Fantasy books

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A Harmony Ink Press Title

Diversity is our strength, and now more than ever, the voices of young LGBTQIA authors need to be heard. Harmony Ink is proud to showcase the next generation of talented writers in our fifth annual Harmonious Hearts anthology. These authors, all between the ages of fourteen and twenty-one, are the winners of our Young Author Challenge and represent the future voices of our community. We are honored to showcase these writers, their experiences, visions, and the glimpses into their hearts in these pages. Join them on their journey and help us celebrate their courage, their love, and their unique ways of seeing the world.


See excerpt for full individual blurbs.


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$6.99 $5.24

A Twitterlight Story

Kill the dragon, marry the princess, and rule the kingdom. It’s a fantasy come true… if you’re straight.

Adam is a chemistry student and martial artist, active in his local chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism. But none of that prepares him to be the savior of a faraway land locked in perpetual dusk.

In a world of shape-shifters, necromancy, and religious politics, Adam is fated to slay the golden dragon, Khalivibra, and defeat its mind-controlling sorcery to help Princess Esmeralda of Aergon retake her city. Tradition dictates he’ll rule by her side—but Adam is much more interested in Duin, a warrior who changes to beast form in the light of the sun… or fire.

Adam hopes he and Duin might end up together when their ordeal ends. But first, the reluctant hero, the spell-casting heir to the throne, the beast-shifting object of Adam’s desire, a six-legged cave lizard, and any allies they can gather must do the impossible… and live to celebrate their victory.


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$6.99 $5.24

Wendell Darling, surnommé Wen, mène une vie cousue de responsabilités toutes plus lourdes les unes que les autres. Abandonné par son père, un comptable insensible, et par sa mère, une artiste à l’esprit fragile, il est contraint de subvenir aux besoins de son frère et de sa sœur. Il n’a d’autre choix que de brimer sa créativité en s’échinant soixante-dix heures par semaine dans une agence de communication au sein de laquelle son supérieur, un homme incompétent, s’attribue sans aucun scrupule, tous les mérites de son travail.  

Le jour où l’agence manque de perdre l’un de ses plus gros clients, Wen a enfin l’occasion de sortir de l’ombre et de prouver sa valeur, mais pour cela, il faut d’abord qu’il retrouve le mystérieux artiste qui a réalisé la gigantesque et incroyable fresque en graffiti dans le métro.

Dissimulé derrière un pilier à deux heures du matin, Wen se retrouve nez à nez avec l’étrange peintre et leader du groupe les Lost Boys, Peter Panachek. Peter est le parfait opposé de Wen. Il arbore une chevelure rouge écarlate, une physionomie androgyne, quasi elfique, et vit sa vie au jour le jour sans se soucier des conséquences. La personnalité grave et sérieuse de Wen le fait rire, mais ne dit-on pas que les opposés s’attirent ? Les deux jeunes hommes oscillent continuellement entre caresses et disputes, mais il devient très vite évident que l’attitude désinvolte de Peter n’est qu’une armure qui dissimule un nombre incalculable de peurs et de secrets trop bien gardés. 

Puis, survient Vadon Hooker, un dealer de drogue qui menace de mettre en danger tout ce qui est cher à Wen. Aidé de l’énigmatique Monsieur Pennymaker, Peter va devoir choisir entre faire face à ses responsabilités, ou bien s’enfoncer toujours plus loin au cœur du Pays Imaginaire… 


$6.99 $5.24

Incubus Honeymoon

Arcana Imperii
$6.99 $5.24

Arcana Imperii

As the so-called magical creatures go, I’m low on the hierarchy, and my powers aren’t much good to human mages. I’m a lover, not a fighter, through and through. I’m also selfish, lazy, and easily bored. But I’m damned good at what I do.

Too bad that won’t get my arse out of this sling.

Do one—granted, uncharacteristic—good deed, and now I’m held hostage to an arrogant faerie prince, trying to track down the one who summoned him while dodging gangbangers, gun runners, and Nazis. Add the powerful mage guilds scrambling to gather firepower for some doomsday event they’re sure is around the corner, and my cushy life of leisure might be nothing but a memory. On top of that, something’s compelling me to change on my most fundamental level. I’m not sure what I’ve got myself mixed up in, but nothing will ever be the same.

Bloody hell.


Featuring a new twist on urban fantasy combined with fast-paced action and intrigue, the Arcana Imperii series books are standalone adventures, each completely accessible to new readers.


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Captive Wings

Anima | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Anima: Book Two

Liberation from one master might mean enslavement to another.

