Paranormal Romance books


Le loup de la prophétie

Un hiver de loup
$6.99 $5.24

Le territoire de la meute écossaise.

Jack et Gregor, les princes loups exilés, auraient voulu ne jamais le quitter. Danny le chien, en revanche, l’a fui dès que possible et il n’avait pas prévu d’y revenir. Quant à Nick, à la fois médecin pathologiste et oiseau charognard, il n’a plus nulle part où aller.

Après bien des périples, il ne leur reste qu’une option : réclamer l’aide du vieil homme afin d’annihiler les prophètes qui les poursuivent depuis leur départ de Durham. Vu la réputation sinistre et méritée du Numitor, chef de meute et père des jumeaux, même les prophètes, ces traîtres aux mains sanglantes, évitent de lui chercher noise.

Quand Jack et Gregor arrivent enfin chez eux, c’est pour apprendre que le vieil homme a disparu, remplacé par un fantoche à la solde des prophètes. Le quatuor, bien qu’endeuillé et hanté par d’anciennes erreurs commises, cherche à démanteler les funestes projets de la prophétesse Rose avant qu’il soit trop tard. Les enjeux montent vite et le froid s’installe jusque dans leurs os lorsqu’ils découvrent les horreurs cachées derrière les légendes et les prophéties.

Dans les Hautes-Terres glacées d’Écosse, Fenrir se réveille et sa faim est inextinguible.

Les prophètes affirment depuis toujours que l’Hiver de loup serait rouge sang, mais ils n’avaient jamais révélé de qui venait le sang.


$6.99 $5.24

CraQueue mon cœur

L'amour, toujours | Tome 2
$6.99 $5.24

Ted n’a jamais eu de chance dans la vie ! Voilà qu’il rencontre l’amour alors qu’il est couvert de sang avec un cadavre à ses pieds.

Ted Sturm travaille dans un funérarium, il a une grande gueule, un grand cœur et le don de communiquer avec les morts. Malheureusement pour lui, les morts ne sont pas une compagnie terrible. Ted n’a qu’un seul ami vivant, son colocataire, mais sa vie se complique encore quand Jay adopte un chat plus que bizarre. À cause de cette sale bête, Ted se retrouve dans une autre dimension… en compagnie d’un cadavre.

Voilà Ted accusé de meurtre, de puissantes créatures magiques réclament sa tête et son seul allié dans ce monde étrange est le roi Grell, un félin sublime et éternel aux dons impressionnants… qui manie aussi bien le sarcasme que la séduction. Ted et Grell sont mêlés à un complot cosmique et cernés d’ennemis dangereux. Ils ont néanmoins une chance de déchiffrer le mystère et de sauver Ted grâce au don de ce dernier et à la magie de Grell. Un seul problème : Ted doit résister aux avances pressantes de Grell… et il n’est pas certain d’y tenir. 


$6.99 $5.24

Les Méta-geeks sauvent le Wisconsin

Les Méta-geeks sauvent le monde | Book 1
$6.99 $5.24

Des loups-garous durs à cuire luttant contre un mal surnaturel recrutent un groupe de geeks avec des résultats hilarants – et romantiques – lorsqu’ils réalisent qu’ils ont besoin d’une assistance technique.

Le chimiste Josh Collier s’éclate dans une convention de comics lorsqu’il subit le choc de sa vie – il est un loup-garou ! C’est quoi ce bordel ? Nero, un homme sexy habillé en centurion romain, l’emmène dans un repaire secret avant même qu’il puisse hurler.

L’ancienne vie de Josh prend fin, et Wulf Inc. a besoin de son génie.

Nero n’a aucune envie de s’occuper d’un apprenti geek-garou alors qu’il préférerait tuer le démon qui a anéanti toute sa meute. Alors que Josh analyse l’arme du monstre, une passion folle s’enflamme entre Nero et lui.

Pourront-ils survivre au démon qui veut détruire le Wisconsin avec leur destin et leur meute dans la balance ?


$6.99 $5.24

The Rising Tide

The Luck Mechanics | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

The tidal archipelago of Spinner’s Drift is a refuge for misfits. Can the island’s magic help a pie-in-the-sky dreamer and a wounded soul find a home in each other?

In a flash of light and a clap of thunder, Scout Quintero is banished from his home. Once he’s sneaked his sister out too, he’s happy, but their power-hungry father is after them, and they need a place to lie low. The thriving resort business on Spinner’s Drift provides the perfect way to blend in.

They aren’t the only ones who think so.

Six months ago Lucky left his life behind and went on the run from mobsters. Spinner’s Drift brings solace to his battered soul, but one look at Scout and he’s suddenly terrified of having one more thing to lose.

