Erotic Romance books


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Secrets (Italiano) | Libro 1
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Secrets, Libro 1

Da sei anni Ellis fa parte delle teste di cuoio della polizia di Londra. Fin dal primo giorno il suo partner è Wayne, che diventa presto anche il suo migliore amico. Quando Wayne nota i suoi sbalzi d’umore e la sua crescente irritabilità, conseguenza dell’insonnia, capisce di dover intervenire prima che sia troppo tardi. Decide così di portare Ellis all’inaugurazione di un nuovo club BDSM di cui è socio, il Secrets. Lo scopo? Dargli un assaggio di quello stile di vita prima di fargli una proposta. Wayne è convinto di poter riavere il suo amico solo se Ellis gli permetterà di prenderlo per mano e assumere il controllo della sua vita.

Ci sono però dei problemi. Intanto Ellis è etero. Poi è testardo. E infine è attraente. Wayne sa che dovrà mettere da parte i sentimenti per essergli d’aiuto. Ma saranno i veri bisogni di Ellis a prenderlo in contropiede.


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La Strike Force Omega
$6.99 $5.24

Certaines choses s’effondrent sous la pression. D’autres sont tempérées par elle. Pour ces trois anciens soldats, une tragédie pourrait devenir le catalyseur qui renforce leur lien, les rendant plus forts que jamais. 

Il y a vingt ans, Richard Horn et Timothy Davenport servaient chez les SEALs et sont devenus amants. Aujourd’hui, ils gèrent leur propre organisation paramilitaire, la Strike Force Omega. Ils travaillent dans l’ombre pour protéger leur pays et ses habitants. Lorsque Tim tombe amoureux d’Eric Newton, un tireur d’élite et stratégiste hors pair, Richard accepte de croire que le cœur de Tim est assez grand pour y accueillir deux hommes. Il respecte, admire et désire assez Eric pour lui faire une place dans leur vie – et leur lit –, mais il n’a jamais partagé la complicité qu’Eric entretient avec Tim. 

Le monde de Richard s’écroule en ne voyant pas revenir Eric d’une mission, capturé par des terroristes. Quelques mois plus tard, il sombre davantage lorsque Tim est gravement blessé à la suite d'une mission qui a mal tourné. Ses partenaires s’en sortent, mais Eric doit faire face à ses démons en surmontant le traumatisme physique et psychologique provoqué par des mois de torture. Sans le soutien de Tim, il se laisse submerger par son stress post-traumatique. Richard doit rapidement trouver une solution pour renforcer le lien entre Eric et lui ou bien Tim se réveillera en plein chaos.


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Male escort Rye Bellamy is looking for a way out. Any way out. He’s getting older, and clients are getting more dangerous. If he doesn’t find something better, he knows he won’t survive.

He sees his chance in Marcus Townsend, a functionally blind Army veteran. Marcus, who refuses to accept his condition as immutable, has a shot at seeing a specialist who might be able to help him—but that doctor’s based on the other side of the country.

When Rye and Marcus meet, they realize they can help each other. Marcus can’t drive, but Rye can. Marcus knows what Rye is, but he likes him anyway. In fact, he more than likes him. Driving cross-country with a near stranger is a daunting task, but Rye’s biggest risk is falling for the gentle, stubborn-hearted soldier—and it might already be too late to stop that.

They plan to part ways when they reach their destination, but plans change as the affection between them grows. Now neither wants their journey to end, but continuing means finding a way to bridge the distance between who they were and who they'd like to become.


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Frank Sinclair believes only in the visceral, the real, what he can touch and taste. After all, his mother left him when he was five years old, so how can love exist? His next sexual conquest is what makes his world go around, not romance and happily ever after. The hot guy he sees working along the highway in an orange jumpsuit fuels his bad-boy fantasies. Coincidentally, the guy shows up at the gas station across the street from his apartment building, and you can bet he’s going to take his shot.

Roy Ingalls is his bad-boy parolee in orange, and he’s ready and oh-so-willing to be Frank’s next conquest. But Roy isn’t quite the bad boy he seems—deep down he’s sweet, naïve… and the most intoxicating man Frank has ever met.

