Books by "Tara Lain" (42)


Blanc comme neige

Les contes de Pennymaker
$6.99 $3.49

Les contes de Pennymaker, numéro hors série

Le jeune Snowden « Snow » Reynaldi est brillant, beau et seul. Bien qu’il soit timide, étrange et toléré par les étudiants de l’Université NorCal parce que c’est un champion d’échecs réputé et qu’il aide à faire connaître l’école, cela ne l’empêche pas de fantasmer sur l’objet de ses désirs : Riley Prince, quarterback de l’équipe de football.

Lorsque Riley a besoin de cours de soutien en physique, Snow saute sur l’occasion et très vite, leur relation fait des étincelles – mais Riley doit encore sortir du placard avant de pouvoir avancer. Entre-temps, le véritable ami et mentor de Snow, le professeur Kingsley, épouse une femme qui veut secrètement s’accaparer la gloire et l’argent du championnat d’échecs. Peu de temps après, le professeur perd connaissance et Snow se retrouve submergé – littéralement. Dans une voiture !

Sept membres d’une fraternité de l’université de Grimm sauvent Snow juste à temps pour que sa vie aille de mal en pis et qu’il découvre que la seule relation qu’il a toujours désirée est en train de lui échapper. Avec le « diable » qui l’attend à chaque tournant, Snow se doit de survivre ne serait-ce que pour prouver qu’il est le plus honnête de tous et retrouver la confiance de son prince charmant.


$6.99 $3.49

Fool of Main Beach

Love in Laguna

A Love in Laguna Novel

Merle Justice wants to reach for the stars, but it’s tough to get respect when playing a teenybopper vampire on TV. Then he meets a famous director anxious to give him all he thinks he wants—and maybe a bit more. Everything’s looking up until a life-threatening encounter with some homophobes on Main Beach puts Merle face-to-face with a Sasquatch-sized hero in a pink puffer coat.

Tom Henry defies description. As unsophisticated and simple as an angel, he walks through life content with who he is and asking for very little except to care for his sister, Lily, and the dogs he loves. Then he meets Merle, the embodiment of dreams he barely knows he has. Merle knows the people who hold his future in their hands might love Tom—but they’ll never understand Merle and Tom together. Tom knows it too. With lives this far apart, who’s really the fool of Main Beach?


Volleyball (Deutsch)

$4.99 $2.49

Ein Titel der Seitenwechsel Serie

Eine doppelte Dosis Alphamann kann doch nicht schaden, oder?

David Underwood ist gerade erst einer Beziehung zu einem gewalttätigen Alphamann entkommen, da fällt sein Blick auf zwei heiße Mitglieder der australischen Beachvolleyball-Mannschaft, die am Strand von Laguna Beach Volleyball spielen. Und prompt muss er sich deren Beleidigungen anhören. Trotzdem erliegt er dem Charme von Gareth Marshall, der sich Davids wegen vor seinem Team outet. Nur einer macht ihnen das Leben zur Hölle: Edge, der nicht minder heiße Volleyballpartner von Gareth.

Gareth hat jahrelange Erfahrung darin, seine Sexualität vor seinen Mitmenschen und insbesondere vor Edge, zu dem er sich schon immer hingezogen fühlte, zu verheimlichen. David ist der erste Mann, der jemals mit Edge mithalten konnte und Gareth’ Leidenschaft weckte. Umso mehr leidet Gareth unter dem ablehnenden Verhalten seines alten Freundes. Doch Edge hat auch seine Geheimnisse, und Davids Ex ist ebenfalls nicht allzu glücklich, auf seinen Prügelknaben verzichten zu müssen. Alles scheint sich gegen David verschworen zu haben. Werden sie ihr Glück finden, er und sein Alphamann? Oder gar … er und seine Alphamänner?


