Books by "Andrew Grey" (277)


Amore significa… niente paura

Serie Amore Significa…
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro della serie Amore Significa…

Raine Baumer vive una vita spensierata a Chicago, concedendosi rapporti occasionali con scarso coinvolgimento emotivo. Ma dopo che viene ferito gravemente nel corso di un’aggressione, il suo migliore amico Geoff lo porta in campagna per guarire. Lì Geoff e il suo compagno Eli lo trattano come un membro della famiglia e Raine conosce Jonah, il fratello di Eli, che sta esplorando il mondo al di fuori della comunità Amish.

L’attrazione reciproca di Jonah e Raine li fa mettere insieme, ma i due potrebbero non avere la possibilità di coltivarla. Il padre di Jonah gli dà un ultimatum e la polizia sospetta che l’aggressione a Raine potrebbe anche non essere stata un caso. Raine e Jonah dovranno affrontare le loro paure più grandi per poter avere una vita insieme.


$6.99 $5.24

Cœur de loup

Histoires de cœur
$6.99 $5.24

Histoires de cœur, tome 1

Après une première année en fac de médecine, Dakota Holden est contraint de revenir dans le Wyoming de son enfance pour reprendre le ranch familial et s’occuper de son père, atteint d’une sclérose en plaques. Dévoué à sa famille, il ne s’autorise qu’une semaine de vacances par an. Sept jours, sept petits jours qu’il passe le plus loin possible du ranch, et durant lesquels tous les interdits du reste de l’année tombent enfin. Lors de ses dernières vacances sur une croisière, il fait la connaissance de Phillip Reardon, qui va jouer un rôle important dans sa vie.

Lorsque Phillip décide d’accepter l’invitation de Dakota de venir lui rendre visite dans son ranch, Dakota est heureux de le revoir et de rencontrer son ami vétérinaire, Wally Schumacher. Le problème, c’est que Wally n’a très vite qu’une seule idée en tête, protéger les loups que les hommes de Dakota sont obligés de chasser afin de protéger le bétail. Mais malgré leurs différends, Dakota et lui se trouvent de nombreux points communs et très vite, une forte attirance s’installe entre eux. Il leur faudra alors décider si les terres du Wyoming sont assez grandes pour le troupeau de Dakota, les loups de Wally, et leur amour.


$6.99 $5.24

The Gift

Las Vegas Escorts | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to The Price
Las Vegas Escorts: Book Two

Ember is a drop-dead gorgeous Las Vegas escort. He notices Alejandro in some of the classes he teaches at his side business—a yoga studio. Then, color-blind Alejandro further captures Ember’s attention when he’s momentarily blinded by a quick change in light and needs Ember’s help at a club. What Ember doesn’t expect is the way Alejandro touches his heart.

Alejandro never intended to develop feelings for Ember. He’s in Las Vegas for a year to sow some wild oats. But Alejandro quickly sees more in Ember when he sets out to make some of Alejandro’s dreams come true—including a trip to the Grand Canyon and the beaches of LA. Alejandro’s wild oats could turn into something memorable.

Ember knows keeping his escort job from Alejandro isn’t the right thing to do, but he wants to be liked for who he is. Alejandro keeps his own secrets for the same reason. But Alejandro’s family obligations, along with Ember’s profession, could make it impossible for the two of them to stay together—unless they can figure out how to make the most of the gifts they’ve been given.


$6.99 $5.24
$9.99 $7.49

Don't miss this exclusive bundle of best-selling Westerns from Andrew Grey: A Shared Range: Despite Wally’s inclination to help the wolves Dakota’s men shoot to protect the cattle, he and Dakota find they have a lot in common, including a fierce attraction; A Troubled Range: Phillip accepts Haven for who he is, seeing through the mask Haven uses to hide his attraction to men, but their tentative and secret relationship will be under a huge amount of stress; A Wild Ride: Dante Rivers just lost the rodeo, is frustrated as hell, and knows just where to go. That night Ryan Abbott catches his eye; The Good Fight: Jerry just hopes his new employee, John Black Raven, ends up being more helpful than distracting—but John’s deep eyes and long hair are very distracting; Eastern Cowboy: Brighton is instantly drawn to the intensely handsome and huge Tanner—he’s everything Brighton likes in a man, though he holds back because Tanner is an employee, and because he can’t understand why a man as virile as Tanner would be interested in him.


