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$6.99 $5.24
*This item has not been released and will not be available until: August 20, 2024

Daniel Greene’s life is dance. What it is not? Really anything outside of that. He certainly doesn’t know how to hobnob with rich people or play bartender for their rich private parties, so when his best friend guilts him into doing exactly that, it ought to end in disaster. Instead, it ends with him pressed against a bathroom wall while a hot lawyer kisses his grand jeté-ing brains out.

Aaron Silva is the swooniest. He’s gorgeous, he drips in romance, and the sex is transcendent. So what if he would rather be Daniel’s dream man than talk about work? Being an attorney must be tiring. All those late nights. All those needy clients.

It’s not until Daniel enlists Aaron’s help with some legalese that he stumbles into a bit of a quagmire:

Aaron isn’t a lawyer as Daniel originally assumed. He’s a high-end escort.

Suddenly the clouds Daniel was dancing on get awfully stormy. He can’t compete with other men—richer men—and why should he have to? This changes everything. Well, everything except the way they feel about each other. Can he and Aaron find their way to a happy-ever-after that’s not just another happy ending?


Liebe hat keinen Plan

Liebe ist... | Band 3
$6.99 $5.24
*This item has not been released and will not be available until: September 3, 2024

Eine weitere Reihe falscher Entscheidungen führt dazu, dass Parker Levin wieder bei seiner Mutter wohnt und in ihrem Café aushilft. Er fühlt sich wie ein kompletter Versager. Dann erfährt er, dass sein ehemaliger Freund Selbstmord begangen haben soll, was die Sache nur noch schlimmer macht. Er hat nicht mehr viel zu verlieren, als er in dem Café einen attraktiven Mann kennenlernt.

Wes Anker hat vor zehn Jahren einen schweren Fehler gemacht. Seither lebt er zurückgezogen und hat kaum noch Kontakt zu anderen Menschen. Seinen Lebensunterhalt verdient er als Möbelschreiner. Als er zufällig einen faszinierenden jungen Mann - Parker - kennenlernt, lässt er sich überreden, ihm zu helfen. Vielleicht kann er seinen einstigen Fehler so wiedergutmachen.

Sie freunden sich schnell an und fühlen sich zueinander hingezogen. Aber Wes wird immer noch von den Dämonen der Vergangenheit gejagt und Parker stolpert ohne Plan und Ziel durchs Leben. Dann finden sie heraus, dass der Tod von Parkers Ex vielleicht gar kein Selbstmord war, stoßen aber immer wieder auf Hindernisse, und überall lauert Gefahr. Ihr Weg führt ins Unbekannte. Führt er sie auch zu wahrer Liebe?


The Viscount's Rancher

Cowboy Nobility | Book 2
$6.99 $5.24
*This item has not been released and will not be available until: September 10, 2024

Viscount Collin Northington has spent his life under his father’s thumb. When his friend George and his cowboy husband, Alan, offer to let him tag along to the US for two weeks, Collin jumps at the chance to get away. Perhaps the open ranges of Wyoming will put his problems into perspective. He even dreams of meeting a cowboy of his own.

He doesn’t expect his dreams to come true.

When Tank Rogers returned home after his military service, he took over the family ranch the way he knew he was meant to. Now he’s the only one left, but he likes the solitude. Even so, he has no excuse to object to putting up Alan’s friend for a few weeks in exchange for some help around the ranch—it wouldn’t be neighborly.

The feelings he has for his blue-blooded houseguest aren’t exactly neighborly either.
Once Tank realizes there’s more to Collin than upper-crust manners, suddenly his solitary life holds a lot less appeal. But in the long term, Tank doesn’t fit into Collin’s fancy society life any more than Collin fits into Tank’s down-home and dusty ranch… does he?


Torch Songs

Bonfires | Book Four
$6.99 $5.24
*This item has not been released and will not be available until: September 24, 2024

Life hasn’t been easy for honky-tonk guitarist Guthrie Woodson, but he’s practiced at enduring the bad times and treasuring the good. He’s been in love before, and while the guy just got married, Guthrie figures that now that he knows what love is, he’ll recognize it if it comes his way again.

Which makes his attraction to Tad Hawkins, the Sacramento cop who has been showing up to Guthrie’s weekend gigs, all the more dangerous.

Tad’s had troubles of his own, but he’s always felt loved. Trying to coax Guthrie, his snakebit guitarist, into his arms is an exercise in patience, but Tad has experience with that. His sister, April, is in addiction recovery. He can take it slow if it means he’ll get to keep some “Guthrie goodness” for himself.

But then Tad has an accident and Guthrie's forced to take actions that leave his vulnerable heart exposed. Tad must fast-track his plans to gentle Guthrie in his life, and Guthrie needs to clear out the history holding him back. Can they forge a solid future on the shifting sands of fortune, or will Guthrie’s past and Tad’s present break them apart before they have a chance?