Song and Key

By Alix Bekins, Connie Bailey

Song and Key
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  • Release Date
  • Type Novels
  • Words 51188
  • Pages 218
  • ISBN-13 978-1-63533-391-6
  • File Formats epub, pdf
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A Men From GLEN Mission

So-called monsters won’t hold these spies back!

For two secret agents on a mission to a secluded Romanian village, the toughest fight they face may not be against the folktale monsters lurking in the foggy mountains and old ruins, but against their unlikely attraction to each other.

Keller Key is the top operative at the covert Global Law Enforcement Network—and boy does he know it. Sexy half-Ukrainian, half-Korean Sevastyan Song is a close second. When the agents go undercover to investigate an old friend’s suspicious death, it soon becomes clear something sinister is afoot in the ancient forest and decrepit abbey. If an evil organization doesn’t spell the end of them, the angry locals might. But if they’re going to conquer their enemies, they need to keep their hands off each other and their minds on the case, in a rivals-to-lovers paranormal mash-up that gives new meaning to spy-on-spy action.

Cover Artist: Aaron Anderson

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Genres Gay / Paranormal Romance / Romantic Suspense