Paranormal Romance books


Adel's Purr

Elements of Love | Book One
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Elements of Love: Book One

In a world recovering from a war that devastated humanity, Evan Halvard struggles to control a power he doesn't understand. Evan is a stone mason. He can give life to stone to create and awaken living gargoyles. When he receives a message that a large gargoyle is about to be demolished by the Church, Evan rushes to save it.

After centuries of sleep, the gargoyle has no interest in a present he can’t relate to. Yet, through the haze of his hibernation, a voice calls to him. He awakens restrained by those he swore to protect. Evan and Adel must work to understand the power connecting them and escape the evil hunting Evan, before the Church destroys Adel.

2nd Edition
1st Edition published by Silver Publishing, July 2011


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Crow and Crown

Crow and Firefly and Crow and Crown
$3.99 $2.00

Sequel to Crow and Firefly

Four years after Ari and Dagur’s forced marriage, not many know the man at the future king’s side. Dagur, the king’s nephew, is convinced secrecy is necessary for Ari’s safety. Ari, on the other hand, doesn’t mind that not many know of his existence, let alone what he looks like. But one day, everything changes. The king dies and Dagur is called to court—alone. When he’s attacked on the way, it’s up to Ari to find out who the enemy is. And if that’s not enough, he also has to figure out who wants the king dead, deal with a wayward healer, and find a missing fiancé.


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Bund des Vertrauens

Wandel des Herzens | Buch 2
$6.99 $3.49

Fortsetzung zu Wandel des Herzens
Buch 2 in der Serie - Wandel des Herzens

Jin Rayne hat Schwierigkeiten damit, sich in seinem neuen Leben zurechtzufinden, das er eigentlich lieben sollte. Anstatt sich daran zu gewöhnen, dass er der Gefährte des Stammesführers, Logan Church, ist, kann Jin sich einfach nicht mit der Tatsache abfinden, dass der hetero war, bevor sie sich trafen. Er hat erfahren, was für ein Glück es ist, zu Logan zu gehören, fürchtet sich aber gleichzeitig davor, das sein neues Leben sich in Sekundenschnell auch wieder in Luft auflösen könnte, auch wenn Logan nicht müde wird, ihm zu versichern, dass so etwas niemals geschehen wird. Punkt.

Jin möchte Logan so gerne glauben, aber dieses Verlangen wird auf eine harte Probe gestellt, von einem rivalisierenden Clanführer und einer erschütternden Enthüllung über Jins Existenz. Jins Leben und sein Platz im Stamm sind in Gefahr. Wenn er überleben sollte, um Logan wiederzusehen, muss er seine Angst überwinden und das Band zwischen ihnen akzeptieren, denn nur dann kann er wirklich vertrauen.


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Pacto de sangre

CoaliciĆ³n de Sangre
$6.99 $3.49

Volumen 2 de la serie Coalición de Sangre

Los magos y los vampiros han forjado una alianza basada en sangre y magia con la esperanza de inclinar la balanza de la guerra contra los magos oscuros. Algunos de los emparejamientos formados resultan tan exitosos como el de Alain Magnier y Orlando St. Claire, pero otros lo son mucho menos, conduciendo a discusiones, resentimientos y verdaderas peleas a pesar de los objetivos comunes.

Siguiendo el ejemplo de su mejor amigo, Thierry Dumont se empareja resueltamente con Sébastien Noyer, a pesar de lo incómodo que le resulta estar tan cerca de un vampiro, un hombre además, tan pronto tras la muerte de su esposa. Pero ambos descubren que la desesperación puede ser la clave para formar un pacto que funcione y cada uno de ellos se consagra casi de inmediato a mantener a salvo a su compañero.

Respaldados por una nueva fuerza, los líderes de la coalición se disponen a anunciar su existencia al mundo entero con la esperanza de conseguir apoyo contra los magos rebeldes que amenazan con destruir la vida tal y como se la conoce. En su lucha por encontrar su lugar en la cada vez más intensa guerra, la alianza descubre que a pesar de sus beneficios, los emparejamientos están afectando al equilibrio del poder mágico en el planeta, lo cual puede incluso llegar a ser una amenaza mayor que la guerra misma.