$9.99 $7.49

A Spirit Without Borders

Without Borders | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to A Heart Without Borders
Without Borders: Book Two

Dillon McDowell, an infectious disease specialist, jumps at the opportunity to work with Doctors Without Borders in Liberia. But when he arrives, things are very different than he expected, and he’s out of his depth. Will Scarlet takes him under his wing and helps him adjust. A hint of normalcy comes when a group of local boys invite Dillon to play soccer.

Will’s family rejected him for being gay, and he’s closed off his heart. Even though meeting Dillon opens him to the possibility of love, he’s wary. They come from different worlds, and Will plans to volunteer for another stint overseas. But Will realizes what Dillon means to him when Dillon becomes ill, and they can no longer deny their feelings.

When Dillon’s soccer friends lose their parents and aunt to disease, Will and Dillon must work together to ensure that the boys aren’t cast adrift in a society that’s afraid they might be contagious. They must also decide if their feelings are real or just the result of proximity and hardship.


$6.99 $5.24

Una prateria per sé

Storie della prateria
$6.99 $5.24

Storie della prateria: Libro 5

Marty Green ama solo due cose: i cavalli e il basket. Un ictus durante il primo anno di università gli mette però i bastoni fra le ruote. Dopo mesi in ospedale, trascorsi a guarire sotto l’ala dei suoi genitori iperprotettivi, Marty si rende conto di avere bisogno di stare da solo. Quando un buon amico del suo medico gli offre un lavoro nel suo ranch, lui accetta con gioia.

Quando l’assistente veterinario Quinn Knepper vede Marty, il suo cuore manca un battito. È un colpo di fulmine. Anche Marty sembra interessato a lui, per quanto sia timido. Ci sono solo due problemi: il padre di Quinn vuole che lui tenga nascosta la propria sessualità e quello di Marty è un senatore omofobo che non sa che suo figlio è gay, cosa di cui Quinn viene a conoscenza quando l’uomo propone un emendamento costituzionale che proibisce il matrimonio omosessuale.

Due famiglie ostili sono un grande ostacolo, ma Quinn è intenzionato a costruire qualcosa di serio. Purtroppo, questo significa mettere in pausa la propria vita mentre Marty cerca di superare il proprio blocco emotivo, salvo che, naturalmente, non decida di sacrificare la propria felicità in nome dell’ambizione politica di suo padre e termini la loro relazione prima ancora che abbia inizio.


$6.99 $5.24

Saving Faithless Creek

2015 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

Blair Montague is sent to Newton, Montana, to purchase a ranch and some land for his father. It’s a trip he doesn't want to make. But his father paid for his college education in exchange for Blair working for him in his casinos, so Blair has no choice. When he finds out he’ll be dealing with Royal Masters, the man who bullied him in high school, he is shocked. Then Blair is surprised when he finds that Royal’s time in the Marines has changed him to the point where Blair could be attracted to him… if he’s willing to take that chance.

Royal’s life hasn’t been a bed of roses. He saw combat in the military that left him scarred, and not just on the outside. When he inherits his father’s ranch, he discovers his father wasn't a good manager and the ranch is in trouble. The sale of land would put them back on good footing, but he is suspicious of Blair’s father’s motives, and with good reason. The attraction between them is hard for either to ignore, but it could all evaporate once the land deal is sealed.


$6.99 $5.24

Tout feu, tout flamme

Par le Feu | Tome 2
$3.99 $2.99

Suite de Le Baptême du Feu 
Par le Feu, tome 2

Lee Stanton et Dirk Krause se fréquentent depuis quelques mois quand ils reçoivent une mauvaise nouvelle : la caserne où ils travaillent sera fermée, à moins qu’ils obtiennent assez d’argent pour l’entretien et les réparations. L’équipe veut se battre. Il n’y a qu’un seul problème : la seule proposition pour récolter de l’argent est celle de Lee… et Dirk la déteste.

