

Santas unanständiger Helfer

Verliebte Anwälte
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Verliebte Anwälte

Dem schüchternen Anwalt Kevin Anderson bietet sich eine unerwartete Gelegenheit, als er für das Wichteln seines Büros den Namen des attraktiven Prozessanwalts Erik Wilson zieht. Kevin ist schon lange heimlich in seinen Freund verliebt, fürchtet jedoch, ihr kollegiales Verhältnis zu zerstören, falls Erik seine Gefühle nicht erwidert. Durch die Anonymität des Austauschs kann er Erik mitteilen, dass jemand Interesse an ihm hat. Daher lässt Kevin das Geschenk zu einem Spiel werden: zwölf Tage lang Präsente, die von Tag zu Tag anzüglicher werden und in einem Treffen an Heiligabend gipfeln … falls Kevin den Mut findet, es durchzustehen! 

Erik ist von seinem geheimen Weihnachtsmann fasziniert, durch dessen Aktion er sich zum ersten Mal seit Jahren wieder auf die Feiertage freut. Als Weihnachten jedoch immer näher rückt, wird ihm bewusst, dass er keinen geheimnisvollen Mann, sondern seinen besten Freund Kevin will. Seine Versuche, die Sache mit Kevin ins Rollen zu bringen, schlagen jedoch fehl und so akzeptiert er die Einladung seines geheimen Verehrers.

Er ahnt nicht, dass Santas unanständiger Helfer vielleicht genau der richtige Mann ist, der all seine Weihnachtswünsche wahr werden lässt. Eine Feiertagsromanze, in der Freunde zu Liebenden werden und die sich für zwei sexy Anwälte von süß zu heiß entwickelt.


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Colina de Lavanda

2018 Advent Calendar | Warmest Wishes
$3.99 $2.00

Lord protector of whores, thieves, sorcerers, and deviants.

Owning a parcel of land the railroad needs to cross means Edward gets to run the border town around the station as he sees fit. What starts as a place to indulge his varied appetites becomes a haven to society’s castoffs, and if Edward encourages legends about its founder to flourish, well, he’s not so much a liar as a man who wants to protect all the cultures living in peace. Being mayor means folks might ignore his vices, but they also expect him to fix what goes wrong.

When a crushing heat wave and drought threaten not only the town’s diverse holiday celebrations but its very existence, Edward must turn to the one man he’d rather french kiss a timber rattler than face—the icily elegant Cantonese mage Edward walked out on but never stopped loving.

A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2018 Advent Calendar "Warmest Wishes."


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Mosquitoes and Mistletoe

2018 Advent Calendar | Warmest Wishes
$3.99 $2.00

After Andrew’s boyfriend dumps him just before Christmas, he decides to take a job far, far away from city life. It’s a dishwashing job on a remote island off the coast of Georgia. Expecting sunshine, palm trees, and some quality alone time, Andrew is surprised to find alligators, mosquitoes, rattlesnakes, and Garrett—a devilishly handsome naturalist. Andrew desperately tries to resist Garrett’s charm, because a twice-broken heart before Christmas is just not an option. Besides Andrew’s new friend Anna might already have a thing for Garrett.

But where do Garrett’s interests lie, and will Andrew find out before he’s surprised by a visit from his ex?

A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2018 Advent Calendar "Warmest Wishes."


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Tulsi Vivah

2018 Advent Calendar | Warmest Wishes
$3.99 $2.00

The festival of Tulsi Vivah ushers in the Hindu wedding season and tears away the love of Kristopher’s life. Three years of passion and tenderness are reduced to a shameful skeleton in the closet as Arjuna submits to the marriage his parents have arranged for him. His family has never even heard Kristopher’s name. 

The festival, a ritualistic wedding between the holy basil plant, Tulsi, and her eternal lover, Vishnu, is as much of a play-act as Arjuna’s upcoming nuptials, but he believes the wedding will honor his parents and please Vishnu. So why is his Tulsi plant—whose leaves heal and bless the devout, who is Vishnu's representative on earth—dying? Arjuna tends to her with all the care of a concerned parent, but it might take more than his devotion to save her. She might need Kris, with his clever green-fingers—and maybe a revived Tulsi can heal two hearts.

A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2018 Advent Calendar "Warmest Wishes."


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Warren's Peace

2018 Advent Calendar | Warmest Wishes
$3.99 $2.00

The holidays are a time for second chances. 

Warren Blessing lost his wife (two years ago), and his kids decide he’s been alone too long. They send him on a holiday singles cruise so he can meet someone new. On the flight from Chicago to Miami, he sits next to an attractive man, but when the flight’s over, he doesn’t think he'll see him again. 

