Results for "andrew grey" (343)


Ein neues Kapitel

Ein neues Kapitel | Buche 1
$6.99 $5.24

Als Dex Grippons Mutter stirbt, betrachtet er das als Zeichen, die Schauspielerei an den Nagel zu hängen und in seine Heimatstadt zurückzukehren. Wenn es ihm gelingt, den Buchladen seiner Mutter zu retten, kann er dadurch diese letzte Verbindung zu seinen Eltern bewahren. Doch einen unabhängigen Buchladen am Laufen zu halten, erweist sich als schwieriger als erwartet, und Dex ist nicht der Einzige, der sich fragt, was seine Mutter möglicherweise zusätzlich verkauft hat.

Der frühere Polizist Les Gable befindet sich zwar nicht mehr im Dienst, muss aber unbedingt wissen, was in dem Buchladen vor sich gegangen ist. Er würde alles tun, um seine Neugierde zu befriedigen – einschließlich, sich mit dem neuen Besitzer anfreunden, indem er ihm Hilfe bei der Renovierung des Geschäfts anbietet. Irgendetwas an dem Buchladen kommt ihm nicht ganz koscher vor, und Les ist entschlossen, herauszufinden, was das ist.

Das Problem ist jedoch, dass seine Neugier auf Dex ziemlich schnell größer ist, als das Interesse an den Geschehnissen im Laden. Doch während aus Neugier Liebe wird, bedroht die Vergangenheit des Ladens ihre Zukunft. Wird es Les und Dex gelingen, das Geheimnis des Buchladens zu lüften und ihre Beziehung – und ihr Leben – zu retten, oder wird ihnen alles um die Ohren fliegen?


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

When a case reopens old wounds from the kidnapping of his younger sister, police officer Robert Fenner is told in no uncertain terms that he needs a break. And maybe his superiors are right. He books a flight to visit an old friend, who happens to be the one who got away, and hopes for the best. 

Electronic security consultant Dixie Halewood works from his home in Paris, where he lives with his adopted son, Henri. Dixie doesn’t expect a message from an old flame asking for a place to stay, but he agrees. Their past is just that—the past.

Things between them aren’t as settled as they thought—Henri, Paris, and proximity work their magic. The two men are drawn closer and old flames burst back to life, but Dixie’s work brings a new threat to their safety and the budding family they missed out on the first time around.


$6.99 $5.24

In the Weeds

New Leaf Romances
$6.99 $5.24

Florist to the stars Vin Robins is in high demand in LA, but he hates working for someone else. When he returns to his Pennsylvania home to help his widowed father, he finds an opportunity he never expected with his first love, but learns that someone’s been taking advantage of the unused family greenhouse.

Casey Lombard wasted too much of his life denying who he is and what he wants, but he won’t do that any longer. His biggest regret is letting Vin go, so running into Vin again when he gets called to investigate who planted pot on Vin’s family’s property sends him reeling.

Vin ignites feelings Casey thought long dead. But Casey has a daughter, and Vin is only home for a visit. Surely the bright lights of Hollywood will call him back to the City of Angels, so how can Vin and Casey build the life they both wish they had?


$6.99 $5.24

Work Me Out

Work Out Series

Spot Me: Breaking a sweat takes on a whole new meaning when Dan sees Gene, a professional bodybuilder, in the mirror. Does he allow Gene to elbow his way into his life, or will he give up on the idea of a new relationship before it even starts?

Pump Me Up: Maddoc meets Ivan, a hunky, silver-haired ex-Marine who gives him a ride home from the fitness center, and finds himself with a new friend, a workout partner, a protector... and maybe something more.

Core Training: Hugh Douglas isn’t thrilled about his birthday but gets an unexpected present when the much younger Max Pierce flirts hard with him at the gym. Starting a romance won’t be easy, but they might make a life together work.

Crunch Time: George Higgins agrees to help soon-to-be-former professional football player Darren White when the first rehearsal for Talking Sports is looming, and they’ll have to work together if they want Darren’s guest appearance—and their budding relationship—to turn into a full-time gig.

Positive Resistance: Lane spent high school tormenting Stephen to the point of tears. Imagine Stephen’s surprise when years later Lane turns out to have changed to a persistent, attentive suitor who supports him during a family trial.

Personal Training: Holton’s quest to improve his health drives him to the gym, where he meets Marcus, a trainer with the body of a demigod, who to Holton’s surprise, asks him out. Despite several common interests, they’ll have to prove that what really matters is the man inside.