Malheureusement, tout le monde pense que le ‘dîner épicé’ de Lee (où ils ne serviront qu’en portant leurs pantalons, leurs bottes et leurs casques) est une idée géniale et Lee se prépare donc à l’organiser. Mais les bâtons dans les roues du conseil municipal et les faibles ventes de billets menacent de ruiner ses efforts. Si Dirk n’arrive pas à mettre sa fierté de côté pour une soirée, cela pourrait leur coûter à tous deux leur travail… sans parler de leur relation.


$3.99 $2.99

Path Not Taken

2015 Daily Dose | Never Too Late
$3.99 $2.99

On the train from Lancaster to Philadelphia, Trent runs into Brit, his first love and the first man to break his heart. They’ve both been through a lot in the years since they parted ways, and as they talk, the old connection tenuously strengthens. Trent finally works up the nerve to call Brit, and their rekindled friendship slowly grows into the possibility for more. But both men are shadowed by their pasts as they explore the path they didn’t take the first time. If they can move beyond loss and painful memories, they might find their road leads to a second chance at happiness.


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2015 Daily Dose package "Never Too Late."


$3.99 $2.99

Fire and Ice

Carlisle Cops | Book Two
2015 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

Carlisle Cops: Book Two

Carter Schunk is a dedicated police officer with a difficult past and a big heart. When he’s called to a domestic disturbance, he finds a fatally injured woman, and a child, Alex, who is in desperate need of care. Child Services is called, and the last man on earth Carter wants to see walks through the door. Carter had a fling with Donald a year ago and found him as cold as ice since it ended.

Donald (Ice) Ickle has had a hard life he shares with no one, and he’s closed his heart to all. It’s partly to keep himself from getting hurt and partly the way he deals with a job he’s good at, because he does what needs to be done without getting emotionally involved. When he meets Carter again, he maintains his usual distance, but Carter gets under his skin, and against his better judgment, Donald lets Carter guilt him into taking Alex when there isn’t other foster care available. Carter even offers to help care for the boy.

Donald has a past he doesn’t want to discuss with anyone, least of all Carter, who has his own past he’d just as soon keep to himself. But it’s Alex’s secrets that could either pull them together or rip them apart—secrets the boy isn’t able to tell them and yet could be the key to happiness for all of them.


$6.99 $5.24

Per una giusta causa

Una buona causa
$6.99 $5.24

Una storia della serie Una buona causa

Jerry Lincoln ha un problema: il suo lavoro di consulente informatico a Sioux Falls è troppo per una persona sola. Fortunatamente, questo significa che può permettersi di assumere dei dipendenti. Jerry spera solo che il suo nuovo assunto, John Black Raven, sia più un aiuto che una distrazione, però è questo l’effetto che gli fanno i suoi occhi scuri e i suoi capelli lunghi.

John è venuto in città per studiare e per cercare quella vita che non potrebbe avere nella riserva indiana, ma la cosa più importante per lui è trovare e mantenere un posto di lavoro. Sei mesi fa, sua sorella è morta e i suoi nipoti sono stati dati in affidamento. Pur avendo la legge dalla sua parte, John non riesce a ottenerne la custodia: non può neppure vederli.

Quando Jerry e John cominciano ad avvicinarsi, John scopre di non essere da solo nella sua lotta. Jerry lo aiuta a ottenere il diritto di far visita ai bambini e gli sta accanto quando lui ne ha bisogno. Ma anche se vincono qualche battaglia, è difficile vincere la guerra: i servizi sociali sono coinvolti in un giro di denaro, politica e favoritismi, e i bambini nativi sono il loro pane quotidiano. Ma John e Jerry hanno tutta l’intenzione di combattere per una giusta causa e di vincere – su tutti i fronti.