Lucky tries to keep his distance, but Scout is charming, and the island isn’t that big. When they finally connect, all kinds of things come to light, including supernatural mysteries that have been buried for years. But while Scout and Lucky grow closer working on the secret, pissed-off mobsters, supernatural entities, and Scout’s father are getting closer to them. Can they hold tight to each other and weather the rising tide together?  


$6.99 $5.24
$1.99 $1.49

Tyler has the mountains in his bones, and he can’t leave sleepy Starling Hollow even if everyone else has. He has no prospects other than helping out Granny Buchanan, the local conjure woman, and trying to keep the old Greenbrier Inn from falling down. He knows neither one’s long for the world, and he dreads the idea of being alone.

Granny Buchanan’s as stubborn as the mountain, with a memory almost as long. She has no plans to leave Tyler alone—there’s somebody right in her backyard who’d be perfect for him, and she’s learned some tricks in her life.

But things more mysterious than Granny haunt the old mountain, and they have tricks of their own. 


$1.99 $1.49
$6.99 $5.24

A Victorian automaton that seems all too real...

A cursed book that infects the beloved family dog...

An old mill building haunted by workers killed in a fire...

Ghosts, werewolves, and aliens lurk in the twilight, at the edge of the shadows—the penumbra—in this collection of stories from Jamie Fessenden. 


This volume consists of previously published novellas.


$6.99 $5.24

Il grogne, il rugit, il ronronne

Lions, Tigres et Ours | Livre 1
$6.99 $5.24

Pour les Hommes, les métamorphes ne sont rien de plus qu’un mythe. 

Pour les métamorphes, le mythe, c’est l’existence des âmes sœurs. 

Mais alors, dans ce cas, comment se fait-il que le tigre-garou Dellan Carson ait hérité des deux à la fois ? 

Cela fait si longtemps que Dellan est piégé sous sa peau de tigre qu’il en oublierait presque la sensation de pouvoir marcher sur deux jambes. Mais lorsque le photojournaliste Rael Parton se met en tête d’interviewer le PDG du géant pharmaceutique qui le retient prisonnier dans son bureau à l’intérieur d’une cage de verre, son monde bascule. 

Abattu de découvrir son futur compagnon piégé à l’état de tigre, Rael est bien déterminé à le libérer de sa prison… et pour ça, il aura besoin d’aide. 

C’est là qu’intervient Horvan Kojik, ancien militaire et ours-garou spécialiste de ce genre de missions. Horvan est l’homme de la situation pour voler à la rescousse de Dellan. Mais pour ce qui est d’avoir une âme sœur ? Il ne s’était jamais imaginé officialiser avec qui que ce soit, et encore moins deux fois. 

Sauver Dellan et l’aider à redevenir humain n’est que le commencement de leur histoire. Il reste aux trois amants de noirs secrets à percer et des forces obscures à éliminer…


$6.99 $5.24

A Snarl, a Splash, and a Shock

Lions & Tigers & Bears | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Lions & Tigers & Bears: Book Two

As part of a military team, Crank needs to keep his head on straight. His unit depends on it. So the recurring sensual dreams he’s having—the ones featuring a shark shifter with dark brown hair and eyes—really screw with his focus. Especially since the shifter is a guy.

Greenland shark shifter Vic can’t stop thinking about Crank, a human military guy he met when Vic got called in for a consult. Crank seems handy with anything that flies, and Vic would be happy to have him at his back, in more ways than one. And that’s a problem—firstly because Vic’s in love with his boyfriend, Saul, but also because Crank is sarcastic, irreverent… and straight.

The problem comes to a head when Saul discovers Vic has been dreaming about a man who isn’t him. Saul does not share. But when Crank starts invading Saul’s dreams too, he has to reassess his feelings. His life may depend on it.

Exploring the growing connection between the three of them will have to wait, though. The upcoming mission demands the team’s full attention. They’re about to discover something huge, and they have badly underestimated the enemy…. 


$6.99 $5.24
$4.99 $3.74

For Javi Navarro, Detroit will become another blood-splattered city in his rearview mirror after he puts its dead back into the ground. Expecting an easy hunting job, Javi instead finds a kiss of ancient vampires on the hunt for a descendant of their long-dead creator. 
Reclusive Ciarnan Mac Gerailt abandoned his family legacy of blood and death magic after it nearly destroyed him. Unfortunately for Ciarnan, the Motor City can only be saved if he resumes his dark arts and joins forces with Javi Navarro, the hunter who brought the vampire apocalypse—and hope for the future—straight to Ciarnan’s front door.

Previously published as "Legacy of Blood and Death" in the anthology Creature Feature 2.


$4.99 $3.74

Amour tentaqueulaire

L'amour, toujours | Tome 1
$6.99 $5.24

Rien ne rapproche aussi bien deux hommes – ou plutôt un homme et un immortel – que la vengeance.

