Paranormal Romance books

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Sono le nove del mattino dopo il funerale di suo padre ed Ezra Jones sa già che sarà una brutta giornata. Si sveglia con i postumi di una sbronza, dolorante e coperto di sangue. Poi la giornata peggiora: l’attraente e ammaliante Callum Dawson si presenta alla sua porta, sostenendo che Ezra è stato trasformato in un lupo mannaro. Ezra cerca di essere scettico, ma le prove sono troppo schiaccianti per essere ignorate.

Ezra non ha molto tempo per abituarsi alle regole imposte dall’Alfa Callum – o al modo in cui il suo corpo risponde alla dominanza di Callum Dawson – perché è impegnato a lavorare per il CDC per aiutare a scoprire le cause di un’epidemia fra i lupi mannari. Quando la tensione sessuale finalmente si risolve, Ezra ha appena il tempo di goderselo, perché una nuova minaccia incombe. Qualcuno vuole arrivare a lui per i suoi scopi senza scrupoli, e farà qualunque cosa per catturarlo.


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$4.99 $3.74

Death is in a lonely business. Since the beginning of time he’s been reaping souls then returning home to his little condo in the sky. It’s not a bad job. There are perks. But Death would kill to meet his soul mate, no pun intended.

Tommy Neilson is the next human slated for death. But when he can see Death, Tommy turns his whole world upside down. Curious, Death seeks Tommy out. The chemistry between the two is immediate and soon an unlikely romance starts to form. While Death may not be lonely anymore, he isn’t allowed to interact with humans. Consequently, he must make a choice: billions of souls or the one that makes being immortal worth it.


$4.99 $3.74

Old Loyalty, New Love

L'Ange | Book One

When jackal shifter Quade Danas was banished from his pack for being gay, he spent years in the military escaping his father's prejudice before returning to civilian life as a bodyguard for Roman Howell, the teenage son of a very rich man. After Roman is in an accident that leaves him physically scarred and emotionally distant, Quade is the only one who can get through to him. As Roman becomes a man, he realizes what he wants—his bodyguard by his side and in his bed. Unfortunately, Quade can’t seem to see past the kid Roman once was to the man he has become, certain Roman’s feelings are merely misplaced gratitude. But Roman knows a lot more than Quade realizes, and he’s used to persevering, no matter how many impediments life throws his way. He wants the chance to prove to Quade that he’s strong enough for a jackal alpha to call mate.

Despite the decades Quade has been away, and the heartache of his father’s rejection, his inborn loyalty to the pack remains, and his abrupt departure left the jackal shifters without an alpha heir. As a psychopath shifter staking claim as alpha draws Quade back home, and Quade feels compelled to heed the call, he may be forced to make a choice he never anticipated. But doing so means he must leave Roman behind… unless somehow they find a way to make loyalty and love work together.


Bec et ongles

Les Gardiens des Abysses
$4.99 $3.74

Les Gardiens des Abysses, numéro hors série

Dylan Shaw, dix-neuf ans, doit être la plus belle chose qu’ait vu Malic Sunden de toute sa vie. Après que Malic l’ait secouru d’une agression, Dylan lui fait savoir d’une manière claire qu’il est intéressé, mais le guetteur refuse même d’envisager de coucher avec lui à cause de son jeune âge. Malic est certain de ne pas être assez bien pour Dylan, qui a toute sa vie devant lui, et ne peut envisager de lui imposer le fardeau de ses secrets.

Mais l’obscurité de la vie de Malic ne peut être ignorée, et Dylan se retrouve rapidement impliqué dans son univers paranormal et dangereux. Malic se bat bec et ongles afin de repousser Dylan et le garder en sécurité, peu importe le fait que le jeune homme soit la clé de sa force et son seul espoir pour un futur.


$4.99 $3.74

Duck Duck Ghost

Hellsinger | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Fish and Ghosts
Hellsinger: Book Two

Paranormal investigator Wolf Kincaid knows what his foot tastes like.

Mostly because he stuck it firmly in his mouth when his lover, Tristan Pryce, accidentally drugged him with a batch of psychotropic baklava. Needing to patch things up between them, Wolf drags Tristan to San Luis Obispo, hoping Tristan’s medium ability can help evict a troublesome spirit haunting an old farmhouse.