Fletcher Hammond is a professional mystery shopper for vacation destinations and travel. After a split from his unfaithful fiancé, he’s embarking on a singles cruise. He meets a lovely gentleman on the flight, whose conversation and cocktails help Fletcher through his fear of takeoffs, but he doesn’t expect to see him again. 

As if by fate, a meeting in the ship’s dining room renews their mutual attraction. But can they build a relationship with distance and baggage working against them? Or will they part ways when they return to port?

A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2018 Advent Calendar "Warmest Wishes."

Second Edition
First Edition published by Torquere Press, June 2016.


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$5.99 $2.99

Forty-six-year-old Eddie Hightower has a problem. He’s all alone. The only thing that saves him from facing that stark reality is the fact that he isn’t really alone at all. He has a house full of pets and a refuge full of stray unwanted animals he spends every waking hour trying to place in homes. While he loves what he does with all the joy in his heart, that same poor aging heart is still missing something. And Eddie knows exactly what it is. Romance.

But wait. Cue the music. Suddenly, beyond all hope, it happens. In the small desert town of Spangle, California, where Eddie lives, comes a sad young stranger with piercing gray eyes. They are the palest, most stunningly beautiful eyes Eddie has ever seen. Poor Eddie Hightower is swallowed up in their silver depths and disappears without a gurgle. The stranger’s name is Gray Grissom. Gray, like his eyes. Without hesitation Eddie opens his doors—and his heart—to the lost young man. After all, that’s what Eddie does. He finds homes for strays. But this is one stray Eddie intends to keep for himself.


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Embracing Fate

A Series of Fates | Book Two
$3.99 $2.00

A Series of Fates: Book Two

Sometimes you just have to embrace your fate. 

Seth has a secret: he has a crush on the human next door. His brilliant plan to meet Jack, the man of his dreams who happens to be an animal trainer? Take wolf form and ask his best friend, Max, to take him next door for training. Seth is the only one surprised when things go horribly awry.

Still, can this shy wolf and a human meet their fate as mates?


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$4.99 $2.49

Suite de Des fraises en dessert
Coda, numéro hors série

Les familles devraient grandir, pas rétrécir. Jon Kechter y pense depuis qu’il a épousé son amant millionnaire, Cole Fenton. Dans l’espoir d’adopter, Jon et Cole cherchent une future mère qui leur confierait son bébé, mais l’interminable attente leur pèse à tous les deux.

Jon est proche de son père, George, mais avant Cole, il n’avait personne d’autre. Désormais, George pousse Cole à se réconcilier avec sa mère. Lorsque tous les trois passent Noël avec elle à Munich, les conséquences sont désastreuses. Jon et Cole décident de rester optimistes, mais il n’y a pas d’espoir sans un peu de peur. Jon et Cole ne peuvent pas s’empêcher de se demander si leur rêve d’être parents se réalisera un jour.


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$4.99 $2.49

Le giornate di Gibson Keller sono piuttosto monotone: si sveglia presto, fa qualche lavoretto, beve litri di caffè, e si prende cura del fratello maggiore Ellis, intrappolato nella sua forma di lupo da quando è tornato dalla guerra. È una vita semplice, fatta di lunghe corse su due gambe – o quattro – e serate tranquille… finché Ellis non insegue un bell’uomo giù da un dirupo, facendolo cadere nelle acque gelate vicino alla loro baita, e la vita di Gibson cambia per sempre. 

Per Zach Thomas, comprare un vecchio B&B è un nuovo inizio. Dopo essersi lasciato alle spalle la vita di città, desidera trovare solo pace e tranquillità, e fare delle escursioni lungo i sentieri dietro la sua proprietà sembra abbastanza sicuro; almeno finché un enorme lupo nero non lo insegue fino al lago, dove rischia quasi di affogare. Scoprire che i licantropi esistono davvero lo sconvolge, ma non quanto l’uomo che lo salva dalle acque gelide per poi accomodarsi nel suo cuore come se fosse casa propria. 

Amare un licantropo – amare Gibson con tutti i suoi segreti – presenta delle difficoltà, ma Zach è convinto che valga la pena lottare per il loro amore, soprattutto perché il suo cuore sa che sotto la maschera del grande lupo cattivo si nasconde un principe. 


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La balle au bond
$4.99 $2.49

La balle au bond, numéro hors série

Une double dose de mâles alpha vaut mieux qu’une.