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Return of the Chauffeur's Son

Movie Magic Romances

A Movie Magic Romance

Luca McGrath may be returning to Napa Valley, California, as a promising chef with dreams of starting his own restaurant and winery, but his heart still lives with the bad-boy son of a billionaire, James Armstrong. Luca spent his childhood playing games with the golden boy of California society, so blinded by James he barely noticed the dark, quiet lure of his conservative older brother, Dylan Armstrong.

But now Luca’s home, and his own powers of attraction are enough to make James question his dedicated heterosexuality and his promised marriage to a wealthy and powerful businesswoman. The obvious attraction between Luca and James spurs Dylan into action—but he’s fighting a huge secret. While Luca dreamed of James, Dylan dreamed of Luca. When Luca gets caught in the struggle between the brothers and gets accused of culinary espionage he’s ready to chuck the fairy tale—unable to even imagine Dylan’s power to make his dreams come true.


I cowboy non lo dicono

I cowboy non...
$6.99 $3.49

Un libro della serie I cowboy non...

Rand McIntyre ha deciso di accontentarsi nella vita. Ama il suo piccolo ranch in California e allevare cavalli, e adora insegnare a cavalcare ai bambini, ma per averne di suoi e avere accanto qualcuno da amare dovrebbe ammettere di essere gay, mettendo a repentaglio tutto quello che ha costruito. Poi, un giorno, nonostante la fobia degli aerei, va in vacanza con i genitori a Hana, nelle Hawaii, e conosce l’affascinante e misterioso Kai Kealoha, un autentico cowboy hawaiano. Rand si affeziona al fratellino e alla sorellina di Kai tanto quanto si infatua di lui, ma Kai sembra avere più aculei di un porcospino e più segreti dell’esotica terra da cui proviene.

Kai ha sempre mantenuto la sua riservatezza e vive per proteggere i suoi “bambini”. Per il bene di tutti dovrebbe starsene alla larga da quel bellissimo cowboy, ma visto che si tratta solo di un *haole* che sta facendo una breve vacanza, che potrebbe mai succedere? Quando le più terribili paure di Kai e gli incubi peggiori di Rand si avverano nello stesso momento, non c’è molta speranza per due cowboy che non possono, o non vogliono, dire di essere gay.


$6.99 $3.49
$6.99 $3.49

Ce que font les cowboys, numéro hors série

Rand McIntyre  se contente d’une vie satisfaisante. Il aime son petit ranch en Californie, élever des chevaux et apprendre à monter aux enfants – mais pour avoir ses propres enfants et une personne à aimer, il serait obligé de révéler son homosexualité et cela mettrait en péril tout ce qu’il a construit. Un jour, malgré sa phobie de prendre l’avion, il part en vacances à Hana, Hawaii, avec ses parents et rencontre le ténébreux et mystérieux Kai Kealoha, un vrai cowboy hawaiien. Rand se prend d’affection pour le petit frère et la petite sœur de Kai autant qu’il s’éprend du jeune homme, mais Kai est plus piquant qu’un lézard à cornes et plus mystérieux que le territoire exotique dont il est originaire. 

Kai tient à son intimité et vit pour protéger ses « enfants ». Pour le bien de tout le monde, il vaut mieux qu’il garde ses distances avec le beau et grand cowboy – mais comme cet homme n’est qu’un *haole* venu prendre de courtes vacances, peut-il vraiment causer des dommages ? Quand les plus grandes peurs de Kai et les cauchemars les plus atroces de Rand deviennent réalité, il y a peu d’espoir pour une relation entre deux cowboys qui ne peuvent pas – ou ne veulent pas – se révéler au grand jour.


$6.99 $3.49

A Cowboys Don’t Story

Cowboy Danny Boone—a name he made up one drunken night and has regretted ever since—harbors a big past and yearns for a small future. A short, bright career as a champion bull rider almost ended in his death when his homophobic father discovered Danny was gay. Now Danny longs for a plot of land he can build a ranch on, enough money to make up for some of the education he missed… and, secretly, a beautiful femme who likes to top—a combo rarer than a unicorn. 

