Books by "Kate McMurray" (29)

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Fin dall’infanzia, Jake, Adam, Kyle e Brendan sono stati compagni di squadra, migliori amici, quasi fratelli. Un giorno, però, compiuti venticinque anni, Adam sparisce senza dire una parola, sconvolgendo i suoi amici – nessuno però quanto Jake, che ne è stato segretamente innamorato sin dall’adolescenza.

Ora, cinque anni dopo, Adam torna e non riesce a smettere di pensare a Jake. Ma tutti quegli anni di rabbia, dolore e confusione sono troppo da superare e l’amico non riesce a perdonarlo facilmente. Non sa se torneranno più a essere perfetti l’uno per l’altro come lo erano stati in passato. Jake, Kyle e Brendan sono andati avanti con le loro vite, ma la carriera di famoso uomo d’affari di Adam lo costringe a rimanere nascosto – lì dove è rimasto per anni. Eppure le sue scuse sembrano sincere, l’attrazione è ancora presente e Jake vuole disperatamente concedergli una seconda possibilità. Ma prima, deve scoprire perché Adam se n’è andato e se è davvero tornato per sempre.


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Best friends Michael Reeves and Simon Newell always lived within ten minutes of each other, but somehow they’re never in the same place at the same time.

Brash, outgoing Michael’s unwavering confidence that he and Simon are meant to be carries him through some hard times. When Simon moves to New York, Michael dutifully follows. Quiet, practical Simon loves Michael as a dear friend, but he’s not ready for anything romantic.

Several years and several failed relationships later, Simon realizes he’s been in love with Michael all along. Only now Michael has moved on. Though Simon offers everything Michael’s ever dreamed of, the timing is all wrong. Confusion, betrayal, and secrets from the past threaten their friendship until it might be time for them to go their separate ways. Or maybe the planets will finally align, and Michael and Simon will find themselves in the right place at the right time to take the next step.


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$6.99 $3.49

Depuis l’enfance, Jake, Adam, Kyle, et Brendan ont toujours été amis, coéquipiers, presque frères. Mais un jour, quand ils avaient vingt-cinq ans, Adam a disparu sans un mot. Ses amis ont été dévastés, particulièrement Jake, qui aimait secrètement Adam depuis l’adolescence.

Aujourd’hui, après cinq ans d’absence, Adam est de retour et il est déterminé à conquérir Jake. Mais toutes les années de colère, de souffrance et de doute que Jake a endurées sont difficiles à oublier. Pardonner n’est pas si simple. Jake n’est pas sûr qu’Adam et lui puissent retrouver la même harmonie que dans le passé. Jake, Kyle, et Brendan ont continué à vivre leur vie sans Adam. Quant à Adam, sa carrière brillante l’empêche d’afficher publiquement son orientation. Il vit dans le secret, comme il l’a toujours fait. Mais malgré ce qui s’est passé, les excuses d’Adam semblent sincères, et l’attirance entre Jake et lui est toujours aussi forte. Jake veut vraiment lui laisser une seconde chance, mais avant, il veut comprendre pourquoi Adam a disparu du jour au lendemain, et s’assurer qu’il a l’intention de restera à ses côtés pour de bon.


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$6.99 $3.49

Desde que eran niños, Jake, Adam, Kyle y Brendan han sido compañeros de equipo, amigos y hermanos. Entonces un día, cuando tenían veinticinco años, Adam desaparece sin decir ni una palabra, dejando desolados a sus amigos (sobre todo a Jake, quien ha estado enamorado de él en secreto desde que eran unos adolescentes).

Ahora, cinco años después, Adam ha vuelto y tiene la mente puesta en Jake. Pero todos esos años de ira, dolor y confusión son difíciles de superar y Jake no encuentra fácil perdonar a Adam. Ni siquiera está seguro de que vuelvan a encajar juntos como antes. Jake, Kyle y Brendan han seguido adelante con sus vidas, pero la destacada profesión de Adam lo mantiene “en el armario”. A pesar de todo, sus disculpas parecen sinceras y la atracción entre ambos todavía está ahí.

Jake quiere desesperadamente darle una oportunidad, pero primero tendrá que descubrir por qué se marchó y si ha vuelto realmente para quedarse.


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The Silence of the Stars

Stars that Tremble and Silence of the Stars
2014 Award Winners
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A Spin-off of The Stars that Tremble

Sandy Sullivan has gotten so good at covering up his emotions, he’s waiting for someone to hand him an Oscar. On the outside, he’s a cheerful, funny guy, but his good humor is the only thing keeping awful memories from his army tours in Afghanistan at bay. Worse, Sandy is now adrift after breaking up with the only man who ever understood him, but who also wanted to fix him the way Sandy’s been fixing up his new house in Brooklyn.

