Books by "Andrew Grey" (277)


Una fetta d’amore

Serie Assaggio d'amore
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro della Serie Assaggio d'amore

Per fare una piccola fortuna, inizia con una grande fortuna e apri un forno. Questo è il consiglio che Marcus Wilson ha ascoltato. Sfortunatamente, Marcus non ha una grande fortuna, ma solo un forno, Una Fetta di Paradiso, a Carlisle, Pennsylvania, e la determinazione per fare successo. Ha bisogno di più aiuto di quello che può permettersi, quindi, quando assume il contabile Gregory Southland, lo fa sia per il negozio sia per i libri contabili.

Gregory ha accettato un secondo lavoro per pagare le bollette, ora che la sua salute sta migliorando. Presto inizia a non vedere l’ora di passare più tempo con Marcus ma, quando gli affari e la loro relazione iniziano a crescere, compaiono delle complicazioni. Prima fra tutte, la matrigna di Marcus lo coinvolge in un caso che potrebbe dare al forno una fama che non merita. Inoltre, i due non sono d’accordo sul coinvolgere o meno Una Fetta di Paradiso in una disputa sui diritti civili. Per finire, il suo ex fa la sua apparizione quando lui è più vulnerabile. Ma la più grande battaglia di Marcus e Gregory sarà di imparare a fidarsi di se stessi e l’uno dell’altro, soprattutto quando devono trovare la ricetta per risolvere le questioni di cuore.


$6.99 $5.24

La saveur de l’amour

Les arômes de l'amour
$6.99 $5.24

Les arômes de l'amour, numéro hors série

Le service du midi au restaurant de Darryl Hansen, le Café Belgie, commence à être trop chargé pour être géré par un seul homme, et Billy Weaver est un jeune homme en recherche d’emploi – n’importe lequel – pour nourrir sa famille. La nature honnête et la volonté de travailler dur de Billy lui permettent de gagner le respect de Darryl, mais le regard admiratif du jeune homme rouvre des blessures du passé de Darryl.

Jusqu’à ce que Darryl découvre le secret de Billy, ce dernier souffre en silence : son père est mort il y a quelques mois, le laissant se débattre pour élever ses deux frères jumeaux de cinq ans. Darryl accueille Billy et les garçons au restaurant, où ils feront face ensemble à l’éventail de problèmes qui les attendent… pendant que Davey, Donnie et Billy se frayent tous un chemin dans le cœur de Darryl.


$6.99 $5.24

Love Comes Home

Senses Series
$6.99 $5.24

A Senses Series Story

When architect Gregory Hampton’s son, Davey, starts having trouble in Little League, Greg takes him to an eye doctor. The diagnosis hits them hard. Davey’s sight is degenerating rapidly, and eventually he’ll go blind.

Tom Spangler is used to getting what he wants. When Greg captures his attention, he asks Greg for a date. They have a good time until Greg gets a call from the friends watching his son, telling him Davey has fallen. Greg and Tom return to find the worst has happened—Davey can no longer see.

With so much going on in his life, Greg doubts he’ll see Tom again. But Tom has researched beep baseball, where balls and bases make sounds to enable the visually impaired to participate in Little League. Tom spearheads an effort to form a team so Davey can continue to play the game he loves. But when Greg’s ex-wife shows up with her doctor boyfriend, offering a possible cure through a radical procedure, Greg must decide how far he’ll go to give Davey a chance at getting his sight back.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Luka Krachec immigrates to the United States to find his cousin dead and his cousin’s wife hospitalized after a terrible accident. He meets Peter Montgomery at the funeral. The American seems nice and captures Luka’s attention when he offers to help him with his English.

Peter has spent most of his life believing he shot his father at age six, and his family uses his regret and overwhelming guilt to keep him under their proverbial thumbs. Peter does his best to make up for what he did by helping others, and agreeing to help Luka with his English yields something amazing when they hit it off.

When Peter opens up to Luka about what happened when he was a child, Luka senses some holes in the story and suspects Peter needs some help, so he approaches the head of the psychology department at the college where he works. Neither expects to open a long-barricaded door to secrets, denial, and family manipulation.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Una historia de la saga "7 días"

¿Puede la vida de una persona cambiar en un día? ¿Y en siete?

Donald Pottier y Jason Greene son unos adolescentes cuando se conocen en la isla Chincoteague, Virginia. Un día pescando cangrejos los convierte en amigos y luego en algo más. Pero el tiempo del que disponen es limitado porque al final del verano Jay deja atrás a Don y a la isla.