The sex is the best of their lives, but can a man who mistrusts love and another who isn’t ready to admit he’s actually gay ever move beyond friends with benefits?


$6.99 $5.24

Schloss und Schlüssel

Verschlungene Träume
$6.99 $5.24

Buch 1 in der Serie - Verschlungene Träume

Zurückgewiesen. Todunglücklich. Am Boden zerstört.

Zack Davis wollte nur einem einzigen Mann dienen: Andrew Nikeman. Doch das blieb ihm versagt, da Andrew ihn für zu jung hielt und weil ihre Brüder zusammen waren. Also unterdrückte Zack seine devoten Neigungen und konzentrierte sich darauf, der perfekte Dom zu sein, indem er jedem Sub, mit dem er spielte, etwas gab, was er selbst nicht haben konnte.

Nach Jahren der Selbstverleugnung gibt ihm die Wohltätigkeits-Auktion „Bist du Dom genug, um sub zu sein?“ des Clubs Entwined einen Vorwand, sich etwas von dem zu holen, wonach er sich schon immer gesehnt hat.

Andrew weiß nicht, wann aus seiner Verliebtheit mehr geworden ist, aber es bringt ihn fast um, Zack mit einer nicht enden wollenden Parade von Subs zu sehen. Er hatte weder die Beziehung seines Bruders aufs Spiel setzen noch etwas werden wollen, was Zack später bereuen würde. Doch Zack ist kein Kind mehr, und die Beziehung seines Bruders ist unzerstörbar. Jetzt, wo Zack ein beliebter und erfolgreicher Dom ist, wird Andrews Traum, ihm eines Tages sein Halsband umzulegen, vielleicht nie in Erfüllung gehen. Doch wenn er sich nicht endlich zu seinen Gefühlen bekennt, könnte er den Mann, den er liebt, für immer verlieren.


$6.99 $5.24

The Great Wall

Made In China | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Made In China: Book One

Destiny will be decided by a battle between heart and mind….

Jun Tai “Styx” Wong loves two things: playing the drums, and his best friend, Jin. But being a good Chinese son means he can’t have either—he’ll have to marry a girl of his parents’ choosing and settle into a traditional job. His move to the bigger city of Suzhou is both a blessing and curse, as living with Jin makes it harder for Styx to suppress his desires. Nearly dying while trying to eradicate his feelings serves as a wake-up call for Jin, who takes extreme measures to keep Styx safe from harm.

When given a second chance at life and happiness, will Styx be able to claim the future he wants with Jin, his bandmates, and his music? Can love and hope grow with the constantly looming threat of Styx’s parents ordering him home? Great things await—if Styx finds the courage to break down the wall that stands between him and everything he wants.

Second Edition
First Edition published by MLR Press, 2013.


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$6.99 $5.24

Secrets, tome 1

Il y a six ans, Ellis assistait à son premier briefing en tant que nouvelle recrue de l’unité d’élite de Londres. Son nouvel équipier, Wayne, devint rapidement son meilleur ami. Lorsque Wayne commence à remarquer des changements dans le comportement d’Ellis – son attitude imprévisible, les effets néfastes de son manque de sommeil –, il comprend qu’il doit agir avant que son ami finisse par craquer. Il lui propose alors de venir à la soirée d’inauguration d’un nouveau club BDSM, le Secrets, dont il est membre. Son objectif ? Donner l’occasion à Ellis de voir en quoi consiste ce club avant de lui faire une proposition. Wayne veut retrouver son meilleur ami et, selon lui, le meilleur moyen d’y arriver est de prendre Ellis en main et de contrôler sa vie.

Cependant, il doit faire face à quelques obstacles. Ellis est hétérosexuel, borné et sexy. Wayne sait qu’il doit mettre ses propres sentiments de côté afin de venir en aide à son ami, mais il est stupéfait quand il découvre ce dont Ellis a réellement besoin.


