Books by "John Inman" (53)

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A ventisei anni, Gordon Stafford pensa di avere i giorni contati. O almeno spera che lo siano. Prostrato dal senso di colpa e dal rammarico che scaturiscono dal terribile incidente d’auto di due anni prima in cui è rimasto ucciso un uomo, si sveglia ogni mattina con idee suicide. Anche se la legge gli ha assegnato un lavoro perché possa espiare le sue colpe, la redenzione personale è molto più difficile da raggiungere.

Poi Squirt – un semplice senzatetto che ha la sua croce da portare – lo salva da un destino terribile. Nel corso di quella notte, Gordon trova non solo una nuova luce da seguire, e forse persino uno scopo nella vita, ma anche la possibilità di un amore che lo aspetta alla fine del tunnel.

Gordon non avrebbe mai immaginato che sarebbe riuscito in qualche modo a perdonare se stesso, aprendo così il cuore abbastanza da ricevere accettazione e amore… proprio dalla persona a cui ha fatto più male.


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Ein Ständchen für Stanley

Belladonna Arms (Deutsch)
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Ein Titel der Belladonna Arms Serie

Willkommen im Belladonna Arms, einem heruntergekommenen Mietshaus auf einem der Hügel in der Innenstadt von San Diego. Es ist das Heim der Verlorenen, der Liebeskranken und der Liebestollen.

Der schüchterne Archäologiestudent Stanley Sternbaum ist gerade erst hier eingezogen. Er verbringt seine Zeit damit, die exzentrischen Nachbarn zu beobachten, seinem Teufelsbraten von Mutter aus dem Weg zu gehen und ansonsten möglichst unbemerkt zu bleiben … Letzteres erweist sich als das größte Problem – jedenfalls soweit es Roger Jane angeht, der ebenfalls im Belladonna Arms wohnt. Der muskelbepackte Krankenpfleger mit den wunderschönen grünen Augen ist nämlich hoffnungslos in Stanley verknallt und macht ihm unbeirrt den Hof. Doch Stanley hat immer ein ruhiges, zurückgezogenes Leben geführt und ist nie das Risiko eingegangen, sich zu verlieben. Besonders nicht in einen Mann, der so umwerfend gut aussieht wie Roger Jane.

Während Roger versucht, die Mauern um Stanley einzureißen, wendet der sich an seine Nachbarn, um mehr über die Liebe zu lernen: An Ramon, der keine Angst davor hat, sein Herz dem falschen Mann zu schenken; an Sylvia, eine Transsexuelle, die sich nichts mehr wünscht, als endlich eine Frau zu werden; an deren heimlichen Verehrer, der sie so liebt, wie sie ist; an Arthur, die Dragqueen, die sie alle liebt und nie etwas dafür erwartet – und an Roger, dessen Herz schon einmal gebrochen wurde, der aber bereit ist, es für Stanley wieder zu riskieren. Wenn Stanley es nur endlich schaffen würde, seine eigenen Unsicherheiten zu überwinden und ihn einzulassen.


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$6.99 $3.49

Quando la vita di Tyler Powell crolla a pezzi a causa di un orribile crimine, il bisogno di vendicarsi prende il sopravvento. Trascorre ogni istante di ogni giorno a rimettere insieme i cocci della sua esistenza spezzata, concentrato su un unico pensiero: la vendetta. 

Si arrenderà alla rabbia e diventerà proprio ciò che odia di più al mondo, un assassino?

Solo l’aiuto dell’ispettore della Squadra omicidi Christian Martin, il poliziotto incaricato del suo caso, fa intravedere a Tyler la possibilità di cominciare una nuova vita nell’incredibile abbraccio di un altro amore pronto ad accoglierlo. Un amore che non credeva più di poter avere. 

Ma Tyler saprà accettare quell’amore nella sua vita, oppure si è già perso per sempre? Per lui la vendetta è diventata più importante della sua stessa felicità? E della felicità dell’uomo che lo ama? Tyler è determinato a trovare un modo per avere giustizia senza sacrificare la speranza di un futuro con Christian, ma sarà difficile, se non impossibile. E alla fine sarà costretto a prendere una decisione drammatica. 


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$6.99 $3.49

Ashley James and Tucker Lee have been friends for years. They are city boys but long for life on the open trail. During a three-hundred-mile hike from the Southern California desert to the mountains around Big Bear Lake, they make some pretty amazing discoveries.

One of those discoveries is love. A love that has been bubbling below the surface for a very long time.

But love isn’t all they find. They also stumble upon a war—a war being waged by Mother Nature and fought tooth and claw around an epidemic of microbes and fury.

With every creature in sight turning against them, can they survive this battle and still hold on to each other? Or will the most horrifying virus known to man lay waste to more than just wildlife this time?

