Let's Cheat

By Gene Taylor

Let's Cheat
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  • Release Date
  • Type Novels
  • Pages 204
  • ISBN-13 978-1-62380-300-1
  • SKU 3515
  • File Formats epub, pdf, zip
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After nine years, Bradley Moore and Dr. Matt Sharp are a little too secure in their relationship. In fact, they’re in a rut. But when the founder of Bradley’s law firm asks him to establish a branch office in Los Angeles, their predictable lives take a sharp left turn. Matt can’t just pick up and follow—there’s seniority and tenure to think about. If Matt stays in New York, they need a way to keep the spark alive. After racking his brain for a way to save their marriage, Matt finally suggests they cheat—with each other.

Before Bradley leaves, he and Matt take on New York City. They meet in unusual locations, play dress-up, and pretend to be strangers, all in the interest of spicing up their sex life. Their senses of humor and vivid imaginations lead to some interesting “cheating”—and occasionally get them into trouble.

Then Bradley moves to LA and becomes distracted by the lights of Hollywood. With him gone, the opportunity is ripe for Matt’s stalker to step in. Matt thought he and Bradley were doing well, but now Bradley’s gone when Matt needs him most.

Cover Artist: Paul Richmond

Genres Contemporary Romance / Gay