Paranormal Romance books


Hunter's Moon

Lifting the Veil | Book Three
$5.99 $2.99

Sequel to The Wolfing Way
Lifting the Veil: Book Two

Ten years ago, the Great Unveiling revealed the presence of supernatural beings living on Earth, but not all humans know much about them—or care about them as anything other than a paycheck.

Kieran Knight is a freelance mercenary who hunts mythical beings for money. He abducts a man called Gabriel King, intending to turn him over to his client. But Gabriel isn’t any ordinary cowboy. He’s a powerful werewolf and the beta of his pack—and as he and Kieran soon discover, he is also Kieran’s mate.

Kieran knows next to nothing about how mating works, and he isn’t gay—but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel the chemistry heating up between them. To save Gabriel, Kieran orchestrates an escape, but his clients won’t give up their werewolf without a fight.


$5.99 $2.99

The God Hunters

The God Hunters | Book One
$6.99 $3.49

The God Hunters: Book One

David Ruger has always been curious. That's how he landed his charming on-again, off-again boyfriend, Wyler, and how they started in St. Louis and ended up in the Expanse, an alien universe where humans take on supernatural abilities and demons munch on Chinese takeout.

Thirty thousand years earlier, the Expanse was devastated by a gruesome war. The old gods and a group of shifters known as The God Hunters fought and failed to restore order. Little does David know that they’ve been waiting for the perfect time to try again—and they've set their eyes on him as the one with the power to restore the Expanse to its former splendor.

Strolling along cobblestone streets in a technologically advanced city floating above the clouds is fascinating, and David and his companions venture ever deeper, where strange beings welcome David as an old friend. But what should have been a brief exploration becomes a race against time to save David's life.


$6.99 $3.49

Con le Unghie e con i Denti

I Guardiani Degli Abissi
$4.99 $2.49

Un libro della serie I Guardiani Degli Abissi

Il diciannovenne Dylan Shaw è probabilmente la cosa più bella che Malic Sunden abbia mai visto. Dopo che Malic, con un suo intervento, ha salvato Dylan da un’aggressione, il ragazzo fa capire chiaramente di essere più che interessato all’uomo, ma Malic non vuole neanche prendere in considerazione l’idea di andare a letto con lui, a causa della sua età. Malic è sicuro di non essere la persona giusta per il ragazzo, che ha tutta la vita davanti a sé, e non vuole legare Dylan ai suoi segreti.

L’oscurità presente nella vita di Malic non può essere negata e ben presto Dylan viene coinvolto nel pericoloso mondo paranormale che è la realtà di Malic. Malic lotta con le unghie e con i denti per allontanare Dylan, per tenerlo al sicuro… non importa che Dylan sia la chiave della sua forza e l’unica sua speranza per il suo futuro.


$4.99 $2.49

À la poursuite de Seth

Véritables compagnons
$6.99 $3.49

Véritables compagnons, numéro hors série

Le vétérinaire, Seth Davies arrive à Senaka, Wyoming, en quête de paix et d’anonymat pour échapper à son passé. Depuis toujours, il n’est qu’une cible pour les problèmes et la douleur et Seth en a déjà eu plus que sa part. Kasey Whitedove, après un coup d’œil à Seth en déduit le pire. Aucun homme blanc ne peut aimer les animaux de la manière dont s’attend la population Cheyenne et Kasey rend le premier jour de Seth à Senaka plus que pénible.

Puis, un accident met Kasey dans la position inconfortable de devoir revoir ses croyances – tout en désirant ardemment Seth – en dépit du danger de se révéler en tant que loup-garou et des sombres secrets de la vie de Seth. Poursuivre Seth et le tenir à l’abri de son passé va devenir le rôle le plus important de la vie de Kasey.


$6.99 $3.49

Brown-eyed Devil

Brown-Eyed Devil and Red Rogue
$6.99 $3.49

Eighteen-year-old Myron Mitchell's small-town life is getting strange. First, a handsome, mysterious Native American man named Anoki appears in town, and Myron discovers they share a powerful affection neither of them understands. Second, people in the area have been disappearing. And finally, Myron’s body has begun to change in a deadly way. When Myron’s friend Bette becomes the latest abductee, he vows to bring her back—but his time is shorter than he knows.