Will it destroy Ash and Tucker too?


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$6.99 $3.49

Lorsqu’un  petit voleur nommé Timmy Harwell « emprunte » imprudemment une Cadillac pour effectuer une virée en voiture, il ne s’attend pas à trouver 100 000 $ dans le coffre. Sa joie se transforme en terreur lorsqu’il se rend compte que le SUV et l’argent appartiennent à Manuel Garcia, alias El Poco, un trafiquant de drogue basé à Tijuana qui a mauvaise réputation. Timmy ne voit qu’un seul moyen de s’en sortir : abandonner la voiture volée derrière lui et courir aussi vite qu’il le peut.

Sa fuite est écourtée lorsqu’une tempête s’abat sur lui alors qu’il se trouve près d’un chalet de montagne, isolé, appartenant à Jasper Stone. Jasper trouve Timmy dans sa cabane, inconscient et brûlant de fièvre, et décide de prendre soin du jeune homme jusqu’à ce qu’il aille mieux. Les deux hommes se rapprochent, mais Jasper, un écrivain qui se plaît dans sa vie en solitaire, est tout ce que Timmy n’est pas : franc, honnête et gentil.

Timmy a besoin de l’aide de Jasper et veut gagner son respect, aussi lui cache t il ses habitudes malhonnêtes. Mais lorsqu’El Poco vient réclamer son dû, Timmy réalise qu’il n’est pas le seul à être en danger. Ses actes mettent aussi la vie de Jasper en péril. Dire la vérité maintenant pourrait lui faire perdre l’homme qu’il aime, mais ne pas la révéler pourrait mener à une issue bien plus tragique.


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$6.99 $3.49

When it rains, it pours. Not only has Larry Walls been evicted from his apartment, but his hours have also been cut at the department store where he works, leaving him facing homelessness.

Meanwhile, Bo Lansing, a total stranger to Larry, toils at a dead-end job as a fry cook while attending night classes to become a certified chef. When the school closes its doors without warning, leaving Bo in the lurch for thousands of dollars in tuition, his dream of becoming a chef is shattered and his financial troubles spiral.

Desperate for a new beginning, each man answers an ad for live-in help posted by a wealthy recluse, and wonder of wonders, they are both hired! Just as their lives begin to improve, a young Kumeyaay Indian named Jimmy Blackstone joins the workforce at the Stanhope mansion.

When Mr. Stanhope’s true reason for hiring the young men is discovered by one of the three, a fourth entity makes its presence known.


With all these players vying for position in a game of intrigue orchestrated by one lonely old man and a mischievous ghost, can a simple thing like love ever hope to survive the fray?


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$6.99 $3.49

Als Tyler Powells Leben von einem furchtbaren Verbrechen erschüttert wird, sehnt er sich nach Rache. Während er sich bemüht, die Trümmer seiner Existenz zusammenzusetzen, kann er kaum an etwas anderes denken. Rache.

Wird er diesem Verlangen nachgeben und zu dem werden, was er am meisten hasst? Zu einem Mörder?

Erst mithilfe von Detective Christian Martin, der in Tylers Fall ermittelt, sieht er die Möglichkeit eines neuen Lebens – durch die verblüffende Enthüllung einer Liebe, mit der Tyler niemals wieder gerechnet hatte.

Wird es ihm gelingen, diese Liebe in sein Leben zu lassen, oder ist es bereits zu spät? Ist Rache ihm wichtiger als sein Glück – und das Glück des Mannes, der ihn liebt? Auch wenn Tyler entschlossen ist, seinen Rachedurst zu stillen, ohne dabei jede Hoffnung auf eine Zukunft mit Christian zu opfern, weiß er, dass es sich um ein schweres oder gar unmögliches Unterfangen handelt. Möglicherweise wird er am Ende gezwungen sein, eine unerträgliche Entscheidung zu treffen.


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$6.99 $3.49

Danny Sims is in over his head, torn between his abusive lover, Joshua, and Jay Holtsclaw, the bartender up the street, who offers Danny the one thing he never gets at home: understanding.

When Joshua threatens to get rid of Danny’s terrier, Danny knows he has to act fast. Afraid of what Joshua will do to the dog and afraid of what Joshua will do to him if he tries to leave, Danny does the only thing he can do. 

He runs.

But Danny isn’t a complete fool. He has enough sense to run into the arms of the man who actually cares for him—the man he’s beginning to trust.

Just as their lives together are starting to fall into place, Danny and Jay learn how vengeful Joshua can be.

And how dangerous.


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$6.99 $3.49

It’s not easy breaking into show biz. Especially when you aren’t exactly loaded with talent. But Malcolm Fox won’t let a little thing like that hold him back.