$6.99 $5.24

An Unlocked Mind

Secrets | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Secrets: Book Two

Rob Daniels is determined to prove to himself that his brother Alex got it wrong. Alex believes he found love through BDSM; Rob is certain that’s not possible. He even makes several visits to a London club to prove his point. But when he attends the grand opening of Secrets, Rob gets a shock, one that has him fleeing, vowing never to return—until he does… and runs into the brick wall that is Dom Vic Prentiss. As first meetings go, theirs is a disaster.

The more time he spends around Rob, the more convinced Vic becomes of two things—one, something is eating away at Rob, and two, he’s looking for something. Every instinct tells Vic to help him, but trying to unlock the secrets hidden in Rob’s mind requires a key. All Vic has to do is find it. Because maybe then he’ll get to see the real Rob, the man who’s scared to let go….


$6.99 $5.24

Ganz normal

Krieg der Werkstätten
$3.99 $2.99

Ein Titel der Krieg der Werkstätten Serie

Was ist schon ‚normal‘?

Als Brandon Kenner in Kasey Ralstons Werkstatt mit einer 1970er Chevelle SS 454 auftaucht, ist Kasey von beidem, Mann und Auto, hin und weg. Aber Kasey birgt ein peinliches Geheimnis: Seine Liebe für alte Muscle-Cars geht wesentlich tiefer als das, was als normal gilt. Sein unüblicher Fetisch hat Kasey isoliert — entfremdet von seiner Familie und von seinen Kollegen sogar noch mehr.

Aber als Brandon das Geheimnis des heißen Mechanikers herausfindet, ist er nicht abgeschreckt. Genaugenommen findet er Kasey faszinierend und hat sich vorgenommen, ihn für sich zu gewinnen.

Alles an Brandon bringt Kaseys Motor in Fahrt und er ist mehr als nur bereit, mit dem charmanten Mann in die Kiste, oder besser gesagt ins Auto, zu springen. Was Kasey jedoch fürchtet ist, was hinterher passieren wird. Gibt es irgendeine Chance auf eine Zukunft für die beiden? In der Vergangenheit hat die Erwartung an etwas Langfristigem immer zu einem gebrochenen Herzen geführt.  Aber Kasey kann nicht anders, als zu hoffen, dass trotz seines Fetisches Brandon die Ausnahme sein wird.


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$6.99 $5.24

Kaden Thorn, un chirurgo dentale con una vita tranquilla, non crede che troverà l’amore che tanto desidera. Un attacco omofobo gli è costato l’uso delle gambe, confinandolo su una sedia a rotelle. Ha perso la speranza di incontrare un Dom, o anche solo un compagno con preferenze più convenzionali, che lo ami. Quando la sua migliore amica lo costringe a partecipare a una cena, l’ultima cosa che si aspetta è di conoscere un Dom determinato che riesce a vedere al di là della sua carrozzina. 

Deacon James è un architetto e un Dom esigente, ma ha passato gli ultimi due anni senza un sottomesso o un compagno. Quando un suo impiegato lo invita a una cena per conoscere la fidanzata, Deacon fiuta una trappola, ma accetta comunque. Si vanta di essere bravo a giudicare le persone, e quando incontra il giovane dentista, vede oltre la sua disabilità e trova un adorabile sottomesso che suscita in lui qualcosa di più di un semplice interesse. 

I demoni e le paure che perseguitano Kade costituiscono per Deacon una sfida a usare tutto quello che ha imparato come Dom per guadagnare la sua fiducia e la sua sottomissione. Ma Deacon è determinato e combatterà per avere Kade al suo fianco e ai suoi piedi.


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Collars & Cuffs Vol. 2

Collars and Cuffs | Books Five - Eight
$9.99 $7.49

The Collars & Cuffs club has room for all types of men to find healing and love. In Damian’s Discipline, Dom Damian Barnett welcomes damaged Jeff into his home after Leo and Thomas save him from the streets. Jeff may not be a submissive, but Damian may be able to offer him the structure he needs to rebuild his life. In Make Me Soar, self-proclaimed “pain slut” Dorian Forrester is chasing the ultimate high into dangerous places. When he goes missing, Alan Marchant is determined to show Dorian that there are better way to fly. 

