Books by "Mary Calmes" (164)


Sultry Sunset

Mangrove Stories
$3.99 $2.99

Mangrove Stories

Hutch Crowley is well-liked in the small resort town of Mangrove—he’s got friends in his new neighbors, he’s the owner of the town grocery, and he’s building a community center—but he’s still unlucky at love. Every man he’s attracted to is either taken or simply not interested, including his best friend, Mike Rojas.

When Mike came to Mangrove two years ago, Hutch gave him a job and a place to stay in his guesthouse, where Mike has remained ever since. Despite the rumors circulating about them, Hutch knows Mike is straight and looking for the right woman. But his friends disagree, and after some hints to the contrary, even Hutch finally has to admit that maybe the rest of the town sees something he’s been missing. If Hutch wants to spend each sultry sunset with the man of his dreams, it might be time to figure out what’s going on with his best friend’s heart.


$3.99 $2.99

A prova di proiettile

Questione di tempo
$6.99 $5.24

Seguito di Questione di tempo vol. 1 & 2

Dovunque vada, Jory Harcourt riesce sempre a mettersi nei guai, specialmente quando il suo partner, Sam Kage, sta lavorando sotto copertura per i federali.

Dopo essere stato obbligato dalla crisi finanziaria a chiudere la sua attività, Jory trova lavoro in un’agenzia matrimoniale. Ma in poco tempo la sua lingua senza freni e il suso atteggiamento senza mezze misure lo trascinano in un tiro alla fune fra un ricco ereditiere e un narcotrafficante. E come se la situazione non fosse già abbastanza delicata, Sam fa la sua comparsa facendo affari con il contrabbandiere della droga.

Fra gli uomini che lo vogliono e quelli che lo vogliono morto, Chicago sta diventando un po’ troppo affollata per lui; seguendo il consiglio di suo fratello, del suo fidanzato e dell’FBI, Jory vola alle Hawaii… dove un serio incidente minaccia gravemente il resto della sua vita. Riusciranno Sam e Jory a rimanere fedeli alle loro promesse e a dimostrare che il loro amore è veramente a prova di proiettile?


$6.99 $5.24

Le cœur sur la main

Les Gardiens des Abysses
$3.99 $2.99

Les Gardiens des Abysses, numéro hors série

Simon Kim est très amoureux de Leith Haas, mais Leith est un guetteur. Son travail – chasseur de démons – est dangereux et important, et Simon ne veut pas distraire l’homme qu’il aime plus que la vie avec des détails. Mais il n’a pas vraiment conscience que quand un guetteur prend un foyer, le guetteur donne son cœur sans réserve. Lorsque Leith a revendiqué Simon, il a dénudé son âme, s’est montré vulnérable devant le seul homme qui, il en est certain, sera le seul qu’il aimera jamais.

Quand Simon est précipité plus profondément dans le monde périlleux de Leith – et dans une autre dimension – Simon se rend compte que la seule force qu’il peut fournir à son guetteur, c’est la force de son amour. Simon peut-il sacrifier le contrôle qu’il a fini par chérir, pour l’homme qui possède déjà son âme ?


$3.99 $2.99

Fighting Instinct

L'Ange | Book Two

Only a privileged few know L’Ange’s head of security Arman de Soto is a shifter, and even fewer know he’s been systematically killing off a pack of werewolves. The reason for this vengeance is a secret Arman trusts with no one, quite the opposite of his obvious longtime pursuit of the château’s overseer, Linus Hobbes. Despite Arman’s reputation as a loner, the only thing he needs to complete his life is Linus. Predator and prey just don’t mix—but Arman won’t give him up.

Linus has lived alone for more than seven years, sheltered at L’Ange under an assumed name and hiding secrets of his own, including his terrifying attraction to the most dangerous man he’s ever met. Arman knows Linus should be afraid of the predator stalking him, but Linus is still drawn to him like a moth to a flame, no matter how much he tries to deny his instincts. It’s not until Linus’s past and Arman’s crusade exposes their secrets and opens L’Ange to attack that Arman realizes waiting any longer is a risk he just can’t take. So he’ll have to take his quest to the source of the threat in a gamble to protect L’Ange, Linus, and any future they might have together.


$3.99 $2.99

Il y a six ans, Noah Wheeler est allé à la rencontre de son petit ami, Dante Cerreto, à l'aéroport et son monde s’est écroulé. Dante embrassait quelqu'un dont il prétendait être amoureux. Noah avait repris son chagrin d’amour et les échographies de leur enfant et fermé la porte sur l’image de ce qu'il pensait être sa vie future, se concentrant plutôt sur le morceau de rêve qu’il avait réussi à sauvegarder : devenir père.

