot lies dead in the bedroom, his head smashed in with a lamp—but the door is locked from the inside. Is Angelina truly an unwitting murderer, or are more sinister forces at play?

With a family of eccentrics, borderline criminals, and Satanists, the real killer could be any number of people wandering the mansion that night under the cover of darkness. The entire Talbot clan thrives in secrecy. Still unfulfilled and utterly perplexed, Niall and Gus are tasked with shedding some much-needed light on the shadowy case.


$5.99 $2.99

La voie du loup

Le Grand Dévoilement | Tome 1
$4.99 $2.49

Le Grand Dévoilement, tome 1

Kris Ellis pensait que le temps des mariages arrangés appartenait au passé – mais c’était avant le Grand Dévoilement qui révéla que des créatures mythiques vivaient parmi les humains. Maintenant, un simple test médical de routine a pu déterminer que Kris avait un compagnon, un loup-garou nommé Rafael King.

Kris est fraîchement diplômé de l’université et a des projets bien établis pour sa vie future. Aucun d’entre eux n’inclut d’être lié pour toujours à quelqu’un qu’il n’a jamais rencontré. Mais lorsque Rafe l’appelle, Kris est prêt à reconsidérer sa position. Après tout, qu’est-ce qui est pire que d’avoir attendu son âme sœur pendant près de deux cents ans ?

Rafe est patient, fort et gentil, sans oublier qu’il est très attirant. Exactement comme ce que Kris avait entendu dire à propos des compagnons prédestinés, des étincelles éclatent à la seconde où ils se rencontrent. Mais Kris et Rafe sont très différents et la vie avec un loup-garou peut s’avérer dangereuse. Un combat pour l’amour en vaut-il vraiment la peine ?


$4.99 $2.49
$4.99 $2.49

Duncan Kerr is the art director of Enamored Press, an erotic romance publisher based in Seattle. An open submissions call for new artists yields an imaginative book cover with rich details and bold colors that catches his interest. After a few more samples of work and some e-mails, Duncan is determined to hire the talented young artist on a permanent basis.

But Ruben Winterbottom isn’t an average freelance artist. His agoraphobia leaves him terrified to set foot outside his secluded house in the woods by the Olympic National Park. Living alone, fear is Ruben’s sole companion.

When the two men meet, Ruben has a panic attack and hides away. Although confused, Duncan sees past Ruben’s anxiety to his artistic gifts and beautiful soul. So he sets out to coax the young man out of his shy shell.

Falling in love with a broken boy, however, might be the first draft of heartbreak.


$4.99 $2.49

Love of the Wild

Lifting the Veil | Book Five
$4.99 $2.49

Sequel to Hunter's Moon
Lifting the Veil: Book Three

Trying to jumpstart his waning career in travel and nature journalism, Jim Faulkner jumps out of a plane in the middle of the night to get the inside scoop on werewolves in Connor’s Crossing, Wyoming. Unfortunately, he lands in a tree and gets stuck. His rescuer is a mysterious and solitary man living in a cabin in the woods. Although Jim feels an odd connection to Dakotah, Dak’s silence is all but hostile.

Jim won’t give up though—he finds ways to be around Dak, both for the bond and his belief that Dak is a great source for wilderness information. As Dak continues to dismiss him, Jim is suddenly surrounded by progenitors—the most powerful werewolves in existence—who all seem to want Jim as their mate. After one abducts him, Jim has to fight for his freedom and for his one true mate. No matter how reluctant said mate is.


$4.99 $2.49

Lofty Dreams of Earthbound Men

Isleshire Chronicles | Book One
$3.99 $2.00

Isleshire Chronicles: Book One

On the night of the summer solstice, Obadai Bashim encounters Jules Sterling, a young engineering sage. Jules is on the run from a ripper, an assassin of the Theocracy who has already killed his master. Open atrocities by rippers are unusual in County Isleshire, where freedom and acceptance reign over prejudice.

However, political instability between the Five Kingdoms and the Divine Theocracy has set the theocrats on a mission to crown religious doctrine over science, and the Sage’s Guild is number one on their eradication list. If Obadai helps, he’ll have a price on his head too, but he can’t abandon Jules.

Escaping the ripper’s clutches is not enough. Jules has a mission of his own: to repair a faulty airship inn about to crash into the fortified township of Dunbruth. Luckily, Obadai has a few magickal secrets up his sleeve.


$3.99 $2.00