For centuries, the Kuro swan shifters have been the unwilling servants of the Dryma faeries. That changed when Prince Tristan of the Dryma attempted to sacrifice himself for Royal Kuro Kanji—his lover and mate.

The Sidhee, seeing Tristan’s actions to free the swans as a betrayal, launch a devastating attack that leaves most of the Kuro and Dryma dead or imprisoned.The fate of the swans rests entirely on Kanji’s shoulders, and he must somehow devise a plan that will protect both his partner and his tribe as the war with the Sidhee rages. It won’t be easy for mortal enemies to become allies, and Kanji is beginning to despair of ever waking Tristan from his deathlike slumber. And neither the Kuro nor the Dryma can compete with the Sidhee when it comes to brutal violence.

When Kanji finds a small boy asleep at the bottom of a lake, his hope for reuniting with Tristan is rekindled. But what is the boy, and can his magic turn the tide against a seemingly unstoppable enemy?


$6.99 $5.24

The Consumption of Magic

Tales From Verania

Sequel to A Destiny of Dragons

Sam of Wilds faced the Dark wizard Myrin and lived to tell the tale. Granted, the battle left him scarred, but things could be a hell of a lot worse.

It’s not until he reunites with Morgan of Shadows and Randall that he realizes just how much worse things could be.

Because the scars have meaning and hint at Myrin’s true plans for Sam and the Kingdom of Verania.

With time running out, Sam and his band of merry misfits—the unicorn Gary, the half-giant Tiggy, Knight Commander Ryan Foxheart, and the dragon known as Kevin—must travel to the snowy mountains in the North and the heart of the Dark Woods to convince the remaining dragons to stand against Myrin. Along the way, Sam learns secrets of the past that will forever change the course of the future.

A reckoning is coming for Sam of Wilds, and there is nothing he can do to stop it.



Pennymaker Tales

A Pennymaker Tale

Wendell “Wen” Darling lives in a world of shoulds and musts. Left to care for his brother and sister by his dull drudge of a father and wacko irresponsible mother, he suppresses his creativity, slaving in an ad agency seventy hours a week, letting his no-talent supervisor take the credit.

Then his bosses blow the campaign for their biggest client and Wen gets a chance to shine—but only if he can find the artist who painted a wild, glorious wall of graffiti in the subway. Hiding behind a pillar at 2:00 a.m., Wen comes face-to-face with the scarlet-haired, elven-faced embodiment of his divergent opposite—Peter Panachek, the flighty, live-for-today painter, singer, and leader of the rock group the Lost Boys. Everything Wen takes seriously, Peter laughs off, but opposites attract, even if their kisses always lead to battles. Peter’s devil-may-care persona hides a world of secrets, self-protection, and hidden fears, until the day a drug dealer, Vadon Hooker, threatens everything Wen holds dear. Guided by the mysterious Mr. Pennymaker, Peter has to choose between facing responsibility or burrowing even deeper into Neverland.


Beauty, Inc. (Français)

Les contes de Pennymaker
$6.99 $5.24

Les contes de Pennymaker, numéro hors série

La beauté se limite-t-elle à notre apparence extérieure ?

Le docteur Robert Belleterre, surnommé Belle, a trois grandes passions dans la vie : les plantes, sa meilleure amie, Judy, et son "bébé" : un projet de nouvelle crème pour le visage qu’il a mis au point afin d’aider au développement du petit commerce de cosmétiques de son père.

Malheureusement pour lui, son père est un alcoolique notoire, accro aux jeux, et après une fatidique partie de poker durant laquelle il a parié son propre fils, Belle se retrouve à la merci de Magnus Strong, le PDG de Beauty Inc., la plus grande société de cosmétiques des États-Unis. Magnus Strong est réputé pour son apparence effroyable et son visage couvert de cicatrices, plus proche de la bête que de l’homme.

Du jour au lendemain, Belle est arraché à sa propre vie, et enfermé dans le gigantesque appartement d’un certain monsieur Pennymaker, un endroit à la décoration ahurissante. Très vite, et malgré lui, Belle développe une attirance incontrôlable pour le charismatique Magnus Strong. Révolté par ses propres sentiments, il les refoule avec force, mais plus le temps passe, et plus la bonté et l’humilité de Magnus lui font oublier son terrible visage. Et lorsque la famille de Belle décide contre toute attente de venir mettre son nez dans cette affaire, le destin se retourne contre lui et menace de faire voler en éclats le bonheur fragile qu’il a cousu avec sa tendre bête…


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The Sun Dragon | Book Five
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

The Sun Dragon: Book Five

In the final book of The Sun Dragon series, teenager Luke is keeping a big secret: on the inside, she’s really a girl. However, after she’s attacked by an incubus who might be her father, Luke learns of the powers that come with such a lineage, and her life gets even more complicated. As the last Artist in the universe, she must work with the wizard Council and the dragon clan leaders to defeat the evil incubi before they consume the entire world, all while struggling to dump her accidental girlfriend, managing her love for an Igreefee royal who sees her as a friend, and deciding whether it’s time to transition into the girl she knows she is.