En vacances à Las Vegas, Noah rencontre accidentellement la famille Cerreto, puis l'homme en question, et apprend que non seulement il avait été trompé, mais que Dante l’avait été également. Maintenant Dante veut rattraper le temps perdu, l'équivalent de six années, et pour ce faire, il a besoin que Noah, le seul homme qu'il ait jamais aimé, et que Grace, la fille dont il ne connaissait pas l’existence, lui laissent une chance pour trouver le bonheur. Mais Dante va devoir prendre un cours accéléré de communication et de séduction. Parce que Noah ne va pas tomber amoureux juste pour être à nouveau anéanti.


$3.99 $2.99

Quiet Nights

Mangrove Stories
$3.99 $2.99

Mangrove Stories

It’s a lovely little life Kelly Seaton leads. He’s got his own landscaping business, a nice little house, and his best friend, Cosimo Renaldi, and Coz’s goofball family who have adopted Kelly as their own. Sure, it’s a little lonely at night, but it’s a sweet deal, and Kelly can’t chance ruining it by letting on that he wants more—has always wanted more—with Coz.

Then Kelly’s past comes to town, bringing bad memories and hurt feelings that start to break Kelly down, and Coz just doesn’t understand why Kelly won’t let him be the support and strength that Kelly’s always been for him. They’ve already been through war, Coz’s devastating injury, and starting new careers in Mangrove, Florida. Why shouldn’t they face their chaotic pasts and build their future of quiet nights… together?


$3.99 $2.99

After the Sunset

Timing | Book Two

Timing: Book Two

Two years after riding off into the sunset with ranch owner Rand Holloway, Stefan Joss has made a tentative peace with his new life, teaching at a community college. But the course of true love never does run smooth. Rand wants him home on the ranch; Stef wants an exit strategy in case Rand ever decides to throw him out. Finally, after recognizing how unfair he's being, Stef makes a commitment, and Rand is over the moon.

When Stef gets the chance to prove his devotion, he doesn’t hesitate—despite the risk to his health—and Rand takes the opportunity to show everyone that sometimes life’s best surprises come after the sunset.


Dopo il tramonto

Tempo al tempo | Libro 2
$5.99 $4.49

Tempo al tempo, Libro 2

Sono passati due anni da quando Stefan Joss si è trasferito nel sud degli Stati Uniti per amore del rancher Rand Holloway. Stef ha cercato – con esitazione – di adeguarsi alla sua nuova vita, ma il vero amore non fila mai liscio come dovrebbe. Rand vuole che lui rimanga a casa al ranch, Stef vuole avere una rete di sicurezza nel caso Rand decida di sbarazzarsi di lui. Finalmente, dopo aver capito di essere stato ingiusto a dubitare di lui, Stef decide di impegnarsi sul serio con Rand e l’uomo è al settimo cielo.

Quando Stef ha l’opportunità di provare il suo amore, non si tira indietro, mettendo a repentaglio la sua stessa vita. E Rand ha la possibilità di dimostrare che – a volte – la vita può sorprenderti quando meno te lo aspetti.


$5.99 $4.49


Los Centinelas
$4.99 $3.74

Un libro de la saga Los Centinelas

Marcus Roth es un abogado criminalista de éxito por el día y un Guardián cazador de demonios por la noche. Simplemente es uno de los cinco Guardianes de su ciudad y no es realmente importante para nadie salvo para Joseph Locke, su Hogar. O por lo menos, eso es lo que erróneamente él cree.

Durante un viaje a Lexington, Kentucky, para celebrar el cumpleaños del abuelo de Joe, Marcus descubre por casualidad, una trama de corrupción de Guardianes, por lo que se ve obligado a revelarle su identidad a la familia de Joe. Debe enfrentarse a un traidor, a demonios y al regreso de una vieja enemiga, por lo que tiene que dejar de lado sus necesidades para salvar a sus amigos, aunque haciéndolo pueda perder para siempre al hombre que ama. Ni siquiera sobrevivir a la experiencia podría ser suficiente, si Marcus no puede perdonarse a sí mismo y aprender que su Hogar y su patrulla no podrían continuar sin él.


$4.99 $3.74

Una promessa rispettata

Serie Scelta del cuore | Libro 3
$6.99 $5.24

Seguito di Legame di Fiducia
Serie Scelta del cuore, Libro 3

Jin Rayne si sta ancora abituando ai suoi terrificanti nuovi poteri di pantera nekhene e al suo ruolo di reah della tribù di Logan Church, quando viene a sapere che è stato convocato un sepat: una sfida d’onore. Logan, che non ha mai voluto far altro che guidare la sua piccola tribù, deve andare dall’altra parte del mondo, in Mongolia, e combattere per diventare il più potente leader di pantere mannare del mondo.

