Series and Collections


This warm, quirky, character-filled series begins with a life-changing event that triggers Harper and Ian, the anchors of all three stories, to search for an adventure that takes them out of the city and out of their comfort zones. Pooling their collective talents, they risk everything when they set their sights on a dilapidated resort located on the North Shore of Lake Superior called Beneath the Palisade.


The weather isn’t the only thing hot in the Big Easy when pouty-lipped ex-detective Montgomery Beaumont “Beau” Bissonet teams up with Tollison Eduardo Braga Cruz, a man now on the straight and narrow but still dealing with a shady past. After a very rocky start, they now work together to solve the toughest mysteries, hold their relationship together, and keep the dangers of the past at bay. Sometimes their investigations are humorous, but sometimes they lead them into situations that threaten not only their romance, but their lives.