Sloane, détective privé, a sacrifié sa carrière dans les Forces de l’Ordre pour traquer le meurtrier de ses parents. Comme eux, il croit en des dieux oubliés, il pratique leur magie et leur offre ses prières… sans jamais obtenir de réponse.


Azaethoth le Petit, dieu des voleurs et des escrocs, prend soin des siens. Il vient sur terre pour venger le meurtre d’un de ses favoris et peut-être séduire le très tentant détective que le destin a mis sur son chemin. S’il réussit dans ses projets, il ne s’agira pas seulement d’attraper un tueur pour le remettre à la justice. En fait, Azaethoth est sûr d’avoir enfin trouvé celui avec lequel il aimerait passer sa vie éternelle.

La résistance initiale de Sloane cède devant la tendresse inattendue d’Azaethoth, et les tentacules qu’il aperçoit parfois sous l’apparence humaine du dieu enflamment son imagination. Mais leur enquête devient de plus en plus étrange et dangereuse. Pour survivre à la bataille finale, le couple aura besoin d’un peu de foi… et beaucoup de lumière mystique.


$6.99 $5.24
$9.99 $7.49

Können ein verzweifelter Magier und ein verbitterter, desillusionierter Vampir einen Weg finden, Partner zu werden und ihre Welt zu retten? In einer Welt, in der ein Krieg der Magier tobt, werden Vampire von vielen als minderwertig angesehen, als die stereotypischen Geschöpfe der Nacht, denen die Menschen zum Opfer fallen. Doch der Krieg wird immer bedrohlicher, sodass die Magier und Vampire eine Allianz schmieden, die auf Partnerschaften des Blutes und der Magie gründet. Sie hoffen, damit dem Krieg gegen die dunklen Magier eine entscheidende Wendung geben zu können. Während der Krieg immer brutaler wird und sich auf beiden Seiten die Verluste häufen, suchen die dunklen Magier nach Wegen, die Allianz zu zerstören. Derweil durchforsten die Blutspartner alte Quellen, um hinter den Vorurteilen und Legenden das entscheidende Quäntchen Wahrheit zu finden, das die Geschicke des Krieges endgültig zu ihren Gunsten wenden kann.


$9.99 $7.49
$6.99 $5.24

Professor Victor Itoua has two passions: the legend of Philli-philli… and PhD candidate Jordan Harris. But while ethics rules and his own doubts keep him from admitting, much less acting on, his feelings for Jordan, nothing can stop him from researching the Philli-philli.
Even if it means the torture of spending six months in the Peruvian rainforest, searching for an elusive, possibly mythical guardian with the man he loves and can’t have.

For Jordan, with his history of abuse and abandonment, Victor is the one good, constant thing in his life. When Victor asks him to come to Peru, Jordan packs his bag, prepared to follow Victor anywhere the legends take them.
Then, in a remote village, Jordan and Victor meet T’ukri.

T’ukri is shaken when he realizes who the outsiders are and what they are looking for. Though he agrees to guide them on their quest, he is drawn by a deeper calling. But the more he shares with Victor and Jordan, the more questions they have—questions whose answers require him to reveal secrets that could mean his death should the men he is falling in love with betray his trust….


$6.99 $5.24

Heartbeats in a Haunted House

Hedge Witches Lonely Hearts Club | Book Four
$4.99 $3.74

Dante Vianelli and Cully Cromwell have been in love since college, when Dante saved Cully from the world’s worst roommate and introduced him to his friends. Seven years later, they’re still roommates and they’re still in love… but they’ve never become lovers.

Now a catastrophic spell gone wrong has cut them off from their coven. Wandering their suburban prison alone, separated by the walls of their own minds and gaps in the space-time continuum, Cully and Dante are as stuck as they have been for the past seven years.
And they’ll remain lost in their memories—unless they confront the truths that kept them from taking the step from friends to lovers and trust their friends and coven to get them out. But it’s easier said than done. Those walls didn’t build themselves. Dante’s great at denial, and Cully’s short on trust. Can they do the work it will take to get into each other’s arms and back to the sunlight where they belong?


$4.99 $3.74

Pentacles and Pelting Plants

Hedge Witches Lonely Hearts Club | Book Three
Dreamspun Beyond
$4.99 $3.74

Hedge Witches Lonely Hearts Club: Book Three

A month ago, Jordan Bryne and his coven of hedge witches cast a spell that went hideously wrong and captured two of their number in a pocket of space and time. The magic is beyond their capabilities to unravel so, in desperation, they send up a beacon for supernatural aid.

They don’t mean to yank someone to their doorstep from hundreds of miles away.

