Erotic Romance books


Tartan Candy

Fabric Hearts
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A Fabric Hearts Story

Finlay McIntyre (aka Raven) is a successful adult film star with a penchant for kilts, until an accident cuts short his stardom and leaves him with zero sexual desire, lowered self-esteem, and no job. He knew his porn career wouldn’t last forever, but he wasn’t prepared for retirement at twenty-eight. While trying to figure out the rest of his life, Raven agrees to attend a high school reunion. That’s when a malfunctioning AC unit in his hotel room changes everything.

Caleb Sanderson, an entrepreneur with his own HVAC business, has no idea what to expect when he steps into Raven’s hotel room to fix his AC unit. They’re attracted to each other, but Caleb, closeted, can’t afford a gay relationship, not with his mom pressuring him to produce grandchildren. If he wants to keep Raven—who no closet could hold—he’ll need to tell his family the truth. But Raven has a few secrets of his own. He refuses to reveal his porn past to Caleb, a past that might be the final obstacle to Caleb and Raven having any kind of relationship.


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Timeless Dreams

Born and raised a gypsy in the late eleventh century, Teman values freedom over everything. He and his best friend, Jasim, are thieves for hire—until one night they're caught and their precious freedom is revoked. Given the choice between the dungeons or palace pleasure slavery, they become slaves, but Teman vows to escape someday.

Bathasar doesn’t want the throne. He supports his brother instead, which suits their sadistic father, Mukesh. When Teman, the handsome slave Bathasar has secretly been watching, saves his life, Bathasar requests a slave for the first time. Before long, Bathasar and Teman fall in love. But all is not well. One day Mukesh brutalizes Teman before the court, angering the empress of a neighboring nation. To appease her, he then offers her Jasim as a gift, and Teman decides to stay with Bathasar for now—despite the abuse he may suffer.

The peace doesn’t last. Mukesh plans to invade Jasim's new country, and Bathasar must find a way to stop the destruction. But if he succeeds, he'll ascend to the throne and have the power to grant Teman his liberty. Then Teman will surely leave him. What other choice could a gypsy make?


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Quentin Jackson ha seguido cada movimiento de Jason Spade en los negocios y en el póquer desde su primer día como estudiantes universitarios. Ocho años después, cuando Jace finalmente decide que Quent es el hombre sin el que no puede vivir, no ve razón alguna para que eso cambie.

Por más que Jace crea que el póquer es como la vida misma, nadie le dio el mismo manual de estrategias a Quent. Después de la primera noche de pasión, comienza el verdadero juego de amor y confianza. Sin embargo, Jace ha estado jugando solo demasiado tiempo como para poder enseñar las reglas de manera fácil. Jace solo habla dos idiomas: uno es el sexo, y el otro el póquer. Entre ambos, necesitan encontrar una manera de convencerse de darle una oportunidad al amor, y a Quent de que le dé una oportunidad a él. Afortunadamente son buenos descifrando probabilidades, porque juegan para ganar, y esta es una relación de alto riesgo por la que de verdad vale la pena arriesgarse.


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Trouble Comes in Threes

Fur, Fangs, and Felines | Book One
2015 Award Winners

A snowstorm in the South—on New Year’s Eve—is a perfect recipe for a catastrophe. After two soul-crushing bad breaks, Kirk’s waiting for disaster number three to strike when, naturally, two stray cats arrive on his doorstep during the storm and decide to make themselves at home. Tenderhearted Kirk lets them stay even though there’s something decidedly odd about his overly friendly felines.

Out of the punishing weather and full of tuna, Dolf and Tal are happy to be snug in Kirk’s house. But then their human goes outside for firewood and suffers a nasty fall that leaves him unconscious. Now the two cats have no choice but to reveal themselves.

Kirk wakes up to find the two kitties are actually Dolf and Tal. They’re cat shifters—and his destined mates. Being part of a feline threesome is enough for Kirk to grapple with, but soon he learns they come from a clowder that doesn’t believe humans and shifters should mix. Kirk knew those two cats would be trouble. Little does he know the real trouble lies ahead.


