Historical Romance books

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When Everett Coleman’s longtime enemy JB Sanderson dies, Everett’s nephew Blake comes to visit his uncle. He worries JB’s death might have a negative effect on the old man, despite Everett and JB’s very public hatred for each other. When Everett passes away and Blake begins going through his things, he finds his uncle’s diaries. To his surprise, the infamous feud between Everett and JB was a gigantic cover-up for a gay relationship that lasted for decades.

Blake decides to write the real story of the legendary grudge and let the world know the great lengths the two men had to go to in the 1930s and 1940s to hide their love from their conservative small town in Texas.


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$6.99 $3.49

A Spin-off of A Devil's Own Luck

When unapologetic rake Phillip “Pip” Stubbs takes a position at Greer cottage, he’s only thinking of a new village to explore, new chits to woo, and hoping for another distraction from the growing restlessness inside him. But when the new master arrives, Pip ends up more unsettled than ever.

Major Astley McNalty is a wealthy retired surgeon, soldier, and world traveler. Despite the injury that has left him lame, the gentleman has everything a common servant like Pip could ever wish for, and yet he spends his nights in drunken brooding and his days in solitary melancholy. He’s a mystery to Pip, so when the major defies convention and asks Pip to read to him at night, Pip gladly accepts for a chance to spend his winter evenings by the library fire and perhaps satisfy his curiosity. Until one night, while thoroughly drunk, the major kisses Pip and changes everything between them.

Fear of discovery, fear of repeating the past, and secrets on both sides threaten their burgeoning connection. They must learn to trust one another if they have any hope of finding a safe path to a future together.


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$3.99 $2.00

The Garden Series

Devon Wilcox, the privileged fifth son of a viscount, has everything a man could want ... except being gay in a time when such deviant behavior could land him in prison. He tries to console himself with the denizens of society's underbelly, but frequently ends up the victim of those who'd rather take advantage of his desperation. Fortunately, his best friend and secret object of infatuation, Sir Wallace Church, comes to his rescue. Wallace tempts him with the promise of high-class entertainment at a mysterious boy brothel called "The Garden." Situated in the heart of mid-Victorian London, The Garden offers an array of choice morsels, beautiful young men named after flowers. There, Wilcox finds not only the perfect bed partner for the evening, but the chance to gain his most ardent heart's desire.


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$6.99 $3.49

Lorsque le frère de la Princesse Lan’xiu la livre, sous la contrainte, à la cour du Général Hüi Wei en tant qu’offrande politique, elle ne se demande une seule chose : combien de temps va-t-il se passer avant que son secret ne soit découvert ? Elle ne se fait pas d’illusions ; quand le général découvrira qu’elle est en réalité un homme, la mort sera son seul avenir… Même s’il ne lui rendra pas la tâche facile. Lan’xiu s’est habillé comme une femme toute sa vie, mais il n’a rien d’une demoiselle en détresse. Il sait manier l’épée aussi bien que son prochain.

Le Général Hüi Wei possède tout ce qu’un homme pourrait vouloir : le pouvoir, la richesse, le succès sur les champs de batailles et un pavillon de concubines. Tout d’abord, il traite Lan’xiu avec suspicion, mais il se trouve étrangement attiré par elle. Quand il découvre que la belle jeune femme est en réalité un homme, sa première réaction consiste à tirer son épée. Mais plutôt que de gâcher une telle beauté, il décide de jouir de la soumission du fougueux Lan’xiu... et allume les flammes d’une passion et d’un désir plus profond que tout ce qu’il a pu ressentir pour ses autres épouses. Mais les intrigues de la cour, les ambitions politiques et les doutes du général seront peut-être trop de choses à surmonter pour leur amour.


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The Billabong

Bushrangers | Book One
$3.99 $2.00

Bushrangers: Book One
A novella from the Dragon-ghosts of Viscaya Universe

Having long ago lost his wife and children, cattleman Jim Kelly works the family farm in the harsh 1800s Australian outback, most days wondering why he bothers. That question is foremost in his mind when a venomous snake takes him by surprise. Another surprise comes when a skilled doctor is in the vicinity to save his life. But the third, and biggest, surprise for Jim is falling hard and fast for that man.

