Books by "Wade Kelly" (12)

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Il est facile de devenir cynique quand la vie ne va pas comme on veut.

Cole Reid mène une vie de reclus depuis ses quinze ans, âge auquel son homosexualité a été révélée au grand jour par son équipe de baseball. Depuis, son comportement obsessionnel compulsif et sa nature sarcastique ont fait fuir une bonne partie de la population. Quant aux autres, ils le détestent parce qu’il est homosexuel. Selon lui, il est voué à faire fuir n’importe quel ami potentiel – ne parlons même pas d’un petit ami –, alors à quoi bon faire des efforts ?

Quand Cole entre à l’université, il est devenu un homme solitaire et maniaque. Cela ne lui cause aucun problème jusqu’au jour où son colocataire décroche son diplôme et que le service des logements annonce à Ellis Montgomery qu’il peut prendre sa place. Ellis est bordélique, magnifique, hétérosexuel et encore pire : un sportif !

Pendant une année universitaire où se côtoient les amis bruyants, les mésaventures en camping et les parents intrusifs, Cole et Ellis développent un lien amical qui change la vision de Cole sur la vie. Ellis est bien plus qu’un sportif qui aime s’amuser – et l’attirance que Cole ressent pour lui ravive son espoir de trouver chaussure à son pied.


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Back Off! That’s My Jock

The JOCK Series | Book Three
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The JOCK Series: Book Three

Defining his sexuality didn’t make sense until his best friend spelled it out.

Doug Archer did some pretty idiotic things in the first eight weeks of his junior year of college. First, he kissed his gay best friend, and second, he kissed a guy he’d mistaken for a girl. Not stellar moments for Doug. If he isn’t careful, he’ll lose his spot on the soccer team to the new freshman, or worse, he might misconstrue his new friend Rob’s overly affectionate tendencies for flirting. But if Doug isn’t bothered by another guy’s attention, and he normally dates girls, does that mean he’s gay or bisexual?

Sam Garber suppressed his same-sex attraction his entire life. His father told him it was immoral, and Sam did everything he could to bury his feelings. However, after meeting Doug at a party and kissing him, Sam can’t think of anything else. He decides dating girls is the best way to keep his secret hidden. With playoffs in sight, this is no time to think about guys in any other context than soccer. Only neither boy anticipates the difficulty in suppressing his attraction for another jock!


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$6.99 $3.49

Even though bankers’ hours leave long weekends for romance, cosmic intervention is Grant’s only option when money doesn’t buy happiness and he’s got virginity in spades.

Grant Adams is a twenty-six-year-old bank teller who’s unlucky at love, yet hopelessly hopeful. After years of horrific first dates, he’s convinced he’s saving himself for true love. Surely he has bad taste in men because it couldn’t possibly be his persnickety nature that’s sent them packing.

Tristan Carr has been in a holding pattern since his daughter was born fifteen years ago, which suits his workaholic lifestyle just fine. This ex–naval officer turned auto mechanic never wanted anyone interfering with being a weekend dad. For Tristan to rearrange his carefully orchestrated life, a guy will need to be special. Or in the case of the newest employee at his bank, the guy will need to be adorable, shy, and open to the prospect of forever when it shows up at his window.


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No! Jocks Don't Date Guys

The JOCK Series | Book Two
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The JOCK Series: Book Two

What is a sexy soccer stud supposed to do when “following family tradition” falls 180 degrees opposite his closeted ideal?

From birth, Chris Jackson has been schooled on how to land a cheerleader. After all, his father married one, and his father’s father before him. Heck, even his older brother married a stereotypical cheerleader the summer before Chris went off to college. For two years, Chris dodges invasive questions about relationships by blaming his lack of female companionship on grueling practices and heavy course loads. But his lack of interest in girls should’ve given his family a clue. It isn’t until Chris mentions meeting a boy that his father’s synapses short-circuit.

Alonzo Martin is anything but a buxom blond. From his black hair, combat boots, and trench coat to his nail polish and guyliner, the mysterious introvert isn’t easily persuaded to date. Alonzo’s insecurities keep Chris at arm’s length, but Alonzo’s painful past might meet its match in the charismatic jock’s winning smile and sense of humor.

When opposites attract, only cheerleaders and gummy bears can help overcome fear and family tradition.


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Wade Kelly's Greatest Hits

The JOCK Series
Unconditional Love
$9.99 $4.99

Check out these four greatest hits of contemporary gay romance from Wade Kelly, combined into one exclusive volume!