In Dom of Ages, Eli has found his perfect submissive in Jarod, but their age gap has Jarod waiting for the other shoe to drop. A visit to Collars & Cuffs gives the struggling couple hope that their relationship just might stand a chance. And in Endings and Beginnings, barman JJ Taylor didn’t expect to find himself drawn to wannabe Dom Darren Fielding, but as the members of Collars & Cuffs face an event that will make them stronger or break them, JJ finds his life going in a direction he could have never guessed.

See excerpt for individual blurbs.


$9.99 $7.49
$6.99 $5.24

Off Stage: Set Three

Kilmer and Jacko’s relationship has been foundering for a long time. With the end in sight and despairing that he might never find a Dom who suits him, Kilmer heads to a local bar to drown his sorrows—and meets country singer Tanner.

Tanner feels oddly protective of the broken man and eventually convinces Kilmer to hire him to help remodel the small, sad house Kilmer once shared with Jacko. As Tanner and Kilmer get to know each other, Kilmer regains his lost independence and Tanner’s dominant streak rises to the surface. But will it be a help or a hindrance to the trust they’re trying to build?

The answer might lie in the music Kilmer gave up not long after he met Jacko. Music always granted him solace, clarity, and an outlet for his emotions, and with Tanner’s encouragement, he picks up where he left off. Playing together eases them into honest communication, and though a happily ever after will still take patience and work, taking a chance on each other sounds sweeter with every note.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Three misfits, mismatched in every way—Henry Perkins, Brody Decker, and Danny Denisco—have been friends throughout high school. Now in their senior year, the boys realize their relationship is changing, that they’re falling in love. But they face opposition at every turn—from outside and from within themselves. Moving to the next level will take all the courage, understanding, and commitment they can muster. But it could happen.

Henry is a star athlete and the son of religious parents who have little concern for the future he wants. Brody is a quirky dreamer and adrenaline junkie, and Danny is an emo artist and the target of bullies. Despite their differences, they’ve always had each other’s backs, and with each of them facing a new and unique set of challenges, that support is more important than ever. Is it worth risking the friendship they all depend on for the physical and romantic relationship they all desire?

In this unconventional new adult romance, three gay teens brave societal backlash—as well as the chance that they might lose their treasured friendship—to embark on a committed polyamorous relationship.


$6.99 $5.24

Before You Break

Secrets | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Secrets: Book One

Six years ago Ellis walked into his first briefing as the newest member of London’s Specialist Firearms unit. He was partnered with Wayne and they became fast friends. When Wayne begins to notice changes—Ellis’s erratic temper, the effects of sleep deprivation—he knows he has to act before Ellis reaches his breaking point. He invites Ellis to the opening of the new BDSM club, Secrets, where Wayne has a membership. His purpose? He wants Ellis to glimpse the lifestyle before Wayne approaches him with a proposition. He wants to take Ellis in hand, to control his life because he wants his friend back, and he figures this is the only way to do it.

There are a few issues, however. Ellis is straight. Stubborn. And sexy. Wayne knows he has to put his own feelings aside to be what Ellis needs. What surprises the hell out of him is finding out what Ellis actually requires.


$6.99 $5.24

Secured and Free

Entwined Dreams | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Entwined Dreams: Book Two

An abusive Dom robbed Orion Gordon of his love of BDSM, destroying his confidence and leaving him unsure he’ll ever find peace through submission to another. Still, deep inside, his longing continues. 

Marcus Sadir loves Hunter Dixon, yet he can’t be the one thing Hunter truly desires: a sub to control. And Hunter can’t find satisfaction in the sadistic aspects of the BDSM lifestyle, while Marcus thrives on inflicting and sharing pain. When Marcus convinces Hunter they should find a third on a permanent basis, they discover Orion might be the key to bridging their differences and joining them on a deeper level. 