Purchase includes access to download the ebook editions of the novellas featured in this anthology.


Le secret de Poppy

Dreamspun Desires (Français)
$6.99 $5.24

Une deuxième chance née de l’amour.

Pat Corrigan et Edgerton « Edge » Winters étaient prêts à fonder une famille – du moins, c’est ce que pensait Pat. À la dernière minute, Edge a pris peur et s’est enfui. Pat n’a pas pris la peine de lui dire que la conception avait déjà eu lieu et que la petite Emma était en route. Il ne voulait pas d’une relation basée sur une obligation. Il préférait encore élever sa fille seul.

Neuf ans plus tard, Emma et son Poppy se portent bien. Ce n’est pas de cas d’Edge. Il réalise ce qu’il a rejeté en partant et il est de retour pour changer sa vie et reconquérir sa famille. Il devra déployer des efforts considérables afin de prouver à Pat qu’il est un autre homme, et même s’il y parvient, le secret que Pat a gardé pendant des années pourrait bien briser à nouveau leurs rêves.


$6.99 $5.24

Ein weites Land – Miteinander

Geschichten aus der Ferne | Buch 1
$6.99 $5.24

Buch 1 in der Serie - Geschichten aus der Ferne

Nach einem Jahr an der Universität gibt Dakota Holden sein Medizinstudium auf und kehrt nach Hause zurück, um die elterliche Ranch zu übernehmen und sich um seinen Vater zu kümmern, der an Multipler Sklerose erkrankt ist. Aus Pflichtgefühl erlaubt sich Dakota nur eine Woche Urlaub im Jahr. Diese verbringt er meist an exotischen Orten und gönnt sich soviel Spaß, wie er nur ertragen kann. Während seines letzten Urlaubs, einer Kreuzfahrt, schließt er mit Phillip Reardon eine Freundschaft, die bald eine wichtige Rolle in Dakotas Leben spielt.

Als Phillip beschließt, Dakotas Einladung zu einem Besuch auf der Ranch anzunehmen, ist Dakota glücklich, ihn wiederzusehen und auch seinen Freund, den Tierarzt Wally Schumacher kennenzulernen, Ungeachtet Wallys Bedürfnis, den Wölfen zu helfen, die von Dakotas Männern gejagt werden, um die Rinder zu schützen, verbindet die beiden bald viel mehr als ein starkes, beiderseitiges erotisches Interesse. Doch irgendwann wird sich entscheiden müssen, ob das Hochland von Wyoming weit genug ist für Dakotas Rinder, Wallys Wölfe und ihre Liebe.


$6.99 $5.24

Fire and Granite

Carlisle Deputies | Book 2
$6.99 $5.24

A Carlisle Deputies Novel

The heat is growing from the inside, but danger is building on the outside. 

Judge Andrew Phillips runs a tight ship in his courtroom. He’s tough, and when he hands down a sentence, he expects to be obeyed. So when a fugitive named Harper escapes and threatens his life, Andrew isn’t keen on twenty-four/seven protection… especially not from Deputy Clay Brown. They have a past, one that could cause problems in their careers. 

But with Clay assigned to Andrew and the two of them together every minute, there’s nowhere to hide from their attraction—or from the fact that there’s much more than chemistry blooming between them. As the threat intensifies, Clay knows he’ll do anything it takes to protect the people who are taking their places in his heart: Andrew and his young niece and nephew.


$6.99 $5.24

Fire and Ermine

Carlisle Troopers | Book 3
$6.99 $5.24

When Prince Reynard escapes his gilded cage, he runs as fast as he can in search of a taste of freedom. Predictably, he gets pulled over.

State Trooper Fisher Bronson doesn’t know the handsome stranger in the rental car, but he does know the guy was driving way too fast. Still, Fisher takes to protect and serve seriously, so he helps Reynard find a hotel for the night.

Then the hotel catches fire.

Apparently Reynard hasn’t covered his tracks as well as he thought. But is it paparazzi on his tail, or someone much more deadly? Either way, when Fisher offers him a room for the night, he’s grateful for the refuge.

Reynard is generous and kind, but Fisher knows he’s hiding something. Finally Reynard confesses the truth: as prince of Veronia, his life is structured and ordered for him, but as Reynard, in Carlisle with Fisher, he has the freedom to become a person he actually likes. To Reynard's surprise, Fisher likes him back—not for his title, but for the man he is. But duty, family expectations, and whoever is after Reynard could spell the end of their relationship before they get past once upon a traffic stop.