When Love is Not Enough: Matt and Darian cling to one another in the aftermath of losing Jimmy, forging a new friendship immediately tested by the truths hidden in the pages of Jimmy’s journal.—My Roommate's a Jock? Well, Crap!: Anal-retentive loner Cole and his new—and gorgeous—roommate Ellis develop a friendship that turns Cole’s glass-half-empty outlook on its head. There must be more to Ellis than a fun-loving jock....—The Cost of Loving: Matt is dealing with guilt and shame after being outed; Darian is still burdened by the grief of losing his fiancé. If Matt and Darian hope to make a life together, they must first take a stand for what they believe in, even if they fear the cost.—Names Can Never Hurt Me: Because of peer-pressure and his fears about defining his sexuality, Nick struggles with stepping out of his comfort zone and caring about someone different than himself. If he’s lucky, somewhere between arrogance and ignorance, Nick might find out what it means to be an adult, but if he’s wrong, he could lose everything.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


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$6.99 $3.49

Es fácil ser cínico cuando la vida no está de tu lado.

Cole Reid ha sido un excluido social desde los quince años, cuando el equipo de béisbol del instituto lo sacó del armario. Desde entonces, su comportamiento obsesivo-compulsivo y su naturaleza sarcástica lo han llevado a distanciarse de la mayoría de las personas, además todo el mundo lo odia por ser gay. Tal y como él lo ve, está destinado a repeler a cualquier amigo potencial y, por supuesto, a cualquier novio, así que, ¿para qué molestarse?

Cuando Cole entra en la universidad, ya es un solitario en su fase anal-retentiva más dura, pero eso no es un problema hasta que su compañero de piso se gradúa y el departamento de alojamiento le asigna otro, Ellis Montgomery. Ellis es desordenado, atractivo, heterosexual y lo peor de todo: ¡un atleta!

Durante un semestre lleno de compañeros de fraternidad, acampadas y padres entrometidos, Cole y Ellis desarrollarán una amistad que volverá del revés el vaso medio vacío de la cabeza de Cole. Tiene que haber algo más en Ellis que un divertido atleta; y quizá la renovada libido de Cole pueda reavivar su esperanza por algo más que una simple camaradería.


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$6.99 $3.49

È facile diventare cinici quando la vita non rema mai dalla tua parte.

Cole Reid è un asociale recluso dall’età di quindici anni, quando uno spiacevole episodio negli spogliatoi della sua squadra di baseball del liceo ha rivelato la sua omosessualità. Da allora, il suo comportamento ossessivo-compulsivo e la sua natura sarcastica lo hanno tenuto lontano dalla maggior parte della gente; tutti gli altri invece lo odiano perché è gay. Per come la vede lui, è condannato ad allontanare qualsiasi potenziale amico, per non parlare dei fidanzati, quindi perché sforzarsi?

Quando Cole arriva al college, è ormai diventato un perfezionista solitario; la cosa diventa un problema quando il suo coinquilino si laurea e l’ufficio alloggi assegna Ellis Montgomery all’appartamento di Cole. Ellis è maldestro, magnifico, etero e, peggio di tutto, uno sportivo!

In un anno scolastico popolato di confratelli, escursioni in campeggio e genitori ficcanaso, tra Cole ed Ellis nasce un’amicizia che capovolge la mentalità da bicchiere-mezzo-vuoto di Cole. In Ellis c’è dell’altro oltre allo sportivo amante del divertimento, e forse la risvegliata libido di Cole ha riacceso in lui la speranza di sperimentare qualcosa di più del cameratismo.


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$6.99 $3.49

What if sexuality wasn’t a definable thing and labels merely got in the way?

Nick Jones can’t remember a time when he wasn’t part of the in crowd. Everywhere he goes, he stands out as the best looking guy in the room, and women practically fall into bed with him. Then, after kissing Corey on a dare led to much more and on many occasions, Nick’s “screw anything” reputation escalated, but he didn’t care.

When Nick meets RC at the restaurant where he works, it throws his whole life out of whack. RC lives up to his dubbed nickname “Scruffy Dude.” He seems Nick’s complete opposite, but Nick can’t get him out of his head.

Because of peer-pressure and his fears about defining his sexuality, Nick struggles with stepping out of his comfort zone and caring about someone different than himself. If he’s lucky, somewhere between arrogance and ignorance, Nick might find out what it means to be an adult, but if he’s wrong, he could lose everything.