Bien que sortant d’une relation abusive avec une ordure d’alpha, David Underwood pose son regard sur deux superbes membres d’une équipe australienne de volley-ball et se fait à nouveau harceler sur la plage de Laguna Beach. Pourtant, lorsque le délicieux Gareth Marshall lui prouve son intérêt en faisant son coming out devant ses collègues, David succombe à ses charmes. Néanmoins, Edge, le partenaire de jeu de Gareth et son égal en matière de sex-appeal, rend la vie dure aux deux amants.

Gareth, qui a passé sa vie à cacher son orientation et son attirance à ses proches ainsi qu’à son meilleur ami, le fameux Edge, s’en trouve d’autant plus blessé et frustré. David est le premier homme, en dehors de Edge, à s’attirer ses faveurs. Mais Edge aussi possède ses propres secrets, et l’ex de David compte revenir à l’assaut. Quand tout semble se liguer contre lui, un homme gay à Laguna peut-il encore trouver le bonheur avec un beau mâle… ou deux ?


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Prophet's Pass

States of Love
$4.99 $2.49

Political journalist Aiden McCabe is used to interviewing presidents and world leaders. On a night out with friends, Aiden has a chance encounter with a handsome, enigmatic young man who leaves a lasting impression. Soon after, Aiden is assigned to travel to Utah, where he’ll interview Orson Jensen, a prominent Mormon politician and Republican presidential hopeful. While the Jensens’ faith and values couldn’t be more opposite to Aiden’s urbane, Manhattan disposition, he can’t help but be charmed by the friendly clan… until the stranger Aiden met in the club reappears, and this time with a startling revelation—one that could tear the Jensen family apart, destroy Orson’s political career, and change Aiden’s world forever.

States of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the United States.


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Raising the Bar

States of Love
$3.99 $2.00

Destin Bellingham has inherited a problem. Thanks to his late playboy father, Destin faces putting a For Sale sign on his family’s historic horse farm. Getting his talented stallion, Black Sambuca, into the Grand Prix show ring would put Bellmeade back on the map—if only someone could make “Sam” behave like a show horse.

Disgraced top rider Tonio Benedetto has his own problems, but he can work magic with difficult jumpers, so Destin hires him despite his bad-boy reputation.  The street-smart, openly gay loudmouth from Miami and the closeted, buttoned-down son of Old Dominion Virginia make a rocky pairing, but time is running out to save Bellmeade from bankruptcy.

Opposites attract, sparks of tension grow into flames of passion. But if Tonio fails to tame Sam, will true love become a lost cause too?

States of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the United States.


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Es war einmal ... ein Wolf

Pfad der Wölfe | Buch 1
$4.99 $2.49

Gibson Kellers Leben folgt einer ziemlich öden Routine: Aufstehen, Arbeiten und eine Menge Kaffee dazu. Nebenbei kümmert er sich noch um Ellis, seinen großen Bruder, der in seiner Wolfsgestalt steckt, seit er aus dem Krieg heimgekommen ist. Ein einfaches Leben mit vielen langen Läufen auf zwei oder vier Beinen … bis Ellis einen gut aussehenden Mann über eine Klippe ins eiskalte Wasser in der Nähe ihres Hauses jagt und Gibsons Leben damit für immer verändert.

Zach Thomas wollte einen Neuanfang machen, als er sich das alte B&B kaufte – sein Stadtleben hinter sich lassen und endlich die ersehnte Ruhe finden. Auf den Pfaden hinter seinem Grundstück zu wandern, klang eigentlich wie eine ziemlich sichere Idee – bis zu dem Augenblick, als ihn ein riesiger, schwarzer Wolf in den See jagt und Zach beinahe ertrinkt. Zu seiner Überraschung muss er erfahren, dass es wirklich Werwölfe gibt, doch das ist nichts gegen die Entdeckung des Mannes, der ihn aus dem eisigen Wasser rettet und dann einfach in sein Herz spaziert, als gehörte es ihm.


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Denying Fate

A Series of Fates | Book One
$3.99 $2.00

A Series of Fates: Book One

Fate is a funny thing. Some try to cut its threads, while others wrap themselves in it like a blanket.

Young wolf shifter Max is cocky and crass. Unlike others his age, he has yet to discover a talent that will serve his pack. Since childhood, he’s been convinced the pack alpha is his mate, but Alpha Christian cannot envision unfiltered and directionless Max taking the place of his elegant mother at the head of the pack. As Max begins to build a life with his best friend, he also begins to see that maybe what he thought was inevitable was all in his head, and it’s time to move on.

Or are they both denying fate?