But they must help Orion move past his trauma enough for him to enjoy new facets of BDSM and kink again. Their journey toward becoming whole—together—won’t be without challenges. Can Orion trust enough to try again?


$6.99 $5.24

Tartan Candy (Français)

Histoires de tissus
$6.99 $5.24

Histoires de tissus, numéro hors série

Finlay McIntyre (alias Raven) est une star de films pour adultes avec un penchant pour les kilts, jusqu’à ce qu’un accident mette fin à sa carrière et lui retire tout désir sexuel, le laissant avec une estime de soi en berne et sans travail. Il savait que sa carrière dans le porno ne durerait pas éternellement, mais il n’était pas prêt à prendre sa retraite à vingt-huit ans. Tout en essayant de donner du sens au reste de sa vie, Raven accepte d’assister à une réunion des anciens. C’est alors qu’un climatiseur cassé dans sa chambre d’hôtel va tout changer.

Caleb Sanderson, un entrepreneur avec sa propre compagnie de climatiseurs, n’a pas la moindre idée de ce qui l’attend en entrant dans la chambre d’hôtel de Raven pour réparer l’appareil. Ils sont attirés l’un par l’autre, mais Caleb, dans le placard, ne peut pas se permettre une relation homosexuelle… pas avec sa mère qui le presse de produire des petits-enfants. S’il veut garder Raven – qu’aucun placard ne pourrait retenir – il faudra qu’il dise la vérité à sa famille. Mais Raven a aussi ses propres secrets. Il refuse de révéler son passé dans le porno à Caleb, un passé qui pourrait être le dernier obstacle à toute relation.


$6.99 $5.24

Quasi normale

Wrench Wars – Gli assi dei motori
$3.99 $2.99

Un libro della serie Wrench Wars - Gli assi dei motori

Che cosa è considerato “normale”? 

Quando Brandon Kenner si presenta all’officina dove lavora Kasey Ralston con una Chevrolet Chevelle SS 454 del 1970, Kasey perde la testa sia per l’uomo che per la macchina. Ma Kasey nasconde un segreto imbarazzante: la sua passione per le vecchie muscle car va oltre ciò che viene considerato normale. La sua bizzarra fissazione lo ha portato a isolarsi: dalla famiglia, che lo ha estraniato, e dai colleghi, dai quali si tiene alla larga. 

Ma quando Brandon scopre il segreto del bel meccanico, non ne resta affatto disgustato, anzi. Trova che Kasey sia intrigante ed è deciso ad averlo tutto per sé.

Tutto di Brandon sembra mandare su di giri il motore di Kasey, che di certo non disdegna l’idea di sporcarsi le mani con un uomo così affascinante. Ma Kasey è preoccupato di ciò che accadrà dopo: ci sarà un futuro per loro due? Anche se in passato tutte le sue speranze per una relazione a lungo termine sono state deluse, non può fare a meno di sognare che, nonostante la propria mania, Brandon sarà l’eccezione.


$3.99 $2.99

Signs of Life

Resilient Love

A Resilient Love Story

Successful lawyer Jeremy Speer has it all—a loving husband, a beautiful home, and a cherished dream that’s about to become reality. He’s learned not to take happiness for granted, meeting the challenges of life and love head-on with unwavering commitment and fierce devotion. A series of tragic events leave Jeremy shattered, adrift on a sea of unimaginable pain. He’s able to piece his life back together, but instead of embracing it, he merely exists, using isolation and punishing physical exertion to keep the world at bay.

High school teacher Kai Daniels has a heart for at-risk kids—he was one himself, and a teenage brush with the law and some troubled years behind bars left him scarred inside and out. With courage, hard work, and the support of friends, he’s built a fulfilling life that leaves no time for a relationship.

An intense encounter with Kai at a gay club ignites a spark in Jeremy that he thought was extinguished forever, but he’s unwilling to destroy the fragile peace he’s managed to create, and he leaves Kai humiliated and disappointed. Things should have ended there, but a bizarre occurrence brings the two together in a way neither of them expected.