A necromancer who possesses power over spirits, Anoki has come to stop the person behind the abductions. Unfortunately, he must also stop Myron, the victim of a curse that transforms him into an uncontrollable monster. Despite the inexplicable love he feels for Myron, Anoki will have to banish him to the spirit world to prevent disaster. But Myron wants enough time to find his friend, and Anoki needs Myron’s growing inhuman senses to track down the kidnapper. They agree to work together, but the clock is ticking: they need to find Bette and the kidnapper before Myron transforms completely. Then Anoki must banish the man who seems to be the missing part of his heart.


$6.99 $3.49

Alianza de Sangre

Coalición de Sangre
$6.99 $3.49

Volumen 1 de la serie "Coalición de Sangre"

¿Pueden un mago desesperado y un amargado y desilusionado vampiro encontrar la manera de forjar la coalición que podría salvar al mundo?

En un mundo sacudido por la guerra entre magos, los vampiros son vistos por muchos como seres inferiores a los humanos, como las estereotipadas criaturas de la noche que necesitan cazar a otros para sobrevivir. Pero a medida que la guerra se intensifica, los magos de la Milice se dan cuenta de que van a necesitar sacarse un as de la manga que incline la balanza a su favor, y la fuerza de los vampiros puede proporcionarles esa ventaja en la guerra contra los magos oscuros que buscan destruir el mundo tal y como se conoce hasta entonces.

En un movimiento peligroso y como muestra de buena voluntad, los magos le piden al líder de los vampiros que se reúna con ellos para poder exponerle su causa. Un mago desesperado, Alain Magnier, y un amargado y desilusionado vampiro, Orlando St. Clair, se reúnen en París, y la suerte del mundo depende de que lleguen a un acuerdo: ¿se unirán los vampiros a la causa de los magos y formarán una coalición con ellos para poder ganar la guerra?


$6.99 $3.49

Crucible of Fate

Change of Heart | Book 4
$6.99 $3.49

A Change of Heart Novel

In the secret city of Sobek, Domin Thorne is making his way as the newly chosen semel-aten, the leader of the werepanther world. He aspires to make sweeping changes—he’s set goals for himself and the people he chose to bring with him, modeling his reign after that of his friend, Logan Church. But Domin may have set too lofty a goal: his normal leadership style isn’t working.

While juggling a homesick Crane, a moody Mikhail, a bullwhip-wielding Taj, servants with murderous intentions, a visiting ex, and a mate on a dangerous goodwill mission, Domin has to figure out his new role alone. He also must determine how to deal with a conspiracy, all the while falling hard for a man who, for the first time in Domin’s life, reciprocates that love. Whether Domin is ready or not, Fate has stepped in to teach him a lesson: internal threats are just as dangerous as external ones.


$6.99 $3.49

Crow and Firefly

Crow and Firefly and Crow and Crown
2013 Award Winners
$3.99 $2.00

The laws of man and nature are harsh and decisive: Unwed mothers are not allowed to raise their children, and shapehifters must wed and consummate the marriage to satisfy the magic that would otherwise render them beasts forever upon the morning of their twenty-third birthday.

With the life of his sister and newborn nephew at stake, shapeshifter Ari is trapped in a castle and compelled to accept a situation he’d dreaded: he is forced to marry Lord Dagur, a man he’s never met. A man called “The Cruel.” A man he fears, and not just because he fancies someone else.


$3.99 $2.00

Ghosts in the Wind

Bittersweet Dreams
$6.99 $3.49

Andrei Cuza and Dean Marshall celebrated their tenth anniversary only to have their happiness shattered by a random, insane event: On his way home from closing a business deal, Dean stops on the parkway to help a young mother with her flat tire, and her ex arrives, murders them, and takes off with his two kids.

Ghosts have haunted Andrei all his life. He bears the guilt for his sister being stuck in limbo, because ghosts are frozen at the moment they died, unable to adapt to the changes in their living loved ones. When Dean returns to Andrei as a ghost, the double punch of losing him and having to watch him founder if he doesn’t move on is almost more than Andrei can bear.

Despite dangers in limbo—Jackal Wraiths that devour souls are hunting him—Dean isn’t going anywhere until he helps Andrei track down the missing children. Andrei is in danger as well when he pays dearly to feel Dean’s touch one last time. Time is slowly running out as Dean and Andrei try to say good-bye while they track a killer who’s more than happy to kill again.

A Bittersweet Dreams title: It's an unfortunate truth: love doesn't always conquer all. Regardless of its strength, sometimes fate intervenes, tragedy strikes, or forces conspire against it. These stories of romance do not offer a traditional happy ending, but the strong and enduring love will still touch your heart and maybe move you to tears.