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È il 1987. I ragazzi indossano camicie rosa della Izod, le ragazze hanno capelli vaporosi e tutti possiedono una scatola del fumo; AIDS è solo una brutta parola che rimbomba dalle città come un temporale. Un adolescente scappato di casa vaga su un lato della strada, a un battito di ciglia dalla disperazione, ed è salvato da un angelo con i capelli lunghi su una Harley.

Ma questo è solo l’inizio della loro storia.

Josiah Daniels voleva pace, tranquillità e una vita semplice, e l’ha avuta finché non ha salvato Casey dalla fame, dal freddo e dallo sfinimento. Da quel momento la vita di Joe è tutt’altro che semplice e il suo nuovo pupillo naviga un mondo che sta cambiando più rapidamente delle persone che ci vivono. Joe vuole far diventare Casey un adulto felice e produttivo, e ci riesce. Ma anche da grande, Casey non riesce a concepire una vita felice senza Joe. Il problema è far accettare a Joe che il ragazzo che ha allevato è all’improvviso l’uomo che lo vuole.

La loro relazione potrebbe morire o cambiare il mondo attorno a loro. Mentre costruiscono una casa, negoziano le nuove regole del crescere assieme e schivano le insidie della vita moderna, Casey impara che l’età adulta è più che il sesso, Joe impara che non ci sono compromessi se si vuole vivere per sempre felici e contenti, e sono entrambi costretti a capire l’unica cosa che un uomo non dovrebbe mai fare: vivere da solo.


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Chase nell'ombra

Johnnies (Italiano)
$6.99 $3.49

Serie Johnnies, Libro 1

Chase Summers: un ragazzo d’oro. Una bella ragazza, dei buoni amici e un futuro promettente.

Ma nessuno conosce il vero Chase.

Chase Summers ha una lametta da rasoio appoggiata al polso e l’odore dell’addio al suo amante appiccicato alla pelle. C’è una porta nel suo cuore, così spaventosa che preferirebbe morire piuttosto che aprirla, e le bugie che ha utilizzato per tenerla chiusa diventano più deboli a ogni tocco proibito. La vita di Chase è in disfacimento e la decisione di liberare la sua sessualità in segreto ha contribuito a mandare in pezzi la sua mente più velocemente.

Chase ha la possibilità di vivere un amore vero e salvarsi. Può anche aver incontrato Tommy Halloran nel mondo del gay a pagamento – mondo in cui non importa il numero di amanti, l’importante è girare una buona scena – ma se vuole la guarigione che l’amore di Tommy ha da offrirgli, dovrà trovare il coraggio di lasciare l’ombra del passato per la luce del sole. Potrebbe voler dire chiedere troppo a un uomo che ha passato tutta la vita a nascondere il suo vero io. Chase lo sa fin troppo bene: le sole cose che prosperano nell’oscurità di un cuore sono i demoni personali che amano guardarci sanguinare.


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La fierté d'un yakuza

À la manière des Yakuzas
$6.99 $3.49

Lorsque Shigure Matsunaga, un sous-chef yakuza, rencontre Kenneth Harris à une soirée assommante, il se surprend à ressentir de l’attirance pour le gaijin blond aux yeux vairons. Shigure est d’autant plus heureux quand il découvre que Ken maîtrise non seulement le japonais, mais aussi les coutumes japonaises, dont le plus violent des arts martiaux. Néanmoins, ce ne sont pas ses compétences au kendo qui constituent sa qualité la plus frappante, mais la passion qui se cache derrière cette apparence calme, presque fragile, qui attise le désir de Shigure. Tous deux forment ainsi un couple aussi explosif que leurs combats.

Shigure est un homme dangereux qui occupe une position dangereuse. Depuis longtemps, il tente de préserver la paix avec le Daito-kai, son plus grand rival, mais le danger dans les rues s’aggrave, menaçant ceux que Shigure veut le plus protéger. Il a beau dire qu’il aime son gaijin, avant de pouvoir le garder en sécurité, il va devoir venir à bout de l’hostilité de ses propres hommes, d’un ennemi qui se dissimule et de l’adversaire le plus insidieux de tous : sa propre fierté durement gagnée.