Everett Blake seems to have everything: good looks, money, and talent to spare. He parlayed a successful career as a violinist into a teaching job at Manhattan’s elite Olcott School and until four months ago, he even had the perfect boyfriend. Now he’s on his own, trying to give his new apartment some personality, even if it is unkempt compared to the perfect home he shared with his ex. When hiring a contractor to renovate his kitchen sends Sandy barreling into his life, Everett is only too happy to accept the chaos… until he realizes he’s in over his head.


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The Stars That Tremble

Stars that Tremble and Silence of the Stars
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Giovanni Boca was destined to go down in history as an opera legend until a vocal chord injury abruptly ended his career. Now he teaches voice lessons at a prestigious New York City music school. During auditions for his summer opera workshop, he finds his protégé in fourteen-year-old Emma McPhee. Just as intriguing to Gio is Emma's father Mike, a blue-collar guy who runs a business renovating the kitchens and bathrooms of New York's elite to finance his daughter's dream.

Mike’s partner was killed when Emma was a toddler, and Gio mourns the beautiful voice he will never have again, so coping with loss is something they have in common. Their initial physical attraction quickly grows to something more as each hopes to fill the gap that loss and grief has left in his life. Although Mike wonders if he can truly fit into Gio's upperclass world, their bond grows stronger. Then, trouble strikes from outside when the machinations of an unscrupulous stage mother threaten to tear Gio and Mike apart—and ruin Emma's bright future.


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Former professional baseball player Justin Piersol needs a new life after a career-ending injury, and his job as a high school baseball coach isn't exactly fulfilling. Still, things are looking up: he finds the perfect room in an apartment in Brooklyn with Mark, who writes a popular column on sports statistics.

Mark is nerdy and socially awkward and intensely shy, and he immediately develops a terrible crush on Justin, who barely seems to notice him. As they get to know each other, Justin admits he misses playing baseball, that coaching doesn’t scratch the itch. Mark confesses he thought he’d be married by now, that he wants a serious relationship. So they make a pact: Justin will help Mark find a man, and Mark will help Justin find something he loves more than baseball.

They put their plan into action… and then life gets complicated. Mark meets a nice guy named Dave, and Justin is suddenly crazy with jealousy. Justin realizes he wants to let go of the past and focus on the present, but as Mark and Dave become an item, Justin fears he’s too late.


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$6.99 $3.49

Since childhood, Jake, Adam, Kyle, and Brendan have been teammates, best friends, brothers. Then one day, when they were twenty-five, Adam disappeared without a word, devastating his friends—none more so than Jake, who had secretly loved Adam since they were teenagers.

Now, five years later, Adam is back, and he has his mind set on Jake. But those years of anger, hurt, and confusion are a lot to overcome, and Jake doesn’t find it easy to forgive. He isn’t sure they’ll ever fit together the way they did. Jake, Kyle, and Brendan have moved on with their lives, but Adam’s high-profile career keeps him in the closet—the same place he’s been for years. Still, his apologies seem sincere, and the attraction is still there. Jake desperately wants to give him a chance. But first he has to find out why Adam left and if he’s really back for good.


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A Walk in the Dark

2011 Advent Calendar | I'll Be Home for Christmas
$1.49 $0.75

A year ago, Brandon was Jared’s roommate’s boyfriend—and completely off limits. Rex and Brandon have since broken up, and now, as Christmas approaches, Jared runs into Brandon again… and wonders if Brandon might return his once-helpless longing.


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Columnist Drew Walsh made his career by publicly criticizing conservative, anti-gay politician Richard Granger. So when a rumor surfaces that Granger’s son Jonathan might be gay, Drew finds himself in the middle of a potential scandal. Under the guise of an interview about Jonathan's new job teaching in an inner-city school, Drew's job is to find out if the rumors are true. Drew's best friend Rey is also Jonathan's cousin, and he arranges the meeting between Jonathan and Drew that changes everything.

After just one interview, it's obvious to Drew that the rumors are true, but he carefully neglects to mention that in his article. It's also obvious that he’s falling for Jonathan, and he can't stay away after the article is published. Still, Jonathan is too afraid to step out of the closet, and Drew thinks the smartest thing might be to let him go—until Jonathan  shows up drunk one night at his apartment. The slow burn of their attraction doesn’t fade with Jonathan's buzz, but navigating a relationship is never easy—especially in the shadow of right-wing politics.


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$3.99 $2.00

Weathermen are predicting an incredible blizzard for New York City, but with old snow melting on the sidewalk, Seth Roland is a little skeptical. Despite moping over his ex-boyfriend Evan, who recently dumped him, Seth pretends all is well as he steps into his regular local bar, where he’s surprised by a blast from his past. Enter Kieran O'Malley, Seth’s very first boyfriend, in the city for a conference.

It might have been just a chance meeting, but first a train derailment and then the predicted blizzard keep Seth and Kieran in close proximity. It’s enough time for old feelings to surface, rekindled attraction to take hold, and new hopes for a future together to fill them both. But once the storm passes, the real challenge begins. Will Seth and Kieran work to make the relationship last, or will they let it melt away like snow in the sun?


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