Sin embargo, el destino tiene algo más reservado para ellos que un simple verano de lo que pudo ser y no fue. De los once años de amistad, dolor, amor, pérdida, enfermedad y desgracia, destacan siete días que definen lo que son y la relación que comparten. Siete días de encuentros y separaciones, accidentes y casualidades, rechazo y aceptación, decepción y esperanza. Siete días que constituyen la base sin la que ninguna historia de amor puede sobrevivir: el amor incondicional.


$6.99 $5.24

Dumped in Oz

Tales from Kansas
$4.99 $3.74

Tales from Kansas

Because of an opportunity he’d be a fool to turn down, Lyle Powers transfers to his company’s warehouse in central Kansas. The last thing he expects is to meet another gay man in the small town, let alone one who captures his interest.

Roger Kypers is a recovering alcoholic with a twelve-year-old daughter he only gets to see for part of the summer. Neither Lyle nor Roger is looking for a relationship, and they fumble at the start, yet emotions build as Roger shows Lyle the landmarks of Oz.

But when Roger’s wicked witch of an ex-wife threatens to take his daughter away for good if he doesn’t act “normally,” he’s faced with the challenge of letting her get away with it, or fighting to accept himself and standing up for what he knows is right.


$4.99 $3.74

Ein weites Land – Dunkle Wolken

Geschichten aus der Ferne | Buch 2
$6.99 $5.24

Buch 2 in der Serie - Geschichten aus der Ferne

Die benachbarten Farmen der Holdens und Jessups stehen sich alles andere als nachbarschaftlich gegenüber – Jefferson Holden und Kent Jessup hassen sich. Doch trotz des jahrzehntelangen Grolls seines Vaters, kann sich Haven Jessup nicht dazu durchringen, seine Nachbarn zu hassen. Erst recht nicht, nachdem ihn Dakota Holden während eines gewaltigen Sturms bei sich aufnimmt, und er Dakotas Freund, Phillip Reardon, kennenlernt.

Phillip akzeptiert Haven so wie er ist. Als Einziger sieht er hinter die Maske, die Haven benutzt, um sein Verlangen nach Männern zu verstecken. Doch ihre zaghafte Annäherung und ihre heimliche Beziehung stehen unter großem Druck. Sabotierte Zäune, verletzte Tiere, geschmacklose Pläne und Jessups Familiengeheimnisse, bedrohen Havens neu gefundenes Glück und seine Hoffnung auf eine Zukunft mit Phillip.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Carter Hopkins is on a mission. He has already written about the conflict in Syria, but is determined to go even deeper. With his editor’s help, he joins a band of freedom fighters led by Jalal. But it is Jalal’s brother, Nemat, who draws Carter’s attention. Nemat has left the family olive grove to join his brother in fighting the Syrian government in Aleppo. When Carter saves his life and is declared an honorary member of the family, Nemat couldn’t be happier, even though he knows his family will never understand his true interest in Carter.

Carter and Nemat say their goodbyes after the end of the assignment. Carter’s stories garner a lot of attention, but he can’t stop thinking of the man he left behind. Then rumors of the use of chemical weapons give Carter another chance at a story, and he jumps at it. But much has changed in Syria, and any chance of getting Nemat out of harm’s way seems more impossible than ever.


$6.99 $5.24

A Lion in Tails

2013 Advent Calendar | Heartwarming
$3.99 $2.99

Larry Kincaid isn't ready to be a parent, but when his sister dies in an accident, he takes his nephew, Angus, into his home. The change throws Larry’s life into limbo until he meets Joshua Langdon.

To Joshua, Larry is a lion: growly and strong, but too proud to ask for help. Joshua gets past his defenses and finds a place in Larry and Angus’s family, but Larry's pride gets in the way. Can they turn their holiday romance into a relationship that lasts into the New Year?


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2013 Advent Calendar package "Heartwarming".