An epic finish to the journey started with Allanah’s first Sun Dragon, Luminosity will bring all of your favorite dragons, wizards, sorceresses, and birds together for one last battle that will decide the fate of them all.


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A Destiny of Dragons

Tales From Verania

Sequel to The Lightning-Struck Heart

Once upon a time, the wizard’s apprentice Sam of Wilds got his happily ever after in the arms of his cornerstone, Knight Commander Ryan Foxheart. A year has passed, and while Sam’s been captured five or six more times since then, things are pretty great. His parents are happy, Gary and Tiggy still eat sass for breakfast, Randall is somehow alive despite being older than the gods, the King rules with a gentle hand, Kevin the dragon is as gross as ever, Morgan sighs a lot, Ryan continues to be dashing and immaculate, and Sam is close to convincing Prince Justin they will be best friends forever.

Life is good.

Until it’s not.

Because Vadoma, the leader of the gypsy clan and Sam’s grandmother, has come to the City of Lockes with a dire prophecy written in the stars: a man of shadows is rising and will consume the world unless Sam faces his destiny and gathers the five dragons of Verania at his side.

And she brings along her second-in-command, a man named Ruv.

Ruv, who Vadoma says is Sam’s true cornerstone.


Black Dog Blues (Italiano)

Serie Kai Gracen | Libro 1
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Kai Gracen, Libro 1

L’elfo reietto Kai Gracen è convinto di aver esaurito il suo karma positivo quando uno Stalker umano vince la partita di poker in cui Kai è stato messo in palio e lo prende con sé. In seguito alla violenta fusione tra la Terra e l’Underhill, la razza umana e quella elfica si ritrovano a vivere in un mondo caotico e infestato da mostri, e gli Stalker sono gli unici disposti ad accorrere quando all’orizzonte si profilano oscure minacce.

Anche se difficile, quella dello Stalker è una vita che Kai ama: buone ricompense, qualche amico e, soprattutto, è priva di altri elfi che possano ricordargli il suo passato. E poi uccidere i mostri è facile, specialmente perché anche lui è un mostro.

Quando un signore dei sidhe di nome Ryder arriva a San Diego, a Kai viene affidato un incarico per la nuova Corte dell’alba. Sulla carta si tratta di una semplice spedizione lungo la costa durante la stagione degli amori dei draghi, allo scopo di salvare una donna umana incinta in cerca di protezione. Facile, veloce e, cosa più importante, remunerativo. Tuttavia Kai si trova invischiato in una faida familiare all’ultimo sangue dalla quale non ha alcuna speranza di sottrarsi. 

Nessuno si è mai arricchito facendo lo Stalker. Anzi, pochi di loro arrivano alla vecchiaia, e sembra che Kai non farà eccezione.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Harmony Ink Press is proud to present the winners of the fourth annual Young Author Challenge. This book contains the best of the best in short LGBTQ+ fiction by authors from age fourteen to twenty-one. They represent the future of both our literature and our community, and the future looks as bright as these voices are strong, inventive, and unique. These fifteen stories range from the realistic to the fantastical, and they are populated with characters from all across the rainbow. They explore love, friendship, being different, finding one’s purpose and place, and what it means to grow up—in the modern world or one of pure imagination.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


$6.99 $5.24


Les Gardiens des Abysses
$4.99 $1.00

Les Gardiens des Abysses, numéro hors série

Marcus Roth est un grand avocat criminel le jour et un gardien, tueur de démons, la nuit, cependant il n’est qu’un des cinq gardiens… sans réelle importance pour quiconque, hormis Joseph Locke, son foyer. Du moins, c’est ce que croit Marcus, à tort.

Lors d’un voyage à Lexington, dans le Kentucky, pour célébrer l’anniversaire du grand-père de Joe, cette conviction change quand Marcus découvre involontairement une implication paranormale et finit par révéler son identité de gardien à la famille de Joe. Faisant face à un traître, à des démons et au retour d’un vieil ennemi, Marcus doit mettre ses propres désirs de côté pour sauver ses amis – même si, en agissant ainsi, il risque de perdre l’homme qu’il aime inconditionnellement. Toutefois, survivre à l’épreuve pourrait ne pas suffire, si Marcus ne peut pas se pardonner et apprendre que son foyer, et le reste de son poing armé, ne peut pas se passer de lui.