With Wolf’s sister handling Hoxne Grange’s spectral visitors, Tristan finds himself in the unique position of being able to leave home for the first time in forever, but Wolf’s roughshod treatment is the least of his worries. Tristan’s ad-hoc portal for passing spirits seems to be getting fewer and fewer guests, and despite his concern he’s broken his home, Tristan agrees to help Wolf’s cousin, Sey, kick her poltergeist to the proverbial curb.

San Luis Obispo brings its own bushel of troubles. Tristan’s ghost whispering skill is challenged not only by a terrorizing haunting but also by Wolf’s skeptical older cousin, Cin. Bookended by a pair of aggressive Kincaids, Tristan soon finds himself in a spectral battle that threatens not only his sanity but also his relationship with Wolf, the first man he’s ever loved.


$6.99 $5.24

Blood Ties

Changing Moon | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Changing Moon: Book Three

When Lance is kidnapped from his adopted grandfather’s home, Andrew believes there is a traitor among Lord Basil’s drones, despite the fact that the born vampire supports Lance and Andrew’s crusade to free shifters from vampire subjugation.

Lance awakens to finds Andrew's baby sister, Angela, and a young boy shackled to a wall next to him, and a corpse nearby. Brad, a former drone of Basil's, tortures them in an effort to drive Lance insane and prove that pureblood shifters are unstable and need to be destroyed before he gets them all killed.

Stephon comes home after a trip to an orgy disguised as an unbirthday party. His mate, Quinn, shows up uninvited and is angry at the perceived infidelity. It isn’t easy to rekindle a relationship after a 270-year separation. As old arguments and insecurities resurface, Quinn decides the only way to keep Stephon safe might be to force the stubborn older vampire into hibernation, until he can defeat his father, Lord Rufus.


$6.99 $5.24

A Tooth for a Fang

Leader Murders | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Leader Murders: Case One

Three days. Three dead bodies. One newly turned, broken-hearted lycan tracker to figure out the connection.

The one summer Rick Barton takes a vacation, all hell breaks loose. Running from an abusive relationship leads him into the arms of hard-nosed lycan Travis Chandler, who gives him little choice but to become a lycan too and join the Paranormal Bureau of Investigation. Out of options, Rick joins the weird organization, expecting some two weeks of training and an adjustment period. Tough luck, he doesn’t get either. On his first day, his new partner offers to promote him to field agent if they get mated—less time wasted on training, more time on the field, and considering Rick is the only tracker the Bureau has on hand when a wave of strange murders hits the community, time is of the essence.

Someone’s killing the leaders of the paranormal world and mutilating the bodies. Investigating and tracking clues is enough of a challenge, and Rick must contend with an impatient Council, Travis’s advances, and actually adjusting to being a lycan. Only one thing is certain: Rick’s new life promises plenty of interesting adventures—as long as he can survive.


$6.99 $5.24


Bushrangers | Book Two
$3.99 $2.99

Sequel to The Billabong
Bushrangers: Book Two
A novella from the Dragon-ghosts of Viscaya Universe

In New South Wales, Australia, in 1876, sweating out a living from the savage, dry wilderness tests a man’s worth. Cattleman Jim Kelly gave up everything he knew to outrun the law with his lover Mark Turner. Struggling to survive, the two turn to crime and venture farther into the harsh outback. And while Jim is enthralled by Mark’s almost paranormal strength and physical power, he starts to question his love after seeing Mark’s explosive temper first hand.


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$6.99 $5.24

A las nueve de la mañana del día posterior al entierro de su padre, Ezra Jones ya sabía que ese iba a ser un mal día. Se levantó con resaca, dolorido y cubierto de sangre. Y entonces las cosas empeoran: el atractivo y despótico Callum Dawson se presenta en su puerta asegurando que Ezra ha sido mordido por un hombre lobo, y que por lo tanto, ahora es uno de ellos. Ezra intenta mostrarse escéptico, pero la evidencia es difícil de ignorar.

Ezra no dispone de demasiado tiempo para acostumbrarse a las normas que Callum le impone como alfa, o a la reacción de su cuerpo ante la actitud dominante de este, mientras trabaja afanosamente para el Centro de Control de Enfermedades en un intento de encontrar el origen de la epidemia que afecta a la comunidad de licántropos. Cuando la tensión sexual entre ambos termina por explotar, Ezra apenas tiene tiempo de disfrutarlo, porque una nueva amenaza se cierne sobre ellos. Alguien quiere utilizar a Ezra para sus propios fines oscuros y hará cualquier cosa para conseguirlo.