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Mind Magic

Triad | Book One

Magical species must never mix. According to the rules, Simon Osborne should ignore the children’s cries for help. After all, they’re werewolf cubs, and he’s an apprentice mage. But for once in his life, Simon breaks the rules and rescues the cubs, saving them from a demon intent on draining them of their magic.

Of course, all actions have consequences, and Simon’s bold move earns him the displeasure of his peers and the attention of the cubs’ alpha, a man named Gray Townsend.

The last thing Gray needs is a mage in his life, but Simon did save his son. Since Simon is now a friend of the pack, Gray doesn’t have much choice about it—or the forbidden attraction that goes along with it. Unfortunately for the alpha, he needs Simon’s help to track down the demon behind the kidnappings—before it strikes again. Simon and Gray must join forces to protect the pack, even as they struggle to resist the temptation that threatens to destroy them both.



I Guardiani Degli Abissi
$4.99 $2.49

Un libro della serie I Guardiani Degli Abissi

Essendo un guardiano, Jackson Tybalt è uno dei bravi ragazzi, fino a quando vede l’uomo che ama baciare un altro. Tradito e furioso, Jackson sfida il pericolo e la morte, ignorando le suppliche degli altri guardiani di stare attento. È un modo pessimo per iniziare una relazione, ma questo non ferma il kyrie Raphael, che più di ogni altra cosa desidera Jackson per se stesso.

Jackson non vuole un focolare, non vuole un amante: desidera solo l’oscurità e il dolore e Raphael gli darà quello che vuole. Ma a volte i peccati della carne sono proprio quelli di cui il corpo ha bisogno per guarire le ferite del cuore, e Raphael nasconderà i sentimenti che prova per Jackson per tutto il tempo in cui il guardiano indosserà la maschera del Peccatore.


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Son foyer

Les Gardiens des Abysses
$4.99 $1.00

Les Gardiens des Abysses, numéro hors série

Julian Nash devrait être heureux : il venait tout juste d’être promu et était sur le point de le célébrer. Mais son bonheur disparait lorsqu’il surprend son rendez-vous en train de le tromper avec un autre, une heure avant le début des festivités. Julian se préparait à passer une longue soirée jusqu’à ce qu’une connaissance de longue date, Ryan Dean, lui sauve la mise. Durant le dîner, ils découvrent qu’il y a plus qu’une simple amitié entre eux : il y a une admiration mutuelle et un désir passionné. Mais apprendre à mieux connaître Ryan – et trouver une place dans sa vie – amènera des surprises effrayantes et un danger surnaturel dans la vie de Julian, auxquels il ne s’attendait pas et dont il n’aurait jamais imaginé l’existence.


$4.99 $1.00

Fish and Ghosts

Hellsinger | Book One
$6.99 $3.49

Hellsinger: Book One

When his Uncle Mortimer died and left him Hoxne Grange, the family’s Gilded Age mansion, Tristan Pryce became the second generation of Pryces to serve as a caretaker for the estate, a way station for spirits on their final steps to the afterlife. Tristan is prepared for challenges, though not necessarily from the ghosts he’s seen since childhood. Determined to establish Tristan’s insanity and gain access to his trust fund, his loving relatives hire Dr. Wolf Kincaid and his paranormal researchers, Hellsinger Investigations, to prove the Grange is not haunted.

Skeptic Wolf Kincaid has made it his life’s work to debunk the supernatural. After years of cons and fakes, he can’t wait to reveal the Grange’s ghostly activity is just badly leveled floorboards and a drafty old house. More than a few surprises await him at the Grange, including its prickly, reclusive owner. Tristan Pryce is much less insane and much more attractive than Wolf wants to admit, and when his team releases a ghostly serial killer on the Grange, Wolf is torn between his skepticism and protecting the man he’s been sent to discredit.


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Sanguis Noctis | Book Three
$6.99 $3.49

Sequel to Blood in the Sand
Sanguis Noctis: Book Three

Mercenary Jed Walker and his reclusive boyfriend, Redford Reed, are all set for a much-needed trip—nothing but sand, fish, sun, and drinks with those tiny umbrellas in them—when Victor Rathbone shows up with an acquaintance in tow.

Randall Lewis pleads for their help in finding a cure for his brother Anthony’s rare disease. Jed, Redford, and Victor join the Lewises as they set out to find the Gray Lady, legendary leader of the largest wolf pack in existence, who may be able to help. What they don’t expect is to find themselves caught up in her pack’s struggles with local human hunters or a growing conflict among the supernatural communities.

