Books by "Mary Calmes" (164)


Crisol del destino

Cambio de actitud
$6.99 $3.49

Un libro de la saga Cambio de actitud

En la ciudad secreta de Sobek, Domin Thorne se está abriendo paso como el recién elegido semel-aten, el líder del mundo de los hombres pantera. Aspira a realizar cambios de gran alcance, ha establecido metas para él y para las personas que eligió llevar consigo y lidera su reinado según el ejemplo de su amigo, Logan Church. Pero quizá Domin se ha propuesto una meta idealista, ya que su estilo de liderazgo normal no está funcionando.

Mientras hace malabarismos con la nostalgia de Crane, el temperamento de Mikhail, el recurrente uso de látigos de Taj, sirvientes con intenciones asesinas, la visita de un ex, y una alma gemela en una peligrosa misión de buena voluntad, Domin tiene que descifrar solo su nuevo papel. Además, debe decidir cómo lidiar con una conspiración mientras cada día se enamora más de un hombre que, por primera vez en la vida de Domin, corresponde a ese amor. Esté Domin listo o no, el destino ha intervenido para enseñarle una lección: las amenazas internas son tan peligrosas como las externas.


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$3.99 $2.00

Stopping to offer help one sultry summer night, Mason James is unprepared for the change that this simple act of kindness will bring. After giving an old man a ride home, Mason discovers a new, magical, and even dangerous world he cannot hope to understand. But he also finds Luc Toussaint and is intoxicated at first sight... and even the secret Luc protects won’t be enough to keep Mason away from the truth of his heritage and their love.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, 2010.


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Any Closer

2011 Daily Dose | First Time for Everything

Charlie Ryder has a colorful past, painful memories, and an embarrassing secret. After three years working for Leo Foster’s construction company, Charlie’s worst fears are realized, and Leo finds out what Charlie has worked so hard to hide. When Leo meets the revelation with absolute love and acceptance, Leo has to trust that Charlie’s love isn’t just gratitude, and Charlie has to learn to trust again, period. It’s going to take a lot of work for these two men to get any closer.


Il fulcro

I Guardiani Degli Abissi
$4.99 $2.49

Un libro della serie I Guardiani Degli Abissi

Di giorno Marcus Roth è uno dei migliori avvocati penalisti e di notte è un assassino di demoni, ma è solo uno fra i cinque guardiani: non è importante per nessuno, tranne che per Joseph Locke, il suo focolare. O così crede erroneamente Marcus.

Durante un viaggio a Lexington, Kentucky, per festeggiare il compleanno del nonno di Joe, questa opinione cambia quando Marcus scopre, senza volerlo, una minaccia di origine soprannaturale che finisce per rivelare la sua vera identità di guardiano ai familiari di Joe. Dovendo affrontare un traditore, i demoni e il ritorno di un vecchio nemico, Marcus deve mettere in secondo piano i propri sentimenti per salvare i suoi amici, anche se con quella scelta potrebbe perdere per sempre l’uomo che ama. Anche sopravvivere a questa dura prova potrebbe non essere abbastanza, se Marcus non perdonerà se stesso e non sarà disposto a capire che il suo focolare e il resto del suo gruppo non possono fare a meno di lui.


$4.99 $2.49

Sleeping ’til Sunrise

Mangrove Stories
$3.99 $2.00

Mangrove Stories

Everyone in Mangrove, Florida, knows Fire Chief Essien Dodd is a saint. He took care of his ex-wife until she died, is raising his teenage daughter alone, and is the kind of man who pulls kittens from trees. All in all, the man’s a catch. But Roark Hammond has sworn off getting involved with a man who’s been hurt before because he can’t guarantee he won’t hurt his prospective love again. If only he could get Essien out of his mind long enough to focus on anyone, or anything, else.

Strong emotions are in play. Essien is lonely but determined to focus on Ivy; Ivy wants her father to have a new life so much that, to his horror, she’s trying to find him a man; and Roark is so scared of the present and past, he won’t allow himself to commit. To have any chance of sleeping ’til sunrise and greeting each new day together, Essien and Roark will have to rethink how they’re living their lives and focus on what’s most important.