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$6.99 $3.49

Une nuit avec Ash Gallagher, c’est tout ce qu’il faut à Eli Hollister pour se convaincre qu’il a enfin rencontré la bonne personne au bon moment. Heureusement qu’il n’avait rien parié là-dessus parce qu’il s’avère qu’Ash est étudiant dans la classe d’Eli à l’Université locale. Eli ne peut nier qu’il est attiré, mais la situation est complexe. Il a déjà assez de problèmes avec son directeur de département. Celui-ci ne souhaite qu’une chose : refuser à Eli sa titularisation et le renvoyer.

Ash attend avec impatience de pouvoir passer à la prochaine étape. Après un tour sur le terrain dans les Marines et une période en tant que réserviste, il est prêt à mettre fin à sa carrière militaire. La dernière chose qu’il imaginait expérimenter ce semestre était de tomber sous le charme de son professeur de littérature. Mais plus Eli résiste, plus Ash est déterminé à l’avoir. Puis Ash découvre qu’Eli est sérieux, et Ash ne veut qu’une aventure… Ou peut-être pas ? Entre ces deux-là, quand il s’agit d’aimer, tous les paris sont permis !


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$4.99 $2.49

The Garden Series

Holden Peters is a normal, middle-class English lad in all respects save for his preference for his own gender. Caught in a compromising position with his father’s clerk, Holden is forced from his childhood home and sent to The Garden, a mysterious tea and flower shop located in the heart of the notorious Seven Dials slum. To his dismay, Holden soon learns that the shop sells more than floral arrangements. Behind its genteel façade, The Garden is as an all-male brothel, and he is to be its newest acquisition in order to pay off the debts his father owes the enigmatic owner, Mr. Leslie. But Holden’s nightmare grows only more grim when he learns that, before he is allowed to see his first customer, his new employer will personally see to relieving him of his inconvenient virginity. Now Holden must steel himself and face his fears if he is to survive his new life as a courtesan in Victorian London’s depraved underbelly.


$4.99 $2.49
$6.99 $3.49

Depuis leur premier jour d’université, Quent Jackson avait marché dans les traces de Jason Spade, de leur cabinet d’investissement aux soirées poker. Huit ans plus tard, quand Jace comprend enfin que Quent est l’homme de sa vie, il ne voit pas pourquoi il changerait sa façon de faire.

Mais autant Jace est intimement persuadé que le poker est une métaphore de la vie, autant personne n’a jamais donné ce manuel-là à Quentin. Après leur première nuit, débordante de passion, le vrai jeu a commencé. L’amour et la confiance que Jace, qui est resté seul trop longtemps, ne sait plus accorder. Il ne sait parler que deux langues : le poker et le sexe. Entre les deux, il doit absolument trouver un moyen de se convaincre de prendre le risque d’aimer de nouveau. Et de laisser Quentin l’aimer à son tour. C’est une chance qu’ils soient doués pour interpréter les cartes, parce qu’ils jouent une partie importante et leur relation est un enjeu suffisamment élevé pour prendre tous ces risques.


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$6.99 $3.49

Il ventiduenne Luke Kearsey, sopravvissuto a una vita in affidamento, scappa da una relazione violenta e abbandona il suo paese. Ora vive in Inghilterra, dove lavora in un fast-food. Forse la sua vita non ha una direzione, ma per lo meno lui è al sicuro.

Quando l’insegnante trentaseienne Paul Blackwell incontra Luke in un club, neanche l’uomo pensa di aver trovato qualcosa di più di un po’ di sesso senza strascichi. Paul è ancora in lutto per la morte del compagno con cui stava da cinque anni e non sta cercando un legame serio. Non se questo significa soffrire nuovamente.

Nonostante tutte le loro differenze, qualcosa scocca tra i due. Anche se a Luke manca la fiducia in se stesso e stenta a credere di avere qualcosa da offrire a Paul, anche se Paul è restio a iniziare una relazione con un uomo così diverso da lui, i due cominciano a esplorare le possibilità che potrebbero aiutarli a guarire. Con l’amore e il sostegno che si offrono a vicenda, Luke e Paul iniziano a lasciarsi il passato alle spalle; ma poi il passato di Luke si presenta in Inghilterra, reclamandolo. Luke è davvero pronto per andare avanti?