$6.99 $5.24

The Price

Las Vegas Escorts | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Las Vegas Escorts: Book One

Hunter Wolf is a highly paid Las Vegas escort with a face and body that have men salivating and paying a great deal for him to fulfill their fantasies. He keeps his own fantasies to himself, not that they matter.

Grant is an elementary-school teacher who works miracles with his summer school students. He discovered his gift while in high school, tutoring Hunter, a fellow student. They meet again when Hunter rescues Grant in a club. Grant doesn’t know Hunter is an escort or that they share similarly painful pasts involving family members’ substance abuse.

After the meeting, Hunter invites Grant to one of the finest restaurants in Las Vegas. Hunter is charming, sexy, and gracious, and Grant is intrigued. With more in common than they realized, the two men decide to give a relationship a try. At first, Grant believes he can deal with Hunter's profession and accepts that Hunter will be faithful with his heart if not his body. Both men find their feelings run deeper than either imagined. For Grant, it's harder than he thought to accept Hunter’s occupation, and Hunter's feelings for Grant now make work nearly impossible. But Hunter’s choice of profession comes with a price, which could involve Grant’s job and their hearts—a price that might be too high for either of them to pay.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Amour…, numéro hors série

Renié par son père et chassé de chez lui, Stone Hillyard erre en plein hiver dans le Michigan quand il a la chance de trouver refuge dans la ferme équestre que dirigent Geoff Laughton et son partenaire Eli. Les deux hommes l’accueillent, lui offrent un toit et un emploi : s’occuper des chevaux et les aider dans leur programme d’équithérapie « Cheval… sans limite’.

Preston Harding est devenu infirme depuis un tragique accident de voiture provoqué par un ivrogne. Il a tout perdu : son amant, son indépendance, son avenir. Toujours en fauteuil roulant après des mois de rééducation acharnée, il devient désespéré. Son thérapeute lui recommande alors le programme de Geoff et Eli. Dès sa première leçon, Preston se montre si odieux et arrogant qu’il manque être expulsé. C’est Stone qui intervient en sa faveur, malgré les insultes reçues. Ce geste inattendu oblige Preston à faire un retour sur lui-même.

Stone et Preston se soutiendront mutuellement dans leur affrontement avec leurs familles respectives, malgré la désapprobation et les vieux secrets douloureux. Ils apprendront, parfois à leurs dépens, que l’amour peut représenter la liberté.


$6.99 $5.24

Sieben Tage

Sieben Tage Serie
Seven Days Series
$6.99 $5.24

Ein Titel der Sieben Tage Serie

Kann sich ein ganzes Leben an nur einem einzigen Tag völlig verändern? Was ist mit sieben Tagen?

Dies ist die Geschichte der sieben alles verändernden Tage in Evan Donaldsons Leben. Evan war ein Strichjunge, als Vater Valentin ihn dazu überredete, zur St. Bartholomäus Akademie zu kommen. Dieser Tag veränderte Evans gesamtes Leben. An diesem Tag traf er seinen Zimmergenossen, Clay Mueller, und an diesem Tag begann Evan wieder zu leben. Aber Evans Leben sollte sich auch weiterhin immer wieder ändern – von Missbrauch über die erste Liebe, Trennung und gebrochene Herzen, bis hin zur Gründung seiner eigenen Familie. Und wann immer sich für Evan eine Tür schloss, öffnete sich gleichzeitig ein Fenster, und das Fenster war Clay.

Von jenem ersten Tag, an dem Evan wieder zu vertrauen lernte und sich zwischen ihm und Clay spontan ein tiefes Band knüpfte, folgt diese Geschichte den Drehungen und Wendungen ihrer Beziehung und blickt auf sieben alles verändernde Tage und auf die wundersame Weise, wie sich in einem einzelnen ausschlaggebenden Moment ein Schicksal ändern kann.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Brighton McKenzie inherited one of the last pieces of farmland in suburban Baltimore. It has been in his family since Maryland was a colony, though it has lain fallow for years. Selling it for development would be easy, but Brighton wants to honor his grandfather's wishes and work it again. Unfortunately, an accident left him relying on a cane, so he’ll need help. Tanner Houghton used to work on a ranch in Montana until a vengeful ex got him fired because of his sexuality. He comes to Maryland at the invitation of his cousin and is thrilled to have a chance to get back to the kind of work he loves.