Actually, it isn’t the show-business part of his life that bothers him as much as the romantic part—or the lack thereof. At twenty-six, Malcolm has never been in love. He lives in San Diego with his roommate, Beth, another struggling actor, and each of them is just as unsuccessful as the other. While Malcolm toddles off to this audition and that, he ponders the lack of excitement in his life. The lack of purpose. The lack of a man.

Then Beth’s brother moves in.

Freshly imported from Missouri of all places, Cory Williams is a towering hunk of muscles and innocence, and Malcolm is gobsmacked by the sexiness of his new roomie from the start. When infatuation enters the picture, Malcolm knows he’s really in trouble. After all, Cory is straight!

At least, that’s the general consensus.


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$6.99 $3.49

À vingt-six ans, les jours de Gordon sont comptés. Du moins, il espère qu’ils le sont. Lassé de la culpabilité et des regrets qui découlent d’un horrible accident de voiture, deux ans auparavant, dans lequel un homme a perdu la vie, il se réveille chaque matin avec des pensées suicidaires. Alors que la loi l’oblige à travailler pour expier ses péchés, sa rédemption personnelle est beaucoup plus difficile à trouver. 

Puis Minus – un simple sans-abri qui a sa propre croix à porter – sauve Gordon d’un terrible destin. Une nuit, non seulement Gordon trouve une lumière à suivre, et peut-être même un but à sa vie, mais aussi la possibilité que l’amour l’attende au bout du tunnel. 

Il n’aurait jamais imaginé qu’il découvrirait un moyen de se pardonner et, qu’en le faisant, il ouvrirait suffisamment son cœur pour gagner l’acceptation et l’amour de la personne qu’il a le plus blessée.


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Ben and Shiloh

The Belladonna Arms
$6.99 $3.49

A Belladonna Arms Novel

Shiloh Smart is alone and looking for a fresh start. Convinced he’s finished with love forever, he signs a lease at the Belladonna Arms, a tacky, run-down apartment building situated high on a hill in downtown San Diego.

Determined to turn his back on romance, Shiloh works hard at carving out a life for himself where love doesn’t stand a chance and staying single is all that matters.

Then his drag queen landlord’s nephew, Ben Moss, moves in. Thanks to a rumor Ben has heard since childhood of a fifty-year-old crime and a fortune in stolen money, he sets out to find the loot supposedly hidden decades ago in his uncle’s apartment building.

The minute Ben spots a kilted Shiloh toddling off to work at the Scottish restaurant up the street where he waits tables, he falls hard and fast for the aloof young redhead. Even a hidden treasure can’t compete in Ben’s eyes with the beautiful waiter with the fiery copper hair.

But even while he diligently works to break down Shiloh’s defenses, Ben doesn’t give up his quest for buried treasure. Soon, as their friendship deepens, the two young men join forces in a search for the stolen cash.

As the treasure hunt gathers steam and all the tenants get involved, Ben and Shiloh come to realize the greatest treasure isn’t buried in the Belladonna Arms at all. It’s buried far deeper—in each other’s hearts!


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$6.99 $3.49

Robert Johnny just turned thirty, and his life is pretty much in the toilet. His writing career is on the skids. His love life is nonexistent. A stalker is driving him crazy. And his cat is a pain in the ass.

Then Robert orders a chimichanga platter at a neighborhood restaurant, and his life changes—just like that.

Dario Martinez isn’t having such a great existence either. He needs money for college. His shoes are falling apart. His boyfriend’s a dick. And he has a crap job as a busboy.

Then a stranger orders a chimichanga platter, and suddenly life isn’t quite as depressing.

But it’s the book in the busboy’s back pocket that really gets the ball rolling. For both our heroes. That and the black eye and the forgotten bowl of guacamole. Who knew true love could be so easily ignited or that the flames would spread so quickly?

But when Robert’s stalker gets dangerous, our two heroes find a lot more to occupy their time than falling in love. Staying alive might become the new game plan.


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$6.99 $3.49

Lorsqu’un  crime épouvantable détruit la vie de Tyler Powell, son désir de vengeance prend le dessus. Chaque jour, à chaque instant, alors qu’il tente de reconstruire sa vie brisée, il n’a plus que cela en tête… la vengeance.

Cèdera-t-il à la colère pour devenir cette chose qu’il déteste par-dessus tout : un tueur ?

Il n’y a qu’avec l’aide de Christian Martin, inspecteur à la brigade criminelle chargé de son affaire, que Tyler voit une nouvelle vie possible se profiler devant lui, avec la révélation inattendue d’un nouvel amour qui lui tend les bras. Un amour qu’il pensait ne jamais plus connaître.