$6.99 $5.24

Fire and Flint

Carlisle Deputies | Book 1
$6.99 $5.24

A Carlisle Deputies Novel

Jordan Erichsohn suspects something is rotten about his boss, Judge Crawford. Unfortunately he has nowhere to turn and doubts anyone will believe his claims—least of all the handsome deputy, Pierre Ravelle, who has been assigned to protect the judge after he received threatening letters. The judge has a long reach, and if he finds out Jordan’s turned on him, he might impede Jordan adopting his son, Jeremiah.

When Jordan can no longer stay silent, he gathers his courage and tells Pierre what he knows. To his surprise and relief, Pierre believes him, and Jordan finds an ally… and maybe more. Pierre vows to do what it takes to protect Jordan and Jeremiah and see justice done. He’s willing to fight for the man he’s growing to love and the family he’s starting to think of as his own. But Crawford is a powerful and dangerous enemy, and he’s not above ripping apart everything Jordan and Pierre are trying to build in order to save himself….


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

The problem with being an actor on top of the world is that you have a long way to fall.

Logan Steele is miserable. Hollywood life is dragging him down. Drugs, men, and booze are all too easy. Pulling himself out of his self-destructive spiral, not so much.

Brit Stimple does whatever he can to pay the bills. Right now that means editing porn. But Brit knows he has the talent to make it big, and he gets his break one night when Logan sees him perform on stage.

When Logan arranges for an opportunity for Brit to prove his talent, Brit’s whole life turns around. Brit’s talent shines brightly for all to see, and he brings joy and love to Logan’s life and stability to his out-of-control lifestyle. Unfortunately, not everyone is happy for Logan, and as Brit’s star rises, Logan’s demons marshal forces to try to tear the new lovers apart. 


$6.99 $5.24

Fire and Obsidian

Carlisle Deputies | Book 4
$6.99 $5.24

A Carlisle Deputies Novel

Can a couple be more opposite than a thief and a cop? Or do they have more in common than they think?

Mattias Dumont stole to survive. He was damn good at it. But there’s no such thing as a victimless crime, and when he saw how his theft hurt people, he resolved to change. Now he works as a consultant, and while helping to investigate a rash of burglaries, he crosses paths with James.

Police Officer James Levinson doesn’t trust thieves, and that includes Mattias. James’s father stole to support himself, and James knows firsthand how that can destroy lives—it inspired him to go into law enforcement. Mattias is no different, from what he can tell… at first. 

As they work together, Mattias and James realize there’s something deeper between them than just the physical attraction neither can deny. Given time, they might even grow to trust each other—unless the case they’re working on dredges up pasts both would rather forget. 


$6.99 $5.24

Fire and Onyx

Carlisle Deputies | Book 5
$6.99 $5.24

A Carlisle Deputies Novel

Undercover sheriff’s deputy Evan Whittaker is close to infiltrating a vicious local gang. He just needs to find an opening. Instead, he finds Wes Douglas, a web designer who is raising his irresponsible brother’s son. Wes agrees to help with a stakeout, but he pays the price when his home is destroyed in a shootout.

Evan’s always been a loner, but when he invites Wes into his home, living together feels right, and the two men only grow closer as they adapt to each other’s lives and rhythms. A future as a family looks brighter by the day, but all of that could collapse when Wes’s brother—and his connection to the drug dealers—crashes into the life they’re carefully building.


$6.99 $5.24

Fire and Agate

Carlisle Deputies | Book 3
$6.99 $5.24

A Carlisle Deputies Novel

When Chris Anducci is moved off jail duty and into the sheriff’s office, he doesn’t expect his first assignment to be protecting a witness against a human trafficking ring. Knowing the new sheriff doesn’t abide screwups, Chris reluctantly agrees to work the case.

Pavle Kasun has spent the last four years of his life at the mercy of others. When an opportunity presented itself, he took it, resulting in his rescue. Now the safe houses he’s placed in are being threatened and he needs protection if he is to have any sort of chance at a life.

Chris opens his home to Pavle, but he doesn’t expect Pavle and his story to get under his skin… and stay there. Soon they discover they have more in common than either of them thought. Slowly Pavle comes out of his shell and Chris finds someone who touches his heart. But as the men looking for Pavle close in, they will stop at nothing to get him out of the way. But even if Chris can keep him safe, he might not be able to protect his heart if Pavle moves back home.