Jed is abruptly faced with what it means to be human in a world rife with the supernatural, and the challenges keep piling up: fear that his way of life is hurting his Redford, sparks flying between the half-blood Victor and wolf Randall, the impending threat of hunters, and the quickly approaching war that could kill them all. All things considered, Jed wishes fishing was the only thing he had to look forward to.


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$4.99 $2.49

Now eighteen, Cale Holland and Zeb Meadows have been best friends since they were freshmen in high school, and Zeb has been in love with Cale most of that time. While returning to their hometown after a trip to the state capital, Cale realizes his feelings for Zeb are growing beyond friendship, and Zeb is ecstatic to finally have a chance at romance with Cale.

On their trip, Cale is mysteriously drawn into the nearby countryside. He discovers a lake so beautiful, his father buys the surrounding property to build a residential development—despite rumors that the area is haunted—and soon after, Cale and Zeb return to the lake on a weekend camping trip to unwind and explore their feelings for each other.

But the haunting of the lake is more than a rumor. In the process of developing the land, Cale’s father accidentally frees an invisible entity that feeds on the energy of living creatures… and Cale and Zeb find themselves in a fight for their lives as they are stalked by the soul-devouring Haint.


$4.99 $2.49
$4.99 $2.49

William Austin has always wanted to be a nurse, though he’s no longer sure the gratification is worth the pain of losing a patient. For now, he’s a nursing student and works two jobs—barista and private nurse. Will meets Blaine Coventry at the coffee shop, and when the altruistic young attorney offers him a job caring for his Uncle Elliot, Will accepts. Will finds that Elliot’s stroke has left him unable to walk or talk, and Elliot's husband, James, says the goal is to keep Elliot comfortable until he passes. But Will starts rehabilitation, and his patient soon begins to make progress. When James resists, Will realizes something isn’t right, and investigates. Then he discovers a chilling secret that threatens to forever change Will's life... or perhaps end it.


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Monsters Under the Bed

Lifting the Veil | Book Four
2014 Award Winners
$4.99 $2.49

A Lifting the Veil Story

When PI Sam Garrett is hired by eccentric billionaire toy maker and child genius Mozart "Mo" Chance—after his apparent suicide in the hills of San Francisco—Sam takes the case out of sheer curiosity. In a world where the Veil lifted a decade ago and exposed mythical beings living among humans, Sam faces a big challenge as the mystery surrounding the case deepens.

The inheritors of Mo’s fortune—the uncle, the butler, the nanny, and the bodyguard—all possess secrets, and some are willing to protect them at any cost. The trouble is that Sam’s partner and lover, Rex Ford, is suddenly under suspicion as well.

Clouded by doubt, Sam continues to search for answers as tapestries of crimes begin to unravel and powers beyond his imagination are unleashed. If Mo endured horrific nightmares about monsters under his bed, there’s no telling what dangers await a nosy PI. What dangers lurk in this darkness? Sam is about to find out.


$4.99 $2.49

The Scarlet Tide

Duncan Andrews Thrillers
$6.99 $3.49

Sequel to Animal Instinct
A Duncan Andrews Thriller

Duncan Andrews, a private detective who specializes in paranormal cases, is back, along with his usual gang. Robbie Church, his boyfriend, is a ghost. Gina, a centuries old witch, is his best friend. And Daisy, Duncan's bulldog, just happens to be a zombie. Odd man out seems to be Nick, a history teacher. He’s a normal, living human.

Duncan's latest case leads him to a rock band in Indianapolis called The Scarlet Tide. It doesn't take Duncan long to realize all of the band members are vampires. He sets out to destroy them, but runs into trouble with the charismatic leader of the band, Dominic Hunt. Duncan ends up under Hunt's psychic control, and is forced to examine his relationships with Robbie and Nick, as well as his attraction for Hunt. Can Robbie and Gina help Duncan break Hunt’s psychic grip? Is there any hope the vampire can be destroyed once and for all?


$6.99 $3.49

La via dei lupi

Serie Sollevando il Velo | Libro 1
$3.99 $2.00

Serie Sollevando il Velo. Libro 1

Kris Ellis credeva che i tempi dei matrimoni combinati fossero finiti, ma questo era prima che la Grande Rivelazione svelasse al mondo che creature mitologiche vivono tra gli esseri umani. Ora un test medico di routine ha decretato che Kris ha un compagno, un licantropo di nome Rafael King.