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A night of drunken confusion at nineteen resulted in Patrick Connelly fathering a child. Determined to be there for his son, Patrick walked away from a sport he loved and forever hid his sexuality. After Patrick's brutal divorce and a vicious hate crime, his son, Jay, has become obsessed with graffiti. Hoping for a fresh start, Patrick moves Jay to his childhood home in Seattle. Within two weeks, Jay is arrested again. On his way to pick Jay up, Patrick stops an assault, then finds himself in handcuffs too. Thinking things can’t get any worse, he’s confronted by the sexiest man he’s ever seen—his son’s new probation officer, Ken Atkins.

The hardest part of Ken’s job is working with difficult parents, and the undeniably handsome Patrick Connelly is going to be a difficult parent. A chance encounter and steamy hookup with Patrick leave Ken blindsided. As they work together to try to keep Jay on the right path, the passion between them proves impossible to resist. When the assault Patrick prevented comes back to haunt them and Jay gets into trouble again, Ken must convince Patrick that ensuring his son’s happiness doesn’t have to mean sacrificing his own.


Dein Stern am Himmel

Lang Downs (Deutsch)
$6.99 $3.49

Buch 1 in der Serie - Lang Downs

Caine Neiheisel steckt nicht nur in seinem Job in einer Sackgasse fest, sondern auch in seiner Beziehung, als die Chance seines Lebens in seinen Schoß fällt: Seine Mutter hat die Schafstation ihres Onkels in New South Wales, Australien, geerbt, und Caine sieht es als die Chance auf einen Neuanfang, draußen auf einer Ranch, wo sein Stottern ihn nicht zurückhalten und sein Wille zu arbeiten seine Unerfahrenheit wettmachen würde.

Unglücklicherweise wechselt Macklin Armstrong, der Vorarbeiter von Lang Downs, der eigentlich Caines größter Verbündeter sein sollte, zwischen kühlem und völlig abweisendem Verhalten, und die anderen Arbeiter sind eher über Caines Stottern amüsiert, als durch seine Entschlossenheit beeindruckt … Zumindest, bis sie herausfinden, dass er schwul ist und ihre Belustigung sich in Zorn verwandelt. Es wird Caines ganze Entschlossenheit – und einen Sabotageakt eines feindlich gesinnten Nachbarn – brauchen, um die Männer von Lang Downs zu vereinen und Caine und Macklin eine Chance auf Liebe zu geben.


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$6.99 $3.49

Jason Kennly muss sich das graue Halsband einfach näher ansehen, das er bei einer Science-Fiction-Messe im Verkaufsraum entdeckt hat, obwohl er es sich von seinem knappen Studentenbudget auf keinen Fall leisten kann. Aber anschauen kostet ja schließlich nichts. Doch dann entdeckt er etwas, was er sich sogar noch dringender wünscht als das graue Halsband: den Besitzer des Lederwarenstandes, Henry Durand, der darauf besteht, dass Jason das Halsband anprobiert. Als Henry Jason bittet, sich ihm für eine Bondage-Demo als Model zur Verfügung zu stellen, stimmt Jason trotz seiner mangelnden Erfahrung als Sub zu und verbringt letztendlich ein unverbindliches Wochenende damit, zusammen mit einem praktisch völlig fremden Mann seine „perverse“ Seite zu erforschen.

Dann ist die Messe vorbei, Jason und Henry gehen ihrer getrennten Wege, und das wirkliche Leben beginnt wieder. Mit seiner Identität als devoter Mann und Masochist klarzukommen, fällt Jason nicht leicht. Plötzlich muss er sich Ängsten, Zweifeln und einer besten Freundin stellen, die alles tun würde, um ihn von „diesem widerlichen Typen“ weg und wieder mit dem Exfreund zusammenzubringen, der ihn links liegen lassen hat. Jason möchte nichts weiter, als mit Henry zusammen zu sein – aber was, wenn das bedeutet, dass er sein Sklave werden muss?


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Keeping Sweets

Newport Boys | Book One

Days away from high school graduation, with hardly a penny to his name, Evan Lowry needs to earn money for college. When he comes across an ad for modeling, he thinks his luck has changed—until he learns he’s interviewing for an adult film and will be expected to have sex. On camera. With other men.