Le laissera-t-il entrer dans sa vie, ou est-ce déjà trop tard ? Sa vengeance a-t-elle plus d’importance pour lui que son propre bonheur ? Et celui de l’homme qui l’aime ? Tyler est bien déterminé à trouver un moyen d’assouvir sa vengeance sans pour autant sacrifier tout espoir d’un avenir avec Christian, mais cela s’avèrera difficile – si ce n’est impossible – et au final, il risque d’être confronté à un choix cornélien.


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$6.99 $3.49

It’s an old, old story: a tale of the consequences of good and evil.  Plus the limitless power of faith and love, and how they can forever change an empty life.

When Charlie Strickland, a reclusive artist living in the backwoods of Indiana, opens his door to find a handsome young stranger standing naked on his front porch, an astounding odyssey begins.

It doesn’t take Charlie long to fall head over heels in love with his oddly innocent visitor. The young man calls himself Joe. Just Joe. But when amazing things begin to happen, Charlie soon comes to realize who Joe really is.

What follows will turn Charlie’s world, and everyone else’s, upside down.


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$6.99 $3.49

Old friends and business partners, Maitland Carter and Lenny Fritz, may not be the two sharpest pickle forks in the picnic basket, but they have big hearts. And they are just now coming around to the fact that maybe their hearts are caught in a bit of turmoil.

Diving headfirst into a whirlwind of animal mayhem, these two self-proclaimed pet detectives strive to earn a living, reunite a few poor lost creatures with their lonely owners, and hopefully not make complete twits of themselves in the process.

When they stumble onto a confusing crime involving venomous reptiles, which is rather unnerving since they’re more accustomed to dealing with misplaced puppy dogs and puddy tats, they take the plunge into becoming real-life crime stoppers.

While they’re plunging into that, they’re also plunging into love. They just haven't admitted it to each other yet.


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$6.99 $3.49

A classic tale takes off in sexy new directions! Poor Mr. Dickens must be twirling in his grave.

When E.B. Scrudge, putz extraordinaire and all-around numbnuts, is visited by his dead ex on Christmas Eve, he can’t imagine how his life could sink any lower. But the three ghostly spirits that come along after are even worse! Good lord, a dyke, a drag queen, and rounding out the trio, a big, hunky bear with nipple rings and a butt plug! What’s next?

What’s next is a good deal of soul-searching and some hard lessons learned with a dash of redemption thrown in for good measure.

And love too, believe it or not. Love that had been simmering all along at the heart of Scrudge’s miserable existence, although he was too selfish to see it—until a trio of holiday beasties pointed his sorry ass in the right direction.


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$9.99 $4.99

Hit author John Inman presents five novels of romance, from tongue in cheek to seriously chic—Shy: Funny what a couple of guys can accomplish when they’re crazy about each other. Not even nine hundred chickens can stand in the way of true love.—Loving Hector: Hector’s evil ex is dead set on holding on—even if it means kidnapping Hector to keep him from Dill forever! Now Dill has to pull an army together to rescue Hector, and just where the hell is he supposed to find an army? Gads, if only Dill could write books this interesting!—Hobbled: Danny had plans to come out this summer—maybe even get laid! He doesn’t have time for ankle monitors and serial killers! Then ginger-haired Luke Jamison moves in next door. Gee. If Danny can survive it, this summer might not be so bad after all.—Serenading Stanley: Welcome to the Belladonna Arms, a rundown little apartment building perched atop a hill in downtown San Diego, home to the city’s lost and lovelorn. While Roger tries to batter down Stanley’s defenses, Stanley turns to his new neighbors to learn about love.—Spirit: Toss a murder, a hot young stud, an unexpected love affair, and a spooky-ass ghost with a weird sense of humor into Jason’s summer plans, and you’ve got the makings for one hell of a ride.


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Coming Back

The Belladonna Arms
$6.99 $3.49

A Belladonna Arms Novel

Barney Teegarden knows what it’s like to be alone. He knows what it’s like to have a romantic heart, yet no love in his life to unleash the romance on. With the help of a friend, he acquires a lease in a seedy apartment building perched high on a hill in downtown San Diego. The Belladonna Arms is not only filled with the quirkiest cast of characters imaginable, it is also famous for sprinkling love dust on even the loneliest of the lovelorn.

At the Arms, Barney finds friendship, acceptance, and an adopted family that lightens his lonely life. Hell, he even finds a cat. But still true love eludes him.

When his drag queen landlord, Arthur, takes it into his head to rescue a homeless former tenant, he enlists Barney’s help. It is Barney who shows this lost soul how to trust again—and in return Barney discovers love for the first time in his life.

It’s funny how even the hardest battles can be fought and won with laughter, hugs, friends, plus a little faith in the goodness of others. All it takes to begin the healing is the simple act of coming back.


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