$6.99 $3.49

Il suo Focolare

I Guardiani Degli Abissi
$4.99 $2.49

Un libro della serie I Guardiani Degli Abissi

Julian Nash dovrebbe essere eccitato: ha appena ottenuto un'importante promozione al lavoro e sta andando a festeggiare. La sua felicità svanisce quando scopre che il ragazzo che sta frequentando lo ha tradito un’ora prima. Si ritrova solo all’improvviso, quando tutti pensano che si presenti accompagnato da qualcuno; Julian si sta preparando ad affrontare una lunga serata, quando compare una sua vecchia conoscenza, Ryan Dean, che lo aiuta ad uscire dall’imbarazzo della situazione.

Durante la cena scoprono che tra di loro c’è più di una semplice amicizia: c’è un’ammirazione reciproca e una forte attrazione fisica. Conoscere meglio Ryan Dean - e trovare un posto nella sua vita - porterà Julian a fronteggiare spaventose sorprese e pericoli paranormali, che non avrebbe mai previsto o non avrebbe mai pensato potessero esistere.


$4.99 $2.49

Su Hogar

Los Centinelas
$4.99 $2.49

Un libro de la saga Los Centinelas

Julian Nash acaba de ser ascendido en su trabajo y va a festejarlo, sin embargo su felicidad se desvanece cuando una hora antes de la fiesta descubre que su acompañante lo engaña y que tendrá que prepararse para una larga noche en la que será el único invitado sin pareja.

Pero eso cambia cuando un viejo conocido, Ryan Dean, lo saca de apuros en esa embarazosa situación. Durante la cena descubren que entre ellos hay algo más que amistad: también hay admiración mutua y candente atracción. Pero llegar a conocer mejor a Ryan , y encontrar un lugar en su vida, traerá a la de Julian sorpresas aterradoras y peligros paranormales que jamás esperó o soñó que existieran.


$4.99 $2.49

Angel Elegy

Wings of Faith
Bittersweet Dreams
$4.99 $2.49

A Wings of Faith Novella

Twin Angels Jophiel and Ariel are servants of Heaven bound to help the humans of a world headed for ruin. But for them to become the independent Angels they need to be, their bond must first be broken.

Jophiel takes his duties seriously, answering a call from an artist struggling with his dominant, sadistic nature. But Ariel, embittered after being tortured and killed by human captors and returning to Heaven in shame, hesitates. The choice is taken from his hands when he is sent to Earth, wingless and without any memory of who or what he is. Until he regains the faith in the humans he’s meant to help, he’ll never reach his full potential and be readmitted into Heaven. From somewhere within himself, Jophiel must find the courage to let go of his twin and trust Ariel to be strong enough to Rise again… or they will never be together.

A Bittersweet Dreams title: It's an unfortunate truth: love doesn't always conquer all. Regardless of its strength, sometimes fate intervenes, tragedy strikes, or forces conspire against it. These stories of romance do not offer a traditional happy ending, but the strong and enduring love will still touch your heart and maybe move you to tears.


$4.99 $2.49

Alleanza di Sangue

Legami di sangue
$6.99 $3.49

Serie Legami di sangue, Libro 1

Un mago disperato e un vampiro disilluso e amareggiato possono trovare il modo di costruire un’alleanza che possa salvare il loro mondo?

In un mondo scosso da una guerra combattuta a colpi di magia, i vampiri sono considerati meno che umani, le tipiche creature della notte che, come nelle leggende, danno la caccia agli uomini. Ma all’inasprirsi dei combattimenti, i maghi capiscono di aver bisogno di un vantaggio che volga gli eventi in loro favore: la forza che i vampiri possono dare loro nella lotta contro i maghi oscuri, i quali cercano di distruggere la vita così come la conoscono.

Con una mossa azzardata, ma indice di buona volontà, i maghi chiedono al capo dei vampiri di incontrali, per perorare la loro causa. Un uomo disperato, Alain Maigner, e un vampiro amareggiato e disilluso, Orlando St. Clair, si incontrano a Parigi, e il destino del mondo dipenderà dalle loro decisioni: i vampiri si uniranno alla causa e formeranno un’alleanza con i maghi per vincere la guerra?


