Contemporary Romance books



Blue Notes
$6.99 $5.24

A Blue Notes Novel

World-renowned conductor David Somers never wanted the investment firm he inherited from his domineering grandfather. He only wanted to be a composer. But no matter how he struggles, David can’t translate the music in his head into notes on paper.

When a guest violinist at the Chicago Symphony falls ill, David meets Alex Bishop, a last-minute substitute. Alex’s fame and outrageous tattoos fail to move David. Then Alex puts bow to string, and David hears the brilliance of Alex’s soul.

David has sworn off relationships, believing he will eventually drive away those he loves, or that he'll lose them as he lost his wife and parents. But Alex is outgoing, relaxed, and congenial—everything David is not—and soon makes dents in the armor around David's heart. David begins to dream of Alex, wonderful dreams full of music. Becoming a composer suddenly feels attainable.

David’s fragile ego, worn away by years of his grandfather’s disdain, makes losing control difficult. When David’s structured world comes crashing down, his fledgling relationship with Alex is the first casualty. Still, David hears Alex’s music, haunting and beautiful. David wants to love Alex, but first he must find the strength to acknowledge himself.


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$4.99 $3.74

Il quindicenne Addy Monroe, imbottigliato nel traffico insieme ai suoi zii, assiste a una scena che cambierà tutta la sua vita: sul sedile posteriore di un taxi bloccato accanto alla loro auto ci sono due ragazzi che gli rivelano l’esistenza di un altro mondo. Sei anni dopo, in un locale di Los Angeles, Addy incontra il cantante rock Zak Roscoe, l’uomo che, involontariamente, gli aveva mostrato chi fosse veramente, e non si lascia sfuggire l’occasione di assaggiarlo.

Da quella persona riservata e circospetta qual è, Zak trova le avances determinate di Addy sia fastidiose che divertenti, e alla fine acconsente a lasciarsi sedurre per una notte di piacere. Sfortunatamente, le brutte abitudini sono dure a morire, e gli atteggiamenti post-coitali di Zak lasciano molto a desiderare. Addy si trova così a capire che qualche volta il sogno e la fantasia non hanno proprio nulla in comune. Ma se i desideri fossero seconde occasioni…


$4.99 $3.74

Servido con amor

Probando el Amor
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro de la saga Probando el Amor

Sebastian Franklin ha esperado mucho tiempo para demostrar su valía como encargado del comedor del Café Belgie, pero su primera noche en el cargo mientras Darryl, su jefe, está de vacaciones, no es precisamente un éxito. Atracan el restaurante a la hora de cierre, y el buen samaritano que frustró al atracador entra en escena con sus propios problemas.

Robert Fortier es el nuevo juez del condado, y uno reacio además. Es muy consciente de que la vida pública no es siempre fácil, sobre todo cuando tu vida personal te hace ser el blanco de los insistentes medios de comunicación. Pero aún así, Robert disfruta de la compañía de Sebastian, y a Sebastian nunca le falta una ración de felicidad y naturalidad para regalarle a su figura pública favorita. Pero también tiene sus conflictos: el caos familiar y un ex en apuros harán presión en ambos mientras luchan por estar en igualdad de condiciones en esta nueva relación.


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Sins of Another

Bittersweet Dreams
$6.99 $5.24

One morning Padrig Kennedy comes home to find his partner, Nick Glenfielding, in bed with another man. Shocked, hurt, and vulnerable, Padrig flees and meets a stranger who seems to offer comfort—but he force-feeds Padrig a steady diet of drugs and prostitution instead. When he finally surfaces from his hell, it’s to another system shock: he’s now HIV positive.

Nick descends into darkness as well. Devastated by losing Padrig, he finds no consolation in the legal career he doesn’t love and tries to find solace in alcohol, spending his days in an ever-deepening haze.

Padrig and Nick find each other again, but their relationship can never be the same. If they’re to stand any chance of a future together, they must do the improbable: make sense of the past and learn to cope with new burdens they’ll bear for life.

A Bittersweet Dreams title: It's an unfortunate truth: love doesn't always conquer all. Regardless of its strength, sometimes fate intervenes, tragedy strikes, or forces conspire against it. These stories of romance do not offer a traditional happy ending, but the strong and enduring love will still touch your heart and maybe move you to tears.