Life on the lam is tough, and bushranger Mark Turner simply wants to maintain his freedom as long as he's able. Unfortunately, being a doctor, his conscience won't let him leave a snakebite victim to die. Before he thinks about the consequences of his humanitarian actions, he's both saved Jim and become smitten with him. But considering how Mark's past could negatively impact any possibility of a future, maybe falling in love wasn't such a great idea after all.


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$6.99 $3.49

In the frigid winter of 1891, with the nation still reeling from the Barings bank crisis, Inspector Philemon Raft returns from an involuntary sabbatical, tasked with solving the kidnapping of highly placed peer Miriam Dewberry. Thrust into a sordid underworld where the upper classes indulge in disreputable overseas investments designed to fatten their pocketbooks, Raft finds himself at loose ends without his companion, Constable Freddie Crook. Far from offering their help, the ton use every asset at their disposal to keep Raft from discovering the truth about hapless kidnap victim Miriam Dewberry—who may not even exist.

Soon Raft discovers that his old nemesis, the workhouse master John Gallant, has returned to London. Gallant doesn’t say what he wants—but he knows enough to ruin Raft's career and even his life. Raft tries to solve the case with his usual strange insight, but there are other, darker forces at work. This is a frightened London: the London of Whitechapel, of Jack the Ripper, the London of poverty, dirt and despair, where a right turn down the wrong alley could earn Raft a swift trip to the morgue.


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Medieval Tales

Timeless Dreams
$5.99 $2.99

When Duncan of the Gents leaves for the Crusades, he promises to return to his friend and lover, Adam Gordon, but he never does. Three years later, upon learning that Duncan died in an ambush, Adam travels to Jerusalem to join the Cross Knights, seeking revenge.

Wyon Eastman, Captain of the Cross Knights, meets Caliph Omar on the battlefield and in peace parliaments. But discovering the cruel, heartless infidel is human forces Wyon to struggle with growing romantic feelings and religious loyalties.

As the English army sweeps across the Holy Land to conquer Jerusalem for the Christians, four men fight for true love in uncertain times.

A Timeless Dreams title: While reaction to same-sex relationships throughout time and across cultures has not always been positive, these stories celebrate M/M love in a manner that may address, minimize, or ignore historical stigma.


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$6.99 $3.49

It’s 1919, and Frank Huddleston has survived the battlefields of the Great War. A serious head injury has left him with amnesia so profound he must re-learn his name every morning from a note posted on the privy door.

Gerald “Jersey" Rohn, joined the Army because he wanted to feel like a man, but he returned from the trenches minus a leg and with no goal for his life. He’s plagued by the nightmare of his best friend’s death and has nervous fits, but refuses to associate those things with battle fatigue. He can't work his father's farm, so he takes a job supervising Frank, who is working his grandparents’ farm despite his head injury.

When Frank recovers enough to ask about his past, he discovers his grandparents know almost nothing about him, and they’re lying about what they do know. The men set out to discover Frank's past and get Jersey a prosthesis. They soon begin to care for each other, but they'll need to trust their hearts and put their pasts to rest if they are to turn attraction into a loving future.


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$6.99 $3.49

Le très charmant flambeur Tristan Northwood semble avoir tout pour lui dans la vie : un nom de famille ancien, un héritage noble, une femme merveilleuse et un fils qu’il aime par-dessus tout. Les femmes l’adorent, les hommes l’admirent et il semble que rien ne lui soit impossible, qu’il s’agisse de séduire une femme mariée ou de remporter une course d’attelage. La bonne société est loin de soupçonner que son nom ne signifie rien pour lui, que sa fortune est retenue dans les mains toutes puissantes de son père et qu’il ne porte aucun intérêt à sa femme si ce n’est une amitié réservée. La Société l’ennuie et il accepte les défis les plus fous dans le but de se sentir vivant à la pointe du danger. Jusqu’à ce que le frère de sa femme rentre de guerre pour s’installer avec eux.

Le Major Charles Mountjoy est un héros de guerre médaillé qui vient sortir Tris de sa misère et insuffler en lui des sentiments passionnés qu’il n’aurait jamais cru possible d’éprouver. Et presque aussi terrifiants que les sentiments que Tristan nourrit à l’égard de son beau-frère, seront pour lui les signes de l’affection partagée de Charles – ou même pire, que Charles parvienne à lire en lui et ne voit l’homme que Tristan avait si vaillamment essayé de masquer au reste du monde.