Logan non sarà l’unico ad affrontare quel viaggio: essendo il suo compagno, Jin deve lottare al suo fianco per onorare il suo impegno verso Logan, la sua cultura e la sua tribù. Ma la prova è lunga e prevede che i due uomini restino separati a lungo: l’umanità di Logan è in gioco. Per superare il terribile sepat, Jin e Logan devono accettare il loro fato, fidarsi l’uno dell’altro, e rispettare le promesse che si sono fatti, costi quel che costi.


$6.99 $5.24
$4.99 $3.74

Los delirios de grandeza de Weber Yates, están a punto de quedar reducidos a un duro trabajo en un rancho de Texas, y su amor ideal es un hombre que está tan lejos de sus aspiraciones, que bien podría estar en la luna… o en San Francisco, donde Weber hace una última parada para verlo una vez más, antes de dedicarse a la humilde y solitaria vida que una “rana” como él se merece. 

Cyrus Benning es un exitoso neurocirujano, así que ningún detalle escapa a su mirada. Vio a su príncipe azul en un rancho, vestido con un viejo mono de jinete de rodeos y desde el primer momento lo supo. Pero cada vez que este vuelve a marcharse se le hace más duro, y no está seguro de cuánto más podrá soportarlo. Cyrus tiene la última oportunidad para demostrarle a Weber que no es su trabajo de vaquero lo que lo convierte en el hombre perfecto para Cy, sino el propio Weber. 

Con la ayuda de la recién desestructurada familia de su hermana, Cyrus está listo para mostrarle a Weber que el hogar que siempre ha buscado ha estado delante de él desde el día en que se conocieron. Es posible que Cyrus ya le haya dado un ultimátum una vez, pero ahora se ha convertido en una promesa: no va a permitir que Weber salga de su vida de nuevo.


$4.99 $3.74

Tracy Brandt considers himself a lucky man. He has a wonderful family, good friends, and a dependable job. His love life, however, features a cheating ex who, though out of the house, is not yet out of the picture—with a past that just might get Tracy killed.

Homicide inspector Cord Nolan wants nothing more than to show his best friend’s little brother that he’s a reliable man, but to do that he’ll have to get Tracy to look past the player he used to be. It'll be a tough sell; reputation is everything, and Cord's is tarnished by his past indiscretions.

Tracy and Cord have spent five years trying to suffocate their fiery attraction under a blanket of grudging antagonism. When Tracy finds himself with a target on his back, Cord finally has the chance to ride to the rescue and break through the dam of Tracy's reserve. But he’d better be careful: if Cord is breaking the floodgates to wash away the past, he's going to have to hold tight to Tracy to make sure they're still standing when the tumult recedes.


Blue Days

Mangrove Stories
$3.99 $2.99

Mangrove Stories

Falling for a coworker is rarely a good idea, especially for a man getting a last chance at salvaging his career. But from the moment Dwyer Knolls sees the beautiful but socially awkward Takeo Hiroyuki, he seems destined to make bad decisions.

Takeo’s life is a string of failed attempts to please his traditional Japanese father. Unfortunately, succeeding in business turns out to be just as difficult for Takeo as changing from gay to straight. In fact, the only thing Takeo seems to truly excel at is taking notice of Dwyer Knolls.

When Dwyer and Takeo head to Mangrove, Florida on a real estate buying trip, their tentative friendship combusts and becomes much more. Is their sudden connection real enough to bank their futures on, or should they chalk the whole thing up to the daze inspired by the blue ocean breeze?


$3.99 $2.99

Timing: Der richtige Zeitpunkt

Timing (Deutsch) | Buch 1
$6.99 $5.24

Buch 1 in der Serie - Timing

Stefan Joss hat einfach kein Glück. Nicht nur, dass er mitten im Sommer nach Texas muss, um bei der Hochzeit seiner besten Freundin Charlotte die Ehrenjungfer zu geben. Nein, er soll auch noch gleichzeitig ein millionenschweres Geschäft für seine Firma abschließen! Das Allerschlimmste aber ist, dass er, kaum angekommen, mit dem Mann konfrontiert wird, von dem Charlotte versprochen hatte, dass er nicht zur Hochzeit kommen würde: Ihrem Bruder, Rand Holloway.

Stefan und Rand sind sich, seit dem Tag, an dem sie sich das erste Mal trafen, spinnefeind. Und so ist Stefan mehr als geschockt, als ein vorübergehend vereinbarter Waffenstillstand die üblichen Feindseligkeiten sofort in knisternde Spannung verwandelt. Wenn auch misstrauisch gegenüber den unerwarteten Gefühlen, wird Stefan durch ein ehrliches Geständnis Rands aus der Bahn geworfen und beschließt, ihm eine Chance zu geben.