Then onto the guest ranch where Danny works drives San Francisco decorator Laurie Belmont, a young man so gorgeous he makes the horses gasp, and so ballsy he almost kills Danny’s attacker. Laurie’s trying to find his way out from under the thumb of a domineering mother, helpless father, and rich, privileged boyfriend. But no matter the attraction, their lives are worlds apart, and cowboys don’t ride unicorns.


Kein Coming Out für Cowboys

Cowboys tun das nicht
$6.99 $3.49

Ein Titel der Cowboys tun das nicht Serie

Rand McIntyre  begnügt sich mit ausreichender Zufriedenheit. Er liebt seine kleine Ranch in Kalifornien, seine Pferdezucht und den Reitunterricht mit den Kindern, die er vergöttert – für eigene Kinder und einen geliebten Menschen in seinem Leben müsste er sich outen und damit alles, was er sich erarbeitet hat, aufs Spiel setzen. Dann begleitet er trotz seiner Flugangst seine Eltern zu einem Urlaub nach Hana in Hawaii, wo er den dunkelhaarigen, geheimnisvollen Kai Kealoha kennenlernt, einen echten hawaiianischen Cowboy. Rand mag Kais junge Geschwister und lechzt nach Kai, doch der Mann ist stachliger als eine Krötenechse und undurchschaubarer als seine exotische Heimat.

Kai hat sich ein zurückgezogenes Leben aufgebaut, in dem er „seine“ Kinder beschützen kann, und sollte sich zu seinem und ihrem Wohl von dem großen, gut aussehenden Cowboy fernhalten. Nur wie viel Schaden kann ein **Haole** bei einem kurzen Urlaub schon anrichten? Als jedoch Kais schlimmste Befürchtungen und Rands dunkelste Albträume Wirklichkeit werden, gibt es nicht viel Hoffnung für zwei Cowboys, die sich nicht outen können – oder wollen.


$6.99 $3.49

Une mariée sur mesure

Dreamspun Desires (Français)
$4.99 $2.49

Il épousera la femme de chambre pour hériter de 50 millions de dollars, mais un secret pourrait faire capoter l’affaire.

Taylor Fitzgerald a besoin d’une mariée de dernière minute.

À la veille de son vingt-cinquième anniversaire, le fils du milliardaire découvre, bien qu’il soit gay, qu’il doit épouser une femme avant minuit ou perdre un héritage de cinquante millions de dollars. Il file donc à Las Vegas… où il rencontre la belle femme de chambre Ally May.

Il y a juste un problème de taille : Ally est en fait Alessandro Macias, fils d’un imposant magnat de l’hôtellerie brésilien. Mais si Ally continue à prétendre être une fille un peu plus longtemps, y a-t-il une chance qu’ils puissent découvrir que ce mariage est fait pour eux ? 


$4.99 $2.49

Les braises sous la cendre

Les contes de Pennymaker
$5.99 $2.99

Les contes de Pennymaker, numéro hors série

Mark Sintorella (surnommé Cendres) travaille sans relâche en tant que valet dans un hôtel de luxe le jour, et dessine des vêtements la nuit, dans l’espoir secret de réussir un jour à entrer en école de mode. Mais tous ses plans tombent à l’eau le jour où il rencontre Ashton Armitage, fils de la cinquième plus grosse fortune des États-Unis. Le Prince Ashton est sans conteste le jeune homme le plus séduisant que Mark ait jamais vu de sa vie.

Le testament du grand-père d’Ashton le contraint à se marier s’il veut toucher l’héritage familial, aussi décide-t-il d’épouser Kiki Fanderel. Ce que personne ne sait, c’est qu’en réalité, Ash est gay, et c’est le garçon qui nettoie les cheminées qui fait battre son cœur.

