Jana Downs

Erotic Alternative, Paranormal/Fantasy Romance Author I live in the beautiful mountains of Western North Carolina with an awesome partner in crime, three troublesome cats, a dozen fish, and one adorable puppy named Kota who is named after one of the many make believe men that manage to worm their way into my mind who later become the heroes that I drool over. Needless to say we are a motley crew but harmony is overrated and bad for my Muse so I deal with it by accumulating more trouble by the day. I've been writing since I could string a sentence together and have been telling stories, tall ones according to my parents, since before I could walk. I stumbled upon the fact that I wanted all my male heroes in my romance novels to want the other male heroes sometime in my teen years. Since I couldn't find any books to suit my tastes back then, I wrote my own. Now I am happy to report that I am in awe of many M/M authors who inspire me to push the envelope in my own stories. I studied History and Creative Writing in college and sometimes mesh and warp both of those two things to create my own version of what should've happened (The scandalous version of course). I love being a not-so-in-the-closet-nerd. ^-^