Brighton is instantly drawn to the intensely handsome and huge Tanner—he’s everything Brighton likes in a man, though he holds back because Tanner is an employee, and because he can’t understand why a man as virile as Tanner would be interested in him. But that isn’t the worst of their problems. They have to face the machinations of Brighton's aunt, Tanner’s ex suddenly wanting him back, and the need to find a way to make the farm financially viable before they lose Brighton’s family legacy.


$6.99 $5.24

Une portion d'amour

Les arômes de l'amour
$6.99 $5.24

Les arômes de l'amour, numéro hors série

Sebastian Franklin a attendu longtemps avant de pouvoir faire ses preuves en tant que responsable de salle du Café Belgie, mais sa première nuit en charge du restaurant alors que Darryl, son patron, est en vacances, est loin d’être une réussite. Le restaurant est braqué à l’heure de la fermeture, et le bon Samaritain qui a déjoué le vol apporte de nouvelles complications.

Robert Fortier, le nouveau juge du comté, est réticent à occuper ce poste. Il est bien au fait qu’avoir une vie publique n’est pas toujours chose aisée, spécialement quand votre vie privée fait de vous la cible idéale des battages médiatiques. Malgré cela, Robert apprécie la compagnie de Sebastian, et Sebastian, qui n’est jamais contre une portion de bonheur, a un penchant pour sa personnalité publique favorite. Mais Sebastian n’est pas sans problèmes, lui non plus – une situation familiale chaotique et un ex en difficulté lui mettront la pression alors qu’ils se débattent pour démarrer cette nouvelle idylle.


$6.99 $5.24


Bronco's Boys | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Upside Down
Bronco's Boys: Book Three

Club owner Harry Klinger has had his eye on Tristan Martin for months, but never had the nerve to approach him. He’s watched as Tristan dated Eddie and then reluctantly sat on the sidelines during the emotional breakup when Tristan discovered Eddie was dealing drugs. Now that Tristan seems to be healing, Harry hopes to get his chance.

When Eddie sends his men into Harry’s club to harass Tristan, Harry steps in to help. Tristan is reluctant at first since he admittedly has terrible taste in men, but Harry seems genuine, and Tristan can’t help but think Harry’s sexy as well and begins to hope for happiness for both of them.

Unfortunately, Eddie isn’t behaving rationally, sampling too much of his own product. With his determination to take Tristan back, it’ll take more than Harry’s help to keep Tristan safe as Eddie ratchets up his attempts to get what he wants.


$6.99 $5.24

Il fuoco del coraggio

Il fuoco | Libro 2
$3.99 $2.99

Seguito di l fuoco della redenzione
Serie Il fuoco, Libro 2

Lee Stanton e Dirk Krause si frequentano da qualche mese quando, all’improvviso, arriva una brutta notizia: la stazione di vigili del fuoco dove lavorano rischia di essere chiusa, a meno che non si trovino i fondi per eseguire i lavori di riparazione della struttura. La squadra decide di lottare unita e difendere la stazione ma c’è un piccolo problema: l’unica buona proposta per salvare la stazione è quella di Lee, e Dirk è contrario.

Purtroppo per lui, tutti gli altri compagni pensano che l’idea di organizzare un Barbecue di Pollo e... Manzi, in cui gli uomini dovranno servire a torso nudo, sia fantastica e Lee si mette al lavoro per organizzare tutto. Le obiezioni del consiglio comunale e le scarse vendite dei biglietti, però, rischiano di rovinare i piani di Lee. Riuscirà Dirk a mettere da parte il suo orgoglio e la sua natura testarda e salvare il loro posto di lavoro e la loro relazione?


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