$4.99 $1.00

Behind the Tales

The Knowledge Effect | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

The Knowledge Effect: Book Two

Martus understands the desire to forget the past. After all, until recently he stole to support his makeshift family. His boyfriend, Hal, has a history of losing control over his dragon transformations and causing destruction neither of them likes thinking about, and even his little sister, Elsaben, is struggling to harness her magickal gifts. 

But personal issues must be pushed aside when Martus’s wealthy patron hires their group to find her son, the legendary hero Fitzy. Is he in trouble or just sick and tired of the burden of fame? Perhaps his estranged sister, Mel, can help them track him down. 

An already difficult mission becomes an uphill battle when their demons refuse to be ignored. Even Mel is keeping secrets, and all of them are about to discover that forgetting the past won’t stop it from catching up at the worst possible time.


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$3.99 $1.00

Quando, in una calda notte d’estate, Mason James si ferma per prestare soccorso, non sa ancora quali cambiamenti porterà quel semplice atto di gentilezza. Dopo aver dato un passaggio a casa a un uomo anziano, Mason scopre un mondo nuovo, magico e a tratti pericoloso, un mondo che non riesce a capire. Ma incontra anche Luc Toussaint, ed è passione a prima vista. Nemmeno il segreto che Luc custodisce potrà tenere Mason lontano dalla verità circa il suo passato e il loro amore.


$3.99 $1.00


Les Gardiens des Abysses
$4.99 $1.00

Les Gardiens des Abysses, numéro hors série

En tant que gardien, Jackson Tybalt est un homme bon, jusqu’à ce qu’il découvre l’homme qu’il aime embrassant quelqu’un d’autre. Trahi et en colère, Jackson flirte avec le danger et la mort, ignorant les appels à la prudence des autres gardiens. C’est un état d’esprit exécrable pour commencer une nouvelle relation, mais cela n’arrête pas le kyrie Raphaël qui veut, plus que tout, que Jackson lui appartienne. 

Jackson ne veut pas d’un foyer, ne veut pas d’un amant… il veut juste de la noirceur et de la douleur, alors Raphaël lui donnera ce qu’il veut. Mais parfois, les péchés de la chair sont exactement ce dont un corps a besoin pour panser les plaies du cœur, donc Raphaël cachera la tendresse qu’il éprouve pour Jackson tant que le gardien portera l’apparence d’un pécheur.


$4.99 $1.00

Caden's Comet

The Sun Dragon | Book Four
$6.99 $5.24

The Sun Dragon: Book Four

Before King Roland ruled over Earth, four dragon kingdoms fought over the plentiful planet: Ice Dragons, Sun Dragons, Earth Dragons, and Bone Dragons. One day a young dragon named Prince Grian slipped aboard the Sun Dragon ship and traveled to Earth, while on that same day, an Earth Dragon named Caden snuck away from his village. The two met and fell in love, but both were killed in battle. 

The Artists, creators of the universe, were furious about the death of these true loves. As punishment, they erased the Sun Dragon race, banished the Bone Dragons to Draman, and put the Ice Dragons in the North Pole, where they could not harm the Earth Dragons. The Artists declared that the dragons would remain cursed until the true love between Grian and Caden was born again and they reunited all dragons in peace and harmony. 

Years later Prince Grian is reborn, and it is up to him and his godparent, Skelly, to find his soulmate on Earth. But with the head of the Earth Dragon Protection Society, or EDPS, trying to kill him, reuniting with the love of his life seems impossible. Will Grian be able to find his match before the EDPS finds him? And if he finds Caden, will it be the true love of the prophecy?


$6.99 $5.24
$5.99 $4.49

There is another world existing alongside the one most see everyday, and although it is a place of magic and wonder, the dangers are very real. 

Aran, an artist, grew up on his grandmother’s tales of the Side-by-Side world. He never expected his knowledge of folklore would aid his boyfriend, Brandon, in an arson investigation, but the snakes that burst into flames when agitated are something he recalls from those childhood stories. 

When Aran vanishes, Brandon knows his time as a state trooper won’t help find him, so he enlists the aid of Aran’s grandmother, Ruth, and they venture into the Side-by-Side world. 

But Aran has no memory of his life prior to crossing between worlds, and he’s enjoying the company of his handsome new companion, Ren. Even if Brandon and Ruth reach him, convincing him to return to his former home won’t be easy. In a contemporary fairy-tale adventure set among forests and trails, Aran must choose between a mystical fantasy world and the man he loves.


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