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Meet Me in Shanghai

World of Love | China - Shanghai
$3.99 $2.00

What are the odds of meeting your perfect match in a city of twenty-four million people—halfway around the world?

Software engineer Jeff has never set foot outside North America when his company sends him to Shanghai. It’s daunting to say the least, and Jeff is soon lost. He’s rescued by Chinese American banker Greg—a man who immediately sparks Jeff’s desire. But in a city so large and chaotic, what are the chances that they’ll bump into each other again?

When they do, a vigorous friendship forms despite Greg’s devotion to his high-powered—and high-stress—career. Both men want more, but Greg never takes things further, and Jeff’s time in China is running out. Soon he has only one night left. Will it be a last night together as friends… or the beginning of something that can last despite the distance between them?

World of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the globe.


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$5.99 $2.99

A volte, il giorno più bello della tua vita è quello che non avresti mai potuto immaginare.

Joe Cohen ha dedicato gli ultimi due anni a una cosa sola: accudire e nutrire Kade Bosa, suo socio nella loro agenzia investigativa, coinquilino e migliore amico. Per lui Kade rappresenta il mondo, anche se alla loro relazione manca ciò che Joe desidera di più. Ma non vuole fare pressioni: Kade ha un passato travagliato, e Joe è abbastanza certo di essere l’unica cosa che gli impedisce di crollare.

Allontanato dalla sua stessa famiglia, Joe sa bene quanto sia importante tenere strette le persone a cui si vuole bene, ma non si sarebbe mai aspettato che il suo passato e il suo presente si scontrassero, e che la stessa cosa succedesse a Kade. La prova in cui si sono imbattuti potrebbe cambiare le loro vite, dal tragico passato di Kade al loro lavoro. E potrebbe persino regalare loro il futuro che Joe non avrebbe mai osato desiderare…


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On dit que les opposés s’attirent, mais est ce qu’il est intelligent de céder à cette attraction ?

Le bibliothécaire Tristan Cooper n’arrive pas à rester à l'écart de Phillip, motard rebelle et sexy – l’homme est splendide –, mais Phillip le trouve forcément studieux et ennuyeux, comme tous les petits amis de Tristan. Pourtant, il rêve d’explorer son côté sauvage, cette part de lui même qu’il ne s’autorise à vivre que dans ses fantasmes, et peut être que Phillip le débauché est exactement la personne qu’il lui faut pour se sentir libre.

Phillip, coiffeur, et sexuellement expérimenté, croit aux fins heureuses plutôt qu’aux fins heureuses jusqu’à la fin de ses jours. L’expérience lui a appris à ne pas espérer plus, jusqu’à ce qu’il rencontre le doux et vulnérable Tristan, qui semble sincèrement s’intéresser à son cœur. Mais Phillip ne se fait pas suffisamment confiance pour être l’homme que Tristan voudrait plus d’une nuit.

Avec l’aide d’un couple de grands pères cupidons, Tristan et Phillip pourraient trouver le courage de sortir de leur zone de confort pour découvrir ce qui leur a manqué toute leur vie.


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$4.99 $2.49

Weber Yates’s Traum berühmt zu werden, ist im Begriff, sich auf einen Job als Ranchhelfer in Texas zu reduzieren. Seine einzige Beziehung besteht zu einem Mann, der für ihn eigentlich so weit außerhalb seiner Reichweite ist wie der Mond. Oder zumindest wie San Fransisco, wo Weber einen Zwischenstopp einlegt. Er will ihn ein letztes Mal sehen, bevor er sich mit dem einfachen, einsamen Leben abfindet, dass ein Frosch wie er seiner Meinung nach verdient hat. 

Cyrus Benning ist ein erfolgreicher Neurochirurg. Details entgehen ihm daher nie. Vom ersten Tag an hat er den Prinz in der Kleidung des gescheiterten Bullenreiters erkannt. Doch dabei zuzusehen, wie Web ihn stets auf Neue verlässt, wird immer schwerer und er ist nicht sicher, wie viel sein Herz noch ertragen kann. Jetzt hat Cyrus eine letzte Chance, Weber zu beweisen, dass es nicht dessen Job ist, der ihn zu Cyrus perfektem Mann macht, sondern Weber selbst. Mit der Hilfe der vor kurzem zerbrochenen Familie seiner Schwester ist er bereit, Weber zu zeigen, dass das Heim, das der Mann immer gesucht hat, schon immer genau hier – bei ihm – war. Cyrus hat vielleicht einmal ein Ultimatum gestellt, doch jetzt hat es sich zu einem Schwur gewandelt: Er wird Weber nie wieder aus seinem Leben lassen.


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