Once Macklin Quintero gets past his irritation, he accepts the challenge. The tiny coven in the Sierra foothills is a group of the sweetest people he’s ever met, and he’s worried—the forces they’ve awakened won’t go back in their bottle without a fight.

But he also wants to get closer to Jordan. Mack’s been playing the field for years, but he’s never before encountered somebody so intense and dedicated.

Jordan might quietly yearn for love, but right now he’s got other priorities. The magic in the cul-de-sac doesn't care about Jordan’s priorities, though. Apparently the only way for the hedge witches to fix what they broke is to confront their hearts’ desires head-on.


$4.99 $3.74

Were-Geeks Save the Middle of Nowhere

Were-Geeks Save the World | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Were-Geeks Save the World: Book Three

Into every generation is born a really scary relative. In this case, it’s Walter Chen’s aunt, who puts the spirit of a Chinese chaos god into his body. At first he doesn’t notice because he’s focused on shooting his indie film in Nowhere, Wisconsin, but pretty soon he’s doing amazing kung fu. Cool!

Bing Zhi Hao was Walter’s lead actor and best friend until he disappeared to become a werewolf and save the world. Now he’s back and trying to make amends… except his shy roommate isn’t quiet anymore. In fact, he’s downright scary.

Bing figures out the demigod is taking over Walter—body, mind, and soul. Soon the man Bing loves will be gone and chaos incarnate will be born on earth. He has to convince Walter to fight off the possession and return to the man he was. But what can he offer a god to convince him to remain a man?


$6.99 $5.24

Cofanetto Scheletri

Serie Scheletri
$9.99 $7.49

Il silenzioso e magrolino Dylan Warner era il classico tipo che passava inosservato finché un’avventura di una notte non lo ha trasformato in un lupo mannaro. Ora, nonostante quel piccolo inconveniente peloso, vuole solo vivere una vita normale, anche se solitaria, facendo l’architetto. Cerca di tenere sotto controllo i suoi impulsi più selvaggi, ma dopo troppi episodi rischiosi in città, Dylan rinuncia alla vita cittadina e si trasferisce in campagna, dove avrà meno occasioni di fare del male a qualcuno.

Acquista una nuova casa, derelitta ma promettente, circondata da un vecchio bosco di abeti destinati a diventare alberi di Natale e piena di sorprese. Per esempio, c’è il suo vicino Chris Nock, dall’aspetto un po’ rustico ma attraente, che si rivela un uomo molto più complesso di quanto appaia. E poi c’è lo spirito importuno che minaccia di distruggere ciò che Dylan e Chris stanno costruendo. E inoltre, come scopre l’amico artista di Dylan, Ery Phillips, c’è anche un bellissimo e misterioso uomo di nome Karl, che emerge all’improvviso dal laghetto di Dylan.

L'amore non è qualcosa di semplice, soprattutto quando intervengono forze soprannaturali, e sia Dylan che Chris, e più tardi Ery e Karl, dovranno impegnarsi per creare relazioni durature.


$9.99 $7.49
$6.99 $5.24

Even a wolf shifter can’t defeat fate.

Vladimir Corelia is the second son of the pack alpha. He’s happy with his role in the pack, but it seems the fates have other ideas. When the man he finds living in a cave, caring for a shifter baby and a litter of wolf pups, turns out to be his mate, it begins a chain of events that puts the whole pack in jeopardy.

Frankie Bowers can’t remember anything except a powerful sense of danger.  He only knows he can’t go home. With no way to defend himself, he has to rely on Vladimir, a perfect stranger who happens to be his mate, to protect him and the young he’s looking after.

While Vladimir and Frankie’s attraction as mates grows stronger every day, so does the threat to their relationship—and to the pack. As Frankie regains his memory, the threat grows more and more ominous. Vladimir and Frankie must rise to the challenge if they hope to have any chance at the future the fates might have in store.


$6.99 $5.24

Portals and Puppy Dogs

Hedge Witches Lonely Hearts Club | Book Two
Dreamspun Beyond
$4.99 $3.74

Hedge Witches Lonely Hearts Club: Book Two

Sometimes love is flashier than magic.

On the surface, Alex Kennedy is unremarkable: average looks, boring accounting job, predictable crush on his handsome playboy boss, Simon Reddick.

But he’s also a witch.

Business powerhouse Simon goes for flash and glamour… most of the time. But something about Alex makes Simon wonder what’s underneath that sweet, gentle exterior.

Alex could probably dance around their attraction forever… if not for the spell gone wrong tearing apart his haunted cul-de-sac. When a portal through time and space swallows the dog he’s petsitting, only for the pampered pooch to appear in the next instant on Simon’s doorstep, Alex and Simon must confront not only the rogue magic trying to take over Alex’s coven, but the long-buried passion they’ve been harboring for each other.


$4.99 $3.74