$6.99 $5.24

Racing for the Sun

2013 Award Winners
Racing for the Sun | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

"I'll do anything."

Staff Sergeant Jasper "Ace" Atchison takes one look at Private Sonny Daye and knows that every word on paper about him is pure, unadulterated bullshit. But Sonny is desperate, and although Ace isn't going to take him up on his offer of "anything," that doesn't mean he isn't tempted.

Instead, Ace takes Sonny under his wing, protecting him when they're in the service and making plans with him when they get out. Together, they're going to own a garage and build race cars and make their fortune hurtling faster than light across the desert. Together, they're going to rewrite the past, make Sonny Daye a whole and happy person, and put the ghosts in Ace's heart to rest.

But not even Sonny can build a car fast enough to escape the ghosts of the past. When Sonny's ghosts drive them down and run their plans off the road, Ace finds out exactly what he's made of. Maybe Sonny was the one to promise Ace anything, but there is nothing under the sun Ace won't do to keep Sonny safe from harm.


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$3.99 $2.99

Jacob Timber is hopelessly crushing on very private radio personality Ethan Moore—host of the most famous Indie music radio show on London’s 113.9, the Jukebox Hour—but being in love with a voice isn’t much different than being alone. Jacob’s not even sure the man is gay.

Jacob is so infatuated that all he wants for his birthday is to meet his crush in person—and he gets his wish. With Ethan and Jacob, it’s love at first sight.

But do dreams really come true? Despite how he feels in Ethan’s arms, Jacob doubts it. He knows he’ll never be happy with a man who pretends to love him, only to bring his true girlfriend to public events.


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Organic Chemistry

Chemistry Series | Book One
$4.99 $3.74

Chemistry: Book One

Brendon Marcus lives for his work. A boy genius who fast-tracked his way to college professor by his early twenties, he doesn’t know any other way to be. People confound him. So when Josh Horton, the assistant football coach, pursues him, Brendon isn’t sure what to make of him.

Josh has his own problems. His successful parents aren’t particularly happy with his career path, and some of the players don’t like having a gay assistant coach. He begins to have doubts, but Brendon makes the world look a little brighter.

But when Brendon’s department head starts to make trouble, Josh and Brendon discover that standing up for each other is the first step to standing up for themselves.


$4.99 $3.74

Dalla A alla Z

Coda (Italiano)
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro della serie Coda

Zach Mitchell è giunto a un punto morto. Il suo ragazzo del college l’ha lasciato dieci anni prima, ma Zach vive ancora nello stesso appartamento, guida ancora la stessa macchina e si occupa ancora del gatto ingrato del suo ex. Il suo negozio a Denver, Noleggio video dalla A alla Z, fatica ad affermarsi. Ha dei clienti fastidiosi, dei vicini eccentrici e una storia insoddisfacente con il nuovo proprietario del negozio, Tom.

Angelo Green è un punk con un carattere indipendente, è cresciuto con dei genitori adottivi ed è stato per conto suo da quando aveva sedici anni; non ha mai imparato a fidarsi o ad amare. Non gli piacciono le relazioni, così quando comincia a lavorare a Dalla A alla Z, decide che Zach è off-limits.

Nonostante le loro differenze, Zach e Angelo diventano amici in fretta, e quando la rottura di Zach e Tom metterà il negozio in difficoltà, sarà Angelo a trovare una soluzione. Insieme a Jared e Matt, i loro amici di Coda, Colorado, Zach e Angelo troveranno un modo per salvare Dalla A alla Z, ma saranno capaci anche di salvare loro stessi.


$6.99 $5.24

Le chemin de l’acceptation

Les contes de Toronto
$6.99 $5.24

Les contes de Toronto, tome 1

L’inspecteur Kurt O'Donnell a l’habitude de déterrer les secrets des autres, mais quand il découvre que son partenaire décédé était marié à un autre homme, il est secoué. Déterminé à faire les choses comme il se doit, Kurt offre son soutien à Davy, en deuil. Aider Davy à surmonter son chagrin aide Kurt à faire face à la culpabilité dévorante de savoir que son partenaire ne lui faisait pas assez confiance pour lui dire la vérité à son sujet. Mais quelque part en chemin, Davy cesse d'être une obligation et devient un ami, l'ami le plus proche que Kurt ait jamais eu.