$3.99 $2.00

Adoro tu nombre

Los Centinelas
$4.99 $2.49

Un libro de la saga Los Centinelas

Malic Sunden está en el infierno… aunque no literalmente. Aún. Como Guardián, está acostumbrado a luchar contra demonios y enfrentarse a toda clase de criaturas del abismo, pero este año tiene que vérselas con una nueva y aterradora perspectiva: pasar las Navidades junto a su novio, mucho más joven que él, y la familia de este.

Malic ama a Dylan, su Hogar, pero los padres de Dylan, los Shaw, son otra historia. Lo consideran un asaltacunas, entre otras cosas. Al menos a su vecino Brad parece gustarle; aunque, por otro lado, puede que no sea así. Cuando Malic es entregado a un demonio que borra de su memoria todo excepto el nombre de Dylan, deberá utilizar todos sus recursos para escapar de su nueva vida en una dimensión infernal y regresar con el hombre al que considera su Hogar.


$4.99 $2.49

Se non fosse per te

Questione di tempo
$6.99 $3.49

Seguito di A prova di proiettile

Jory Harcourt sta finalmente vivendo la vita che ha sempre sognato, essere sposato con un vicesceriffo federale lo ha cambiato: ha calmato i tumulti del passato e trasformato Jory da un ragazzo che se la dava a gambe al primo segno di pericolo in un uomo che affronta le situazioni difficili. Lui e Sam hanno due bambini, una casa in periferia e un mitico minivan. I giorni disastrosi sono finiti, la vita domestica è tranquilla e pacifica. 

Il che significa che è il momento giusto per un po’ di azione: l’ex fiamma di Sam si rifà inaspettatamente vivo, e un sicario cerca di ucciderli mentre sono a una riunione di famiglia. Forse entrambe le cose sono ricollegabili a un testimone scomparso un anno prima. La sua vita familiare viene scossa, ma Jory non permetterà a nessuno di allontanarlo dai suoi cari. Prima di sapere cosa volesse dire avere una famiglia sua, sarebbe fuggito, ma ora non più. Sa che lui e Sam dovranno risolvere le cose insieme, perché sarà l’unico modo in cui riusciranno a farcela. 


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Fit to Be Tied

Marshals | Book Two

Deputy US Marshals Miro Jones and Ian Doyle are now partners on and off the job: Miro’s calm professionalism provides an ideal balance to Ian’s passion and quick temper. In a job where one misstep can be the difference between life and death, trust means everything. But every relationship has growing pains, and sometimes Miro stews about where he stands with his fiery lover. Could the heartstrings that so recently tied them together be in danger of unraveling?

Those new bonds are constantly challenged by family intrusions, well-intentioned friends, their personal insecurities, and their dangerous careers—including a trial by fire when an old case of Miro’s comes back to haunt them. It might just be enough to make Ian rethink his decision to let himself be tied down, and Miro can only hope the links they’ve forged will be strong enough to hold.


About the last thing Vincent Wade expected was for Carson Cress to ask him out. Vince is a dedicated biology student and a bit of a loner. Superstar quarterback Carson is larger than life, and he lives under a public microscope. There’s no way they should work. But Vince is learning that sometimes people just come steamrolling into your life and all you can do is hang on for the ride or lose your heart in the process. If their relationship can survive the fallout when an injury derails Carson’s future plans, maybe Vince can finally find something to believe in.


Easy Evenings

Mangrove Stories
2017 Award Winners
$3.99 $2.00

Mangrove Stories

Lazlo Maguire doesn’t do relationships—he does transactions. Six months of the year, he’s an expensive rent boy in Manhattan, and he moves so fast that settling down could not, would not, ever enter his mind… except for once. Britton Lassiter he meets man to man, not as hustler and mark, and it’s too good to be true when the lawyer wants to keep Lazlo even if he has to share him with the job.

But Lazlo has his reasons to walk away from the man he’s grown to love. The other six months of the year, he is laid-back Laz, a shopkeeper in the sleepy coastal town of Mangrove, Florida, where the artist he never allows himself to be in the Big Apple shines through. He lives for his time by the ocean, the place he hides his secrets and nurses his broken heart.