Pour compliquer encore la situation, l’étrange Carstairs Pennymaker, petit homme espiègle et facétieux, découvre que Mark est styliste et décide de lui faire porter ses créations en le faisant passer pour une femme, espérant ainsi impressionner les gourous de la mode qui séjournent à l’hôtel. Et lorsque sonnent les douze coups de minuit, le prince se retrouve confronté non pas à une, mais deux princesses. Seulement l’une d’entre elles n’est pas ce qu’elle semble être. À qui la chaussure ira-t-elle ? Seul le mystérieux Monsieur Pennymaker le sait…


$5.99 $2.99

The First Cowboys Don’t Story

Rand McIntyre settles for good enough. He loves his small California ranch, raising horses, and teaching riding to the kids he adores—but having kids of his own and someone to love means coming out, and that would jeopardize everything he’s built. Then, despite his terror of flying, he goes on a holiday to Hana, Hawaii, with his parents and meets the dark and mysterious Kai Kealoha, a genuine Hawaiian cowboy. Rand takes to Kai’s kid brother and sister as much as he drools over Kai, but the guy sports more prickles than a horned toad and more secrets than the exotic land he comes from.

Kai’s earned his privacy and lives to protect his “kids.” He ought to stay away from the big, handsome cowboy for everyone’s sake—but since the guy’s just a haole on a short vacation, how much damage can he do? When all of Kai’s worst fears and Rand’s darkest nightmares come true at once, there’s not much chance for two cowboys who can’t—or won’t—come out.


Lord of a Thousand Steps

Love in Laguna
2016 Award Winners

A Love in Laguna Novel

To architecture student Ian Carney, family means everything. Taken in by his brother, Jim, when his father threw him out at eighteen for being gay, Ian yearns to create his own family with his boyfriend, Rico. But Rico’s in Mexico caring for a sick father, Ian hasn’t had sex in a month and a half, and his gorgeous boss, Braden Lord, CEO of the architectural firm Ian interns for, is looking better and better.

Braden’s life is chaos. Just out of the closet and going through an ugly divorce from his wife of fifteen years who’s trying to take custody of his two children, he desperately resolves not to succumb to a completely inappropriate attraction to Ian—even though his kids adore both the man and his crazy cat.

When Rico proves to be a snake in the grass and Ian exercises his powers of seduction, what starts as a “friends with benefits” fling turns into real life real fast. Can Ian give up his romantic dreams for an “old guy” who didn’t come out until he carried a mountain of baggage? It’ll only take a thousand steps.


Beauty, Inc.

Pennymaker Tales

A Pennymaker Tale

Is beauty only skin deep?

Chemist Dr. Robert “Belle” Belleterre loves flowers, green trees, his best friend Judy, and “his baby:” the new face cream he developed to help put his father’s small cosmetics company on the map. Sadly he gets no help from his alcoholic, gambling-addicted father, who loses Belle in a poker game to Magnus Strong, the CEO of Beauty, Inc., the largest American cosmetics company—a man infamous for his scarred ugliness.

Belle finds himself uprooted from his home, living in a wildly crazy apartment in New York owned by Mr. Pennymaker, and completely unprepared for his mad attraction to the charismatic Strong. Feeling like a traitor, Belle fights his passion, only to see more and more of the goodness and humility hidden by Strong’s ugly face. But when Belle’s family starts manipulating his life again, the odds turn against happiness for beautiful Belle and his beloved beast.


Driven Snow

Pennymaker Tales
2015 Award Winners

A Pennymaker Tale

Young Snowden “Snow” Reynaldi is brilliant, beautiful, and alone. Though he’s shy, weird, and tolerated by the NorCal University students because he’s a renowned whiz at chess and helps put the school on the map, that doesn’t keep him from dreaming of the object of his desires: Riley Prince, championship quarterback.

When Riley needs a physics tutor, Snow jumps at the chance, and their relationship heats up—but Riley has to come out of the jock closet to get anywhere. Meanwhile, Snow’s one true friend and mentor, Professor Kingsley, marries a woman who secretly wants the chess tournament glory and money for herself. Soon after, the professor collapses and Snow finds himself underwater—literally. In a car!

