Results for "amy lane" (242)


Promesse mantenute

Serie Promesse
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Promesse, Libro 1

Carrick Francis ha passato la maggior parte della sua vita a cacciarsi in un guaio dopo l’altro. L’unica cosa che l’ha salvato dal finire in prigione, o peggio, è stata la sua devozione assoluta a Deacon Winters. Deacon è stata l’ancora di salvezza di Crick durante la sua infanzia triste e fatta di abusi, e Crick vorrebbe stare con lui per sempre. Così, alla morte del padre di Deacon, Crick mette da parte i suoi piani per il college per aiutare Deacon, come Deacon ha fatto per lui.

Il più grande desiderio di Deacon è vedere Crick liberarsi dai suoi brutti ricordi e andarsene dalla città in cui sono cresciuti per godersi un futuro scintillante. Ma dopo due anni di tentazioni e di sentimenti sempre più forti, alla fine il timido Deacon soccombe alle avances determinate di Crick e ammette di voler far parte della sua vita.

Deacon è quasi distrutto dal dolore quando scopre che Crick si era sempre aspettato che lui lo cacciasse via, proprio come già aveva fatto la sua famiglia. Quando la capacità di Crick di prendere decisioni avventate lo fa finire molto lontano da casa, Deacon rimane solo, sotto shock, lottando per rimettere insieme il suo cuore in un mondo dove l’amore di Crick è una promessa, ma di certo non una certezza.


$6.99 $5.24

Manteniendo la Roca Promesa

Manteniendo la Roca Promesa
$6.99 $5.24

Volumen 1 de la serie Manteniendo la Roca Promesa

Carrick francis ha pasado la mayor parte de su vida metiéndose de lleno en problemas. Lo único que le ha salvado de la prisión, o de algo peor, es su devoción absoluta hacia Deacon Winters. Deacon fue la cordura de Crick y su salvación durante su infancia mísera y abusiva, y Crick haría cualquier cosa para quedarse con él por siempre. De manera que cuando el padre de Deacon muere, Crick pone en espera sus planes de universidad para ayudar a Deacon tal y como él le ayudó.

El mayor deseo de Deacon es ver a Crick escapar de sus recuerdos y de la ciudad en la que crecieron para que pueda disfrutar de un brillante futuro. Pero después de dos años de sentimientos en aumento y tentación, el dolorosamente tímido Deacon finalmente sucumbe ante los decididos avances de Crick y admite que se ve como parte de su vida.

Descubrir que Crick ha estado esperando a que le eche, exactamente como hizo su familia en el pasado, casi destruye a Deacon. Cuando la tendencia de Crick de tomar decisiones volátiles le hace aterrizar lejos de casa, Deacon se queda sobrecogido y solo, forcejeando para volver a forjar su corazón en un mundo donde el amor con Crick es una promesa, pero en ningún momento una certeza.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Gli eroi cadono.

Peter mette piede per la prima volta nella cittadina di Daisy, in California, quando è ancora un bambino ed è accompagnato da una sola certezza: suo cugino Michael si prenderà cura di lui. Poi Michael stringe amicizia col fragile e tormentato Bodi Kovacs e l’unica consolazione di Peter, dopo aver perso ogni possibilità di avere Bodi per sé, è che il cugino si occuperà anche di quest’ultimo. Ma la tragedia li colpisce e Michael si esilia dal loro mondo, gettando via l’affetto di chi l’ama di più.

Sei anni dopo, Michael sta per tornare a casa in una cassa. Per distruggere un eroe è bastata una città piena di bigottismo e odio. Per reclamarlo serve una forza d’animo che né Peter né Bodi avevano sei anni prima. Da quando Michael li ha abbandonati, Bodi è perso e solo. Peter cerca di farlo suo e assumere il ruolo che avrebbe dovuto essere del cugino, ma prima di tutto lui e Bodi devono affrontare il passato. Devono affrontare Michael, i suoi pregi e i suoi difetti, la bellezza e la tristezza, e ricordarlo per quello che è stato davvero e non per quello che avrebbe potuto essere. È un gesto semplice che potrebbe distruggerli entrambi: passare al setaccio le macerie in fiamme del paradiso è un sistema infallibile per annichilire un cuore mortale che soffre.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Dieci anni dopo che Dorjan ha creduto alle parole di un ragazzino anziché a quelle del suo ufficiale, lui e il suo miglior amico, Areau, ne pagano ancora le conseguenze, e cercano di fermare l’uomo veramente responsabile. Bloccato in una meticolosa danza per far cadere un governo corrotto, Dorjan si sforza di bilanciare il suo dolore con la rabbia di Areau. Proprio quando raggiunge il limite della sopportazione, vede un volto familiare nell’ombra, e il ragazzo di cui si era fidato un decennio prima gli offre una gentilezza inaspettata.