$6.99 $5.24

Fire and Diamond

Carlisle Deputies | Book 6
$6.99 $5.24

A Carlisle Deputies Novel

When Deputy Nick Senaster chastises a bunch of college kids at a bar, he doesn’t think anything of it, even if their leader is gorgeous. The guy is too young and way too cocky, and soon Nick has an emergency foster placement to focus on. His first job is ensuring ten-year-old Ethan knows someone cares for him. But Nick doesn’t realize Ethan is a package deal.

When Alexander finds out his abusive stepfather, Dieter, has lost custody of his half brother, he’s torn between relief and dread. Alexander can’t get custody until he can provide a home for his tiny family. In the meantime, at least Ethan’s foster father will let Alexander visit.

So of course the man turns out to be the cute but dour cop who gave Alexander a hard time.

Soon Nick and Alexander discover they misjudged each other. Nick is more than an authoritarian automaton, and Alexander has a drive and a maturity that belie their first meeting. But between a campaign of intimidation from Dieter, their own insecurities, and the logistics of dating with Ethan’s fragile sense of stability hanging in the balance, they have their work cut out for them if they want to build a future.


$6.99 $5.24

When cantankerous firefighter Dirk Krause gets injured on the job, no one at his firehouse cares enough to visit, so new guy Lee Stockton gets saddled with the task of bringing him a sympathy bouquet. Dirk figures it won’t take much to get Lee to hate him too, but Lee sees right through his attempt to push everyone away and picks his own battle—getting Dirk to stop being a jerk.

Good thing they’re firefighters, because the chemistry between them is explosive. Together they face burning buildings, budget cuts, professional failures, and family drama. If their relationship can survive that, it can survive anything. Right?


Bonus story: Traffic cop Justin Briggs keeps a cool head on the job, but put him in front of a hot guy and it all goes up in smoke. Firefighter Rock Sparks happens to be the hot guy in question. Teasing Justin for being tongue-tied is fun, but when Justin gets injured, everything turns serious. Can Rock get Justin to open up about his past so they can explore a future together?

This anthology contains the following previously published novellas: Redemption by Fire (published by Dreamspinner Press May 2012), Strengthened by Fire (published by Dreamspinner Press August 2012), Burnished by Fire (published by Dreamspinner Press October 2012), and Heat Under Fire (published by Dreamspinner Press March 2013).


Secret Guncle

Must Love Dogs | Book 4
$3.99 $2.99

Veterinary student Dutton Glenroth isn’t on speaking terms with his sister, Mary, but he isn’t about to let his niece and nephew suffer because of it. He knows they have very little, so for the holidays, he makes up a basket of gifts for them and leaves it outside their door.
But the kids are getting older, and this year Dutton finds it difficult to pick out their gifts. When he asks for help at Foster’s Toys, he runs into Randy Grant, his high school crush, who even volunteers to wrap and deliver the gifts with Dutton. Suddenly Dutton’s normally lonely holiday has a spark of Christmas cheer. Will this be the year he gets the holiday he’s always longed for?


$3.99 $2.99

Rudolph the Rescue Jack Russell

Must Love Dogs | Book 3
$3.99 $2.99

Alex goes to a dog rescue with one mission: overcoming one of his fears. But he gets more than he bargained for when he unexpectedly bonds with a Jack Russell terrier named Rudolph and decides to take him home.

When shelter volunteer Luther offers to show Alex the ropes of dog ownership, their time together proves they have more in common than just Rudolph’s affection. But if they’re going to have a happy holiday, Alex needs to come to terms with his issues. Can Luther help him see that love really can be unconditional?


$3.99 $2.99
$6.99 $5.24

Emmett McElroy is the cowboy horses hate. When his heir apparent brother dies and his father has a heart attack, he does his duty and steps up as head of the family ranch, but he wishes things were different and his life choices were his own. Just when he begins to get his legs under him, he arrives home to find his high school crush has been hired as ranch foreman.

Ex-rodeo cowboy Nathaniel Zachary desperately needs work. When Mrs. McElroy offers him a job while her husband recovers, he jumps at it. The only issue is Emmett… because Nathaniel has never been able to get his best friend’s brother out of his mind.

Tensions only increase when, after drowning his sorrows, Emmett foolishly agrees to enter a bucking bronc contest at the local rodeo. The attraction that grows as Nathaniel helps prepare Emmett for the contest is something neither of them expected, but as Emmett's father's health improves, the happiness they've built may break faster than a cowboy thrown from the meanest bronc.


$6.99 $5.24