Then fate intervenes, and Laz gets the surprise of his life when he spies Britton in Mangrove—but it’s not meant to be… not until Britton sees the change in him and wants to be a part of Laz’s new life so that every evening can be easy… together. Hopefully the secrets that tore them apart won’t come back to haunt them.


$3.99 $2.00

Question de temps tome 1

Tout vient à point...
$6.99 $3.49

Jory Keyes mène une vie normale comme assistant d'un architecte jusqu'à ce qu'il soit témoin d'un assassinat brutal. Bien qu'initialement sauvé par l'inspecteur de police Sam Kage, Jory refuse la détention préventive – il a une vie qu'il aime et à laquelle il ne renoncera pas, peu importe qui est après lui. Mais la vie de Jory est réellement en danger, surtout après qu'il accepte de témoigner à propos de ce qu'il a vu.

Alors qu'il jongle avec les tentatives de meurtre dont il est l'objet, des amis bien intentionnés qui veulent le voir heureux, un patron trop protecteur et un mystère qui se dévoile lentement et qui est beaucoup plus sinistre que ce qu'il aurait pu imaginer, le jeune homosexuel se retrouve impliqué avec Sam, l'inspecteur en conflit avec lui-même et dans le placard. Et si Jory a une chance de survivre au danger, il ne peut pas survivre à un cœur brisé.


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$6.99 $3.49

Trevan Bean ha un lavoro che da illegale sta diventando spaventoso, un ragazzo che potrebbe non essere sano di mente, un angelo custode che in realtà potrebbe essere l’incarnazione del male. A questo si aggiunge la ricomparsa della famiglia che aveva allontanato il suo ragazzo, minacce di morte, un rapimento e il tentativo di mettere soldi da parte per realizzare un sogno. Trevan ha davvero molte gatte da pelare, ma si sente all’altezza della sfida: ha promesso a Landry un lieto fine e Landry lo avrà, sempre che qualcuno non lo uccida!

E potrebbe accadere.

Landry Carter era una bambola rotta quando si erano conosciuti due anni prima, ma è diventato un compagno in grado di stare accanto a Trevan… almeno per la maggior parte del tempo. Ora che la vita di Trevan ha preso una piega spaventosa – e Landry viene rapito – Trevan deve continuare a sperare che l’amore di Landry rimanga saldo di fronte a questa nuova sfida, perché non ci sarà lieto fine se Trevan dovrà proseguire da solo.


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$4.99 $2.49

Les rêves de célébrité de Weber Yates sont sur le point d’être réduits à un emploi d’ouvrier agricole dans un ranch au Texas et sa seule relation est avec un homme, tellement hors de sa portée qu’il pourrait aussi bien se trouver sur la lune. Ou du moins, à San Francisco, où Weber s’arrête pour le voir une dernière fois avant de s’installer pour la vie humble et solitaire qu’une grenouille comme lui mérite. 

Cyrus Benning est un neurochirurgien de renom et les détails n’ont aucune prise sur lui. Un jour, il a repéré un prince dans les habits d’un cavalier de taureaux déchu. Mais voir Weber le quitter devient de plus en plus difficile et il ne sait pas combien de temps encore son cœur pourra le supporter. À présent, Cyrus a une dernière chance de prouver à Weber que ce n’est pas son travail qui fait de lui l’homme parfait pour lui, mais Weber lui-même. Avec l’aide de la famille nouvellement brisée de sa sœur, il est prêt à montrer à Weber que le foyer que cet homme cherche depuis toujours est juste là, avec lui. Cyrus avait posé un ultimatum une fois, mais maintenant, c’était devenu un serment : il ne laisserait jamais Weber sortir de sa vie à nouveau.


$4.99 $2.49

Piece of Cake

A Matter of Time Series

A Matter of Time Story

After years of domestic partnership, Jory Harcourt and Sam Kage are finally going to make it official in their home state of Illinois. It’s been a long and rocky road, and nothing—not disasters at work, not the weather, not a possible stalker, not even getting beat up and having to attend the ceremony looking like he just got mugged—will make Jory wait one more day to make an honest man of the love of his life.

Should be a piece of cake, right?