Taern ricorda il soldato che lo ha trovato sotto ai giunchi e ha ascoltato le sue preghiere di salvare la sua famiglia. Quando Dorjan riappare nella sua vita, Taern è conquistato dal suo impegno per la giustizia, ma è anche terrorizzato dai rischi che si assume. Tutto ciò che vuole fare per lui è guarirlo, ma la distruzione imminente ha richiesto dieci anni di lavoro e Dorjan non vuole il suo aiuto. Non se questo lo mette in pericolo.

Gli scontri di potere e il destino del mondo sono in bilico tra la follia di Areau e la nobiltà di Dorjan. Mentre quest’ultimo combatte per salvare l’umanità, Taern si unisce alla battaglia solo per salvare lui, sapendo che tutto dipende dal cuore di un uomo in armatura e dalla forza dell’uomo che lo ama.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Sono trascorsi dieci anni da quando il vicesceriffo Aaron George, rimasto vedovo, si è trasferito a Colton per far crescere i figli in una cittadina sicura. Tra i membri della comunità, ha conosciuto il professor Larkin, detto Larx, un allegro e divertente insegnante di scienze e allenatore di atletica delle superiori. La promozione a preside ha costretto però l’insegnante a rinunciare agli allenamenti e a correre da solo su una strada pericolosa. Aaron, che fino a quel momento ha sempre e solo dedicato la sua vita ai figli, si scopre improvvisamente preoccupato per quell’uomo e distratto dal suo petto nudo e luccicante di sudore.

Anche Larx vive per le figlie e i suoi studenti. Non è pronto a farsi ammaliare da Aaron, ma quando quest’ultimo si offre di correre con lui, inizia ad apprezzare la fermezza e l’umorismo del vicesceriffo. Inoltre hanno le stesse priorità: innanzitutto i figli, poi il lavoro, e i propri interessi tristemente all’ultimo posto.

Basta però un bacio a trasformare due uomini sulla soglia dei cinquant’anni in due adolescenti innamorati, nonostante le responsabilità di cui devono farsi carico. Poi un atto di violenza minaccia di soffocare sul nascere la loro relazione. Saranno quelle responsabilità a svolgere un ruolo fondamentale nell’impedire alla città di esplodere. E quando la situazione raggiungerà il punto critico, la loro nuova famiglia appena formata potrebbe essere proprio ciò che impedisce al mondo che li circonda di crollare.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

È il 1987. I ragazzi indossano camicie rosa della Izod, le ragazze hanno capelli vaporosi e tutti possiedono una scatola del fumo; AIDS è solo una brutta parola che rimbomba dalle città come un temporale. Un adolescente scappato di casa vaga su un lato della strada, a un battito di ciglia dalla disperazione, ed è salvato da un angelo con i capelli lunghi su una Harley.

Ma questo è solo l’inizio della loro storia.

Josiah Daniels voleva pace, tranquillità e una vita semplice, e l’ha avuta finché non ha salvato Casey dalla fame, dal freddo e dallo sfinimento. Da quel momento la vita di Joe è tutt’altro che semplice e il suo nuovo pupillo naviga un mondo che sta cambiando più rapidamente delle persone che ci vivono. Joe vuole far diventare Casey un adulto felice e produttivo, e ci riesce. Ma anche da grande, Casey non riesce a concepire una vita felice senza Joe. Il problema è far accettare a Joe che il ragazzo che ha allevato è all’improvviso l’uomo che lo vuole.

La loro relazione potrebbe morire o cambiare il mondo attorno a loro. Mentre costruiscono una casa, negoziano le nuove regole del crescere assieme e schivano le insidie della vita moderna, Casey impara che l’età adulta è più che il sesso, Joe impara che non ci sono compromessi se si vuole vivere per sempre felici e contenti, e sono entrambi costretti a capire l’unica cosa che un uomo non dovrebbe mai fare: vivere da solo.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Terrell Washington’s childhood was a trifecta of suck: being black, gay, and poor in America has no upside. Terrell climbed his way out of the hood only to hit a glass ceiling and stop, frozen, a chain restaurant bartender with a journalism degree. His one bright spot is Colby Meyers, a coworker who has no fear, no inhibitions, and sees no boundaries. Terrell and Colby spend their summers at the river and their breaks on the back dock of Papiano’s. As terrified as Terrell is of coming out, he’s helpless to stay away from Colby's magnetic smile and contagious laughter.

But Colby is out of college now, and he has grand plans for the future—plans Terrell is sure will leave his scrawny black ass in the Sacramento dust until a breathless moment stolen from the chaos of the restaurant tells Terrell he might be wrong. When the moment is shattered by a mystery and an act of violence, Terrell and Colby are left with two puzzles: who killed their scumbag manager, and how to fit their own lives—the black and the white of them—into a single shining tomorrow.


