Seven Days Series


Seven Days

Seven Days Series
$6.99 $5.24

A Seven Days Story

Can a person’s life change in just one day? How about seven?

This is the story of seven pivotal days in Evan Donaldson’s life. Evan was a teenage street hustler when Father Valentin talked him into coming to Saint Bartholomew’s Academy. In that one day, Evan’s entire life changed. That’s the day he met his roommate, Clay Mueller, and the day Evan began to live. But Evan’s life would change again and again, from abuse to first love, to separation and heartbreak, and eventually to starting his own family. Through it all, whenever a door closed for Evan, a window opened, and the window was Clay.

From the first day of finding faith and connecting with Clay through their relationship’s twists and turns, this is a glimpse into seven decisive days and the critical, amazing way a single moment can change destiny.


$6.99 $5.24

Unconditional Love

2012 Award Winners
Seven Days Series
$6.99 $5.24

A Seven Days Story

Can a person’s life change in just one day? How about seven?

Donald Pottier and Jason Greene are barely more than boys when they meet on Chincoteague Island, Virginia. A day of crabbing soon turns them from strangers to friends, then to something more, but the boys’ time is limited: at the end of the summer, Jay will leave Don and the island behind.

But Fate has more in store for Don and Jay than a summer of might-have-beens. Through eleven years of friendship, pain, love, loss, sickness, and misfortune, seven days stand out. Seven days define and shape the people they are and the relationship they share. Seven days of reunions and separations, accidents and serendipity, rejection and acceptance, disappointment and hope lay the foundation no romance can survive without: unconditional love.


$6.99 $5.24

Andrew Grey's Greatest Hits - Contemporary Romance

Seven Days Series
Taste of Love Stories
By Fire Series
Senses Series
Work Out Series
$9.99 $7.49

Check out these six greatest hits of contemporary gay romance from bestselling author Andrew Grey, combined into one exclusive volume: Seven Days: the story of seven pivotal days in Evan Donaldson’s life. Through it all, whenever a door closed for Evan, a window opened, and the window was Clay; A Taste of Love: Billy Weaver is a young man in search of a job—any job—to support his family. Billy gains Darryl’s respect with his earnest nature and willingness to work hard, but Billy’s admiring looks resurrect pain and shame from Darryl’s past; Love Comes Silently: Patrick has watched as his neighbor nursed his sick child, and once he meets Ken, Patrick starts to crave a life with him—a life he isn’t sure he can have; Spot Me: Breaking a sweat takes on a whole new meaning when Dan sees Gene, a professional bodybuilder, in the mirror; Redemption by Fire: To Dirk’s surprise, Lee sees through him like a pane of glass and doesn’t take any of his crap. Lee’s determined to get Dirk to stop being a dick just to push everyone away; and Legal Artistry: Gerald and Dieter navigate research, hearings, and a dysfunctional family in the pursuit of fine art—and discover the art of love along the way.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


$9.99 $7.49

Sieben Tage

Sieben Tage Serie
Seven Days Series
$6.99 $1.11

Ein Titel der Sieben Tage Serie

Kann sich ein ganzes Leben an nur einem einzigen Tag völlig verändern? Was ist mit sieben Tagen?

Dies ist die Geschichte der sieben alles verändernden Tage in Evan Donaldsons Leben. Evan war ein Strichjunge, als Vater Valentin ihn dazu überredete, zur St. Bartholomäus Akademie zu kommen. Dieser Tag veränderte Evans gesamtes Leben. An diesem Tag traf er seinen Zimmergenossen, Clay Mueller, und an diesem Tag begann Evan wieder zu leben. Aber Evans Leben sollte sich auch weiterhin immer wieder ändern – von Missbrauch über die erste Liebe, Trennung und gebrochene Herzen, bis hin zur Gründung seiner eigenen Familie. Und wann immer sich für Evan eine Tür schloss, öffnete sich gleichzeitig ein Fenster, und das Fenster war Clay.

Von jenem ersten Tag, an dem Evan wieder zu vertrauen lernte und sich zwischen ihm und Clay spontan ein tiefes Band knüpfte, folgt diese Geschichte den Drehungen und Wendungen ihrer Beziehung und blickt auf sieben alles verändernde Tage und auf die wundersame Weise, wie sich in einem einzelnen ausschlaggebenden Moment ein Schicksal ändern kann.


$6.99 $1.11