Son attirance grandissante pour Davy complique les choses, laissant Kurt face à la difficulté de reconsidérer sa sexualité. Puis, un échange sensuel auquel ni l'un ni l'autre ne s'attendait vient les perturber davantage. Pour être avec Davy, Kurt doit se résoudre à révéler son homosexualité, mais son travail et ses relations avec sa famille catholique le retiennent. Peut-il risquer de tout perdre pour la possibilité de vivre une relation avec un homme récemment devenu veuf ?


$6.99 $5.24

Off Stage: Right

Off Stage | Set One
$6.99 $5.24

Off Stage: Set One

Damian Learner and his grunge band, Firefly, are on a meteoric rise to success. If they get the right break, fame awaits. Seeking more professional management, Damian independently strikes a bargain with the best agent in the business, Stanley Krane. Unable to afford the penalty for breaking old contracts, Damian agrees when Stan’s best friend, country and Western megastar Vance Ashcroft, offers to buy him out of his old contract.

Overwhelmed by a crippling loan, secretive guilt, Stanley’s expectations, and a volatile relationship with Lenny, Firefly’s lead guitarist, Damian disintegrates. Bad habits of too much sex, booze, and drugs create a rift in the band. Finally Vance, with his understanding of Dominant/submissive behavior, sees that submissives Damian and Lenny are falling into chaos, clinging to each other to try to avoid the inevitable crash.

When the pressure to perform becomes too much and the unthinkable happens, Damian and Lenny have to decide: accept that they need something they can’t get from each other, or burn out and take Firefly with them. Vance is ready to claim Lenny, but even Stan’s hesitant agreement to give Damian the direction he needs might not be enough for Damian—or the band—if he loses Lenny.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Sean Robbins’s life rarely goes according to plan, which leaves him suspicious and determined to make it on his own. But when he learns why he failed to win a coveted internship with Chicago’s leading lawyer, Coleman West, he soldiers on and takes a lesser position in West’s firm instead. It won’t stop him from snubbing Mr. West whenever he runs into him. Never mind that Mr. West is not only brilliant but gorgeous. Sean has his pride.

People assume Coleman West was handed everything he has on a silver platter. Not so—he fought and scraped his way to the top of Chicago’s elite. That hard work taught him to set high standards for those he chooses to work with… or date. So when he gets on an elevator and runs into the very man he dismissed as being beneath him, the instant chemistry surprises him.

Sean and Coleman could be happy together, but first they must overcome everything that stands in their way: backstabbing, jealousy, and their own pride and prejudices.


$6.99 $5.24

Dirty Laundry

Cole McGinnis Mysteries
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Dirty Secret
A Cole McGinnis Mystery

For ex-cop turned private investigator Cole McGinnis, each day brings a new challenge. Too bad most of them involve pain and death. Claudia, his office manager and surrogate mother, is still recovering from a gunshot, and Cole’s closeted boyfriend, Kim Jae-Min, suddenly finds his teenaged sister dumped in his lap. Meanwhile, Cole has his own sibling problems—most notably, a mysterious half brother from Japan whom his older brother, Mike, is determined they welcome with open arms.

As if his own personal dramas weren’t enough, Cole is approached by Madame Sun, a fortune-teller whose clients have been dying at an alarming rate. Convinced someone is after her customers, she wants the matter investigated, but the police think she’s imagining things. Hoping to put Sun’s mind at ease, Cole takes the case and finds himself plunged into a Gordian knot of lies and betrayal where no one is who they are supposed to be and Death seems to be the only card in Madame Sun’s deck.


$6.99 $5.24


Guards of Folsom | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Guards of Folsom: Book One

Micah “Pup” Slayde knows he wants Tackett Austin the moment he lays eyes on him in the Guards of Folsom. Micah wants to have purpose, to be taken care of, and to take care of his Dom—wants to trust him completely, live for him, belong to him. To become his everything. Micah is sure Tackett is the one. The problem is, in order to be the perfect sub, he needs to stay focused, and that’s not easy for Micah, who suffers from what he refers to as a “broken brain.” Focus and adult attention deficit disorder rarely coexist.