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$6.99 $3.49

In 1942, Pearl Harbor has been bombed and the war is very much in evidence, but it would seem to have little to do with Frank Boyle, a respected Bronx born insurance investigator. He's a man who can keep secrets, and no one suspects that his boyhood friend—local mob boss Nicky Brooks—is his lover. When Brooks accidentally kills Frank's younger brother in a shootout, Frank must choose between his affair with Nicky and revenge for his brother's life.

After Frank betrays Nicky, police detective Sam Lipinski, a Bronx native who has long carried a torch for Frank, makes a move against the mob and lands squarely in the way of Nicky's plans. Sam smuggles Frank out of New York to keep him safe, and sets him up him in a small northeastern city. But there, a messy insurance investigation involving the Roarkes, who may or may not have killed their own mother for the insurance payout, places him in danger again. Dodging bullets, shady characters, and fallout from the war, Sam and Frank will need far more than luck on their side if they’re ever to see a loving future.


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$6.99 $3.49

Cuando su hermano la entrega sin su consentimiento para que forme parte del harén del general Hüi Wei a modo de tributo, la única duda de la princesa Lan’xiu es cuánto tardarán en descubrir su secreto. No se hace ilusiones. Cuando el general descubra que en realidad es un hombre, la muerte será su único futuro… Aunque no tiene la intención de ponérselo fácil. Lan’xiu lleva toda la vida vistiéndose como una mujer, pero no es una doncella en apuros. Puede manejar una espada como el que más.

El general Hüi Wei tiene todo lo que un hombre puede desear: poder, riquezas, éxito en el campo de batalla y un harén de concubinas. Al principio mira a Lan’xiu con reserva, pero se siente extrañamente atraído por ella. Cuando descubre que la bella joven es en realidad un hombre, su primera reacción es desenvainar la espada. Pero en lugar de desperdiciar su belleza, decide disfrutar de la sumisión del brioso Lan’xiu que enciende en él una pasión y un deseo más profundo que el que había sentido por sus esposas. Pero las intrigas de la corte, las ambiciones políticas y las dudas del general, pueden llegar a convertirse en un obstáculo insalvable para su amor.


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$6.99 $3.49

Sequel to Between Love and Honor

In 1915, after his beloved Carl died from a vicious beating, David Harrison enlisted in the Army and went to war. He returns home to find a world seemingly unchanged, while he will never be the same. At Mrs. Gill’s boarding house, he meets Bernard Donnelly, a young man suffering the aftereffects of his own war experiences. David finds himself increasingly attracted to Bernard, but that terrifies him. He blames himself for Carl’s horrific death and fears he isn’t strong enough to lose another love to violence.

Bernard needs David to help him face each day and find a way they can be together without stigma—and without putting them in legal and physical danger—but David clings to his idea that the only way to keep a lover safe is not to have one. His fears threaten to destroy everything, unless he learns that sometimes the risk is worth it and finds the courage to love.


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$6.99 $3.49

As the famous riverboat Le Beau Soleil lazily steams down the mighty Mississippi into the heart of the South, distractions of every sort attempt to pull agent for the Treasury Johnny Stanley away from his assignment. While liquor and gaming are no great temptations, his fascination with Le Beau Soleil’s owner, the debonair Frankie Deramus, means Johnny’s steadfast denial of his attraction to men is no longer feasible. Johnny fights his lust, but when he must come to Frankie’s aid, he can’t ignore his urges any longer.

Their passionate love affair falls apart when Johnny refuses to admit two men can be in love. A bitter confrontation between the lovers at a Mardi Gras masquerade forces Johnny to run north. Frankie tries to follow, but the Southern states secede one by one, making it impossible to track Johnny down. The Civil War pits brother against brother and separates lover from lover. When at last the lovers meet again, it’s on the battlefield….


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$6.99 $3.49

After six months of research, adventure seekers Bowen McAlister, Cyrus Curran, Duff Gentry, and Lockhart Dawson make their way to Boulder, Colorado, to explore the abandoned gold mine Ruby Lode. But when they arrive, Duff, a born psychic, senses something isn’t quite right—and the closer they get, the more his unease grows.