$6.99 $5.24

Dead End

Duncan Andrews Thrillers
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to The Scarlet Tide
A Duncan Andrews Thriller

Duncan Andrews’s best friend Gina is a witch, his bulldog Daisy is a zombie, and his boyfriend Robbie is a ghost. Duncan himself is just your average private detective, who happens to specialize in paranormal cases.

Robbie's cousin, Jason, has a problem. The house he's living in is haunted by the ghost of serial killer Dr. Stanley Moore. Duncan thinks banishing the spirit will be an easy task, but when confronted, the ghost nearly kills Duncan.

If that's not bad enough, a witch-hunting group called the Order of Cotton Mather have tracked Gina down and are bent on destroying her. And Robbie and Duncan's relationship may be nearing an end, as Robbie feels he's holding Duncan back from having a lover he can actually touch.

Duncan must rid Jason's house of the evil Dr. Moore, save Gina, and somehow manage to hold onto Robbie in the process.


$6.99 $5.24

Creature Feature

Creature Feature | Volume One

Diagnosis: Wolf by Poppy Dennison

Thanks to his good-for-nothing brother, Andrew Hughes is up to his eyeballs in debt and needs a job fast. When a nursing position opens up in Myerson, Arizona, Andrew has no choice but to take it, despite a warning about how difficult a patient Caleb DiMartino can be. Andrew can deal with a little trouble—but Caleb’s strange family, the armed guards, and the unknown cause of Caleb’s mysterious illness may be beyond his skill set.

Landslide by Mary Calmes

For three years, paranormal courier Frank Corrigan has been working for incubus demon Cael Berith. Cael knows Frank is his mate, but Frank is pretty sure Cael doesn’t even like him, never mind want to spend the rest of his life with him, so their personal relationship is at an impasse. When Frank’s sister, Lindsey, gets bitten by a werewolf she's sleeping with—and possibly witnesses a murder—Frank rides to her rescue. If he’s lucky, he might just save his love life too.


Into This River I Drown

2013 Award Winners

Five years ago, Benji Green lost his beloved father, Big Eddie, when his truck crashed into a river. Everyone called it an accident, but Benji knows it was more. Even years later, he’s buried in his grief, throwing himself into managing Big Eddie’s convenience store in the small-town of Roseland, Oregon. Surrounded by his mother and three aunts, he lives day to day, struggling to keep his head above water.

But Roseland is no ordinary place.

With ever more frequent dreams of his father’s death and waking visions of feathers on the river’s surface, Benji finds his definition of reality bending. He thinks himself haunted; by ghosts or memories, he can no longer tell. Not until a man falls from the sky, leaving the burning imprint of wings on the ground, does Benji begin to understand that the world is more mysterious than he ever imagined—and more dangerous. As uncontrollable forces descend on Roseland, they reveal long-hidden truths about friends, family, and the stranger Calliel—a man Benji can no longer live without.


Votos de honor

Cambio de actitud | Volumen 3
$6.99 $5.24

La secuela de Vínculo de confianza
Volumen 3 de la serie Cambio de actitud

Jin Rayne aún está adaptándose a sus nuevos y aterradores poderes como gato nekhene, y a su posición como reah de la tribu de Logan Church, cuando se entera de que han convocado un sepat, un lance de honor. Logan, quien jamás ha deseado otra cosa excepto dirigir su pequeña tribu provinciana, debe viajar a Mongolia, al otro lado del mundo, y luchar para convertirse en el líder más poderoso en el mundo de los hombres panteras.

Logan no será el único que viajará. Como su pareja, Jin deberá luchar con él para honrar su compromiso con Logan, su cultura y a su tribu. Pero el periodo de la prueba es largo, lo que significa una prolongada separación entre ambos, y que la humanidad de Logan estará en riesgo. Para sobrevivir al horrible sepat, Jin y Logan deberán aceptar sus destinos, confiar en el otro, y honrar los votos entre ellos, cueste lo que cueste.


$6.99 $5.24

Wolf in Gucci Loafers

Tales of the Harker Pack | Book Two
2014 Award Winners

Socialite Lindsey Vanessen wants someone to love who will love him back—an impossibility for a gay, half-human, half-werewolf. Too aggressive for humans, too gay for wolves, and needing to protect the pack from human discovery, Lindsey tries to content himself with life as a successful businessman. But when someone starts kidnapping members of wealthy families, Lindsey meets tough cop Seth Zakowsy—the hunky embodiment of everything Lindsey wants but can't have.