$6.99 $3.49

Legame di Fiducia

Serie Scelta del cuore | Libro 2
$6.99 $3.49

Seguito di Scelta del Cuore
Serie Scelta del cuore, Libro 2

Jin Rayne sta facendo fatica ad adattarsi alla nuova vita che dovrebbe amare. Invece di adattarsi ad essere il compagno del capotribù Logan Church, Jin non riesce a superare il fatto che il suo amante era eterosessuale prima che si incontrassero. Ha scoperto la gioia di appartenere a Logan, ma teme che la sua nuova vita potrebbe svanire da un momento all’altro, nonostante Logan insista che staranno insieme per sempre, fine della storia.

Jin vuole fidarsi di Logan, ma quel desiderio sarà messo alla prova sia da un capotribù rivale che da una sconvolgente rivelazione riguardo l’esistenza di Jin. In gioco c’è la vita di Jin, ed il suo posto nella tribù. Se vuole sopravvivere per rivedere Logan, dovrà lasciare andare la sua paura ed accettare liberamente il legame, perché solo allora potrà avere davvero fiducia.


$6.99 $3.49

Vínculo de confianza

Cambio de actitud | Volumen 2
$6.99 $3.49

La secuela de Cambio de actitud
Volumen 2 de la serie Cambio de actitud

Jin Rayne está teniendo problemas para adaptarse a su nueva vida, la que se supone que ama. En lugar de acostumbrarse a ser la pareja de Logan Church, líder de la tribu, Jin no puede olvidar que su amante era heterosexual antes de conocerlo. Teme que su nueva vida pueda desaparecer de un momento a otro, aunque ha descubierto el regocijo de pertenecer a Logan, y a pesar de que este le insiste en que estarán por siempre juntos, y punto.

Jin quiere confiar en Logan, pero ese deseo será puesto a prueba por un rival, un líder de otra tribu, y por una alarmante revelación sobre la naturaleza de Jin. Estarán en juego la vida de Jin y su lugar en la tribu. Si desea sobrevivir para volver a ver a Logan, tendrá que liberarse de sus miedos y aceptar de buen grado el vínculo, porque sólo de ese modo podrá confiar realmente.


$6.99 $3.49

Warders Volume One

The Warder Series

Most humans live in blissful ignorance, never dreaming of the frightening surprises and paranormal danger that lurks in the night. Most… but not all. These few who stand against the darkness are the Warders, men who fight demons and square off against all kinds of creatures from the pit with only their brothers-in-arms and their lovers—their Hearths—to strengthen them in the unending battle of good versus evil.

Novellas included:

His Hearth
Tooth & Nail
Heart in Hand


Purchase includes access to download the ebook editions of the novellas featured in this anthology.

His Hearth (July 2010), Tooth & Nail (November 2010), Heart in Hand (May 2011) were previously published individually in eBook format by Dreamspinner Press.


Warders Volume Two

The Warder Series

Most humans live in blissful ignorance, never dreaming of the frightening surprises and paranormal danger that lurks in the night. Most… but not all. These few who stand against the darkness are the Warders, men who fight demons and square off against all kinds of creatures from the pit with only their brothers-in-arms and their lovers—their Hearths—to strengthen them in the unending battle of good versus evil.

Novellas included:

Cherish Your Name



Purchase includes access to download the ebook editions of the novellas featured in this anthology.

Sinnerman (June 2011), Nexus (October 2011), and Cherish Your Name (December 2011) were previously published individually in eBook format by Dreamspinner Press.


Blood in the Sand

Sanguis Noctis | Book Two
$6.99 $3.49

Sequel to Blood Howl
Sanguis Noctis: Book Two

When David, an old contact and sometimes friend, hires Jed Walker to look into a series of seemingly unrelated disappearances in Cairo, Jed jumps at the chance to show his partner, Redford Reed, more of the world he’s been missing. David’s boyfriend, supernatural expert and resident stuffy professor Victor Rathbone, joins them in their journey to Egypt, which holds many more dangers and mysteries than Jed ever expected. Hidden natures resurface, relationships collide, and instincts are stretched to their breaking point. What seems to be a simple case turns out to be anything but.

David may have called for help, but he has his own suspicions about who’s behind the kidnappings—suspicions that, along with clashing personalities, make getting to the bottom of the mystery difficult. While Jed and Redford grow more intimate and trusting with each new obstacle in their path, David and Victor struggle not to lose their trust in each other in the face of their differences. As the four close in on the kidnappers, David is forced to face the one thing more dangerous than the mastermind behind the disappearances: himself.


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