Something long buried in the deep shafts and drifts of Ruby Lode makes its presence known by exposing dark, guarded secrets. Preying on the adventurers’ weaknesses and insecurities, Ruby Lode’s own destructive secret threatens their sanity, friendship, and ultimately their lives. Bo, Cy, Duff, and Lockey must work together to unravel the century-old mystery before they become another footnote in the mine’s history.

Second Edition
First Edition published by Silver Publishing, June 2012


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$6.99 $3.49

When Russ Peterson accepts an invitation to an all-expense-paid vacation at a castle in southern France, he doesn’t expect to learn he has the ability to travel through time. For a historian, it’s a dream come true, offering the chance to find answers to the mysteries of the past. But it’s not without risks—to Russ and to the world as he knows it.

After a few short supervised visits, Russ still hasn’t made up his mind about his newfound abilities. Then, on his first extended trip, he meets Quentus Maximus, second in command to the Legate of Nemausus. While learning firsthand about the realities of life in Roman Gaul, Russ is shocked by his reaction to Quentus’s dominant nature. After a week with Quentus, Russ’s vacation is up, and he realizes he wants a chance to see if their relationship can flourish.

Arranging a year-long sabbatical from work to give time to make the decision is easy. Figuring out if he can live with Quentus's dominant nature long-term, and finding a way to establish a life for himself in Roman Gaul, is an entirely different matter.

Chateau d'Eternité was previously available as a short story, published by Dreamspinner Press, June 2012.


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$6.99 $3.49

Gangster Nino Moretti’s world is a series of contrasts between extreme wealth and abject poverty, an unstable existence punctuated by booze and bullets. For Nino, the gangster lifestyle is even more dangerous because he is a finnochio—a gay man—in a position of absolute power at the head of his own criminal organization.

When Nino rescues beautiful mob accountant Stanley Zadwadzki from a violent assault at the hands of sadistic rival gangster Big Frank O’Hara, both Nino and Stanley become hunted men. Stanley places himself under Nino’s protection as Nino’s accountant and unofficial companion. As a warning, Frank murders Nino’s office boy. In a quest for revenge, Nino tracks Frank to Little Italy, where the resulting confrontation forces him to shoot a bystander to protect Stanley. With a gang war looming, Nino must set aside his feelings and concentrate on asserting his superiority over Big Frank—or lose everything he holds most dear.


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$6.99 $3.49

Dylan Carter has always played second fiddle to his perfect older brother, but now that brother is implicated in a terrible crime, and Dylan's family is imploding. Dylan can’t hide anymore. Knowing he’s falling apart, he searches for something or someone to hold him together—and lands in a BDSM bar called the Stonewall.

Dylan doesn’t understand Miss Dolphinia, the hard-drinking queen who seems determined to play matchmaker. But more confusing is the way the powerful men in leather make him feel. In her wisdom, Miss Dolphinia sends Dylan off to a back room for his introduction to the world of erotic spankings and bondage.

Dylan’s teacher—for want of a better word—is the very dominant Vin Hauser. Vin likes to play hard, but he’s honest with himself—he knows all those men want is a strong hand, not a long-term relationship. Yet Vin can’t help but hope Dylan might be different.

With controversy over his brother’s sins stirring up danger around him, Dylan needs Vin’s support more than ever. But until he and Vin learn to trust each other, Dylan will have to face his fear and the growing threats alone.


$6.99 $3.49

Beloved Enemy

Timeless Dreams
$5.99 $2.99

At the edge of the Roman Empire, Cheruscans Kjeld and Dafried forged the bonds of childhood friendship, playing and hunting together along the mighty Rhine—until Romans ripped Kjeld away from his idyllic life and best friend to live as a Roman soldier.

That was ten years ago. Kjeld, now a Roman general, returns to his foster parents to prepare for a glorious celebration: a battle in the Coliseum. What he doesn’t know is that Dafried, after being captured during an assault on Roman military post, now trains as a gladiator in preparation for the upcoming competition. When the childhood friends reunite in the sands, it could spell death for one of them.

A Timeless Dreams title: While reaction to same-sex relationships throughout time and across cultures has not always been positive, these stories celebrate M/M love in a manner that may address, minimize, or ignore historical stigma.


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