$6.99 $5.24

Stuck away from home on business, all Ryan can do is talk with his lover, Scott, on the phone. But the conservative Ryan finds no comfort in phone sex—he's far too embarrassed. Fortunately, his playful lover has not only planned ahead, but he can think on his back as well. It turns out that the heart really is where good sex starts!

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, 2010.


$1.99 $1.49

If Taz Oswald has one more gross date, he’s resigning himself to a life of celibacy with his irritable Chihuahua, Carl. Carl knows how to bite a banana when he sees one! Then Selby Hirsch invites Taz to walk dogs together, and Taz is suddenly back in the game. Selby is adorkable, awkward, and a little weird—and his dog Ginger is a trip—and Taz is transfixed. Is it really possible this sweet guy with the blurty mouth and a heart as big as the Pacific Ocean wandered into Taz’s life by accident? If so, how can Taz convince Selby that he wants to be Selby and Ginger’s forever home?


$1.99 $1.49
$4.99 $3.74

Carson O’Shaughnessy has one task: track down his boss’s flighty nephew, Stassy, and return the kid to Chicago. Then Carson can go back to waiting tables and being productively bitter about his life. He didn’t count on finding a dead body in Stassy’s bed, and he certainly didn’t count on the guy in the flip-flops and cutoffs at the local café helping him get to the bottom of the crime.

But Dale Arden is no ordinary surfing burnout—he’s actually a pretty sharp guy with a seductive voice and a bossy streak wider than the Florida panhandle. When he decides to boss Carson right into his bed, Carson realizes Stassy's not the only one who's been lost. Carson likes to think he’s got his life all figured out, that sex with guys is your basic broom-closet transaction; he may just have to revise his priorities, because nobody plans on taking a left at St. Truth-be-Well and finding love at the Bates Parrot Hotel.


$4.99 $3.74
$4.99 $3.74

Cassidy Hancock hates being late—he’s pathological about it. Until the crisp fall morning when he pauses to watch his neighbor’s handsome son chase his dog down the sidewalk… and gets hit by a tree.

Mark Taylor sees the whole thing, and as a second-year medical resident, he gets Cassidy top-notch care. In spite of himself, he’s fascinated by his mother’s stodgy neighbor, and as he strives to help Cassidy recover from a broken leg, he begins to realize that behind Cassidy’s obsession with punctuality is the story of a lonely boy who thought he had to be perfect to be loved.

Mark and his family are far from perfect—but they might be perfect for Cassidy. As the two of them get to know each other, Cassidy fantasizes about the family and happy-ever-after he never thought he’d have, and Mark starts to yearn for Cassidy’s wide-eyed kindness and surprising creativity. But first they have to overcome Cassidy’s fears, because there is so much more fun to be had during Christmas than just being on time.


$4.99 $3.74

Triane's Son Fighting

Bitter Moon Saga | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Sequel to Triane's Son Learning
Bitter Moon Saga: Book Three

Outraged by the destruction of innocent lives and the threat to his family’s safety, Torrant Shadow and Aylan Stealth-Moon ride to Dueance, the capital of Clough, with a desperate plan: Torrant will impersonate Yarri’s dead brother, Ellyot Moon, and infiltrate the Regent’s council to help change to the government’s policy toward the Goddess’s chosen from the inside.

But from the very first night, Torrant and Aylan are pressed into service in the shadows of the ghettoes, fighting for the lives of the brutalized people within. It’s a bitter job, made more so by close scrutiny and mockery from Consort Rath, the ruler whose policies have created the discrimination and cruelty wreaking havoc in their country.

Torrant’s only bright moments come from Aylan, whose love and loyalty never falter, and the hungry, compassionate minds of the younger regents. Believing that all they need is a worthy song to follow, Torrant sets about leading them to accomplish the salvation of their country. But not even Torrant can be everywhere at once. When faced with one disaster too many, he realizes one man alone cannot right the wrongs of an entire government—not even Triane’s Son.

2nd Edition
First Edition published as Bitter Moon II: Triane's Son Reigning by iUniverse, 2009


$6.99 $5.24
$3.99 $2.99

Every dreary day, Zach Driscoll takes the elevator from the penthouse apartment of his father's building to his coldly charmed life where being a union lawyer instead of a corporate lawyer is an act of rebellion. Every day, that is, until the day the elevator breaks and Sean Mallory practically runs into his arms.

Substitute teacher Sean Mallory is everything Zach is not—poor, happy, and goofily charming. With a disarming smile and a penchant for drama, Sean laughs his way into Zach's heart one elevator ride at a time. Zach would love to get to know Sean better, but first he needs the courage to leave his ivory tower and face a relationship that doesn't end at the "Ding!"


