Last of the Summer Tomatoes

By Sherrie Henry

Last of the Summer Tomatoes
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  • Release Date
  • Type Novels
  • Words 67551
  • Pages 246
  • ISBN-13 978-1-62380-960-7
  • SKU 3998
  • File Formats epub, pdf
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A Harmony Ink Press Title

Kyle Jackowski, typical sullen emo teen, struggles to find a way to deal with his sexuality and finds himself in trouble with the law… again. But instead of being sent to a juvenile detention center like he expected, he is given a chance to commute his sentence by working on a farm for the summer.

Enter Sam, son of the farm owners, who shows Kyle what he feels is perfectly normal and that he doesn’t have to hide from his feelings. In turn, Sam’s parents show Kyle that his abusive stepfather and battered mother are not the norm. With their love and support, Kyle finds his place in the world—by Sam’s side.

Cover Artist: Aaron Anderson


Genres Contemporary Romance / Gay / Teen Fiction