Kris è appena uscito dal college e ha dei piani per il suo futuro. Nessuno di quei piani include l’essere legato per sempre a qualcuno che non ha mai nemmeno incontrato. Ma poi Rafe lo chiama e Kris inizia a riconsiderare la cosa. Dopotutto, come deve essere aspettare il proprio compagno per oltre duecento anni?

Rafe è paziente, forte e gentile, e pure affascinante. Confermando ciò che Kris ha sentito dire riguardo ai compagni, le scintille volano nel secondo esatto in cui si incontrano. Ma Kris e Rafe sono molto diversi e lo stile di vita dei licantropi è pericoloso. Combattere per l’amore vale davvero la pena?


$3.99 $2.00

A Royal Bind

Changing Moon | Book Four
$6.99 $3.49

Changing Moon: Book Two

Lance Fitz and Andrew Reed are a blissfully mated pair, but Andrew’s benefactor Stephon, a born vampire, isn’t happy with the pairing, especially after he discovers Lance’s pedigree. Stephon attempts to find answers using his mental connection with Andrew, and when his efforts fail, he goes after Lance’s new shifter family. Enraged, Lance severs the tie to Stephon. He wants to tear apart the abusive vampire and free his mate and family for good. But before he can try, the family reminds Lance that the death of one vampire won't change the social status of shifters as an enslaved people. The fight won’t end with Stephon, even if Lance succeeds.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Silver Publishing, 2012.


$6.99 $3.49

Make Me Whole

2013 Award Winners
$6.99 $3.49

After a grueling battle in ancient Greece, lovers Dexios and Lykon committed their lives to each other in the name of Goddess Cythera. After the war, fearing the strength of his love for Dexios, Lykon abandoned his vow and returned home. Heartbroken, Dexios called on Cythera, who changed him into four unfinished statues. In that form he would wait for his fickle lover to return, break the curse, and make him whole.

Thousands of years have passed when Galen Kanellis finds the disassembled pieces in the storeroom of a Seattle museum and makes them the focus of his new exhibit. Needing information, he contacts his ex-lover Nick Charisteas. Nick has a lifelong dream of finding the Dexios Collection, and the last thing he expected was for it to wind up in the hands of the man who broke his heart. As both men search for answers about the statues, worries of abandonment and fear of loss test their renewed relationship, threatening to separate them again—this time permanently.


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$6.99 $3.49

August Adahy Mendez would rather be buried in the world of his detective novels or a good film noir movie than in real life. He’s overweight, undermotivated, and stuck in a dead-end job. As a Chincha, he’s part of a long line of chinchilla shifters, but the greatest accomplishment in his life so far has been moving an hour away from his close-knit herd. That all changes when August’s grandfather leaves him enough cash to pursue his dream: becoming a detective himself.

Sam Ewing is a bitter divorcé who enjoys watching football and being alone. It’s easier when his only interaction with people is when he collects rent from his office building tenants. Then August rents space from him to set up his new detective agency, and Sam is drawn to him despite his misgivings.

Sam soon finds himself involved with one of August’s cases, and the men join forces to catch their criminal. The greater challenges they face, however, are how August makes Sam want to give love a second try and how Sam makes August believe that real life might be even better than fiction.


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Caccia a Seth

Compagni predestinati
$6.99 $3.49

Un libro della serie Compagni predestinati

Il veterinario Seth Davies arriva a Senaka, nel Wyoming, alla ricerca di tranquillità e di anonimato, per tentare di fuggire dal proprio passato. Da sempre è stato una calamita per i guai e per il dolore, e ha avuto buone dosi di entrambi. Kasey Whitedove lo condanna a prima vista. È convinto che nessun uomo bianco potrebbe amare gli animali nel modo in cui la maggior parte del popolo Cheyenne si aspetterebbe, così rende i primi giorni di Seth a Senaka un vero incubo.

Tuttavia un incidente pone Kasey nella difficile posizione di dover mettere da parte l’orgoglio e di desiderare ardentemente Seth, nonostante i pericoli della sua vita da licantropo e i pesanti segreti dell’altro uomo. Per Kasey, dare la caccia a Seth e tenerlo al sicuro dal suo passato è appena diventata la priorità.


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