$3.99 $2.99

Una prateria straniera

Storie della prateria
$6.99 $5.24

Storie della prateria: Libro 4

Il cantante western Willie Meadows è un impostore. Non è mai andato a cavallo in vita sua e i suoi abiti in stile “vecchio West” sono stati fatti su misura in una boutique di Los Angeles. Non c’è da stupirsi che Wilson Edwards, l’uomo dietro la maschera, non riesca più a scrivere musica. Nel tentativo di trovare l’ispirazione, Wilson compra un ranch in Wyoming per sperimentare la vita di campagna, pur non avendo la minima intenzione di gestirlo. Poi arriva Steve Peterson, disperato, affamato e solo, dopo essere scappato da un istituto per la “cura” degli omosessuali gestito dal culto di cui suo padre è il capo.

Steve avrebbe dovuto addestrare cavalli per la vecchia proprietaria del ranch, ma quell’offerta di lavoro se n’è andata assieme a lei. Per fortuna, Wilson trova una soluzione temporanea: Steve si occuperà del ranch mentre lui è a LA per affari. Ma al suo ritorno, Wilson fatica a riconoscere la sua nuova casa. Nei recinti ci sono dei cavalli addestrati e il ranch è in ottime condizioni. Improvvisamente, si ritrova affascinato, non dallo stile di vita dei cowboy, ma da Steve stesso.

Ma il culto è ancora alla ricerca di Steve e il timore di Wilson di suscitare uno scandalo ha fatto in modo che, finora, la sua omosessualità sia rimasta un segreto. Dichiararsi distruggerebbe la carriera di Willie, ma soffocare i suoi sentimenti nei confronti di Steve potrebbe distruggere l’unica parte di lui che ancora è autentica.


$6.99 $5.24

Inside Out

Bronco's Boys | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Bronco's Boys: Book One

Former mercenary Bull Krebbs now heads up security at his nightclub in Harrisburg, PA. Working the door night after night, he's seen it all. Though tough on the outside, he's a little hurt that people find him unapproachable. Then he pulls a cute twink out of line to perform a random search, and he's surprised when the guy giggles and squirms.

Zach Spencer, graphic artist, twink, and seriously ticklish, isn't intimidated by Bull. He's in awe, and when Bull saves Zach from being trampled on the dance floor, Zach finds his inspiration for the superhero in his graphic novel.

Soon Zach wants more and makes his move by asking Bull on a date. Though small, he has a backbone of steel. He'll need it—their happily ever after is thwarted at every turn, including by Bull's interloping mother showing up unannounced and enemies from Bull's past threatening to pull him to the other side of the world.


$6.99 $5.24


Stranded | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Stranded: Book Two
A Spin-off of Stranded

On the day he and Roman Capanelli were to be married, Malik Stevens wakes up in a small room with very little light. Time must be passing, because a door opens from time to time and food is left for him—that’s his only connection to the outside world. Roman is a choreographer on Broadway, and he’s waiting for Malik at the park with all their friends, ready to start their marriage ceremony. When Malik doesn’t show up, Roman is nearly heartbroken thinking he’s been left at the altar. But soon he understands that Malik hasn’t stood him up, he’s been taken.

Desperate and determined, Roman begins searching for clues to aid the police. Then, when Malik escapes, the couple continues the search until they ferret out the culprit, and in the process open up a box of secrets. An orphan who grew up in a foster home, Malik knows his father was a serial killer and his mother died of grief and shame after his father was convicted. Now it seems some of his parents’ skeletons still hang in the family closet. But was Malik’s kidnapping meant to uncover those secrets or to hide them forever?


$6.99 $5.24


Chemistry Series | Book Two
$4.99 $3.74

Sequel to Organic Chemistry
Chemistry: Book Two

When his college biochemistry class turns out to be much more difficult than star quarterback Freddie Samuelson imagined, his lab partner, Kurt Maxwell, agrees to help. They’re very different: a rich kid athlete and a hardworking openly gay scholarship student. But Kurt slips past Freddie’s defenses, and little by little—despite Freddie ignoring his own sexuality in the past—Freddie realizes he wants to get to know Kurt, especially when Kurt helps him through more challenges than their science class. But it isn’t long before rumors begin to fly, and the obstacles Freddie will face may block him from both the future he planned on and the future he didn’t know he wanted.


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

Sept jours, numéro hors série

La vie d’une personne peut-elle changer en l’espace d’une journée? Pourquoi pas en l’espace de sept jours, dans ce cas ?