For gay porn star Brandon Court, the shine has worn off of regular shoots. He and his producer, Les, decide to try something new: a reality-show porno set at a beach house. When he meets wide-eyed and naïve Evan for the first time, Brandon isn’t sure if he wants the kid to get lost or get naked. Naked wins.

On set, Brandon takes Evan under his wing, and over the next month, they are thrown together in every intimate way conceivable—except emotionally. Both Brandon and Evan are terrified of trying for anything deeper, and insecurities and doubts wear on their hopes, but the chemistry between them won’t let them slow things down.


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Grandir dans des familles d’accueil a privé Kerry Grey de confiance en soi et lui a laissé peu d’espoir en ce qui concerne son avenir. Ayant dû abandonner ses études à l’université, Kerry occupe un emploi à temps partiel dans une pépinière. Son amitié avec sa patronne et l’attention qu’il porte aux plantes constituent les seuls moments importants de sa vie. Il couche avec l’homme qui l’humiliait lorsqu’ils étaient ensemble à l’école, et le jour où son petit ami l’abandonne à une fête, Kerry erre sur la plage pour noyer son chagrin dans une bouteille de scotch.

Malcolm Holmes et Charlie Stone sont ensemble depuis quinze ans. Malgré la volonté de Charlie d’accepter tacitement la domination de Malcolm dans leur lit, quelque chose manque à leur couple. Tôt un matin, ils secourent un Kerry évanoui, manquant d’être emporté par la marée, et Charlie reconnaît immédiatement une âme sœur en ce jeune homme perdu.

Lorsque le colocataire de Kerry le jette à la rue, les deux hommes l’invitent dans leur maison. Alors que Charlie et Kerry tissent des liens autour de leur passion pour le jardinage, Malcolm voit en Kerry celui qu’ils cherchaient pour compléter leur couple. Tout ce qu’ils ont à faire c’est de se dévoiler au jeune homme et d’espérer que les penchants de Kerry pour la soumission vont s’adapter à leur dynamique.

Seulement, quelqu’un cherche la moindre occasion de nuire à Kerry. Et tandis qu’il cherche le coupable, il s’inquiète pour la sécurité de ses nouveaux amis. Et si Malcolm et Charlie ne peuvent pas l’aider, leur recherche assidue du parfait troisième pourrait ne pas se terminer par la fin heureuse qu’ils avaient imaginé.


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$6.99 $3.49

Two guys insist on complicating Dylan O’Connor’s life: one, his bully, and the other, his best friend.

It started out simple enough. Step one, outsmart Adam with wit and flair, goad him into doing something stupid, and land him in detention. Step two, play video games with Kai all night and laugh about it. Go to bed. Repeat tomorrow. Only, Adam and Kai are about to change the rules on him.

First, Adam's bullying turns suddenly violent, leaving Dylan to wonder if his bully really needs a friend. Then, Kai makes an unexpected move Dylan has only imagined in his most secret fantasies. Only he'd never dreamed it might come at a price.

While Adam opens up, coming closer to revealing a secret he’s kept his entire life, Kai pulls away—even as they get closer than ever.

With everything he thought he understood turned upside down, Dylan must decide what he really wants from the men in his life—before inaction loses him the very relationships he's always relied on.

No pressure, Dylan. You got this. It's just love. How hard could it be?


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$6.99 $3.49

When Liam's best friend has to leave town on business, he asks for a favor—be an emergency contact for his cousin who is new in town. Liam doesn’t think twice before he accepts. He's great with numbers and confidently plays the odds, because nobody ever uses those emergency contacts, right? Wrong. The very next Sunday, cousin Garrett shows up at Liam’s apartment, fresh-faced, devastatingly gorgeous, and nothing like Liam had dismissively assumed.

Garrett arrived in New York City hoping to make it in the modeling world, and Liam isn't sure what to do with him. While he eventually warms to welcome the distraction, he’s not prepared to have his steady, predictable world overturned. Liam is sure Garrett will soon tire of him and find someone closer in age and less eager for the quiet, settled life Liam prefers. But Garrett is too sweet-natured and naïve to recognize Liam’s dismissal, and he’s not as shallow as Liam presumes.

Although Garrett sees a future for the two of them, Liam manages to push him away. It is only then Liam sees the Garrett-shaped hole in his life.


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