Doch ihre aufkeimende Romanze wird bedroht, als Stefans Geschäftsabschluss schiefläuft: Die Besitzerin der letzten Ranch, die er für seine Firma aufkaufen soll, wird ermordet. Stefan steht die Überraschung seines Lebens bevor, als er sich plötzlich selbst in tödlicher Gefahr befindet. 


$6.99 $5.24

All Kinds of Tied Down

Marshals | Book One

Deputy US Marshal Miro Jones has a reputation for being calm and collected under fire. These traits serve him well with his hotshot partner, Ian Doyle, the kind of guy who can start a fight in an empty room. In the past three years of their life-and-death job, they've gone from strangers to professional coworkers to devoted teammates and best friends. Miro’s cultivated blind faith in the man who has his back… faith and something more.

As a marshal and a soldier, Ian’s expected to lead. But the power and control that brings Ian success and fulfillment in the field isn't working anywhere else. Ian’s always resisted all kinds of tied down, but having no home—and no one to come home to—is slowly eating him up inside. Over time, Ian has grudgingly accepted that going anywhere without his partner simply doesn't work. Now Miro just has to convince him that getting tangled up in heartstrings isn't being tied down at all.


Old Loyalty, New Love

L'Ange | Book One

When jackal shifter Quade Danas was banished from his pack for being gay, he spent years in the military escaping his father's prejudice before returning to civilian life as a bodyguard for Roman Howell, the teenage son of a very rich man. After Roman is in an accident that leaves him physically scarred and emotionally distant, Quade is the only one who can get through to him. As Roman becomes a man, he realizes what he wants—his bodyguard by his side and in his bed. Unfortunately, Quade can’t seem to see past the kid Roman once was to the man he has become, certain Roman’s feelings are merely misplaced gratitude. But Roman knows a lot more than Quade realizes, and he’s used to persevering, no matter how many impediments life throws his way. He wants the chance to prove to Quade that he’s strong enough for a jackal alpha to call mate.

Despite the decades Quade has been away, and the heartache of his father’s rejection, his inborn loyalty to the pack remains, and his abrupt departure left the jackal shifters without an alpha heir. As a psychopath shifter staking claim as alpha draws Quade back home, and Quade feels compelled to heed the call, he may be forced to make a choice he never anticipated. But doing so means he must leave Roman behind… unless somehow they find a way to make loyalty and love work together.


Bec et ongles

Les Gardiens des Abysses
$4.99 $3.74

Les Gardiens des Abysses, numéro hors série

Dylan Shaw, dix-neuf ans, doit être la plus belle chose qu’ait vu Malic Sunden de toute sa vie. Après que Malic l’ait secouru d’une agression, Dylan lui fait savoir d’une manière claire qu’il est intéressé, mais le guetteur refuse même d’envisager de coucher avec lui à cause de son jeune âge. Malic est certain de ne pas être assez bien pour Dylan, qui a toute sa vie devant lui, et ne peut envisager de lui imposer le fardeau de ses secrets.

Mais l’obscurité de la vie de Malic ne peut être ignorée, et Dylan se retrouve rapidement impliqué dans son univers paranormal et dangereux. Malic se bat bec et ongles afin de repousser Dylan et le garder en sécurité, peu importe le fait que le jeune homme soit la clé de sa force et son seul espoir pour un futur.


$4.99 $3.74
$3.99 $2.99

Sei anni fa, Noah Wheeler andò a prendere il suo ragazzo, Dante Cerreto, all’aeroporto e tutto il suo mondo crollò. Dante stava baciando un’altra persona e dichiarava di esserne innamorato. Perciò Noah, con il cuore a pezzi e le foto dell’ecografia della loro figlia surrogata, chiuse la porta sul futuro che aveva pensato di avere, concentrandosi sul sogno che avrebbe realizzato, quello di diventare padre.

Ora, in vacanza a Las Vegas, Noah incontra casualmente la famiglia Cerreto e rivede proprio Dante, scoprendo che non solo lui è stato incastrato, ma lo è stato anche il suo ex. Ora Dante vuole recuperare i sei anni sprecati; per farlo ha bisogno che Noah, l’unico uomo che abbia mai amato, e Grace, la figlia di cui ignorava l’esistenza, gli diano un’occasione per essere felice. Dante avrà però bisogno di un corso rapido e intensivo di tecniche di comunicazione e seduzione perché Noah non ha intenzione di innamorarsi per essere preso in giro un’altra volta.


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