Seth has never been attracted to flamboyant men. What would the guys in the department think of Lindsey? But intrigue turns to lust when he discovers Lindsey’s biting, snarling passion more than matches his dominant side. It might mean a chance at love for a cop in black leather and a wolf in Gucci loafers.


$4.99 $3.74

When tiger shifter Cade turns an oily owner of a consultation firm over to the FBI, he finds himself with a hit man on his heels. Chester was in possession of security-breaching national secrets, and even more concerning, evidence that shifters exist, and if it got out, trouble would follow for all shifters. So now Cade is on the run. He holes up in an isolated hideout where he doesn't expect anyone to find him--least of all a former one-night stand.

Alpha lion shifter Micah can’t shake Cade from his mind. They spent one glorious night together before Cade ran off without leaving even a name. He’s determined to find his runaway and protect what he's come to think as his despite Cade's one and done rule. He surprises Cade in his secret nest in the forest, learns the reason for Cade's self-imposed exile, and decides to call for help. This nets them Stone: a top-of-the-line bodyguard and the one man Micah can’t stand. Stone isn't thrilled either. He can think of better things to do than spend days in the wilderness with the uppity alpha who stomps on his last nerve.

Despite their differences and history, they need to find a way to survive and expose the traitor in their midst. They also realize chances at love are fleeting unless you grab the opportunity between your teeth and hold on for one wild ride.


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$6.99 $5.24

Jacob van Willingen arrives in a remote Romanian village aiming for a short visit. A member of the highly secretive Society for Psychical Research, Jacob has been charged with exterminating Caleb Donnithorn--but the society's intelligence about the reclusive nobleman is less than complete. As he studies his target, Van Willingen is drawn to Donnithorn, enthralled with the nobleman's alluring brides, three of society's most luminous geniuses gathered from the corners of Europe to create a fantastical machine: a resurrection engine that can capture a human soul at the moment of death.

Caleb Donnithorn represents everything that is evil in the world, but there is more to him than is initially apparent. What he knows about van Willingen is a truth so shocking it will shake the young scholar's world to its very foundations. Cast out from his friends and his beloved Society of Psychical Research, Jacob van Willingen will jettison everything he holds dear to remain with one whose love commands the highest price of all.


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$3.99 $2.99

At first glance, Carter Cross and Josh Lessard seem like an ordinary couple. They make love and fight, know each other's strengths and weaknesses, deal with the "in-laws," and share their life and home. They even work together. One day, they’ll probably die together – possibly a lot sooner than they’d prefer, given their profession as members of a paramilitary special unit formed to thwart a gory apocalypse. While Carter and Josh are used to cheating death on a daily basis, this time the odds are stacked against them. Between a deadly mission to complete and Josh's grandma coming for a visit, it’ll take a miracle to get them out as horror invades not only a major city but also their home.


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Patto di sangue

Legami di sangue
$6.99 $5.24

Seguito di Alleanza di Sangue
Serie Legami di sangue, Libro 2

I maghi e i vampiri hanno stretto un’alleanza basata sul sangue e sulla magia, sperando di dare una svolta alla guerra contro i maghi oscuri. Alcuni legami mago/vampiro hanno lo stesso successo di quello di Alain Magnier e Orlando St. Clair, ma altri molto meno e, nonostante i fini comuni, sono fonte di discussioni, risentimenti e litigi tra alleati.

Seguendo l’esempio del suo migliore amico Alain, Thierry Dumont stringe un legame col vampiro Sebastien Noyer, nonostante si senta a disagio a essere così vicino a un vampiro – un uomo – poco tempo dopo la morte della moglie. Tuttavia, essi si rendono conto che la disperazione può essere la chiave per un’unione di successo e i due si trovano subito dediti alla sicurezza l’uno dell’altro.

Supportati dalle nuove forze, i capi dell’Alleanza ne annunciano l’esistenza al mondo intero, sperando così di raccogliere altri alleati contro i maghi oscuri, che minacciano di distruggere la vita sul pianeta. Mentre cerca di farsi strada all’interno del conflitto, l’Alleanza scopre che, nonostante i loro vantaggi, le collaborazioni mago/vampiro stanno alterando l’equilibrio dei poteri magici nel mondo, cosa, questa, che potrebbe costituire una minaccia addirittura maggiore della guerra stessa.


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