Ash Believes the Impossible

By Kim Fielding

Ash Believes the Impossible
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  • Release Date
  • Type Novellas
  • Words 31255
  • Pages 102
  • ISBN-13 978-1-64108-531-1
  • File Formats epub, pdf
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Asher Kaufman could use a miracle. But first he’ll have to believe they exist.

Ash is single, strapped for cash, and burned out from his work at a nonprofit. Everyone else’s holiday spirit leaves him feeling like he’s in the wrong movie.

Then strange, thoughtful gifts begin appearing outside his door: a rustic basket filled with pinecones and acorns, and a beautiful handmade scarf in Hannukah colors. But the most wonderful gift of all comes when he meets Clay, his secret admirer, a beautiful young man who happens to be a fairy who lives in the wooded wonderland behind the duplex where Ash lives.

Clay brings warmth and magic into Ash’s dreary life–but when the realities of the human world threaten the bridge to fairyland, it will take all Ash’s faith to bring about a happy-ever-after that will work for everyone.

Cover Artist: L.C. Chase

Genres Contemporary Romance / Gay / Holiday Romance