Seven frat brothers from Grimm College rescue Snow just in time for his life to get even worse, and Snow discovers the one relationship he always wanted slipping away. With evil looming at every turn, Snow must survive if only to prove he’s the fairest of them all and regain the trust of his handsome prince.


Tackling the Tight End

The Long Pass Chronicles
2016 Award Winners

A Novel in the Long Pass Chronicles

Everyone wants the best for SCU student and tight end Raven Nez—and they know exactly what that is. Enter the NFL draft, become a big football hero, promote his tribe’s casino, and make a lot of money to help people on the reservation. Just one problem. Raven’s gay and he  really wants to work with gay kids. Plus he figures a gay Native tight end will get flattened in the NFL. Then the casino board hires a talented student filmmaker to create ads for the tribal business and asks Raven to work with him. But the filmmaker is Dennis Hascomb, a guy with so much to hide and a life so ugly it’s beyond Raven’s understanding. Still, he’s drawn to Dennis's pain and incredible ability to survive. Captivated by Raven’s stories of the two-spirited and by the amazing joy of finally having a friend, Dennis knows he has to break free from everything he’s ever been taught was good—but that’s a struggle that could kill him and Raven too. Is there a chance for “the great red hope” and the “whitest guy on earth”? A future for the serpent and the raven?


Taylor Maid

Dreamspun Desires

He'll marry the maid to get $50 million but a secret could queer the deal.

Taylor Fitzgerald needs a last-minute bride.

On the eve of his twenty-fifth birthday, the billionaire’s son discovers that despite being gay, he must marry a woman before midnight or lose a fifty-million-dollar inheritance. So he hightails it to Las Vegas… where he meets the beautiful maid Ally May.

There’s just one rather significant problem: Ally is actually Alessandro Macias, son of a tough Brazilian hotel magnate. But if Ally keeps pretending to be a girl for a little while longer, is there a chance they might discover this marriage is tailor-made?


Sinders and Ash

Pennymaker Tales
2015 Award Winners

Housekeeper Mark Sintorella (Sinders) works diligently at a resort hotel while designing clothes anonymously, hoping to get into fashion school. Then his carefully planned life is upended with the arrival of Ashton Armitage, son of the fifth richest man in America—and the most beautiful guy Mark has ever seen. Ash must find a wife or he’ll lose his grandfather’s inheritance, and he settles on Bitsy Fanderel. But secretly Ash is gay, and the guy who cleans the fireplaces sets his heart ablaze.

Further stirring the pot is the little elf of a man, Carstairs Pennymaker, who has Mark wearing his own designs and masquerading as a girl to impress the fashion investors in the hotel. When the clock strikes twelve, two beautiful princesses line up for the wedding—but one isn’t a woman. Will the slipper fit? Only Mr. Pennymaker knows for sure.


Knave of Broken Hearts

Love in Laguna

Jim Carney has a full time job—running from himself. Since he walked out on his wealthy family at sixteen because he’d wrecked his best friend’s life over some yaoi graphic novels, Jim has lived a macho, blue-collar existence of too much booze and too little responsibility. Then Billy Ballew, the man Jim most admires, gives Jim a chance to come through as his construction supervisor. For once, Jim is determined to make someone proud. Then Jim goes in for a physical for his new job, and his yaoi dream comes to life in the form of cardiologist Ken Tanaka. Jim discovers he has two heart problems—a wonky mitral valve and a serious attraction to his doctor. But Ken is a major player, and Jim might be just a notch on the doc's stethoscope. To Ken, Jim is unforgettable—but the living embodiment of his traditional family’s worst nightmares. How come the minute Jim decides to be responsible, he finds himself taking care of his kid brother, getting a proposal from a wealthy woman, making a deal with the devil, and winding up in the hospital—when all he really wants is the Knave of Broken Hearts?