Voici le récit de sept jours vitaux dans la vie d’Evan Donaldson. Evan était un fugueur, vivant dans les rues, lorsque le Père Valentin le convainquit d’entrer à l’Académie Saint Bartholomé. Ce jour-là, la vie d’Evan bascula. Ce fut le jour où il rencontra son camarade de chambre, Clay Mueller, mais aussi le jour où il commença à vivre. La vie d’Evan continuera toutefois à changer, allant d’abus à un premier amour, en passant par des ruptures et des chagrins d’amour, jusqu’à fonder sa propre famille. Mais à travers chaque épreuve, à chaque fois qu’une porte se refermait, une fenêtre restait ouverte et cette fenêtre c’était Clay.

Depuis ce premier jour où il trouva la foi et tissa un lien avec Clay, à travers les tours et détours de leur relation, voici un aperçu de sept jours décisifs et de la manière incroyable et cruciale qu’a un seul moment de changer la destinée.


$6.99 $5.24

Un poco de amor

Probando el Amor
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro de la saga Probando el Amor

Si Peter Christopoulos ha aprendido algo de sus tres años en silla de ruedas, es que a la gente le cuesta ver más allá del armazón. Cuando le propone a Russ Baker salir con él tras darle un presupuesto de material para un nuevo restaurante griego, acaba decepcionado pero no sorprendido de que se negara.

Russ ha estado excusando a su novio abusivo durante tanto tiempo que ya es casi automático, pero, con algo de ayuda de sus amigos, consigue reunir el coraje para romper con él. Para su sorpresa, Peter todavía está interesado y, pronto, caen prendados el uno del otro con rapidez e intensidad. Pero entonces algo agita su mundo: Peter encuentra una vieja carta que le revela la existencia de una media hermana que nunca ha conocido y el pasado de Russ interfiere entre ellos cuando su ex deja claro que hará todo lo posible para recuperarlo.


$6.99 $5.24

A Daring Ride

The Bullriders | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

The Bullriders: Book Two

Simon “Frizz” Frizzell sneaks away to the rodeo on weekends, and it’s not until after he wins a buckle that he tells his parents about his bull-riding. He knows they won’t approve of his choice of sport, but his parents own a Christian bookstore, and he couldn’t possibly tell them the whole truth: he’s gay. And so are some of his rodeo friends, like Dante and Ryan, and Jacky—a young man he wishes could have been more than a one-night stand. When Simon sets his sights on his dreams, he finds work with Dante and Ryan, and bumps into Jacky on the job.

Jacky Douglas is a rodeo fanatic, plain and simple. He loves the ride, and he loves the cowboys. He fell hard for Frizz when they met, and theirs was a one-night stand made in heaven. When they meet again, Jacky thinks it’s a stroke of luck. Frizz takes some convincing, but once he’s on board, they begin a relationship. The fledgling romance faces a challenge when news of it travels all the way to the one place Frizz doesn’t want it to go: his parents’ bookstore.


$6.99 $5.24

A Heart Without Borders

Without Borders | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Without Borders: Book One

Pediatrician Wes Gordon will do just about anything to escape his grief. When opportunity knocks, he signs on to work at a hospital in a tent camp in Haiti. One night while returning to his quarters, he comes across a gang of kids attempting to set fire to an underage rentboy and intervenes, taking the injured René under his wing. At the hospital, diplomat Anthony Crowley tells Wes that the kids involved in the attack are from prominent families and trying to hold them responsible will cause a firestorm.

In spite of the official position Anthony must take, Wes’s compassion captures his attention. Anthony pursues him, and they grow closer during the stolen moments between Anthony’s assignments, escaping earthquake destruction for glimpses of Caribbean paradise. When Wes realizes the only way to save René is to adopt him, Anthony is supportive, but time is running out: Wes must leave the country, and Anthony is called out on a dangerous secret mission. Now Wes must face adopting a boy from Haiti who has no papers without the support of the one person he’s come to rely on most and may never see again.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

A Senses Series Story

Howard Justinian has always had to fight for his freedom. Because he was born blind, everyone is always trying to shelter him, but he’s determined to live his life on his own terms.

When an argument with his boyfriend over that hard-won self-reliance leaves Howard stranded by the side of the road, assistance arrives in the form of Gordy Jarrett. Gordy is a missionary’s son, so helping others is second nature—and he does it in such an unassuming manner that Howard can’t say no.

Life is barely back on track when Howard receives shocking news: his sister died, leaving him her daughter to care for. Howard now faces his greatest challenge yet: for Sophia’s safety, he’ll need to accept help, but will he learn to accept it from Gordy, the one man who will not curb his independence?


$6.99 $5.24