Just Desserts

Tales of the Curious Cookbook

Boone Walton has tried hard to create some distance between himself and his past. He's invested in his new life, his New Orleans art gallery, and his friendship with Scott Wren. Things finally seem to be settling down to normal, and Boone couldn’t be happier.

Chef Scott Wren wants much more than normal with Boone. He wants to raise things to the next level, but Boone is terrified—and not because of the ghost in Scott’s apartment or Scott’s relatives. No, Boone's past is about to pay him a visit, and the only thing that can get between Boone, Scott, and a hinky recipe for chocolate mousse found in a curious cookbook is the river of pain Boone had to swim across to get to this side of The Big Easy. There’s a secret behind the ingredients, though—one that might reveal the trust and love that have been missing from Boone’s life.


La prova del fato

Serie Scelta del cuore
$6.99 $3.49

Un libro della Serie Scelta del cuore

Nella città segreta di Sobek, Domin Thorne sta cercando la sua strada come nuovo semel-aten, il capo del mondo delle pantere mannare. Aspira a grandi cambiamenti: ha degli obiettivi per se stesso e per le persone che ha scelto di portare con sé, e vuole cambiare il suo regno sul modello di quello del suo amico Logan Church. Ma Domin potrebbe aver stabilito un obiettivo troppo difficile: il suo solito stile di comando non sta funzionando.

Dovendo occuparsi di Crane e la sua nostalgia di casa, Mikhail e il suo malumore, Taj e la sua frusta, servitori con intenti omicidi, un ex in visita e un compagno in una pericolosa missione diplomatica, Domin deve affrontare da solo il suo nuovo ruolo. Deve anche decidere come gestire una cospirazione, mentre si sta innamorando profondamente di un uomo che, per la prima volta nella vita di Domin, ricambia quell’amore. Che Domin sia pronto o meno, il fato ha deciso di insegnargli una lezione: le minacce interne sono pericolose proprio come quelle esterne.


$6.99 $3.49

Forging the Future

Change of Heart | Book One
$6.99 $3.49

A Change of Heart Novel

Jin Church is back where he started, alone, wandering, and uncertain of his path. It’s not by choice but by circumstance, as he remembers he’s a werepanther… but not much else. He knows one thing for sure—he needs to find the beautiful blond man who haunts his dreams.

Logan Church is trapped in a living hell. His mate is missing, his tribe is falling apart, and he’s estranged from the son he loves with all his heart. His world is unraveling without his mate by his side, and he has no one to blame but himself.

If Jin can regain his memory and Logan can overcome the threats to his leadership, then perhaps they can resume their lives. The question is: Is that what they want? Back to the same house, the same tribe, the same troubles? They can choose from various roads leading to their future… or they can forge their own path.


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$6.99 $3.49

Der fünfundvierzigjährige Englischprofessor Nathan Qells ist sehr gut darin, anderen das Gefühl zu geben, dass sie ihm wichtig sind. Was er allerdings nicht gut kann - sie in seinem Leben zu halten. Er ist ein netter Kerl, er empfindet nur nicht so wie andere Menschen. Deshalb ist ihm auch in der ganzen Zeit, in der er Michael, den Jungen von gegenüber, betreut hat, nie aufgefallen, dass sich dessen Onkel und Vormund, der Mafiaschläger Andreo Fiore, immer mehr in ihn verliebt hat.

Dreo hat größere Probleme, als Nate auf sich aufmerksam zu machen. Er zieht seinen Neffen groß und versucht, seinen zwielichtigen Job hinter sich zu lassen und seine eigene Firma zu gründen. Doch dieses Vorhaben wird erschwert, als mehrere Unterweltgrößen durch Anschläge aus dem Weg geräumt werden. Trotzdem ist Dreo immer noch versessen darauf, sich ein neues Leben aufzubauen – ein Leben mit Nate als Mittelpunkt. Ein Leben, das genauso ist, wie Nate es sich immer erträumt hat. Unglücklicherweise, waren diese Anschläge nur Teil einer großen Umstrukturierung, und die Liebe, die Dreo offensichtlich für Nate empfindet, bringt auch diesen in die Schusslinie.


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