Second Edition


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$6.99 $3.49

Es ist leicht, zynisch zu werden, wenn alles im Leben schiefläuft.

Cole Reid ist seit seinem fünfzehnten Lebensjahr Außenseiter, nachdem er unbeabsichtigt von seinem Mittelstufen-Baseballteam geoutet wurde. Seitdem haben seine obsessiven Zwänge und seine sarkastische Art die meisten Menschen auf Abstand gehalten, außerdem hasst ihn jeder, weil er schwul ist. Seiner Ansicht nach ist er dazu verdammt, jeden potentiellen Freund automatisch zu vergraulen, platonisch oder romantisch, wieso sollte er sich also bemühen?

Als er zu studieren beginnt, entwickelt er sich endgültig zum pedantischen Einzelgänger—kein Problem, zumindest bis sein vertrauter Mitbewohner auszieht und ihm Ellis Montgomery zugeteilt wird. Ellis ist unordentlich, hübsch, hetero, und zu allem Überfluss Sportler!

Während eines Semesters voller Verbindungskumpels, Campingausflügen und überengagierten Eltern, entwickeln Ellis und Cole eine Freundschaft, die Coles pessimistische Weltsicht auf den Kopf stellt. Ellis muss mehr sein als ein amüsierwütiger Sportler—und vielleicht kann Coles wiedererwachende Libido seine Hoffnung auf mehr als Kameradschaft in die Realität umsetzen.


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The Cost of Loving

Unconditional Love | Book Two
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Unconditional Love: Book Two

Matt Dixon, a young firefighter, is the golden child of his family, and he never dreamed that coming out would challenge more than the way his church sees him.

For years, Matt has led a double life hoping to avoid ridicule. When a self-righteous pastor’s statements provoke him to defend his recently deceased best friend’s honor and subsequently out himself, he suffers the brutal aftermath of his revelation. Everyone in his life, including his family and his new lover, Darian, must deal with the ramifications as Matt struggles to come to terms with guilt, shame, and his very belief in God.

Darian Weston lost his fiancé when Jamie took his life, and his feelings for Matt added guilt to his burden of grief. Confused and lonely, Darian clings to Matt despite his inner strife. But small-town realities keep intruding, and if Matt and Darian hope to make a life together, they must first take a stand for what they believe in, even if they fear the cost.


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My Roommate's a Jock? Well, Crap!

2013 Award Winners
The JOCK Series |
$6.99 $3.49

The JOCK Series: Book One

It’s easy to become cynical when life never goes your way.

Cole Reid has been a social recluse since he was fifteen, when he was outed by his high school baseball team. Since then, his obsessive-compulsive behavior and sarcastic nature have driven away most of the population, and everyone else hates him because he’s gay. As he sees it, he’s bound to repulse any prospective friends, let alone boyfriends, so why bother?

By the time Cole enters college, he’s become an uptight loner—but it’s not a problem until his roommate graduates and the housing department assigns Ellis Montgomery to move in with Cole. Ellis is messy, gorgeous, straight, and worst of all, a jock!

During a school year filled with frat buddies, camping expeditions, and meddling parents, Cole and Ellis develop a friendship that turns Cole’s glass-half-empty outlook on its head. There must be more to Ellis than a fun-loving jock—and maybe Cole’s reawakening libido has rekindled his hope for more than camaraderie.


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When Love Is Not Enough

Unconditional Love | Book One
Bittersweet Dreams
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Unconditional Love: Book One

A six-year downward spiral into a world of lies and deception leads to the end of one man’s life when self-discovery crosses the line between being the perfect son or following his heart.

Jimmy Miller never intended to lead a double life starting the day he fell in love with Darian, but his parents’ divorce, fighting in school, and constantly keeping secrets for his closeted best friend and protector, Matt, force his hand. Jimmy finds the demands too great to withstand and ends it all prematurely, leaving behind an angry best friend and a shattered lover.

Matt and Darian cling to one another in the aftermath of their loss, forging a new friendship immediately tested by the truths of their relationships with Jimmy that are hidden in the pages of Jimmy’s journals. Will Matt and Darian discover what truly happened to their friend? And will this tragedy birth something beautiful between them as they learn the balance between life, family, and friendship when love is simply not enough?

A Bittersweet Dreams title:

It's an unfortunate truth: love doesn't always conquer all. Regardless of its strength, sometimes fate intervenes, tragedy strikes, or forces conspire against it. These stories of romance do not offer a traditional happy ending, but the strong and enduring love will still touch your heart and maybe move you to tears.


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