$3.99 $2.99

Candy Man

Candy Man
2015 Award Winners
$4.99 $3.74

Adam Macias has been thrown a few curve balls in his life, but losing his VA grant because his car broke down and he missed a class was the one that struck him out. One relative away from homelessness, he's taking the bus to Sacramento, where his cousin has offered a house-sitting job and a new start. He has one goal, and that's to get his life back on track. Friends, pets, lovers? Need not apply.

Finn Stewart takes one look at Adam as he's applying to Candy Heaven and decides he's much too fascinating to leave alone. Finn is bright and shiny—and has never been hurt. Adam is wary of his attention from the very beginning—Finn is dangerous to every sort of peace Adam is forging, and Adam may just be too damaged to let him in at all.

But Finn is tenacious, and Adam's new boss, Darrin, doesn't take bullshit for an answer. Adam is going to have to ask himself which is harder—letting Finn in or living without him? With the holidays approaching it seems like an easy question, but Adam knows from experience that life is seldom simple, and the world seldom cooperates with hope, faith, or the plans of cats and men.


$4.99 $3.74

Triane's Son Rising

Bitter Moon Saga | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Bitter Moon Saga: Book One

Torrant Shadow and Yarrow “Yarri” Moon grew up sheltered in Moon Hold, a place where Torrant’s goddess gifts were meant to be celebrated, and love of any form was a thing of beauty. Unfortunately, in Clough, within a stone's throw of Consort Rath, having beliefs of that sort will get your family killed.

Grief-stricken, Torrant and Yarri are suddenly alone against the elements and a world that would rather see them dead than see them safe. Torrant's goddess gift, which had previously been used for truth and healing, must be honed for violence and protection if either of them are to survive. When Torrant, Yarri, and their new friend Aldam reach safety, will Torrant be able to put this part of him aside? Or will Triane's Son grow to fight the forces that forged him?

2nd Edition
1st Edition published as Bitter Moon I: Triane's Son Ascending by iUniverse, 2008


$6.99 $5.24


2015 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

When Teyth was but a child, a cruel prince took over his village, building a great granite tower to rule over the folk. Greedy and capricious, the man will be the bane of Teyth’s existence as an adult, but as a boy, Teyth is too busy escaping his stepfather to worry about his ruler.

Sold into apprenticeship to the local blacksmith, Teyth finds that what was meant as a punishment is actually his salvation. Cairsten, the smith, and Diarmuid, his adopted son, are kind, and the smithy is the prosperous heart of a thriving village. As Teyth grows in the craft of metalwork, he also grows in love for Diarmuid, the gentle, clever young man who introduces him to smithing.

Their prince wants Diarmuid too. As the tyrant inflicts loss upon loss on Teyth and Diarmuid, Teyth's passion for his craft twists into obsession. By the time Teyth resurfaces from his quest to create immortality, he’s nearly lost the love that makes being human worth the pain. Teyth was born to sculpt his emotion into metal, and Diarmuid was born to lead. Together, can they keep their village safe and sustain the love that will make them immortal?


$6.99 $5.24

Triane's Son Reigning

Bitter Moon Saga | Book Four
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Sequel to Triane's Son Fighting
Bitter Moon Saga: Book Four

From the moment Torrant Shadow realized Consort Rath murdered his family, he’s lived a dual identity: a healer and poet by nature, a predator out of necessity. It’s not just exhausting, it’s perilous.

In the deadly city of Dueance, Torrant must succeed in both lives, because while the predator may save the Goddess’s folk from Rath’s brutal policies, it is the poet who will sway the minds of the people to revolt against the oppressive government. As his cause falters, Torrant finds his worst nightmares come to pass as the people he loves most—his family from Eiran, his former lovers, and his moon-destined, Yarri—all come to his aid, despite the danger.

They must succeed—there is no other option. If they fail, Rath will eliminate joy from the heart of the lands of the three moons, and all that Torrant and his family cherish will be lost. But success could exact devastating cost, one Triane’s Son was never prepared to pay.

2nd Edition
1st Edition published as Bitter Moon II: Triane's Son Reigning by iUniverse, 2009


$6.99 $5.24

Christmas with Danny Fit

2010 Advent Calendar | Naughty or Nice
$3.99 $2.99

In a perfect moment of cold November sunshine, pudgy accountant Kit Allen realizes Jesse, his new office assistant, is everything he's ever dreamed about in a man. Feeling supremely unworthy and desperate to get a life—even an imaginary one—Kit embarks on a self-improvement campaign featuring DVD fitness guru, Danny Fit.

In the meantime, Jesse has begun a subtle campaign of his own, one designed to bring Kit out of his DVD dream world and into Jesse's arms. Jesse isn't perfect—he's no Danny Fit—but he hopes that the kind, funny man who has been looking at him so soulfully since his first day at work has what it takes to be everything Jesse has always wanted.


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