Ever since Ty Callahan and Blake Henderson’s collaring ceremony, Tackett’s been thinking too much about his own loneliness. Even though Ty introduces Micah and urges Tackett to give him a try, Tackett isn’t so easily convinced. He’s spent his life pursuing a successful business career, and the subs he dominates almost never enjoy the kiss of his leather twice. Twenty years Micah’s senior, Tackett has no interest in taking on and taming such a young and naughty sub—but it’s difficult to resist such an adorable pup when he begs.


$6.99 $5.24

Red Sunset

Blue Moon and Red Sunset
$3.99 $2.99

Sequel to Blue Moon

Finding love in the wrestling arena is unlikely, and a relationship based on the illusion of control isn't easy. Scott O’Doul and Brad Fraser have managed both: one night under a blue moon's light they found they meant more to each other than either expected. Their comfortable world is shattered when Brad is released, and he must head to Japan if he wants to keep wrestling. The work is exciting but lonely—six weeks seems an eternity. Once Brad and Scott reunite, they vacation at a lakeside cabin and find the miles apart have brought them closer—but they’ll need courage if illusion of control is to become the heart of love.


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$4.99 $3.74

Reporter Drew Edwards got too close to his story and now finds himself a hunted man. After being kidnapped and then released in Colorado Springs Forest, he has six hours’ headstart on a madman trying to teach his son a lesson.

Chance Collins gets one warning from his bigoted, abusive father: “Kill him or be killed.” Horrified, Chance sees only one real option—run with Drew. When he takes it, there’s no turning back. If Drew and Chance can work together, they might make it out of the mountains alive to the promise of a brighter future.


$4.99 $3.74


Englishmen Stories
$3.99 $2.99

An Englishmen Story

Callum Walker is feeling listless in his life in London. When his job takes him to Canada to install communications software for a new sports arena, he’s glad for a change of scenery.

During his stay, he befriends Noah Lukas, the strikingly handsome star player of the Toronto Bobcats professional hockey team. Callum knows nothing will ever come of it, but he can’t stop his attraction. As their bond grows, Callum learns more about – and falls more for—Noah through his sensitive and humble interactions with fans, his gentlemanly reaction to flirtations from arena staff, and his frank apprehension over his impending retirement. Their friendship evolves from workout partners to confidants, and then to even more. But Callum’s time in Canada is limited, and circumstances may divide him from a love he wasn’t looking for.


$3.99 $2.99
$3.99 $2.99

Q&A: Book One

Ever since Jamison Coburn lost his father, he’s been locked up tight, not just because of the heartache but also because if he wants to be like the man he so admired, embracing his attraction to other men is impossible.

Lonnie Bellerose is simply minding his own business when he pulls up at his twin sister’s house, intent on painting a mural in her new nursery. He doesn’t expect to meet anyone like the tall, dark, handsome, and silent handyman. Their first kiss is as spontaneous as their attraction, but Jamison quickly pushes Lonnie away. No biggy. Lonnie knows all about rejection. He’s used to it, has come to expect it.

Perhaps an unexpected weekend together housesitting might set them free of their pasts to become the men they can be together—that is, if Jamison can get past his denial and Lonnie can learn to trust that he's worth loving after all.


$3.99 $2.99
$6.99 $5.24

A Delectable Novel

World-class chef Joshua Golden is homesick for Paris before he even arrives in New York, but he’ll endure it—his parents need him to help run the family restaurant while his mother recovers from surgery. Running a place so far beneath his talents is bad enough, but bad turns to worse when Josh discovers his former best friend and lover, Micah Solomon, is living at his parents’ house with his ten-year-old son, Ethan.

For ten years, Josh has done his best to forget how Micah shattered his heart into tiny pieces. Now Micah’s back, fresh out of prison, and helping out at the restaurant. Micah may not be the kind of sous chef Josh is used to, but he is more helpful and supportive than any of the other employees. But Josh finds it hard to keep his distance when, time after time, Micah proves himself a better man than Josh thought. Reluctantly, Josh realizes there is more to Micah than his lousy life choices… but that doesn’t mean Josh is ready to forgive him.

Like all Delectable stories, Lighting the Way Home includes recipes used in the book.


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